[kde-edu]: KMathTool art

Trenton Carr trentoncarr at telkomsa.net
Fri Feb 25 17:10:03 CET 2005

Hello all,

Anne-Marie this is the list of artwork I need for KMathTool to make it  
look functional.
If you need more info please don't hesitate to contact me.

1 of application icon, don't know what the size must be for this, will be  
used for the tab icons.
1 of 800 x 600 Welcome screen background
1 of 100 x 100 for button for each of the following, Square, rectangle,  
circle, triangle geometry.
1 of 100 x 100 for button for each of the following,  
1 of 100 x 100 for button for each of the following, hyperbola_line  
intercept,hyperbola_parabola intercept.
1 of 100 x 100 for button for each of the following,  
line_onepoint_gradient, line_two_points, line_axis_cuts, line_2_intercepts.
1 of 100 x 100 for button for each of the following, parabola_axis_cuts,  
parabola_from_3_points, parabola_turn_point, parabola_line_intercepts,  
parabola_parabola_intercepts, parabola_point_turn_point.
1 of 50 x 50 for each of the following labels, sin- cos-, tan- , cot-,  
sec-, cosec theta in terms of x,y and r.

I would like to use the button artwork as the window background so it  
should be able to scale well. IE: each time you press a button to select a  
function, the window background updates to the same artwork. (Hope I can  
get that to work, any guidance welcome)

Hope someone can help me with this.



Master Maths George.
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