[multimedia/kwave] /: removed support for building .rpm files (was not used, unmaintained and broken)

Thomas Eschenbacher null at kde.org
Sat Oct 12 16:17:46 BST 2024

Git commit 2fa14a981da35c2eda13dda5533224704c39a27f by Thomas Eschenbacher.
Committed on 12/10/2024 at 15:17.
Pushed by eschenbacher into branch 'master'.

removed support for building .rpm files (was not used, unmaintained and broken)

M  +1    -3    CMakeLists.txt
M  +0    -2    LICENSES
D  +0    -180  cmake/KwaveRPMSupport.cmake
M  +0    -177  doc/devel.docbook
D  +0    -293  kwave.spec.in


diff --git a/CMakeLists.txt b/CMakeLists.txt
index b8b41709e..dce68b47c 100644
--- a/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -308,14 +308,12 @@ IF (WITH_DOC)
-### RPM support                                                           ###
+### distfiles support (deprecated, will be removed in future)             ###
 # directory that receives the files of the "distfiles" target
 ### DEB support                                                           ###
diff --git a/LICENSES b/LICENSES
index 541bf47d1..7dcfa66c9 100644
         GNU-LICENSE                                     free
         kwave.ebuild.in                                 GPL2+ / Gentoo
         kwave.kdev4                                     GPL2+
-        kwave.spec.in                                   GPL2+
         LICENSES                                        GPL2+
         logo.png                                        (should be GPL2+ / Martin Wilz)
         Messages.sh                                     GPL2+
         cmake/KwaveLibsamplerateSupport.cmake           BSD (3 clause)
         cmake/KwaveOSSSupport.cmake                     BSD (3 clause)
         cmake/KwavePulseAudioSupport.cmake              BSD (3 clause)
-        cmake/KwaveRPMSupport.cmake                     BSD (3 clause)
         cmake/uninstall.cmake.in                        BSD (3 clause)
         doc/CMakeLists.txt                              BSD (3 clause)
diff --git a/cmake/KwaveRPMSupport.cmake b/cmake/KwaveRPMSupport.cmake
deleted file mode 100644
index 467a48aaa..000000000
--- a/cmake/KwaveRPMSupport.cmake
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,180 +0,0 @@
-##    Kwave                - KwaveRPMSupport.cmake
-##                           -------------------
-##    begin                : Sun Jun 10 2007
-##    copyright            : (C) 2007 by Thomas Eschenbacher
-##    email                : Thomas.Eschenbacher at gmx.de
-#                                                                           #
-# Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without        #
-# modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions        #
-# are met:                                                                  #
-#                                                                           #
-# 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright         #
-#    notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.          #
-# 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright      #
-#    notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the    #
-#    documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.   #
-#                                                                           #
-# For details see the accompanying cmake/COPYING-CMAKE-SCRIPTS file.        #
-#                                                                           #
-### some needed programs                                                  ###
-FIND_PROGRAM(TAR_EXECUTABLE NAMES tar) # we need tar-1.16 or newer !
-### determine all variables in the kwave.spec.in                          ###
-### generate the .changes file                                            ###
-SET(_changes ${DISTFILES_DIR}/kwave.changes)
-    COMMAND ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/bin/make-specfile-changelog.pl
-        ${_changes}
-    DEPENDS ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/bin/make-specfile-changelog.pl
-### generate the .spec file                                               ###
-SET(_specfile_without_changelog ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/kwave.spec.no-chglog)
-SET(_specfile ${DISTFILES_DIR}/kwave.spec)
-    ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/kwave.spec.in
-    ${_specfile_without_changelog}
-    @ONLY
-    COMMAND ${CAT_EXECUTABLE} ${_specfile_without_changelog} > ${_specfile}
-    COMMAND ${CAT_EXECUTABLE} ${_changes} >> ${_specfile}
-    DEPENDS ${_specfile_without_changelog} ${_changes}
-    DEPENDS ${_specfile}
-### "make tarball"                                                        ###
-SET(_tarball ${DISTFILES_DIR}/kwave-${RPM_FULL_VERSION}.tar)
-SET(_tarball_bz2 ${_tarball}.bz2)
-SET(_git "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/.git")
-IF (EXISTS ${_git})
-        MESSAGE(STATUS "Found git: ${GIT_EXECUTABLE}")
-        SET(files_lst "${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/files.lst")
-        ADD_CUSTOM_COMMAND(OUTPUT ${files_lst}
-            COMMENT "Building file list from local .git repository"
-            COMMAND "${GIT_EXECUTABLE}" ls-tree -r --name-only HEAD ">" ${files_lst}
-            COMMAND test -e po && find po -name \\*.po ">>" ${files_lst}
-            COMMAND find doc -type f -name \\*.txt ">>" ${files_lst}
-            COMMAND find doc -type f -name index.docbook ">>" ${files_lst}
-            COMMAND find doc -type f -name \\*.png ">>" ${files_lst}
-            COMMAND find . -type f -name \\*.spec ">>" ${files_lst}
-            COMMAND cat ${files_lst} | sort | uniq > ${files_lst}.tmp
-            COMMAND mv ${files_lst}.tmp ${files_lst}
-        )
-        SET(file_selection "--files-from=${files_lst}")
-        MESSAGE(STATUS "Warning: .git exists but git program not found")
-ELSE (EXISTS ${_git})
-    MESSAGE(STATUS "No git version control files")
-ENDIF (EXISTS ${_git})
-IF (NOT file_selection)
-    SET(file_selection ".")
