[kde-edu]: New Project - mental arithmetic
Alexander Schunk
alexander_schunk at yahoo.de
Wed Feb 4 19:31:31 CET 2004
i recently started working on something like this for
euklidean and basic mathematics, so may be could work
together in order to avoid double work.
The programs name is "KEuklid".
--- Daniel Kaminsky <danielkaminsky at web.de> schrieb:
> Hi Anne-Marie,
> Thanks for your reply.
> > We indeed need something like that in KDE-Edu.
> What would be nice is to have
> > some visuals for kids aged 6 years old or so that
> start addition (2 apples +
> > 3 oranges, that sort of concept as well a some
> visual for multiplication,
> > soustractions and division).
> Great news. I'm glad that I can give something back
> to the KDE project. :-)
> > If your application is alread in a working state,
> you can now take the next
> > step which is to import it to kdenonbeta cvs.
> Well, it is in a working state, but at the moment it
> its really ugly (GUI) and
> the code isn't very good too. So give me a few days
> and I will clean this up
> a little bit...
> > I can give you any further
> > guidance in order to do so. kdenonbeta is the
> place to be before joining
> > another module as it allows you to see what kde
> development is really about
> > and it also allows you to work with others.
> Thanks, that would be very nice.
> > If you decide to work further on your application
> in order to put it in the
> > kdeedu module, I suggest you describe what you've
> done (maybe some
> > screenshots) and what your ideas are and we could
> have a brain-storm session
> > to see what would be the best, based on teachers
> expertise maybe!
> At the moment it is pretty basic. You can choose the
> exercise range (starting
> from 1 to eh really large numbers ;-)). The math
> operator is chosen by
> random.
> In close future (before I copy it to kdenonbeta) I
> want to add
> - statistics
> - timing fuctions
> - select math operator (so you can train addition
> only for example)
> Basically, I think that pictures instead of numbers
> are a good idea. But I
> think at the beginning it is not soo important,
> because this program is
> useful for older kids too. (I began writing it
> because I am so bad at mental
> arithmetic ;-)).
> > Welcome to the Edu team!
> Well, thanks a lot. :-)
> regards Daniel
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