[kde-edu]: Fwd: Timetable program

Dominique Devriese dominique.devriese at student.kuleuven.ac.be
Thu Apr 10 03:02:46 CEST 2003

Birgit Schulz writes:

  Birgit> Am Mittwoch, 9. April 2003 17:38 schrieb Eva Brucherseifer:
  >> Can anyone take care of this, please?
  >> Thanks, eva
  Birgit> I can have a look on it. But I don't have so much experiance
  Birgit> with scheduling timetables.

  Birgit> The screenshot is difficult to understand for me ... is
  Birgit> there somebody who has more experience with scheduling.


Just for the record, as I understand it, what this program does is to
let the user enter a number of heuristics, to generate a timetable
"Teacher A teaches course B at time C in class D
Teacher ..."

I think this would be rather useful for schools etc., but imho, this
program needs quite some UI work, a port to KDE instead of Qt, and of
course an active maintainer in order for being of value to KDE-Edu. 

Lalescu, could you tell us what your intentions are with this program
?  Do you intend to keep it Qt-only, do you intend to continue to work
on it ?

I must say I have no idea how good the application's algorithm is, I
once heard about how certain programs take days to calculate an
appropriate schedule, or am i saying non-sense here ? :)


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