-ENDIF (NOT file_selection)
-        -c
-        --exclude=.git --exclude=testfiles --exclude=*~
-        --transform=s+^./++g
-        --transform=s+^+kwave-${KWAVE_VERSION}/+g
-        --owner=root --group=root --mode=a+rX,go-w
-        -C ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}
-        -f ${_tarball}
-        ${file_selection}
-    COMMAND ${TAR_EXECUTABLE} --append -f ${_tarball}
-        --owner=root --group=root --mode=a+rX,go-w
-        -C ${DISTFILES_DIR}
-        --transform=s+^+kwave-${KWAVE_VERSION}/+g
-        kwave.spec
-    COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E remove -f ${_tarball_bz2}
-    COMMAND ${BZIP2_EXECUTABLE} ${_tarball}
-    DEPENDS ${_specfile} ${files_lst}
-    DEPENDS ${_tarball_bz2}
-### source RPM                                                            ###
-    COMMAND ${RPM_EXECUTABLE} -E %{_topdir}
-    OUTPUT_VARIABLE _rpm_topdir
-SET(_src_rpm ${_rpm_topdir}/SRPMS/kwave-${RPM_FULL_VERSION}.src.rpm)
-    COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E make_directory ${_rpm_topdir}/{SPECS,SOURCES,RPMS,SRPMS,BUILD}
-    COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E copy_if_different
-        ${_specfile} ${_rpm_topdir}/SPECS/kwave-${RPM_FULL_VERSION}.spec
-    COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E copy_if_different
-        ${_tarball_bz2} ${_rpm_topdir}/SOURCES/kwave-${RPM_FULL_VERSION}.tar.bz2
-        ${_rpm_topdir}/SPECS/kwave-${RPM_FULL_VERSION}.spec
-    DEPENDS ${_specfile} ${_tarball_bz2}
-    DEPENDS ${_src_rpm} ${_specfile} ${_changes}
-### binary RPM for this architecture                                      ###
-    COMMAND ${RPMBUILD_EXECUTABLE} --rebuild --nodeps ${_src_rpm}
-    DEPENDS ${_src_rpm} ${_specfile}
-### add files to the list of distribution files                           ###
-    ${_tarball_bz2}
-    ${_specfile}
-    ${_changes}
diff --git a/doc/devel.docbook b/doc/devel.docbook
index 5136743dc..52d217a71 100644
--- a/doc/devel.docbook
+++ b/doc/devel.docbook
@@ -451,183 +451,6 @@
-<!-- ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ -->
-<!-- +++ Section: Building RPM packages from Sources                    +++ -->
-<!-- ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ -->
-    <sect1 id="building_rpm_from_tarbz2">
-    <title>Building RPM packages from Sources</title>
-    <para>
-	If you are running a system with RPM support, the preferred way to
-	get &kwave; on your system will be the creation and installation
-	of a RPM package, as described in the next chapters.
-	If you are running a Debian like system (dpkg based),
-	you should skip to [<link linkend="building_deb_from_src">here</link>].
