[kde-edu]: Two Items
Mahfouf Anne-Marie
Mon, 10 Mar 2003 18:18:00 +0000
>Two items:
>a) Is the http://edu.kde.org site falling into dis-repair?
As you may know, kde.org has switched to a new style so edu.kde.org will be
ported to this new style. It seems that I am alone to do that at the moment
and I am not a php/html guru...
So if you have time to help, you can contact me
As a general answer, if anyone has some suggestions for the website, then
send them to me, I would be glad to hear about what you want to find here,
what you expect, what you like,...
>b) two more educational tools worth looking at for inspiration,
>just come across a fine looking Macintosh flash-card tool that would be
>excellent to have on KDE http://www.foolsworkshop.com/fw.html and a
>ms-windows freeware item that works to good effect
>http://www.botproductions.com/tqs/tqs.html (see
>http://www.the-planet-pluto.com/freeware/download.html for demo)
I don't think we lack ideas for educational software. But what we surely
lack are developers, artists, musicians. Softwares like the 2 you mention
need a team of people.
aka annma
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