[utilities/kate] doc/katepart: Add more docs about multiple cursors

Waqar Ahmed null at kde.org
Tue May 17 18:19:34 BST 2022

Git commit bc8d3a3c07eb17482db482c6abd3b89c00e40661 by Waqar Ahmed.
Committed on 17/05/2022 at 17:19.
Pushed by waqar into branch 'master'.

Add more docs about multiple cursors

M  +9    -0    doc/katepart/part.docbook


diff --git a/doc/katepart/part.docbook b/doc/katepart/part.docbook
index 248591826..146d087f7 100644
--- a/doc/katepart/part.docbook
+++ b/doc/katepart/part.docbook
@@ -672,6 +672,15 @@ or permanently in <link linkend="appearance-borders">the Appearance section of
+<sect2><title>Working with multiple cursros</title>
+<para>Once you have created a few cursors, you can perform most editing operation on them as you would on the single cursor.
+For example, typing a letter will type it for each cursor. Similarly you can perform text transforms e.g., capitalization
+for all the positions or selections.</para>
+<para>Sometimes you will want to remove cursors. To do so, you can &Alt; + &LMB; on the cursor that you want to remove. If you just want to remove cursors on lines that are empty, there is a ready made action for it that will do it for you. To invoke the action, open the Command Bar using <keycombo action="simul">&Ctrl;&Alt;<keycap>I</keycap></keycombo> and look for <guimenuitem>Remove cursors from empty lines</guimenuitem> and hit &Enter;. You can also configure a shortcut for this action.</para>

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