-    </para>
-    <!-- ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ -->
-    <!-- +++ Section: Finding the RPM settings of your system           +++ -->
-    <!-- ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ -->
-    <sect2 id="find_rpm_settings">
-    <title>Finding the RPM settings of your system</title>
-    <para>
-	You can find out the RPM top directory with the following command:
-<screen width="70" format="linespecific">
-<prompt>% </prompt><command>rpm --eval '%_topdir'</command>
-    </para>
-    <para>
-	With this command you can find out your native system architecture:
-<screen width="70" format="linespecific">
-<prompt>% </prompt><command>rpm --eval '%_arch'</command>
-    </para>
-    </sect2>
-    <!-- ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ -->
-    <!-- +++ Section: Building a RPM package from a source tree         +++ -->
-    <!-- ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ -->
-    <sect2 id="building_rpm_from_source_tree">
-	<title>Building a RPM package from a source tree</title>
-	<para>
-	Assuming you have checked out git sources of &kwave;, and you
-	have successfully passed the cmake stage, you have two
-	possibilities to get a binary RPM package:
-	<orderedlist>
-	    <listitem><para>
-		Create a tarball with the command "<literal>make tarball</literal>"
-		and then continue in the <link linkend="building_with_rpm_ta">next section</link>.
-	    </para></listitem>
-	    <listitem><para>
-		Directly create a RPM package with the command
-		"<literal>make rpm</literal>" (which is the quicker way)
-		and then advance to the section
-		about <link linkend="rpm_install">installation of the RPM package</link>.
-	    </para></listitem>
-	</orderedlist>
-	</para>
-    </sect2>
-    <!-- ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ -->
-    <!-- +++ Section: Building a RPM package with working rpmbuild -ta  +++ -->
-    <!-- ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ -->
-    <sect2 id="building_with_rpm_ta">
-    <title>Building a RPM package with working <literal>rpmbuild -ta</literal></title>
-    <para>
-	Assuming you have a tar.bz2 archive of &kwave;, you can create
-	a RPM package just by doing the steps in this section
-	(where <replaceable>[arch]</replaceable> stands for the platform you
-	have built the package and might be something like
-	<literal>x86_64</literal>, <literal>i686</literal>,
-	<literal>sparc</literal> or whatever,
-	<replaceable>[topdir]</replaceable> stands for the RPM top directory,
-	and
-	<replaceable>[version]</replaceable> stands for the version number).
-    </para>
-    <para>
-    You can build the &kwave; package with this command:
-<screen width="70" format="linespecific">
-<prompt>% </prompt><command>rpmbuild -ta kwave-<replaceable>[version]</replaceable>.tar.bz2</command>
-    </para>
-    <para>
-	If you haven't seen any errors, then that's it - you can skip the
-	next section and
-	<link linkend="rpm_install">install the package</link>.
-	If rpm was unable to build the packages
-	and says something like "spec file not found", then please continue
-	with the next section.
-    </para>
-    </sect2>
-    <!-- ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ -->
-    <!-- +++ Section: Building a RPM package with broken rpmbuild -ta   +++ -->
-    <!-- ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ -->
-    <sect2 id="rpm_build_with_broken_rpm">
-    <title>Building a RPM package with broken <literal>rpmbuild -ta support</literal></title>
-    <para><anchor id="manual_rpm_creation"/>
-	If you cannot get <command>rpmbuild -ta</command> working, here are
-	the steps for making that manually (the hard way):
-    </para>
-    <orderedlist>
-	<listitem><para>
-	    Go to your RPM "topdir".
-<screen width="70" format="linespecific">
-<prompt>% </prompt><command>cd <replaceable>[topdir]</replaceable></command>
-	</para></listitem>
-	<listitem><para>
-	    Put the tar.bz2 archive into the <literal>SOURCES</literal> subdirectory (you
-	    have to replace "somewhere" with the real directory where
-	    the files are, of course).
-<screen width="70" format="linespecific">
-<prompt>% </prompt><command>cp <replaceable>/somewhere/kwave-[version].tar.bz2</replaceable> SOURCES</command>
-	</para></listitem>
-	<listitem><para>
-	    Extract the spec file from the archives and put it into
-	    the <literal>SPEC</literal> subdirectory.
-<screen width="70" format="linespecific">
-<prompt>% </prompt><command>tar --wildcards -xOjf SOURCES/kwave-<replaceable
-	>[version]</replaceable>.tar.bz2 \*.spec > SPECS/kwave.spec</command>
-	</para></listitem>
-	<listitem><para>
-	    Let rpm do the compile job and generate the rpm of &kwave;.
-	    If you only want to make a binary package, you
-	    can specify <literal>-bb</literal> instead of
-	    <literal>-ba</literal>, or just <literal>-bs</literal> to build
-	    only a source package.
