[frameworks/kio] /: Remove the Browser Identification KCM

David Faure null at kde.org
Thu May 6 09:07:24 BST 2021

Git commit 1aa42558a0f539abfe4bc92cf2c8078ac4adb9a0 by David Faure, on behalf of Nicolas Fella.
Committed on 06/05/2021 at 08:07.
Pushed by dfaure into branch 'master'.

Remove the Browser Identification KCM

It's purpose is to control the user agent used by kio-http.

Very few things use kio-http these days, not even Konqueror with the
webengine part.

For the remaining use cases (kioclient, webdav kio worker, etc.) this
kind of configurability is overkill.

Moreover being part of systemsettings this gives a false impression of
globality. A user might change something in there and wonder why it does
not apply to Firefox or Falkon.

Given the questionable usefulness and the potential for confusion I
propose to remove it entirely.

M  +0    -1    docs/kcontrol5/CMakeLists.txt
D  +0    -2    docs/kcontrol5/useragent/CMakeLists.txt
D  +0    -108  docs/kcontrol5/useragent/index.docbook
M  +1    -17   src/kcms/kio/CMakeLists.txt
D  +0    -135  src/kcms/kio/UA-DESKTOP-FILE-HOWTO
M  +1    -3    src/kcms/kio/main.cpp
D  +0    -106  src/kcms/kio/uasprovider.desktop
D  +0    -3    src/kcms/kio/uasproviders/CMakeLists.txt
D  +0    -76   src/kcms/kio/uasproviders/android10.desktop
D  +0    -77   src/kcms/kio/uasproviders/chrome10onwinnt51.desktop
D  +0    -53   src/kcms/kio/uasproviders/chrome22oncurrent.desktop
D  +0    -53   src/kcms/kio/uasproviders/chrome23oncurrent.desktop
D  +0    -53   src/kcms/kio/uasproviders/chrome24oncurrent.desktop
D  +0    -71   src/kcms/kio/uasproviders/chrome50oncurrent.desktop
D  +0    -51   src/kcms/kio/uasproviders/chrome570oncurrent.desktop
D  +0    -52   src/kcms/kio/uasproviders/firefox15oncurrent.desktop
D  +0    -52   src/kcms/kio/uasproviders/firefox16oncurrent.desktop
D  +0    -86   src/kcms/kio/uasproviders/firefox20oncurrent.desktop
D  +0    -74   src/kcms/kio/uasproviders/firefox30oncurrent.desktop
D  +0    -70   src/kcms/kio/uasproviders/firefox36oncurrent.desktop
D  +0    -50   src/kcms/kio/uasproviders/firefox520oncurrent.desktop
D  +0    -90   src/kcms/kio/uasproviders/googlebot.desktop
D  +0    -95   src/kcms/kio/uasproviders/ie401onwinnt4.desktop
D  +0    -95   src/kcms/kio/uasproviders/ie50onppc.desktop
D  +0    -95   src/kcms/kio/uasproviders/ie55onwinnt5.desktop
D  +0    -90   src/kcms/kio/uasproviders/ie60oncurrent.desktop
D  +0    -95   src/kcms/kio/uasproviders/ie60onwinnt51.desktop
D  +0    -76   src/kcms/kio/uasproviders/ie70onwinnt51.desktop
D  +0    -54   src/kcms/kio/uasproviders/ie80onwinnt60.desktop
D  +0    -54   src/kcms/kio/uasproviders/ie90onwinnt71.desktop
D  +0    -92   src/kcms/kio/uasproviders/lynxoncurrent.desktop
D  +0    -91   src/kcms/kio/uasproviders/nn301oncurrent.desktop
D  +0    -91   src/kcms/kio/uasproviders/nn475oncurrent.desktop
D  +0    -95   src/kcms/kio/uasproviders/nn475onwin95.desktop
D  +0    -89   src/kcms/kio/uasproviders/ns71oncurrent.desktop
D  +0    -92   src/kcms/kio/uasproviders/ns71onwinnt51.desktop
D  +0    -52   src/kcms/kio/uasproviders/op1162oncurrent.desktop
D  +0    -52   src/kcms/kio/uasproviders/op1202oncurrent.desktop
D  +0    -93   src/kcms/kio/uasproviders/op403onwinnt4.desktop
D  +0    -87   src/kcms/kio/uasproviders/op85oncurrent.desktop
D  +0    -86   src/kcms/kio/uasproviders/op90oncurrent.desktop
D  +0    -74   src/kcms/kio/uasproviders/op962oncurrent.desktop
D  +0    -91   src/kcms/kio/uasproviders/safari20.desktop
D  +0    -77   src/kcms/kio/uasproviders/safari30oniphone.desktop
D  +0    -77   src/kcms/kio/uasproviders/safari32.desktop
D  +0    -73   src/kcms/kio/uasproviders/safari40.desktop
D  +0    -55   src/kcms/kio/uasproviders/safari517.desktop
D  +0    -55   src/kcms/kio/uasproviders/safari60.desktop
D  +0    -92   src/kcms/kio/uasproviders/w3moncurrent.desktop
D  +0    -74   src/kcms/kio/uasproviders/wgetoncurrent.desktop
D  +0    -183  src/kcms/kio/useragent.desktop
D  +0    -360  src/kcms/kio/useragentdlg.cpp
D  +0    -62   src/kcms/kio/useragentdlg.h
D  +0    -313  src/kcms/kio/useragentdlg.ui
D  +0    -155  src/kcms/kio/useragentinfo.cpp
D  +0    -55   src/kcms/kio/useragentinfo.h
D  +0    -143  src/kcms/kio/useragentselectordlg.cpp
D  +0    -44   src/kcms/kio/useragentselectordlg.h
D  +0    -118  src/kcms/kio/useragentselectordlg.ui


