[kde-edu]: kde 3.4. 2 release
Sebastian Stein
seb_stein at gmx.de
Tue Jun 21 15:02:26 CEST 2005
Andreas Nicolai <Andreas.Nicolai at gmx.net> [050621 14:58]:
> should we maybe include the new stuff of KTouch already in this release?
> Then it could still be out in time for schools to start using it in August.
> I got quite a few requests about the statistics in KTouch so I personally
> wouldn't like to wait until KDE 3.5. I know that 3.4.2 is just a bugfix
> release but still...
No new features in a maintainance release. Also no string changes in a
maintainance release. This is a KDE policy we should follow.
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