[kde-edu]: Fwd: KDE 3.3 Release Plan is up

Anne-Marie Mahfouf annemarie.mahfouf at free.fr
Sat May 8 23:06:32 CEST 2004

Subject: Fwd: KDE 3.3 Release Plan is up
Date: May 8, 2004 01:02 pm
From: Stephan Kulow <coolo at kde.org>
To: kde-core-devel at kde.org

Hash: SHA1

[resent to the correct address]


I finally got my act together and commited the KDE 3.3 release plan as I have
it in mind:

The first important date for all of you is the first of june: then everyone
should have made up its mind on what he wants to have done in the 6 weeks
after that and commited to kde-features.xml.

If you forsee problems with this schedule, please tell me (and the list)

And I would applaud if the kdepim developers make up their mind
how kdepim 3.3 fits into the KDE 3.3 release. I won't object if kdepim
is feature done and bug free when KDE hits beta :)
Right now I see still a x in the kdepim 3.3 release schedule with a
+13 weeks when it's done. As KDE 3.3 is targeted on week 33 (after
that aKademy starts) - x would be week 20 for both to finish on the same
day: that's next week.
The question comes down to this: are 4 of 6 key features done in
this week? (I count 2 so far, but I'm not really uptodate).

Greetings, Stephan

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