Sentence in docs_kdenlive_org_glossary___glossary_build_in.pot

Freek de Kruijf freekdekruijf at
Wed Oct 18 14:15:46 BST 2023

Item #80 in this file reads:

Kelvin is the base unit of temperature in the International System of Units 
(SI). It is also used as a measure of the color temperature of light 
sources. True story: A physicist cooled himself to -273.15C. He was 0K.

The temperature in the last sentence is bogus. "-273.15C" should be 
"273.15 K". 0.0 K is the lowest possible temperature, so it cannot be 
negative. 273.15 K is 0 degrees Celsius or 32 degrees Fahrenheit.


Freek de Kruijf
vertaler/coördinator van KDE

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