[sdk/kdesrc-build] doc: doc: getting-started - separate docbook

Andrew Shark null at kde.org
Fri Jan 5 19:07:02 GMT 2024

Git commit 5cffc45604ee1d07cc545220a99ab5443513f196 by Andrew Shark.
Committed on 05/01/2024 at 19:59.
Pushed by ashark into branch 'master'.

doc: getting-started - separate docbook

C  +0    -676  doc/getting-started.docbook [from: doc/index.docbook - 051% similarity]
M  +2    -591  doc/index.docbook


diff --git a/doc/index.docbook b/doc/getting-started.docbook
similarity index 51%
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copy to doc/getting-started.docbook
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-<!DOCTYPE book PUBLIC "-//KDE//DTD DocBook XML V4.5-Based Variant V1.1//EN" "dtd/kdedbx45.dtd" [
-  <!--
-    Documentation for kdesrc-build.
-    Copyright (c) 2005-2008, 2010-2022 Michael Pyne <mpyne at kde.org>
-    Copyright (c) 2005 Carlos Leonhard Woelz <carloswoelz at imap-mail.com>
-    Copyright (c) 2009 Burkhard Lück <lueck at hube-lueck.de>
-    Copyright (c) 2007, 2011 Federico Zenith <federico.zenith at members.fsf.org>
-    Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Yuri Chornoivan <yurchor at ukr.net>
-    ... and possibly others. Check the git source repository for specifics.
-    Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document under
-    the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.2 or any later
-    version published by the Free Software Foundation; with no Invariant
-    Sections, no Front-Cover Texts, and no Back-Cover Texts.
-    A copy of the license is included in COPYING.DOC. The license will be
-    included in the generated documentation as well.
-   -->
-  <!ENTITY kappname "kdesrc-build">
-  <!ENTITY package "kdesdk">
-  <!ENTITY % addindex "IGNORE">
-  <!ENTITY % English "INCLUDE"> <!-- Change language only here -->
-  <!ENTITY kdesrc-build "<application>kdesrc-build</application>">
-  <!ENTITY BSD '<acronym>BSD</acronym>'>
-  <!ENTITY git '<application>Git</application>'>
-  <!ENTITY cmake '<application>CMake</application>'>
-  <!ENTITY make '<application>Make</application>'>
-  <!ENTITY ninja '<application>Ninja</application>'>
-  <!ENTITY ssh '<application>SSH</application>'>
-  <!ENTITY cron '<application>Cron</application>'>
-  <!ENTITY sudo '<application>Sudo</application>'>
-  <!ENTITY url '<acronym>URL</acronym>'>
-  <!-- These define shortcut entities for some of the configuration options.
-       Just add them as necessary.
-  -->
-  <!ENTITY configure-flags '<link linkend="conf-configure-flags">configure-flags</link>'>
-  <!ENTITY install-dir '<link linkend="conf-install-dir">install-dir</link>'>
-  <!ENTITY qtdir '<link linkend="conf-qtdir">qtdir</link>'>
-  <!ENTITY build-dir '<link linkend="conf-build-dir">build-dir</link>'>
-  <!ENTITY source-dir '<link linkend="conf-source-dir">source-dir</link>'>
-  <!ENTITY colorful-output '<link linkend="conf-colorful-output">colorful-output</link>'>
-  <!ENTITY tag '<link linkend="conf-tag">tag</link>'>
-  <!ENTITY branch '<link linkend="conf-branch">branch</link>'>
-  <!ENTITY do-not-compile '<link linkend="conf-do-not-compile">do-not-compile</link>'>
-  <!ENTITY repository '<link linkend="conf-repository">repository</link>'>
-  <!ENTITY make-install-prefix '<link linkend="conf-make-install-prefix">make-install-prefix</link>'>
-  <!ENTITY niceness '<link linkend="conf-niceness">niceness</link>'>
-  <!ENTITY set-env '<link linkend="conf-set-env">set-env</link>'>
-  <!ENTITY libname '<link linkend="conf-libname">libname</link>'>
-  <!ENTITY libpath '<link linkend="conf-libpath">libpath</link>'>
-  <!ENTITY binpath '<link linkend="conf-binpath">binpath</link>'>
-  <!-- These define shortcut entities for some of the command line options.
-       Just add them as necessary.
-  -->
-  <!ENTITY cmd-nice '<link linkend="cmdline-nice">--nice</link>'>
-  <!ENTITY cmd-ignore-modules '<link linkend="cmdline-ignore-modules">--ignore-modules</link>'>
-  <!ENTITY cmd-resume-from '<link linkend="cmdline-resume-from">--resume-from</link>'>
-  <!ENTITY cmd-resume-after '<link linkend="cmdline-resume-after">--resume-after</link>'>
-  <!ENTITY cmd-reconfigure '<link linkend="cmdline-reconfigure">--reconfigure</link>'>
-  <!ENTITY cmd-refresh-build '<link linkend="cmdline-refresh-build">--refresh-build</link>'>
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-       Just add them as necessary.
