[kde-edu]: new icons
Jason Harris
Fri, 8 Feb 2002 12:43:39 -0500
Thanks for doing the icon(s), Primoz. I like the idea of subcategories, but
do we know what the subcategories are going to be yet? It seems like there
are too few apps for specific categories like "Chemistry" and "Math". Maybe
categories like "Math and Science", "Words and Grammar", "Teaching
Tools"...that sort of thing? What do you think?
More specifically:
+ Math & Science: Kalzium, KGeo, KStars, KTimes
+ Words & Grammar: KVocTrain, Konjugate, KHangman, KMessedWords,
KLatin, KLettres, KVerbos, KTouch(?)
+ Teaching Tools: Keduca
Just an idea,
KStars: A K Desktop Planetarium