[kde-edu]: KVocTrain rewrite - feature list and usecases
Dennis Haney
davh at davh.dk
Sat Apr 10 19:43:56 CEST 2004
Hi everyone
Attached is a list of usecases for the new implementation of KVocTrain...
If you have any interest in KVocTrain, please let me hear your feature
requests and/or comments to the listed items...
Features are much easiere to implement at design time, than later..
use Inline C => q{void p(char*g){
printf("Just Another %s Hacker\n",g);}};p("Perl");
-------------- next part --------------
-*- outline -*-
******** Human initiated tasks **********
* Open program
The general user experience when opening the program... should it
load the file from last, or similar
* Create new file
** Using a wizard?
* Load file
** Load from local file
** Load from url
** Get file from KNewStuff
* Save file
** Save back to localfile
** Save back to url
** Save a new file
** Upload file to KNewStuff
* Merge files
** Horizontally
** Vertically
* Edit file properties - Title, Author, License, Comment
* Add new language to current file
** Add real language
*** Support for sort order - locale specific
*** Support for keyboard layout
*** Support for auto-change to input method - XIM
*** Support for a given languages wordclasses etc.
English: http://owl.english.purdue.edu/handouts/esl/index.html
Engelsk til dansk: http://visl.hum.sdu.dk/visl/ar/info/arsymbol_dk.html
Dansk: http://www.gentofte-hf.dk/sv/maj/Ordklasser.htm (Kort og konsis)
Dansk: http://www.eddagal.dk/3/eks3/eks3_index.htm (Virkelig mystisk)
** Add englificated language - like romanji
*** Support for autogeneration from other column?
** Add "toy" language - for learning non-language specific items
* Change language - as in tell program it is something else
* Change language - as in switch with another language in the file
* Delete language
* Add new learn item to current file
** Type in word
** Mark word for inclusion in current learning
** Mark word for inclusion in future learning?
** Select word class (optional) - Use a language-specific database for these?
*** Select sub word class type (optional)
*** Type in various things for a given word class (optional)
** Select context usage (optional)
** Write an usage example (optional) - Support multiple of these?
** Type in Pronounciation (optional)
** Assign item to lesson (optional)
** Record synonyms (optional)
** Record antonyms (optional)
** Write a paraphrase (optional)
** Type in your own hint (optional)
** Select suggestions for multiple choice (optional)
** Type in new word for multiple choice (optional)
** Attach sound file (optional)
** Attach picture (optional)
* Edit learn item
** Edit all of the above
* Delete learn item
** Confirmation?
* Select multiple learn items
** Using shift
** Using ctrl
* Edit multiple learn items
** Select word class (optional)
** Select context usage (optional)
** Assign item to lesson (optional)
** Type in your own hint (optional)
* Delete duplicate learn item
** Confirmation?
* Order learn items
** Order by learn word - use language-locale sort-order
** Order by lesson
** Order by word class
** Order by own hint
* Find learn item
** Find by learn word
** Find by lesson
** Find by word class
** Find by own hint
** Find by usage example
** Find by synonyms
** Find by acronyms
** Find by paraphrase
* Filter viewed learn items
** Filter on lesson
** Filter on inclusion in current learning
** Filter on word class
** Filter on current search/find
* Unfilter viewed learn items
* Add new "Word Class" - "Previously Type"
* Edit "Word Class"
* Delete "Word Class" - Only previously added
? What to do when loading files using an unknown word class
* Add new "Context Usage" - "Previously Usage"
* Edit "Context Usage"
* Delete "Context Usage"
* Add new "Tense" to language
* Edit "Tense"
* Delete "Tense"
* Learn - cheesy heading
** Type word
*** Accept synonym as correct answer?
** Type missing word
*** Take sentence from usage example(s)
** Multiple-choice
*** Examn version - grab cursor/don't tell what is right and wrong
*** Support match picture (if any)
*** Time - per item
*** Time - per quiz
*** Support multiple ways of learning - eg. Leitners method
*** Support next and prev. buttons - For learnirn methods that support it
*** Hints - should that count as wrong answer?
**** Word class/usage example/context/synonym/antonym
*** Result screen - statistics etc.
* Resume last learning sequence
** Some learning methods may always want to resume
* Mark items for learning
* Unmark items for learning
* Show statistics - Totals
* Delete statistics - Totals
* Show statistics - Single learn item
* Delete statistics - Single learn item
* Use program in notification area
* Use program in superkaramba
** Seperate user interface from everything else
* Report bug - free feature from KDE ;-)
-- Config items
* Choose learning method
** Trivial
** Expanded Leitner
** AI - memaid has an implementation - steal that (it's GPL)
******** Computer initiated tasks *********
* Auto save file
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