-  -->
-  <!ENTITY advanced-features SYSTEM "advanced-features.docbook">
-  <!ENTITY appendix-modules SYSTEM "appendix-modules.docbook">
-  <!ENTITY appendix-profile SYSTEM "appendix-profile.docbook">
-  <!ENTITY basic-features SYSTEM "basic-features.docbook">
-  <!ENTITY building-and-troubleshooting SYSTEM "building-and-troubleshooting.docbook">
-  <!ENTITY building-specific-modules SYSTEM "building-specific-modules.docbook">
-  <!ENTITY cmdline SYSTEM "cmdline.docbook">
-  <!ENTITY conf-options-table SYSTEM "conf-options-table.docbook">
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-  <!ENTITY environment SYSTEM "environment.docbook">
-  <!ENTITY features SYSTEM "features.docbook">
-<book id="kdesrc-build" lang="&language;">
-<title>&kdesrc-build; Script Manual</title>
-<authorgroup id="authors">
-    <author>&Michael.Pyne; &Michael.Pyne.mail;</author>
-    <author>
-        <personname><firstname>Carlos</firstname><surname>Woelz</surname></personname>
-        <email>carloswoelz at imap-mail.com</email>
-    </author>
-<holder>Michael Pyne</holder>
-<holder>Carlos Woelz</holder>
-<releaseinfo>&kdesrc-build; 17.12</releaseinfo>
-<para>&kdesrc-build; is a script which builds and installs &kde; software
-directly from the &kde; project's source code repositories.</para>
-<keyword>KDE development</keyword>
-<chapter id="introduction">
-<sect1 id="brief-intro">
-<title>A brief introduction to &kdesrc-build;</title>
-<sect2 id="whatis-kdesrc-build">
-<title>What is &kdesrc-build;?</title>
-&kdesrc-build; is a script to help the &kde; community install <ulink
-url="https://www.kde.org/">&kde;</ulink> software from its <ulink
-url="https://git-scm.com/">&git;</ulink> source repositories,
-and continue to update that software afterwards.
-It is particularly intended to support those who need to supporting testing and
-development of &kde; software, including users testing bugfixes and developers
-working on new features.
-<para>The &kdesrc-build; script can be configured to maintain a single individual
-module, a full &plasma; desktop with &kde; application set, or somewhere in between.
-<para>To get started, see <xref linkend="getting-started"/>, or continue reading for more
-detail on how &kdesrc-build; works and what is covered in this documentation.
-<sect2 id="operation-in-a-nutshell">
-<title>&kdesrc-build; operation <quote>in a nutshell</quote></title>
-<para>&kdesrc-build; works by using the tools available to the user at the
-command-line, using the same interfaces available to the user. When
-&kdesrc-build; is run, the following sequence is followed: </para>
-<listitem><para>&kdesrc-build; reads in the <link linkend="cmdline">command
-line</link> and <link linkend="configure-data">configuration file</link>, to
-determine what to build, compile options to use, where to install,
-<listitem><para>&kdesrc-build; performs a source update for each <link
-linkend="module-concept">module</link>. The update continues until all modules
-have been updated. Modules that fail to update normally do not stop the build
-– you will be notified at the end which modules did not
-<listitem><para>Modules that were successfully updated are built, have their
-test suite run, and are then installed.  To reduce the overall time spent,
-&kdesrc-build; will by default start building the code as soon as the first
-module has completed updating, and allow the remaining updates to continue
-behind the scenes.
-<tip><para>A <emphasis>very good</emphasis> overview of how &kde; modules are
-built, including informative diagrams, is provided on <ulink
-cats">an online article discussing &kde;'s &krita; application</ulink>.  This
-workflow is what &kdesrc-build; automates for all &kde; modules.</para>
-<sect1 id="intro-toc">
-<title>Documentation Overview</title>
-This guide is an overview to describe the following aspects of &kdesrc-build;
-<listitem><para>An <link linkend="getting-started">overview</link> of the steps
-required to get started.</para></listitem>
-<listitem><para>Notable <link linkend="features">features</link>.</para></listitem>
-<listitem><para>The <link linkend="configure-data">configuration file</link> syntax
-and options.</para></listitem>
-<listitem><para>The <link linkend="cmdline">command line options</link>.</para></listitem>
-<para>Also documented are the steps which you should perform using
-other tools (&ie; steps that are not automatically performed by &kdesrc-build;).
 <chapter id="getting-started">
 <title>Getting Started</title>
@@ -820,448 +589,3 @@ tool.</para>
-<chapter id="kdesrc-buildrc">
-<title>Configuring &kdesrc-build;</title>
-<sect1 id="kdesrc-buildrc-overview">
-<title>Overview of &kdesrc-build; configuration</title>
-To use the script, you must have a file in your home directory called
-<filename>.kdesrc-buildrc</filename>, which describes the modules you would
-like to download and build, and any options or configuration parameters to
-use for these modules.
-<sect2 id="kdesrc-buildrc-layout">
-<title>Layout of the configuration file</title>
-<sect3 id="kdesrc-buildrc-layout-global">
-<title>Global configuration</title>
-The configuration file starts with the global options, specified like the
-<replaceable>option-name option-value</replaceable>
-end global
-<sect3 id="kdesrc-buildrc-layout-modules">
-<title>Module configuration</title>
-It is then followed by one or more module sections, specified in one of the
-following two forms:
-module <replaceable>module-name</replaceable>
-<replaceable>option-name option-value</replaceable>
-end module
-module-set <replaceable>module-set-name</replaceable>
-  repository <userinput>kde-projects</userinput> or <userinput><replaceable>git://host.org/path/to/repo.git</replaceable></userinput>
-  use-modules <replaceable>module-names</replaceable>
-# Other options may also be set
-<replaceable>option-name option-value</replaceable>
-end module-set
-<important><para>Note that the second form, module sets, <emphasis>only works
-for Git-based modules</emphasis>.</para></important>
-For Git modules, <replaceable>module-name</replaceable> must be a module
-from the &kde; &git; repository (for example, kdeartwork or
-For Git modules, the module name can be essentially whatever you'd like, as
-long as it does not duplicate any other module name in the configuration. Keep
-in mind the source and build directory layout will be based on the module name
-if you do not use the <link linkend="conf-dest-dir">dest-dir</link> option.
-<para>However, for Git <emphasis>module sets</emphasis> the
-<replaceable>module-names</replaceable> must correspond with actual git modules
-in the chosen <option>repository</option>. See <link
-linkend="conf-git-repository-base">git-repository-base</link> or <link
-linkend="conf-use-modules">use-modules</link> for more information.
