[office/kmymoney] po/pt_BR/docs/kmymoney: Remove doc that doesn't compile

Albert Astals Cid null at kde.org
Sat Feb 25 10:23:23 GMT 2023

Git commit 407213eec366d95e9f0a36a21a11be7748e3e65a by Albert Astals Cid.
Committed on 25/02/2023 at 10:23.
Pushed by aacid into branch 'master'.

Remove doc that doesn't compile

Already removed from svn

D  +0    -519  po/pt_BR/docs/kmymoney/index.docbook


diff --git a/po/pt_BR/docs/kmymoney/index.docbook b/po/pt_BR/docs/kmymoney/index.docbook
deleted file mode 100644
index 4bd37c25d..000000000
--- a/po/pt_BR/docs/kmymoney/index.docbook
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,519 +0,0 @@
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-       CVS -->
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-                                            do *not* replace kappname-->
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-><!-- kdebase, kdeadmin, etc.  Leave
-                                     this unchanged if your
-                                     application is not maintained in KDE CVS -->
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-> <!-- ONLY If you are writing non-English
-                                     original documentation, change
-                                     the language here -->
-  <!-- Do not define any other entities; instead, use the entities
-       from entities/general.entities and $LANG/user.entities. -->
-  <!ENTITY devlist "<email
->kmymoney-devel at kde.org</email
-  <!ENTITY userlist "<email
->kmymoney at kde.org</email
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-       they can be removed from this file once they are present in the kdelibs minimum version required by &kappname; -->
-  <!ENTITY Michael.T.Edwardes "<personname
-  <!ENTITY Michael.T.Edwardes.mail "<email
->mte at users.sourceforge.net</email
-  <!ENTITY Thomas.Baumgart "<personname
-  <!ENTITY Thomas.Baumgart.mail "<email
->ipwizard at users.sourceforge.net</email
-  <!ENTITY Ace.Jones "  <personname
-  <!ENTITY Ace.Jones.mail "<email
->acejones at users.sourceforge.net</email
-  <!ENTITY Tony.Bloomfield "<personname
-  <!ENTITY Tony.Bloomfield.mail "<email
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-  <!ENTITY Robert.Wadley "<personname
-  <!ENTITY Robert.Wadley.mail "<email
->robntina at users.sourceforge.net</email
-  <!ENTITY Darin.Strait "<personname
-> ">
-  <!ENTITY Darin.Strait.mail "<email
->darin.strait at ashdar-partners.com</email
-  <!ENTITY Roger.Lum "<personname
-  <!ENTITY Roger.Lum.mail "<email
->rogerlum at gmail.com</email
-  <!ENTITY Colin.Wright "<personname
-  <!ENTITY Colin.Wright.mail "<email
->cdwright at gwi.net</email
-  <!ENTITY Jack.H.Ostroff "<personname
-  <!ENTITY Jack.H.Ostroff.mail "<email
->ostroffjh at users.sourceforge.net</email
-  <!ENTITY Alvaro.Soliverez "<personname
-  <!ENTITY Alvaro.Soliverez.mail "<email
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-  <!ENTITY Fernando.Vilas "<personname
-  <!ENTITY Fernando.Vilas.mail "<email
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-  <!ENTITY Cristian.Onet "<personname
-  <!ENTITY Cristian.Onet.mail "<email
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-  <!-- the following author entity has been added to contributor.entities in trunk and probably 4.6 branch of svn
-       it can be removed from this file once it is present in the kdelibs minimum version required by &kappname; -->
-  <!ENTITY Allan.Anderson "<personname
-  <!ENTITY Allan.Anderson.mail "<email
->agander93 at gmail.com</email
-  <!-- the following entities have been added to user.entities in trunk and probably 4.7 branch of svn
-       they are only in the french branch, and are required for processing of the french documentation