-<screen width="70" format="linespecific">
-<prompt>% </prompt><command>rpmbuild -ba SPECS/kwave.spec</command>
-	</para></listitem>
-    </orderedlist>
-    </sect2>
-    <!-- ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ -->
-    <!-- +++ Section: Installing the RPM package                        +++ -->
-    <!-- ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ -->
-    <sect2 id="rpm_install">
-	<title>Installing the RPM package</title>
-	<para>
-	    If everything was ok, you can install the binary rpm of
-	    &kwave;, it should be available below the
-	    <literal>RPMS</literal> sub directory of the RPM top directory.
-	    If you already have a version of &kwave; installed,
-	    please remove it first or use the parameter
-	    <literal>-U</literal> instead
-	    of <literal>-i</literal> for upgrading instead of installing.
-<screen width="70" format="linespecific">
-<prompt>% </prompt><command>rpm -ivh <replaceable>[topdir]</replaceable>/RPMS/<replaceable
-	>[arch]</replaceable>/kwave-<replaceable>[version]</replaceable
-    >.<replaceable>[arch]</replaceable>.rpm</command>
-	</para>
-    </sect2>
 <!-- ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ -->
 <!-- +++ Section: Building DEB package from Source                      +++ -->
 <!-- ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ -->
diff --git a/kwave.spec.in b/kwave.spec.in
deleted file mode 100644
index fc5dac922..000000000
--- a/kwave.spec.in
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,293 +0,0 @@
-##    Kwave                - kwave.spec
-##                           -------------------
-##    begin                : Sun Feb 03 2008
-##    copyright            : (C) 2008 by Thomas Eschenbacher
-##    email                : Thomas.Eschenbacher at gmx.de
-##                                                                          #
-##    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify  #
-##    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by  #
-##    the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or     #
-##    (at your option) any later version.                                   #
-##                                                                          #
-# Please submit bugfixes or comments via http://bugs.opensuse.org/
-# norootforbuild
-%define ver @KWAVE_VERSION@
-%define release @RPM_RELEASE@
-Summary:        KDE, Qt, WAV, Sound, Editor, Effects, playback, recording
-License:        GPL-2.0+
-Group:          Productivity/Multimedia/Sound/Editors and Converters
-Name:           @PROJECT_NAME@
-Version:        @KWAVE_VERSION@
-Release:        @RPM_RELEASE@
-Source0:        kwave-%{version}-1.tar.bz2
-Url:            http://kwave.sourceforge.net
-BuildRoot:      %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-build
-# hack for SLE
-%ifarch i586
-BuildArch:      i586
-%ifarch x86_64
-BuildArch:      x86_64
-%define kf5_min_version @KF5_MIN_VERSION@
-%define qt5_min_version @QT_MIN_VERSION@
-# set some defaults if they are missing in the current RPM setup
-%if 0%{!?_kf5_applicationsdir:1}
-%define _kf5_applicationsdir %{_prefix}/share/applications
-%if 0%{!?_kf5_appsdir:1}
-%define _kf5_appsdir         %{_prefix}/share
-%if 0%{!?_kf5_htmldir:1}
-%define _kf5_htmldir         %{_prefix}/share/doc/HTML
-%if 0%{!?_kf5_iconsdir:1}
-%define _kf5_iconsdir        %{_prefix}/share/icons
-%if 0%{!?_kf5_modulesdir:1}
-%define _kf5_modulesdir      @KDE_INSTALL_PLUGINDIR@/kwave
-# common for all distributions
-Requires:       %{name}-lang             = %{version}
-Requires:       audiofile               >= 0.3.0
-Requires:       fftw3                   >= 3.0
-Requires:       flac
-Requires:       libogg.so.0             >= 0.4.0
-Requires:       libsamplerate           >= 0.1.3
-Requires:       libvorbis               >= 1
-Requires:       libvorbisenc.so.2       >= 2.0.0
-Requires:       pulseaudio              >= 0.9.16