-<sect3 id="kdesrc-buildrc-option-values">
-<title>Processing of option values</title>
-<para>In general, the entire line contents after the
-<replaceable>option-name</replaceable> is used as the
-<para>One modification that &kdesrc-build; performs is that a sequence
-<userinput>${<replaceable>name-of-option</replaceable>}</userinput> is replaced
-with the value of that option from the global configuration. This allows you
-to reference the value of existing options, including options already set by
-To see an example of this in use, see
-<xref linkend="make-options-example"/>.</para>
-<sect3 id="kdesrc-buildrc-options-groups">
-<title><quote>options</quote> modules</title>
-<para>There is a final type of configuration file entry,
-<literal>options</literal> groups, which may be given wherever a
-<literal>module</literal> or <literal>module-set</literal> may be used.</para>
-options <replaceable>module-name</replaceable>
-<replaceable>option-name option-value</replaceable>
-end options
-<para>An <literal>options</literal> group may have options set for it just like
-a module declaration, and is associated with an existing module. Any options
-set these way will be used to <emphasis>override</emphasis> options set for the
-associated module.</para>
-<important><para>The associated module name <emphasis>must</emphasis> match the
-name given in the <literal>options</literal> declaration. Be careful of
-mis-typing the name.</para></important>
-<para>This is useful to allow for declaring an entire
-<literal>module-set</literal> worth of modules, all using the same options, and
-then using <literal>options</literal> groups to make individual changes.</para>
-<para><literal>options</literal> groups can also apply to named module sets.
-This allows expert users to use a common configuration file (which includes
-<literal>module-set</literal> declarations) as a baseline, and then make changes
-to the options used by those module-sets in configuration files that
-use the <literal><link
-linkend="kdesrc-buildrc-including">include</link></literal> command to reference
-the base configuration.</para>
-<example id="ex-options-group">
-<title>Example of using options</title>
-<para>In this example we choose to build all modules from the &kde; multimedia
-software grouping. However we want to use a different version of the &kmix;
-application (perhaps for testing a bug fix). It works as follows:</para>
-module-set <replaceable>kde-multimedia-set</replaceable>
-  repository <userinput>kde-projects</userinput>
-  use-modules <replaceable>kde/kdemultimedia</replaceable>
-  branch <replaceable>master</replaceable>
-end module-set
-# kmix is a part of kde/kdemultimedia group, even though we never named
-# kmix earlier in this file, &kdesrc-build; will figure out the change.
-options <replaceable>kmix</replaceable>
-  branch <replaceable>KDE/4.12</replaceable>
-end options
-<para>Now when you run &kdesrc-build;, all of the &kde; multimedia programs will
-be built from the <quote>master</quote> branch of the source repository, but
-&kmix; will be built from the older <quote>KDE/4.12</quote> branch. By using
-<literal>options</literal> you didn't have to individually list all the
-<emphasis>other</emphasis> &kde; multimedia programs to give them the right
-branch option.</para>
-<para>Note that this feature is only available in &kdesrc-build; from version
-1.16, or using the development version of &kdesrc-build; after
-<sect2 id="kdesrc-buildrc-including">
-<title>Including other configuration files</title>
-Within the configuration file, you may reference other files by using the
-<literal>include</literal> keyword with a file, which will act as if the file
-referenced had been inserted into the configuration file at that point.
-<informalexample><para>For example, you could have something like this:</para>
-    include <replaceable>~/common-kdesrc-build-options</replaceable>
-    # Insert specific options here.
-end global
-<note><para>If you don't specify the full path to the file to include, then
-the file will be searched for starting from the directory containing the source
-file. This works recursively as well.</para></note>
-<sect2 id="kdesrc-buildrc-common">
-<title>Commonly used configuration options</title>
-The following is a list of commonly-used options. Click on the
-option to find out more about it. To see the full list of options, see
-<xref linkend="conf-options-table"/>.
-<listitem><para><link linkend="conf-cmake-options">cmake-options</link> to define what flags to configure a module with using &cmake;.</para></listitem>
-<listitem><para><link linkend="conf-branch">branch</link>, to checkout from a branch instead of <literal>master</literal>.</para></listitem>
-<listitem><para><link linkend="conf-configure-flags">configure-flags</link> to define what flags to configure &Qt; with.</para></listitem>
-<listitem><para><link linkend="conf-install-dir">install-dir</link>, to set the directory to install &kde; to.</para></listitem>
-<listitem><para><link linkend="conf-make-options">make-options</link>, to pass options to the &make; program (such as number of CPUs to use).</para></listitem>
-<listitem><para><link linkend="conf-qtdir">qtdir</link>, to set the path to &Qt;.</para></listitem>
-<listitem><para><link linkend="conf-source-dir">source-dir</link>, to change where to download the source code to.</para></listitem>
-<chapter id="using-kdesrc-build">
-<title>Using &kdesrc-build;</title>
-<sect1 id="using-kdesrc-build-preface">
-<para>Normally using &kdesrc-build; after you have gone through <xref linkend="getting-started" />
-is as easy as doing the following from a terminal prompt:</para>
-<prompt>%</prompt> <command><userinput>kdesrc-build</userinput></command>
-<para>&kdesrc-build; will then download the sources for &kde;, try to configure
-and build them, and then install them.</para>
-<para>Read on to discover how &kdesrc-build; does this, and what else you can
-do with this tool.</para>
-<sect1 id="other-features">
-<title>Other &kdesrc-build; features</title>
-<sect2 id="changing-verbosity">
-<title>Changing the amount of output from &kdesrc-build;</title>
-<para>&kdesrc-build; has several options to control the amount of output the
-script generates. In any case, errors will always be output.</para>
-<listitem><para>The <option>--quiet</option> option (short form is
-<option>-q</option>) causes &kdesrc-build; to be mostly silent. Only important
-messages, warnings, or errors will be shown. When available, build progress
-information is still shown.</para></listitem>
-<listitem><para>The <option>--really-quiet</option> option (no short form)
-causes &kdesrc-build; to only display important warnings or errors while it is
-<listitem><para>The <option>--verbose</option> option (short form is
-<option>-v</option>) causes &kdesrc-build; to be very detailed in its
-<listitem><para>The <option>--debug</option> option is for debugging purposes
-only, it causes &kdesrc-build; to act as if <option>--verbose</option> was
-turned on, causes commands to also output to the terminal, and will display
-debugging information for many functions.</para></listitem>
-<sect2 id="kdesrc-build-color">
-<title>Color output</title>
-<para>When being run from &konsole; or a different terminal, &kdesrc-build;
-will normally display with colorized text.</para>
-<para>You can disable this by using the <option>--no-color</option> on the
-command line, or by setting the &colorful-output; option in the <link linkend="configure-data">configuration file</link> to
-<para>Disabling color output in the configuration file:</para>
-  colorful-output false
-end global
-<sect2 id="deleting-build-dir">
-<title>Removing unneeded directories after a build</title>
-<para>Are you short on disk space but still want to run a bleeding-edge
-&kde; checkout?  &kdesrc-build; can help reduce your disk usage when building
-&kde; from &git;.</para>
-<note><para>Be aware that building &kde; does take a lot of space. There are
-several major space-using pieces when using &kdesrc-build;:</para></note>
-<listitem><para>The actual source checkout can take up a fair amount of space.
