measurement labs | 2nd KDE Eco community meetup (5, 6, 8 Oct.?)

Joseph P. De Veaugh-Geiss joseph at
Mon Sep 20 10:20:56 BST 2021

The 2nd *KDE Eco community meetup* will be in two weeks, exact date/time to be 
determined by this Dudle (possible dates: 5, 6, 8 October):

Please indicate your preferences by Sunday 26 September. Timezone in the poll 
is CEST (UTC+2).

The 2nd meetup will be focused on *energy consumption measurements in the 
lab*. One of KDE Eco's long-term goals is to make FOSS/KDE software more 
efficient -- labs are one way to measure and then drive down the energy 
consumption of our software! The main goal of the meeting is to identify what 
needs to be done to get there: who, what, where, when, how?

- 10-15 minutes: Achim Guldner, Franziska Mai & Christopher Stumpf will 
present details of the measurement lab at Umwelt-Campus
- 5-10 minutes: David Hurka will provide an overview of task automation tools 
(e.g., Actiona) for replicating standard usage scenarios
- 35-50 minute discussion question: What do we need to do to set up 
measurement labs for FOSS/KDE community?
- Breakout rooms: Who can do what?

Another idea to discuss: organizing a Sprint to set up a lab and do a measure-
athon of KDE software for /Blauer Engel/ eco-certification.

I look forward to seeing many of you (again) there :-) We can make an efficient, 
free software future a reality!


For notes from the last meet-up, please see:

Joseph P. De Veaugh-Geiss
BE4FOSS Project and Community Manager (KDE Eco)

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