[kde-edu]: KWordQuiz vs. FlashKard bugs/wishes

Peter Hedlund peter at peterandlinda.com
Thu May 6 17:36:00 CEST 2004


Anne-Marie Mahfouf wrote:
  >>8. http://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=79785 Suggestion: Automatic
>>keyboard layout switching
>>This is high priority request. WordQuiz has this feature and I want to
>>do it in KWordQuiz and KVoctrain. Would it be OK to have a dependency on
>>kxkb in kdebase or do I have to write my own implementation?
> I don't see what you want to do in fact. What does 'automatic' mean please?
> Having a dependency on kdebase might just be bad for non-kde potential users.
> I don't see it as a major problem, maybe others can speak about that when you 
> explain what you have in mind.

What I want to do is the following: In both KWordQuiz and KVocTrain it 
should be possible to assign a specific keyboard layout for each column. 
That means that when the selection/current cell moves from one column to 
another the program would automatically switch to the assigned layout.

I have just started to look into it, but I was thinking of only making 
this option available if the user has activated keyboard layouts in the 
Control Center and then only present a list of already activated layouts 
  instead of all alyouts available on the system. That is something 
similar to what kxkb does in the system tray.

But you are right, it should be possible to run a KDE program outside a 
KDE session. The kxkb code is not very large and I probably only need 
parts of it, so it might be simpler to write my own implementation

> I set up a webpage
> http://edu.kde.org/kwordquiz/
> that links to your website.

Thanks. 2004 is repeated twice at the top. The main site is currently 
hosted by me personally at http://peterandlinda.com/kwordquiz. Downloads 
are hosted by SourceForge at http://sf.net/projects/kwordquiz.

> I have the following error while building KWordQuiz from kdeedu:
> kwordquizprefs.cpp:113: error: no matching function for call to 
> `KActionCollection::action(const QString)'
> but the version in kdenonbeta is fine. I cannot see what's wrong.

Has it been imported? How do you otherwise build it within kdeedu, so I 
can try myself?

I worked on some of the cleanups Scott recommended yesterday, but I was 
then unable to access cvs to make any commits. I hope it will work tonight.


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