-The default modules take up about 1.6 gigabytes of on-disk space. You can reduce
-this amount by making sure that you are only building as many modules as you
-actually want. &kdesrc-build; will not delete source code from disk even if you
-delete the entry from the <link linkend="configure-data">configuration file</link>, so make sure that you go and delete unused
-source checkouts from the source directory. Note that the source files are
-downloaded from the Internet, you <emphasis>should not</emphasis> delete them
-if you are actually using them, at least until you are done using
-<para>Also, if you already have a &Qt; installed by your distribution (and
-the odds are good that you do), you probably do not need to install the
-qt module. That will shave about 200 megabytes off of the on-disk source
-<para>&kdesrc-build; will create a separate build directory to build the source
-code in. Sometimes &kdesrc-build; will have to copy a source directory to
-create a fake build directory. When this happens, space-saving symlinks are
-used, so this should not be a hassle on disk space. The build directory will
-typically be much larger than the source directory for a module. For example,
-the build directory for kdebase is about 1050 megabytes, whereas kdebase's
-source is only around 550 megabytes.</para>
-<para>Luckily, the build directory is not required after a module has
-successfully been built and installed. &kdesrc-build; can automatically
-remove the build directory after installing a module, see the examples below
-for more information. Note that taking this step will make it impossible
-for &kdesrc-build; to perform the time-saving incremental builds.</para>
-Finally, there is disk space required for the actual installation of
-&kde;, which does not run from the build directory. This typically takes less
-space than the build directory. It is harder to get exact figures however.
-<para>How do you reduce the space requirements of &kde;?  One way is to
-use the proper compiler flags, to optimize for space reduction instead of
-for speed. Another way, which can have a large effect, is to remove debugging
-information from your &kde; build.
-You should be very sure you know what you are doing before deciding to remove
-debugging information. Running bleeding-edge software means you are running
-software which is potentially much more likely to crash than a stable release.
-If you are running software without debugging information, it can be very
-hard to create a good bug report to get your bug resolved, and you will likely
-have to re-enable debugging information for the affected application and
-rebuild to help a developer fix the crash. So, remove debugging information
-at your own risk!
-<para>Removing the build directory after installation of a module. The source
-directory is still kept, and debugging is enabled:</para>
-  configure-flags      --enable-debug
-  remove-after-install builddir        # Remove build directory after install
-end global
-<para>Removing the build directory after installation, without debugging
-information, with size optimization.</para>
-  cxxflags             -Os             # Optimize for size
-  configure-flags      --disable-debug
-  remove-after-install builddir        # Remove build directory after install
-end global
-<chapter id="kde-cmake">
-<title>&cmake;, the &kde; build system</title>
-<sect1 id="kde-cmake-intro">
-<title>Introduction to &cmake;</title>
-<para>In March 2006, the &cmake; program
-beat out several competitors and was selected to be the build system for &kde; 4, replacing the
-autotools-based system that &kde; had used from the beginning.</para>
-<para>A introduction to &cmake; page is available on the <ulink
-url="https://community.kde.org/Guidelines_HOWTOs/CMake">&kde; Community Wiki</ulink>.
-Basically, instead of running <userinput><command>make</command> <option>-f</option>
-<filename>Makefile.cvs</filename></userinput>, then <command>configure</command>,
-then &make;, we simply run &cmake; and then &make;.
-<para>&kdesrc-build; has support for &cmake;. A few features of &kdesrc-build;
-were really features of the underlying buildsystem, including
-<link linkend="conf-configure-flags">configure-flags</link>
-and <link linkend="conf-do-not-compile">do-not-compile</link>. When equivalent
-features are available, they are provided. For instance, the equivalent to the
-configure-flags option is <link linkend="conf-cmake-options">cmake-options</link>, and the
-<link linkend="conf-do-not-compile">do-not-compile</link> option is also supported for &cmake;
-as of &kdesrc-build; version 1.6.3.
diff --git a/doc/index.docbook b/doc/index.docbook
index 02ceb3ba..d506542a 100644
--- a/doc/index.docbook
+++ b/doc/index.docbook
@@ -80,6 +80,7 @@
   <!ENTITY developer-features SYSTEM "developer-features.docbook">
   <!ENTITY environment SYSTEM "environment.docbook">
   <!ENTITY features SYSTEM "features.docbook">
+  <!ENTITY getting-started SYSTEM "getting-started.docbook">
 <book id="kdesrc-build" lang="&language;">
@@ -229,597 +230,7 @@ other tools (&ie; steps that are not automatically performed by &kdesrc-build;).
