[kde-edu]: [PATCH] for bug 86758 in KVocTrain

Peter Hedlund peter at peterandlinda.com
Sun Aug 8 20:19:38 CEST 2004


The attached patch corrects bug http://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=86758.

Please review and, if OK, commit since I'm a bit unsure how to work with the 
different branches. The patch is against HEAD.

I know the event described in the bug is very unlikely, but since it results 
in a crash I think it should be corrected.

The crash occurs when a flag image can't be found. The flag images are 
displayed in the header columns of the main table in KVocTrain.

The option dialog (Options->General Options...->Language) where languages are 
defined is not affected, it already checks for a valid image file.

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