K-Patience - Klondike - Preview Problems

Ralf O. Hesse ralf.o.hesse at posteo.de
Thu Oct 14 23:23:36 BST 2021


I am playing often K-Patience in the selection "pull one card"

Sometimes when I get new card my i7 with 8 cores is increasing terribly 
theĀ  load but all load is not enough to calculate in a short time the 
preview if the game will be still soluble or if I will loose the game.

1.) Why is it not possible to use more than 1 core - since all the oterh 
cores seems not engaged...
2.) This "Overload" without results seems me new! - What did You also do 
that the preview ist sometimes so difficult to calculate???

I would be glad if the preview will soon quicker available because so it 
needs Minutes over minutes to succeed...

Thanks a lot in advance!


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