-<chapter id="getting-started">
-<title>Getting Started</title>
-In this chapter, we show how to use the &kdesrc-build; to checkout modules from
-the &kde; repository and build them. We also provide a basic explanation of the
-&kde; source code structure and the steps you have to perform before running
-the script.
-All topics present in this chapter are covered with even more detail in the
-<ulink url="https://community.kde.org/Guidelines_and_HOWTOs/Build_from_source">
-Build from Source</ulink> article, at the
-<ulink url="https://community.kde.org/">&kde; Community Wiki</ulink>.
-If you are compiling &kde; for the first time, it is a good idea to read
-it, or consult it as a reference source. You will find detailed information
-about packaging tools and requirements, common compilation pitfalls and
-strategies and information about running your new &kde; installation.
-<sect1 id="before-building">
-<title>Preparing the System to Build &kde;</title>
-<sect2 id="before-building-users">
-<title>Setup a new user account</title>
-It is recommended that you use a different user account to build, install,
-and run your &kde; software from, since less permissions are required, and
-to avoid interfering with your distribution's packages.
-If you already have &kde; packages installed, the best choice
-would be to create a different (dedicated) user to build and run the new &kde;.
-<tip><para>Leaving your system &kde; untouched also allows you to have an
-emergency fallback in case a coding mistake causes your latest software build
-to be unusable.
-You can do also setup to install to a system-wide directory (⪚ <filename
-class="directory">/usr/src/local</filename>) if you wish. This document
-does not cover this installation type, since we assume you know what you are doing.
-<sect2 id="before-building-preparation">
-<title>Ensure your system is ready to build &kde; software</title>
-<para>Before using the &kdesrc-build; script (or any other building
-strategy) you must install the development tools and libraries needed for &kde;.
-The nearly complete list of required tools can be found from
-the <ulink url="https://community.kde.org/Guidelines_and_HOWTOs/Build_from_source#Install_required_devel_packages">&kde;
-Community Wiki Build Requirements</ulink> page.
-<para>Here is a list of some of the things you will need:</para>
-<listitem><para>You will need &cmake;, this software is what &kde; uses to handle
-build-time configuration of the source code and generation of the specific build
-commands for your system.  The required version will vary
-depending on what versions of &kde; software you are building (see TechBase for
-specifics), but with modern distributions the &cmake; included with your distribution
-should be quite sufficient.
-<listitem><para>You must also install the source control clients needed to checkout
-the &kde; source code. This means you need at least the following:</para>
-<listitem><para>The <ulink url="https://git-scm.com/">Git
-source control manager</ulink>, which is used for all &kde; <ulink
-url=" https://commits.kde.org/">source code</ulink></para></listitem>
-<listitem><para>Although it is not required, the <ulink
-url="http://bazaar.canonical.com/">Bazaar</ulink> source control manager is
-used for a single module (libdbusmenu-qt) that is required for the &kde;
-libraries. Most users can install this library through their distribution
-packages but &kdesrc-build; supports building it as well if you desire. But to
-build libdbusmenu-qt, you must have Bazaar installed.</para></listitem>
-<listitem><para>The Perl scripting language is required for &kdesrc-build;, some &kde;
-repositories, and &Qt; (if you build that from source).</para>
-<para>The Perl that comes with your distribution should be suitable (it needs to be at
-least Perl 5.14), but you will also need some additional modules (&kdesrc-build;
-will warn if they are not present):</para>
-    <listitem><para>IO::Socket::SSL</para></listitem>
-    <listitem><para>JSON::PP or JSON::XS</para></listitem>
-    <listitem><para>YAML::PP, YAML::XS, or YAML::Syck</para></listitem>
-<listitem><para>You will need a full C++ development environment (compiler, standard library, runtime,
-and any required development packages).  The minimum required versions vary based on the &kde; module:
-the &kde; Frameworks 5 collection supports the oldest compilers, while &kde; Plasma 5 and &kde; Applications
-tend to require more recent compilers.</para>
-<para>The GCC 4.8 or Clang 4 compilers are the minimum recommended.  Many distributions support easily
-installing these tools using a <quote>build-essentials</quote> package, an option to install
-"build dependencies" with &Qt;, or similar features.  The KDE Community Wiki has a page <ulink url="https://community.kde.org/Guidelines_and_HOWTOs/Build_from_source/Install_the_dependencies">tracking
-recommended packages for major distributions</ulink>.
-<listitem><para>You will need a build tool that actually performs the
-compilation steps (as generated by &cmake;). GNU Make is recommended and should
-be available through your package manager. &cmake; does support others options, such
-as the &ninja; build tool, which can be used by &kdesrc-build; using the
-<link linkend="conf-custom-build-command">custom-build-command</link> configuration file
-<listitem><para>Finally, you will need the appropriate &Qt; libraries (including development packages)
-for the version of &kde; software you are building.  &kdesrc-build; does not officially support building &Qt; 5 (the current major version), so it is recommended to use your distribution's development packages or to
-see the KDE Community wiki page on <ulink url="https://community.kde.org/Guidelines_and_HOWTOs/Build_from_source/OwnQt5">self-building Qt 5</ulink>.
-<note><para>Most operating system distributions include a method of easily
-installing required development tools. Consult the Community Wiki page <ulink
->Required devel packages</ulink> to see
-if these instructions are already available.</para></note>
-Some of these packages are divided into libraries (or programs or utilities),
-and development packages. You will need at least the program or library
-<emphasis>and</emphasis> its development package.
