[kde-edu]: Languages
Mahfouf Anne-Marie
Thu, 21 Nov 2002 17:53:53 +0000
>From: Klas Kalass <klas.kalass@gmx.de>
>Reply-To: kde-edu@kde.org
>To: kde-edu@kde.org
>Subject: Re: [kde-edu]: Languages
>Date: Wed, 20 Nov 2002 18:49:24 +0100
>Am Mittwoch, 20. November 2002 17:14 schrieb Sven Lueppken:
> > Hi again!
> >
> > Well, ok, I want to start with the planning phase in the next days and
> > already got some motivating mails (thanks :). I'll also get some help
> > developing the app, a very good friend will help me.
> > So...what do you say? Do I have green lights? Or red ones?
>If you start in kdenonbeta then you get the greenest light possible from me
Yes and check a program called KVocabulary
as well as FlashKard
and KVocTrain
What would be good is to store your data file in an already existing format
(see KVocTrain).
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