Resource consumption for indexing user data, especially files and mails

Martin Steigerwald martin at
Sat Jun 26 19:06:06 BST 2021

Dear Ingo.

Ingo Klöcker - 26.06.21, 17:37:42 CEST:
> On Samstag, 26. Juni 2021 13:03:29 CEST Martin Steigerwald wrote:
> > Thank you gladly for the energy efficiency goal. I do not fully buy
> > into the climate catastrophe narrative anymore – there appear to be
> > quite some scientists who doubt it meanwhile –
> There have always been a few vocal doubters, but the vast majority of
> climate scientists (95+ %) agree that mankind is responsible for the
> climate crisis.

I am not so sure about that.

Look for example here:

"Many scientists disagree that human activity is primarily responsible 
for global climate change.

A report found more than 1,000 scientists who disagreed that humans are 
primarily responsible for global climate change. [55] The claim that 97% 
of scientists agree on the cause of global warming is inaccurate. The 
research on 11,944 studies actually found that only 3,974 even expressed 
a view on the issue. Of those, just 64 (1.6%) said humans are the main 
cause. [54]

A Purdue University survey found that 47% of climatologists challenge 
the idea that humans are primarily responsible for climate change and 
instead believe that climate change is caused by an equal combination of 
humans and the environment (37%), mostly by the environment (5%), or 
that there’s not enough information to say (5%). [173]"

For further information and references mentioned see:

Or this:

"There is no climate emergency, say 750 experts

A new, high-level global network of 750 prominent climate scientists and 
professionals has submitted a declaration that there is no “climate 
emergency”. The group has sent the Declaration with a registered letter 
to António Guterres, Secretary-General of the United Nations. This 
action has received overwhelming response from all over the world."

Franky, I do not claim to *know* the truth – I already did not take the 
considerable time to thoroughly check on sources who question the 
narrative –, but these and other sources I came across in the last year 
were enough for me to raise a clear question mark about climate crisis 
narrative. I took part part in many Fridays for Future protests, I over-
compensated flights, I use a green energy provider since a long time, all 
of the laptops I ever bought have been used ones, I live on a vegan diet 
since more than 25 years, yet meanwhile for me I am not clear that there 
is a scientific consensus about climate change.

There is a lot of modeling involved in predicting climate change and 
history has shown, over and over again, that reality does not match 
models made by human beings who are just a part of the world they are 
trying to understand.

I think it is utterly important in these times to question narratives we 
have all mean told since a long, long time. I think it is utterly 
important to become more humble regarding the great creation we are 
living in and do not claim we know something for sure, when we don't.

That all written, I applaud the KDE project having an energy efficiency 
goal, cause simply I love efficient software for a lot of reasons. Some of 
them I already outlined.

So for me there is no need to discuss this further, but of course if you 
like to share other insights feel free. Then we can both take time as we 
see fit to review those.

All the best,

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