-<sect2 id="before-building-prepare-script">
-<title>Setup &kdesrc-build;</title>
-<sect3 id="get-kdesrc-build">
-<title>Install &kdesrc-build;</title>
-The &kde; developers make frequent changes to &kdesrc-build; to keep it in
-sync with advances in &kde; development, including improvements to the
-recommended &kdesrc-build; configuration, added modules, improving &cmake;
-flags, &etc;</para>
-<para>Because of this, we recommend obtaining &kdesrc-build; directly from its
-source repository and then periodically updating it.</para>
-<para>You can obtain &kdesrc-build; from its source repository by running:</para>
-<prompt>$ </prompt><userinput><command>git <option>clone</option> <option>https://invent.kde.org/sdk/kdesrc-build.git</option> <option><filename class="directory"><replaceable>~/kdesrc-build</replaceable></filename></option></command></userinput>
-<para>Replace <option><replaceable>~/kdesrc-build</replaceable></option> with
-the directory you would like to install to.
-<para>You can update &kdesrc-build; later by running:</para>
-<prompt>$ </prompt><userinput><command>cd <option><filename class="directory"><replaceable>~/kdesrc-build</replaceable></filename></option></command></userinput>
-<prompt>$ </prompt><userinput><command>git <option>pull</option></command></userinput>
-<tip><para>We recommend adding the &kdesrc-build; installation directory to
-your <envar>PATH</envar> environment variable, so that you can run &kdesrc-build;
-without having to fully specify its path every time.</para></tip>
-<sect3 id="setup-rcfile">
-<title>Prepare the configuration file</title>
-<para>&kdesrc-build; uses a <link linkend="configure-data">configuration file</link>
-to control which modules are built, where they are installed to, etc.
-This file is located at <filename>~/.config/kdesrc-buildrc</filename>
-(<filename>$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/kdesrc-buildrc</filename>, if
-<envar>$XDG_CONFIG_HOME</envar> is set).</para>
-<para>You can use <application>kdesrc-build --generate-config</application> in order to prepare a simple
-kdesrc-build configuration. You can then edit the
-<filename>~/.config/kdesrc-buildrc</filename> configuration file to make
-any changes you see fit.</para>
-<sect4 id="setup-rcfile-manually">
-<title>Manual setup of configuration file</title>
-<para>You can also setup your configuration file manually, by copying the
-included sample configuration file <filename>kdesrc-buildrc-kf5-sample</filename>
-to <filename>~/.config/kdesrc-buildrc</filename> and then editing the file.
-<xref linkend="kdesrc-buildrc"/> will be a useful reference for this, especially
-its <link linkend="conf-options-table">table of configuration options</link>.
-<para>&kdesrc-build; contains many recommended configuration files to support
-&kde; Frameworks 5, &plasma; 5, and other &kde; applications. See
-<xref linkend="kdesrc-buildrc-including"/> for information on how to use other
-configuration files from your own <filename>kdesrc-buildrc</filename>.
-<para>You can find more information about the syntax of the <link
-linkend="configure-data">configuration file</link> in <xref
-linkend="configure-data" /> and in <xref linkend="kdesrc-buildrc" />.
-<sect1 id="kde-modules-and-selection">
-<title>Module Organization and selection</title>
-<sect2 id="kde-layers">
-<title>KDE Software Organization</title>
-&kde; software is split into different components, many of which can be built
-by &kdesrc-build;. Understanding this organization will help you properly
-select the software modules that you want built.
-<listitem><para>At the lowest level comes the &Qt; library, which is a
-very powerful, cross-platform <quote>toolkit</quote> library. &kde; is based on
-&Qt;, and some of the non-&kde; libraries required by &kde; are also based on
-&Qt;. &kdesrc-build; can build &Qt;, or use the one already installed on your
-system if it is a recent enough version.</para></listitem>
-<listitem><para>On top of &Qt; are required libraries that are necessary for
-&kde; software to work. Some of these libraries are not considered part of
-&kde; itself due to their generic nature, but are still essential to the &kde;
-Platform. These libraries are collected under a <literal>kdesupport</literal>
-module grouping but are not considered part of the <quote>Frameworks</quote>
-<listitem><para>On top of these essential libraries come the <ulink
-url="https://community.kde.org/Frameworks">&kde; Frameworks</ulink>, sometimes
-abbreviated as KF5, which are essential libraries for the &kde; Plasma desktop,
-&kde; Applications, and other third-party software.
-</para> </listitem>
-<listitem><para>On top of the Frameworks, come several different things:</para>
-    <itemizedlist>
-        <listitem><para><quote>Third-party</quote> applications. These are
-        applications that use the &kde; Frameworks or are designed to run under
-        &kde; Plasma but are not authored by or in association with the &kde;
-        project.</para></listitem>
-        <listitem><para>Plasma, which is a full <quote>workspace</quote> desktop
-        environment. This is what users normally see when they <quote>log-in to
-        &kde;</quote>.</para></listitem>
-        <listitem><para>The &kde; Application suite. This is a collection of
-        useful software included with the Platform and &plasma; Desktop, grouped into
-        individual modules, including utilities like &dolphin;, games like
-        <application>KSudoku</application>, and productivity software released by &kde;
-        such as &kontact;.</para></listitem>
-        <listitem><para>Finally, there is a collection of software (also
-        collected in modules) whose development is supported by &kde; resources
-        (such as translation, source control, bug tracking, &etc;) but is not
-        released by &kde; as part of Plasma or the Application suite. These
-        modules are known as <quote>Extragear</quote>.
-        </para></listitem>
-    </itemizedlist>
-<sect2 id="selecting-modules">
-<title>Selecting modules to build</title>
-<para>Selecting which of the possible modules to build is controlled by
-<link linkend="kdesrc-buildrc">the configuration file</link>.
