[utilities/kate] doc/kate: Update LSP docs to mention new features

Waqar Ahmed null at kde.org
Tue Jan 25 07:53:26 GMT 2022

Git commit e547c2035bf905ecd4f76bec84660d3707b851de by Waqar Ahmed.
Committed on 25/01/2022 at 07:48.
Pushed by waqar into branch 'master'.

Update LSP docs to mention new features

- Add doc about Symbol Outline
- Add docs about Goto symbol dialog
- Add docs about clangd switch source header feature

- Need to add docs about what theme attributes are used for semantic

M  +52   -0    doc/kate/plugins.docbook


diff --git a/doc/kate/plugins.docbook b/doc/kate/plugins.docbook
index 3cb3bb54d..b40631490 100644
--- a/doc/kate/plugins.docbook
+++ b/doc/kate/plugins.docbook
@@ -2456,6 +2456,58 @@ and so it may not be advisable to have both enabled at the same time.
+<sect2 id="lspclient-go-to-symbol">
+<title>Goto Symbol support</title>
+LSP Client can help you jump to any symbol in your project or current file.
+To jump to any symbol in the file, use the toolview "LSP Client Symbol Outline"
+on the right border of kate. This toolview lists all symbols found by the server
+in current document.
+<sect3 id="lspclient-symbol-outline-config">
+<title>Configuring LSP Client Symbol Outline</title>
+By default the symbols are sorted by their occurrence in the
+document but you can change the sort to be alphabetical. To do so, right click in
+the toolview and check "Sort Alphabetically".
+The toolview shows the symbols in tree mode by default, however you can change it to a list using the
+context menu.
+<sect3 id="lspclient-global-go-to-symbol">
+<title>Global Goto symbol support</title>
+To jump to any symbol in your project, you can open the goto symbol dialog using
+<keycombo action="simul">&Ctrl;&Alt;<keycap>p</keycap></keycombo>.
+The dialog is empty when it opens but as soon as you type something the dialog will start showing
+you matching symbols. The quality of matches as well as filtering capabilities depend upon the server
+that you use. For example, clangd supports fuzzy filtering but some other server may not.
+<sect2 id="lspclient-extra">
+<title>Other Features</title>
+Clangd switch source header command is supported. To switch source header in a C or C++ project either use the "Switch Source Header"
+option from the context menu or the shortcut <keycombo action="simul"><keycap>F12</keycap></keycombo>.
+You can jump to a symbol quickly by putting your mouse over the symbol and then pressing
+<keycombo action="simul">&Ctrl;</keycombo> + left mouse button.
 <sect2 id="lspclient-configuration">

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