[KDE Eco discuss] article

Markus Feilner mfeilner at feilner-it.net
Thu Nov 21 09:58:58 GMT 2024

Yeah, atm it will be an "inofficial", pre-production copy. I guess the linux-
magazin might share it completely free. Then we can use it also. That would be 
HTML, though, then... 

Am Donnerstag, 21. November 2024, 09:39:48 Mitteleuropäische Normalzeit 
schrieb Joseph P. De Veaugh-Geiss:
> Hi
> On 20.11.24 5:50 PM, Markus Feilner wrote:
> > I'll be there, and If you guys want, I can show the PDF from the article I
> > wrote
> It's an excellent overview of what's been going on in KDE Eco and I
> recommend checking it out. Write Markus for a copy (if I understood
> correctly)!
> Cheers,
> Joseph


Best Regards - Mit freundlichen Grüßen,

Markus Feilner, Feilner IT
- 20 years of open services -

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And once you've seen it, keeping quiet,
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