Fwd: Invitation: SofAWERE Hackathon 24 May in Berlin

Joseph P. De Veaugh-Geiss joseph at kde.org
Wed May 10 14:09:39 BST 2023

Would anyone in the Eco community be interested in going? From what I 
understand from the invitation, that should not be a problem. I will be 
joining as an observer.


-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: Invitation: SofAWERE Hackathon 24 May in Berlin
Date: Mon,  8 May 2023 07:29:25 +0000
From: SDIA | Stephanie Leufgen <stephanie.leufgen at sdialliance.org>
Reply-To: SDIA | Stephanie Leufgen <stephanie.leufgen at sdialliance.org>
To: Joseph De Veaugh-Geiss <joseph at kde.org>

Join us for an afternoon of learning & collaborating to reduce the 
environmental impact of software.

Dear Joseph,

Thank you for joining us at our last SoftAWERE Advisory Meeting in 
Berlin and virtually. We would like to invite you to our upcoming 
Hackathon on the 24th of May 2023 in Berlin. During the Hackathon we 
will showcase the results of the project as well as use the test system 
developed within the project (see links below) to collaborate on making 
improvements on public open-source projects (or your own, if they are 
public). For the best changes & improvements we are going to award a 
price, so spread the word and bring your teams 🙂.
RSVP here. 

The Agenda:
1. We are to kick things off by sharing our test laboratory and walk you 
through the steps on how to measure the environmental impact of any 
software using Gitlab's CI/CD Runner. Curious already? You can access 
the documentation here 
(https://softawere-hackathon.gitlab.io/documentation/) , learn how to 
set up your repository here 
, and look at examples & request access here on Gitlab 
(https://gitlab.com/softawere-hackathon) .
2. Then we are breaking up into teams, working on reducing the 
environmental impact of either open-source projects or your own projects 
together. The best part?
3. The top teams with the biggest improvement of the day have the chance 
to win prizes worth a total of €1,700 (a jury will review all the 
changes as branches/merge requests).

Who and how can you participate: If you attend as an individual, we will 
assign you to a team, or you can bring your own team for the open-source 
project you would like to work on during the day. You are welcome to 
join as an observer as well.

What is the aim: During the day you will have the opportunity to 
implement energy and environmental impact reductions in your own or 
popular open-source projects. The most effective changes will have the 
chance to win prizes worth a total of €1,700.

Where: Space Shak Berlin (https://space-shack.com/) , Akazienstraße 3a 
10823 Berlin

When: 24th of May 2023 from 13:00 to 19:00h (with drinks & food afterward)
We are excited to welcome you to this event in Berlin. If you have any 
questions beforehand, do not hesitate to drop an email to 
stephanie.leufgen at sdialliance.org or simply reply to this invitation.

On behalf of the entire SDIA,
Stephanie Leufgen

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