[sdk/kdesrc-build/docbook_historied_per_file] doc: Support SIGHUP for graceful script exit.

Michael Pyne null at kde.org
Fri May 10 10:16:51 BST 2024

Git commit 7a781d2cb74cf7876ce96654dd4013347ee6c71a by Michael Pyne.
Committed on 14/07/2022 at 04:11.
Pushed by ashark into branch 'docbook_historied_per_file'.

Support SIGHUP for graceful script exit.

This helps if a user started a long build without --stop-on-failure and
needs it to stop without risking interrupting kdesrc-build during an
install step.

Fixes #96.

Original commit: e5a9295b

M  +1    -1    doc/index.docbook
M  +96   -0    doc/using-kdesrc-build/advanced-features.docbook


diff --git a/doc/index.docbook b/doc/index.docbook
index 8f17fd5e..73310e92 100644
--- a/doc/index.docbook
+++ b/doc/index.docbook
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 <!DOCTYPE book PUBLIC "-//KDE//DTD DocBook XML V4.5-Based Variant V1.1//EN" "dtd/kdedbx45.dtd" [
     Documentation for kdesrc-build.
-    Copyright (c) 2005-2008, 2010-2020 Michael Pyne <mpyne at kde.org>
+    Copyright (c) 2005-2008, 2010-2022 Michael Pyne <mpyne at kde.org>
     Copyright (c) 2005 Carlos Leonhard Woelz <carloswoelz at imap-mail.com>
     Copyright (c) 2009 Burkhard Lück <lueck at hube-lueck.de>
diff --git a/doc/using-kdesrc-build/advanced-features.docbook b/doc/using-kdesrc-build/advanced-features.docbook
index 6c41cc2e..0e4d568f 100644
--- a/doc/using-kdesrc-build/advanced-features.docbook
+++ b/doc/using-kdesrc-build/advanced-features.docbook
@@ -175,6 +175,102 @@ as well.
+<sect2 id="stopping-the-build-early">
+<title>Stopping the build early</title>
+<sect3 id="the-build-continues">
+<title>The build normally continues even if failures occur</title>
+<para>&kdesrc-build; normally will update, build and install all modules
+in the specified list of modules to build, even if a module fails to build.
+This is usually a convenience to allow you to update software packages even
+if a simple mistake is made in one of the source repositories during
+development that causes the build to break.
+However you may wish for &kdesrc-build; to stop what it is doing once a
+module fails to build and install. This can help save you time that will be
+wasted trying to make progress when modules remaining in the build list will
+not be able to successfully build either, especially if you have not ever
+successfully built the modules in the list.
+<sect3 id="stop-on-failure-stops-early">
+<title>Stopping early with --stop-on-failure</title>
+The primary method to do this is to use the
+<link linkend="cmdline-stop-on-failure">--stop-on-failure</link>
+command line option when you run &kdesrc-build;.
+<para>This option can also be set in the
+<link linkend="conf-stop-on-failure">configuration file</link> to make
+it the normal mode of operation.
+<para>It is also possible to tell &kdesrc-build; at runtime to stop building
+<emphasis>after</emphasis> completing the current module it is working on.
+This is as opposed to interrupting &kdesrc-build; using a command like
+<keycombo action="simul">&Ctrl;<keycap>C</keycap></keycombo>, which interrupts
+&kdesrc-build; immediately, losing the progress of the current module.
+<important><para>Interrupting &kdesrc-build; during a module install when
+the <link linkend="conf-use-clean-install">use-clean-install</link> option
+is enabled will mean that the interrupted module will be unavailable until
+&kdesrc-build; is able to successfully build the module!</para>
+<para>If you need to interrupt &kdesrc-build; without permitting a graceful shutdown
+in this situation, at least try to avoid doing this while &kdesrc-build; is
+installing a module.</para>
+<sect3 id="stopping-early-without-stop-on-failure">
+<title>Stopping &kdesrc-build; early without --stop-on-failure</title>
+<para>As mentioned above, it is possible to cause &kdesrc-build; to gracefully
+shutdown early once it has completed the module it is currently working on.
+To do this, you need to send the POSIX <literal>HUP</literal> signal to &kdesrc-build;
+<para>You can do this with a command such as <command>pkill</command> (on &Linux; systems) as follows:</para>
+<prompt>$ </prompt><userinput><command>pkill <option>-HUP</option> kdesrc-build</command></userinput>
+<para>If done successfully, you will see a message in the &kdesrc-build; output similar
+[ build ] recv SIGHUP, will end after this module
+<para>&kdesrc-build; may show this message multiple times depending on the
+number of individual &kdesrc-build; processes that are active. This is
+normal and not an indication of an error.</para>
+Once &kdesrc-build; has acknowledged the signal, it will stop processing
+after the current module is built and installed. If &kdesrc-build; is still
+updating source code when the request is received, &kdesrc-build; will stop
+after the module source code update is complete. Once both the update and build
+processes have stopped early, &kdesrc-build; will print its partial results
+and exit.
 <sect2 id="building-successfully">
 <title>How &kdesrc-build; tries to ensure a successful build</title>

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