Wed. 28 Sept., Hamburg, Germany | Okular award ceremony, first ever "Blue Angel" certified software

Joseph P. De Veaugh-Geiss joseph at
Thu Sep 15 13:44:25 BST 2022

Hello KDE and KDE Eco community!

I wanted to share the great news: On Wednesday 28 September at 11:45am 
in Hamburg, Germany, there will be the official award ceremony for 
Okular being certified the Blue Angel ecolabel for desktop software.

Unfortunately, given the timing just before Akademy, only I am currently 
able to attend the ceremony.

But ... it would be so great to have a group of KDE contributors to 
represent the larger community on stage too!

Is there anyone in the Hamburg area who would like to join me? Anyone 
nearby who would be interested in travelling?

If yes, please be in touch.

Some background information: The Blue Angel is the official 
environmental label of the German government and the oldest ecolabel in 
the world. [1] Okular is the first ever computer program to receive the 
label. What is more, Okular is also the first within the Global 
Ecolabelling Network, representing nearly 60 countries worldwide. [2]

The event will be at the EnviroInfo Conference in Hamburg, Germany. [3] 
Representatives from the German Environmental Agency (/Umweltbundesamt/) 
will be there to award the label. They expect up to 1000 people to be in 

Researchers from the Umwelt Campus Birkenfeld will be there as well. 
They were fundamental in measuring Okular's energy consumption. They are 
also running a Green Coding track at the conference, which KDE Eco is 
officially co-organizing.

I hope to hear from you so we can represent the KDE community together.

And I look forward to meeting many of you a couple days after at Akademy 
in Barcelona!



[2] *First Ever Eco-Certified Computer Program: KDE's Popular PDF Reader 

 > The multi-platform Free and Open-Source Software product is now 
officially recognized for sustainable software design

[3] Info about the conference can be found here:

Info about the Green Coding Track can be found here:

Joseph P. De Veaugh-Geiss
BE4FOSS Project and Community Manager (KDE Eco)
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