-BuildRequires:  audiofile-devel         >= 0.3.0
-BuildRequires:  extra-cmake-modules     >= 1.7.0
-BuildRequires:  ImageMagick
-BuildRequires:  cmake                   >= 2.8.12
-BuildRequires:  flac-devel
-BuildRequires:  fftw3-devel             >= 3.0
-BuildRequires:  gettext-devel
-BuildRequires:  libsamplerate-devel     >= 0.1.3
-BuildRequires:  libvorbis-devel         >= 1
-BuildRequires:  perl
-BuildRequires:  sed
-# SuSE specific:
-%if %{defined suse_version}
-Prefix:         /usr
-Requires:       alsa
-Requires:       kconfig                 >= %{kf5_min_version}
-Requires:       kconfigwidgets          >= %{kf5_min_version}
-Requires:       kcoreaddons             >= %{kf5_min_version}
-Requires:       kcrash                  >= %{kf5_min_version}
-Requires:       kdbusaddons             >= %{kf5_min_version}
-Requires:       kdoctools               >= %{kf5_min_version}
-Requires:       kguiaddons              >= %{kf5_min_version}
-Requires:       ki18n                   >= %{kf5_min_version}
-Requires:       kiconthemes             >= %{kf5_min_version}
-Requires:       kinit                   >= %{kf5_min_version}
-Requires:       kio                     >= %{kf5_min_version}
-Requires:       knotifications          >= %{kf5_min_version}
-Requires:       kservice                >= %{kf5_min_version}
-Requires:       ktextwidgets            >= %{kf5_min_version}
-Requires:       kxmlgui                 >= %{kf5_min_version}
-Requires:       kwidgetsaddons          >= %{kf5_min_version}
-Requires:       libopus
-Requires:       libmad
-Requires:       qtcore                  >= %{qt5_min_version}
-Requires:       qtconcurrent            >= %{qt5_min_version}
-Requires:       qtnetwork               >= %{qt5_min_version}
-Requires:       qtgui                   >= %{qt5_min_version}
-Requires:       qtmultimedia            >= %{qt5_min_version}
-Requires:       qtwidgets               >= %{qt5_min_version}
-BuildRequires:  alsa-devel
-BuildRequires:  fdupes
-BuildRequires:  kconfig-devel           >= %{kf5_min_version}
-BuildRequires:  kconfigwidgets-devel    >= %{kf5_min_version}
-BuildRequires:  kcoreaddons-devel       >= %{kf5_min_version}
-BuildRequires:  kcrash-devel            >= %{kf5_min_version}
-BuildRequires:  kdbusaddons-devel       >= %{kf5_min_version}
-BuildRequires:  kdoctools-devel         >= %{kf5_min_version}
-BuildRequires:  kguiaddons-devel        >= %{kf5_min_version}
-BuildRequires:  ki18n-devel             >= %{kf5_min_version}
-BuildRequires:  kiconthemes-devel       >= %{kf5_min_version}
-BuildRequires:  kinit-devel             >= %{kf5_min_version}
-BuildRequires:  kio-devel               >= %{kf5_min_version}
-BuildRequires:  knotifications-devel    >= %{kf5_min_version}
-BuildRequires:  kservice-devel          >= %{kf5_min_version}
-BuildRequires:  ktextwidgets-devel      >= %{kf5_min_version}
-BuildRequires:  kxmlgui-devel           >= %{kf5_min_version}
-BuildRequires:  kwidgetsaddons-devel    >= %{kf5_min_version}
-BuildRequires:  libogg-devel            >= 1
-BuildRequires:  libopus-devel
-BuildRequires:  libQt5Core-devel        >= %{qt5_min_version}
-BuildRequires:  libQt5Concurrent-devel  >= %{qt5_min_version}
-BuildRequires:  libQt5Network-devel     >= %{qt5_min_version}
-BuildRequires:  libQt5Gui-devel         >= %{qt5_min_version}
-BuildRequires:  libQt5Multimedia-devel  >= %{qt5_min_version}
-BuildRequires:  libQt5Widgets-devel     >= %{qt5_min_version}
-BuildRequires:  pulseaudio-devel
-BuildRequires:  rsvg-view
-BuildRequires:  update-desktop-files
-%define EXTRA_OPTS ""
-%define FDUPES %fdupes -s %{buildroot}
-%if 0%{?suse_version} == 1315
-# Leap 42.1 still uses old plugin dir
-%define _kf5_modulesdir %{_libdir}/plugins
-%define _kf5_modulesdir %{_libdir}/qt5/plugins
-# # Fedora specific:
-%if %{defined fedora}
-Prefix:         /usr
-Requires:       alsa-lib
