[kde-edu]: Compiling KDE-EDU from CVS

Pino Toscano toscano.pino at tiscali.it
Mon Dec 20 20:10:11 CET 2004

uy2c04 ha scritto:
> How to compile, KDE-Edu from CVS...

$ cvs co kdeedu
$ cp -r kdeedu kdeedu_comp
$ cd kdeedu_comp
$ make -f Makefile.cvs
$ ./configure
$ make

... take a loooong coffee ...

$ su -c "make install"

Those instruction will make you checkout the HEAD version of kdeedu, 
copy all in a new directory (called simply kdeedu_comp) where compiling 
without touching your local CVS repository, compiling all and installing 

Is all right? ;-)

Best regards,

Pino Toscano

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