[kde-edu]: Math Software for young children
Master Maths
m2george at telkomsa.net
Tue Jan 25 18:04:01 CET 2005
On Mon, 24 Jan 2005 12:04:48 -0800 (PST), Marc Heyvaert
<marc_heyvaert at yahoo.com> wrote:
> Hello,
> I would love to create something like that but
> unfortunately I'm no developer. I've tried to become
> one but I seem to lack an essential chip somewhere in
> my brain :)
> Regards
> Marc
> --- Clay Harryman <clayharryman at houston.rr.com> wrote:
>> What I have envisioned, long before I decided to
>> install Linux, and
>> longer before I ever heard of KDE, was a tool that
>> would have the
>> following traits:
Hello all
We all recognize the need for a central framework for kde-edu to become
anything more than just a collection of software. But this list is
waaayyyy too quit if we want to implement something like that.
We should have a lot more dialog on this matter, including developers,
users, artist, educators everyone involved on this list.
This will be a big project and will take many hands to make it work.
That is probably the biggest problem with getting this of the ground, who
is going to do the work?
Probably the easiest way to get started is to take some current project
that will give us most of the basics that we can build on, maybe Arnold's
work in kdenonbeta, or perhaps look at KDevelop, chop what we don't need
and go from there.
Most of what we could need is already part of KDevelop.
All the gurus can't stop shouting to use KParts so maybe we should.
Anna-Marie has asked for some ideas so here's mine.
We use a very effective CBT (Computer Based Training) system at work, and
like many other similar systems it uses voice and flash animations to
teach the theory and application of Maths. It is server-client based
system that "pushes" modules requested by the clients. It also keeps a
record of the progress made for each user on the system.
If we are in any way to live up to our edu label we are going the have to
teach using pictures and sound.
Maybe make the edu framework a window to teach through. "skin" it for the
different grades, and make the kde-edu tools available from this framework.
"Theory" heavy subjects, like maths could make more use of the animated
svg and audio via smil 2.0 with help from edu tools to show application.
"Experience" heavy subjects, like languages could make more use of "show
and test" kde-edu tools.
Another exciting prospect is that in 12 - 36 months voice synth systems
will be nearly indistinguishable from the real thing, this will make
teaching via a CBT system, so much more manageable (no voice artist and
your voice over in a text file instead of 5 gigs of recordings like we
have now).
Your coments please.
Please excuse the long wind.
Kind Regards
Master Maths George.
Postnet Suite #109 Tel: +27(0)44 873 4683
Private Bag X6590 +27(0)82 871 6125
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