[kde-edu]: Vocabularytrainer for Windows

Anne-Marie Mahfouf annemarie.mahfouf at free.fr
Wed Dec 14 14:21:16 CET 2005

On Wednesday 14 December 2005 07:47, Carsten Niehaus wrote:
> Moin moin
> In my school a teacher coded a (simple) voctrainer. That one is issued to
> pupil for a small fee (10€ or so). Even though almost all our
> school-computers run SuSE-Linux the teachers just don't get the
> OpenSource-Paradigma...  The KDEEDU-one is better. Well, it doesn't work in
> windows so I cannot give it to my pupil. If there was a Qt-only-version I
> could.
> Is something like that planned? I know that KDE4 is supposed to work in
> windows, but that is about one year in the future.
> Carsten

If we want to develop windows qt-only edu ports we must have someone doing 
that. I don't think the same developer can do both. Porting our KDE apps to 
Qt only will not be so easy.
I suggest setting up a webpage if you want to go in that direction and start 
collect guidelines so if someone is willing to start he/she'll have a 
starting point. For example, is QT4 free for windows (explain licence-related 
stuff)? How do you compile Qt? What IDE do you use? how do translations work 
on Windows? How do you package your program?
That's the few questions that come immediately to my mind as a total newbie in 
Qt on Win programming. 



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