-After the <literal>global</literal> section is a list of modules to build,
-bracketed by module ... end module lines. An example entry for a module is
-shown in <xref linkend="conf-module-example"/>.</para>
-<example id="conf-module-example">
-<title>Example module entry in the configuration file</title>
-module <replaceable>kdesrc-build-git</replaceable>
-    # Options for this module go here, example:
-    <link linkend="conf-repository">repository</link> kde:kdesrc-build
-    <link linkend="conf-make-options">make-options</link> -j4 # Run 4 compiles at a time
-end module
-<note><para>In practice, this module construct is not usually used directly.  Instead
-most modules are specified via module-sets as described below.</para></note>
-<para>When using only <literal>module</literal> entries, &kdesrc-build; builds them in the order
-you list, and does not attempt to download any other repositories other than what you specify
-<sect2 id="module-sets">
-<title>Module Sets</title>
-<para>The &kde; source code is decomposed into a great number of relatively
-small Git-based repositories. To make it easier to manage the large number of
-repositories involved in any useful &kde;-based install, &kdesrc-build; supports
-grouping multiple modules and treating the group as a <quote>module set</quote>.
-<sect3 id="module-set-concept">
-<title>The basic module set concept</title>
-<para>By using a module set, you can quickly declare many Git modules to be
-downloaded and built, as if you'd typed out a separate module declaration for
-each one. The <link linkend="conf-repository">repository</link> option is
-handled specially to setup where each module is downloaded from, and every
-other option contained in the module set is copied to every module generated
-in this fashion.</para>
-<example id="example-using-module-sets">
-<title>Using module sets</title>
-    <option><link linkend="conf-git-repository-base">git-repository-base</link></option> <replaceable>kde-git</replaceable> <replaceable>kde:</replaceable>
-end global
-module <replaceable>qt</replaceable>
-    # Options removed for brevity
-end module
-module-set <replaceable>kde-support-libs</replaceable>
-    <option><link linkend="conf-repository">repository</link></option> <replaceable>kde-git</replaceable>
-    <option><link linkend="conf-use-modules">use-modules</link></option> <replaceable>automoc</replaceable> <replaceable>attica</replaceable> <replaceable>akonadi</replaceable>
-end module-set
-# Other modules as necessary...
-module <replaceable>kdesupport</replaceable>
-end module
-<para>In <xref linkend="example-using-module-sets"/> a brief module set is
-shown.  When &kdesrc-build; encounters this module set, it acts as if, for
-every module given in <option>use-modules</option>, that an individual module
-has been declared, with its <option>repository</option> equal to the
-module-set's <option>repository</option> followed immediately by the given
-module name.</para>
-<para>In addition, other options can be passed in a module set, which are
-copied to every new module that is created this way. By using module-set it is
-possible to quickly declare many Git modules that are all based on the same
-repository URL. In addition, it is possible to give module-sets a name (as shown
-in the example), which allows you to quickly refer to the entire group of
-modules from the command line.</para>
-<sect3 id="module-sets-kde">
-<title>Special Support for KDE module sets</title>
-<para>The module set support described so far is general to any Git-based
-modules. For the &kde; Git repositories, &kdesrc-build; includes additional
-features to make things easier for users and developers.  This support is
-enabled by specifying <literal>kde-projects</literal> as the
-<option>repository</option> for the module set.
-<para>&kdesrc-build; normally only builds the modules you have listed in your
-configuration file, in the order you list them.  But with a
-<literal>kde-projects</literal> module set, &kdesrc-build; can do dependency
-resolution of &kde;-specific modules, and in addition automatically include
-modules into the build even if only indirectly specified.</para>
-<example id="example-using-kde-module-sets">
-<title>Using kde-projects module sets</title>
-# Only adds a module for juk (the kde/kdemultimedia/juk repo)
-module-set <replaceable>juk-set</replaceable>
-    <option>repository</option> kde-projects
-    <option>use-modules</option> <replaceable>juk</replaceable>
-end module-set
-# Adds all modules that are in kde/multimedia/*, including juk,
-# but no other dependencies
-module-set <replaceable>multimedia-set</replaceable>
-    <option>repository</option> kde-projects
-    <option>use-modules</option> <replaceable>kde/multimedia</replaceable>
-end module-set
-# Adds all modules that are in kde/multimedia/*, and all kde-projects
-# dependencies from outside of kde/kdemultimedia
-module-set <replaceable>multimedia-deps-set</replaceable>
-    <option>repository</option> kde-projects
-    <option>use-modules</option> <replaceable>kde/multimedia</replaceable>
-    <option>include-dependencies</option> <replaceable>true</replaceable>
-end module-set
-# All modules created out of these three module sets are automatically put in
-# proper dependency order, regardless of the setting for include-dependencies
-<tip><para>This <literal>kde-projects</literal> module set construct is the main method
-of declaring which modules you want to build.</para></tip>
-<para>All module sets use the <link linkend="conf-repository">repository</link>
-and <link linkend="conf-use-modules">use-modules</link> options.  <link
-linkend="kde-projects-module-sets"><literal>kde-projects</literal></link> module
-sets have a predefined <option>repository</option> value, but other types of
-module sets also will use the <link
-linkend="conf-git-repository-base">git-repository-base</link> option.
-<sect2 id="kde-projects-module-sets">
-<title>The official &kde; module database</title>
-<para>&kde;'s Git repositories allow for grouping related Git modules into
-collections of related modules (e.g. kdegraphics). Git doesn't recognize these
-groupings, but &kdesrc-build; can understand these groups, using <link
-linkend="module-sets">module sets</link> with a <option>repository</option>
-option set to <quote><literal>kde-projects</literal></quote>.</para>
-<para>&kdesrc-build; will recognize that the <literal>kde-projects</literal>
-repository requires special handling, and adjust the build process
-appropriately.  Among other things, &kdesrc-build; will:</para>
-<listitem><para>Download the latest module database from the <ulink
-url=" https://commits.kde.org/">&kde; git archive</ulink>.</para></listitem>
-<listitem><para>Try to find a module with the name given in the module set's
-<option>use-modules</option> setting in that database.</para></listitem>
-<listitem><para>For every module that is found, &kdesrc-build; will lookup the
-appropriate repository in the database, based upon the <link
-linkend="conf-branch-group">branch-group</link> setting in effect.  If a
-repository exists and is active for the branch group, &kdesrc-build; will
-automatically use that to download or update the source code.
