[kde-edu]: Importing KWordQuiz

Marc Heyvaert marc_heyvaert at yahoo.com
Tue May 4 19:12:29 CEST 2004

Hello Peter,

It will be a good thing to have KWordQuiz available in
kdeedu. It is a very useful program.

As for the remark :
> > *) It's not possible to "combine sets" by opening
> multiple files at once.  
> > This should be pretty easy and is something that
> FlashKard could always do.
> This is a request I've had before. I'll look into
> how FlashKard does it. 

I'll second that. I think it is absolutely essential.
It would allow the user (I'm thinking teachers here)
to make exercise based on essential building blocks,
or call it base units...If you can open multiple files
you can arrange your data in a very modular way and
you can easily make learning programs or tests or
whatever that are made to measure, targeted to a
particular pupil or group, all in sync with their
current level of learning.

Of course this solution is a bit of a hack, because
you have to type in the filenames at the commandline
or make several scripts. The ideal situation would be
to have some sort of interface that lets you combine
the individual modules. And ideally this interface
would also make it possible to manage the programs
that you set for individual pupils, keeping track of
the ground they have covered, their results, their
weaknesses and so on. But perhaps this is enough to
start another project altogether ;-)

> > *) The default GUI layout looks pretty cluttered. 
> I think something like this 
> > would probably help:
> http://ktown.kde.org/~wheeler/images/kwordquiz.png 

I don't have a problem with the gui. The multiple
choice option -with the randomization of the answers-
is what i like least. I would prefer to be able to set
all the possible answers myself. But I realize that
this is a quite fundamental change, involving the data
structure, so I won't insist.


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