-Requires:       kf5-kconfig              >= %{kf5_min_version}
-Requires:       kf5-kconfigwidgets       >= %{kf5_min_version}
-Requires:       kf5-kcoreaddons          >= %{kf5_min_version}
-Requires:       kf5-kcrash               >= %{kf5_min_version}
-Requires:       kf5-kdbusaddons          >= %{kf5_min_version}
-Requires:       kf5-kdoctools            >= %{kf5_min_version}
-Requires:       kf5-kguiaddons           >= %{kf5_min_version}
-Requires:       kf5-ki18n                >= %{kf5_min_version}
-Requires:       kf5-kiconthemes          >= %{kf5_min_version}
-Requires:       kf5-kinit                >= %{kf5_min_version}
-Requires:       kf5-kio                  >= %{kf5_min_version}
-Requires:       kf5-knotifications       >= %{kf5_min_version}
-Requires:       kf5-kservice             >= %{kf5_min_version}
-Requires:       kf5-ktextwidgets         >= %{kf5_min_version}
-Requires:       kf5-kxmlgui              >= %{kf5_min_version}
-Requires:       kf5-kwidgetsaddons       >= %{kf5_min_version}
-Requires:       opus
-Requires:       qt5-qtbase               >= %{qt5_min_version}
-Requires:       qt5-qtmultimedia         >= %{qt5_min_version}
-BuildRequires:  alsa-lib-devel
-BuildRequires:  fdupes
-BuildRequires:  kf5-kconfig-devel        >= %{kf5_min_version}
-BuildRequires:  kf5-kconfigwidgets-devel >= %{kf5_min_version}
-BuildRequires:  kf5-kcoreaddons-devel    >= %{kf5_min_version}
-BuildRequires:  kf5-kcrash-devel         >= %{kf5_min_version}
-BuildRequires:  kf5-kdbusaddons-devel    >= %{kf5_min_version}
-BuildRequires:  kf5-kdoctools-devel      >= %{kf5_min_version}
-BuildRequires:  kf5-kguiaddons-devel     >= %{kf5_min_version}
-BuildRequires:  kf5-ki18n-devel          >= %{kf5_min_version}
-BuildRequires:  kf5-kiconthemes-devel    >= %{kf5_min_version}
-BuildRequires:  kf5-kinit-devel          >= %{kf5_min_version}
-BuildRequires:  kf5-kio-devel            >= %{kf5_min_version}
-BuildRequires:  kf5-knotifications-devel >= %{kf5_min_version}
-BuildRequires:  kf5-kservice-devel       >= %{kf5_min_version}
-BuildRequires:  kf5-ktextwidgets-devel   >= %{kf5_min_version}
-BuildRequires:  kf5-kxmlgui-devel        >= %{kf5_min_version}
-BuildRequires:  kf5-kwidgetsaddons-devel >= %{kf5_min_version}
-BuildRequires:  opus-devel
-BuildRequires:  pulseaudio-libs-devel    >= 0.9.16
-BuildRequires:  qt5-qtbase-devel         >= %{qt5_min_version}
-BuildRequires:  qt5-qtmultimedia-devel   >= %{qt5_min_version}
-BuildRequires:  poxml
-%define EXTRA_OPTS ""
-%define FDUPES fdupes -s %{buildroot}
-# # CentOS specific:
-# {defined centos_version}
-# # Mandriva specific:
-# {defined mandriva_version}
-# # RedHat specific:
-# {defined rhel_version}
-# # ScientificLinux specific:
-# {defined scientificlinux_version}
-With Kwave you can record, play back, import and edit many
-sorts of audio files including multi-channel files.<br>
-Kwave includes some plugins to transform audio files in
-several ways and presents a graphical view with a complete
-zoom- and scroll capability.
-%package doc
-Summary:        HTML Documentation of Kwave
-Group:          Documentation/HTML
-BuildArch:      noarch
-%description doc
-This package contains the HTML documentation for Kwave
-%package lang
-Summary:        Languages for package Kwave
-Group:          System/Localization
-BuildArch:      noarch
-%description lang
-Provides translations to the package Kwave
-%setup -q
-unset DESTDIR
-mkdir build
-cd build
-    cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=%{_prefix} \
-cd -
-make -C build %{?jobs:-j %jobs}
-make -C build DESTDIR="$RPM_BUILD_ROOT" SUID_ROOT="" install
-%if %{defined FDUPES}
-    %{FDUPES}
-%find_lang kwave %{name}.lang
-%exclude %{_kf5_htmldir}/*/%{name}
-%files doc
-%doc %{_kf5_htmldir}/*/%{name}
-%files lang -f %{name}.lang
-%exclude %{_kf5_htmldir}/*/%{name}

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