-<note><para>In the current database, some module groups not only have a
-collection of modules, but they <emphasis>also</emphasis> declare their own
-&git; repository. In these situations &kdesrc-build; will currently prefer the
-group's &git; repository instead of including the childrens' repositories.
-<para>The following example shows how to use the &kde; module database to
-install the Phonon multimedia library.</para>
-module-set <replaceable>media-support</replaceable>
-    # This option must be kde-projects to use the module database.
-    <option><link linkend="conf-repository">repository</link></option> <literal>kde-projects</literal>
-    # This option chooses what modules to look for in the database.
-    <option><link linkend="conf-use-modules">use-modules</link></option> <replaceable>phonon/phonon</replaceable> <replaceable>phonon-gstreamer</replaceable> <replaceable>phonon-vlc</replaceable>
-end module-set
-<tip><para><literal>phonon/phonon</literal> is used since (with the current
-project database) &kdesrc-build; would otherwise have to decide between the
-group of projects called <quote>phonon</quote> or the individual project named
-<quote>phonon</quote>. Currently &kdesrc-build; would pick the former, which
-would build many more backends than needed.</para></tip>
-<para>The following example is perhaps more realistic, and shows a feature only
-available with the &kde; module database: Building all of the &kde; graphics
-applications with only a single declaration.</para>
-module-set <replaceable>kdegraphics</replaceable>
-    # This option must be kde-projects to use the module database.
-    <option><link linkend="conf-repository">repository</link></option> <literal>kde-projects</literal>
-    # This option chooses what modules to look for in the database.
-    <option><link linkend="conf-use-modules">use-modules</link></option> <literal>kdegraphics/libs</literal> <literal>kdegraphics/*</literal>
-end module-set
-<para>There are two important abilities demonstrated here:</para>
-<listitem><para>&kdesrc-build; allows you to specify modules that are
-descendents of a given module, without building the parent module, by using the
-syntax <userinput><replaceable>module-name</replaceable>/*</userinput>. It is
-actually required in this case since the base module, kdegraphics, is marked as
-inactive so that it is not accidentally built along with its children modules.
-Specifying the descendent modules allows &kdesrc-build; to skip around the
-disabled module.
-<listitem><para>&kdesrc-build; will also not add a given module to the build
-list more than once. This allows us to manually set
-<literal>kdegraphics/libs</literal> to build first, before the rest of
-<literal>kdegraphics</literal>, without trying to build
-<literal>kdegraphics/libs</literal> twice.  This used to be required for proper
-dependency handling, and today remains a fallback option in case the &kde;
-project database is missing dependency metadata.
-<sect2 id="ignoring-project-modules">
-<title>Filtering out &kde; project modules</title>
-<para>You might decide that you'd like to build all programs within a &kde;
-module grouping <emphasis>except</emphasis> for a given program.</para>
-<para>For instance, the <literal>kdeutils</literal> group includes a program
-named <application>kremotecontrol</application>. If your computer does not have
-the proper hardware to receive the signals sent by remote controls then you may
-decide that you'd rather not download, build, and install
-<application>kremotecontrol</application> every time you update
-<para>You can achieve this by using the <link
-linkend="conf-ignore-modules">ignore-modules</link> configuration option.
-On the command line the
-<link linkend="ignoring-modules">&cmd-ignore-modules; option</link>
-does the same thing, but is more convenient for filtering out a module just once.
-<example id="example-ignoring-a-module">
-<title>Example for ignoring a kde-project module in a group</title>
-module-set <replaceable>utils</replaceable>
-    <option><link linkend="conf-repository">repository</link></option> <literal>kde-projects</literal>
-    # This option chooses what modules to look for in the database.
-    <option><link linkend="conf-use-modules">use-modules</link></option> <replaceable>kdeutils</replaceable>
-    # This option "subtracts out" modules from the modules chosen by use-modules, above.
-    <option><link linkend="conf-ignore-modules">ignore-modules</link></option> <replaceable>kremotecontrol</replaceable>
-end module-set
-module-set <replaceable>graphics</replaceable>
-    <option><link linkend="conf-repository">repository</link></option> <literal>kde-projects</literal>
-    # This option chooses what modules to look for in the database.
-    <option><link linkend="conf-use-modules">use-modules</link></option> <replaceable>extragear/graphics</replaceable>
-    # This option "subtracts out" modules from the modules chosen by use-modules, above.
-    # In this case, *both* extragear/graphics/kipi-plugins and
-    # extragear/graphics/kipi-plugins/kipi-plugins-docs are ignored
-    <option><link linkend="conf-ignore-modules">ignore-modules</link></option> <replaceable>extragear/graphics/kipi-plugins</replaceable>
-end module-set
-<sect1 id="quick-start-conclusion">
-<title>Getting Started Conclusion</title>
-<para>These are the major features and concepts needed to get started with
-<para>For additional information, you could keep reading through this
-documentation. In particular, the <link linkend="supported-cmdline-params">list
-of command-line options</link> and the <link linkend="conf-options-table">table
-of configuration file options</link> are useful references.</para>
-<para>The &kde; Community also maintains <ulink
-online Wiki reference for how to build the source code</ulink>, which refers to
-&kdesrc-build; and includes tips and other guidelines on how to use the

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