-       they can be removed from this file once they are present in the kdelibs minimum version required by &kappname; -->
-  <!ENTITY traducteurJoseFournier
-     '<othercredit role="translator"
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->Traduction française </contrib
-  <!ENTITY relecteurJoseFournier
-     '<othercredit role="reviewer"
-      <affiliation
->jaaf.forums at zoraldia.com</email
-      <contrib
->Relecture de la documentation française </contrib
-  <!ENTITY JoseFournier 'José Fournier <email
->jaaf.forums at zoraldia.com</email
-  <!ENTITY traducteurSimonDepiets
-     '<othercredit role="translator"
-      <affiliation
->2df at tuxfamily.org</email
-      <contrib
->Traduction française </contrib
-  <!ENTITY relecteurSimonDepiets
-     '<othercredit role="reviewer"
-      <affiliation
->2df at tuxfamily.org</email
-      <contrib
->Relecture de la documentation française </contrib
-  <!ENTITY SimonDepiets    'Simon Depiets <email
->2df at tuxfamily.org</email
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-  <!ENTITY reference SYSTEM "reference.docbook">
-  <!ENTITY credits SYSTEM "credits.docbook">
-  <!ENTITY installation SYSTEM "installation.docbook">
-<book id="kmymoney" lang="&language;">
->Manual do &kappname;</title>
->para o &kappname; versão 4.7</subtitle>
-<!-- This is just put in as an example.  For real documentation, please
-     define a general entity in entities/contributor.entities, e.g.
-<!ENTITY George.N.Ugnacious "<personname
-<!ENTITY George.N.Ugnacious.mail "<email
->gnu at kde.org</email
-and use `&George.N.Ugnacious; &George.N.Ugnacious.mail;' in the author element.
- -->
->&Michael.T.Edwardes; &Michael.T.Edwardes.mail; </author>
->&Thomas.Baumgart; &Thomas.Baumgart.mail; </author>
->&Ace.Jones; &Ace.Jones.mail; </author>
->&Tony.Bloomfield; &Tony.Bloomfield.mail; </author>
->&Robert.Wadley; &Robert.Wadley.mail; </author>
->&Darin.Strait; &Darin.Strait.mail; </author>
->&Roger.Lum; &Roger.Lum.mail; </author>
->&Jack.H.Ostroff; &Jack.H.Ostroff.mail; </author>
-<othercredit role="translator"
->marcus.gama at gmail.com</email
-><othercredit role="translator"
->André Marcelo</firstname
->alvarenga at kde.org</email
->A Equipe de Desenvolvimento do &kappname;</holder>
-<!-- Translators: put here the copyright notice of the translation -->
-<!-- Put here the FDL notice.  Read the explanation in fdl-notice.docbook
-     and in the FDL itself on how to use it. -->
-<!-- Date and version information of the documentation
-Don't forget to include this last date and this last revision number, we
-need them for translation coordination !
-Please respect the format of the date (YYYY-MM-DD) and of the version
-(V.MM.LL), it could be used by automation scripts.
-Do NOT change these in the translation. -->
-<!-- Abstract about this handbook -->
->&kappname;, o gerenciador de finanças pessoais para o &kde;. </para>
->Este manual descreve o &kappname; na versão 4.7. </para>
-<!-- This is a set of Keywords for indexing by search engines.
-Please at least include KDE, the KDE package it is in, the name
- of your application, and a few relevant keywords. -->
-<!-- The contents of the documentation begin here.  Label
-each chapter so with the id attribute. This is necessary for two reasons: it
-allows you to easily reference the chapter from other chapters of your
-document, and if there is no ID, the name of the generated HTML files will vary
-from time to time making it hard to manage for maintainers and for the CVS
-system. Any chapter labelled (OPTIONAL) may be left out at the author's
-discretion. Other chapters should not be left out in order to maintain a
-consistent documentation style across all KDE apps. -->
-	the main book
-Local Variables:
-mode: xml
-kate: space-indent on; indent-width 2; tab-width 2; indent-mode none;

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