[kde-edu]: Project proposal

Sebastian Stein s5228 at informatik.htw-dresden.de
Sat May 24 22:53:51 CEST 2003

Örn Hansen <orn.hansen at swipnet.se> [030524 21:52]:
>   I've got a small project, that have pupils as the primary target.  I have 
> this project located at sourceforge http://typingtrainer.sourceforge.org and 
> would like to propose it as a part of kde-edu.  It's purpose is training 
> typing skills, but the interest group are the people who already know the 
> keyboard and finger layout, but need to exercise their skills.  It also has 
> an accompanying program, that is directed towards teachers, to use this to 
> gather information on pupils skills.
>   Let me know what you think, and wether the project could fit into the kde 
> edu.

We allready have such an app in kde edu called ktouch.

KBruch: application to automatically generate tasks with fractions
Package: KDE Edu in KDE 3.2 (http://edu.kde.org/kbruch/)
CVS: kdeedu/kbruch
State: mostly finished
CVS Snapshot: http://www.hpfsc.de/download/kbruch-0.24.tar.bz2

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