diff --git a/docs/kcontrol5/CMakeLists.txt b/docs/kcontrol5/CMakeLists.txt
index 1b19e5e7b..2dd1ae16a 100644
--- a/docs/kcontrol5/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/docs/kcontrol5/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -4,5 +4,4 @@ add_subdirectory(netpref)
diff --git a/docs/kcontrol5/useragent/CMakeLists.txt b/docs/kcontrol5/useragent/CMakeLists.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 62c84527a..000000000
--- a/docs/kcontrol5/useragent/CMakeLists.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-########### install files ###############
-kdoctools_create_handbook(index.docbook INSTALL_DESTINATION ${KDE_INSTALL_DOCBUNDLEDIR}/en SUBDIR kcontrol5/useragent)
diff --git a/docs/kcontrol5/useragent/index.docbook b/docs/kcontrol5/useragent/index.docbook
deleted file mode 100644
index 6c97c90db..000000000
--- a/docs/kcontrol5/useragent/index.docbook
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,108 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" ?>
-<!DOCTYPE article PUBLIC "-//KDE//DTD DocBook XML V4.5-Based Variant V1.1//EN"
-"dtd/kdedbx45.dtd" [
-<!ENTITY % addindex "IGNORE">
-<!ENTITY % English "INCLUDE" > <!-- change language only here -->
-<article id="useragent" lang="&language;">
-<title>Browser Identification</title>
-<author>&Krishna.Tateneni; &Krishna.Tateneni.mail;</author>
-<releaseinfo>Frameworks 5.29</releaseinfo>
-<keyword>user agent</keyword>
-<sect1 id="user-agent">
-<title>Browser Identification</title>
-<sect2 id="user-agent-intro">
-<para>When &konqueror; connects to a web site to retrieve information,
-some basic identifying information is sent to the web site in the form
-of a <quote>User Agent</quote> header.</para>
-<para>Because of minor differences in the way that different web
-browsers function, web sites that rely too much on a single browser may
-sometimes not display as intended when viewed using another
-browser. Some web sites are smart enough to examine the contents of the
-user agent header and incorporate this information in the
-&HTML; code so that the content is displayed correctly
-regardless of the browser used.</para>
-<para>However, you may find that some web sites refuse to function
-correctly unless you are using a browser recognized as
-<quote>proper</quote> by that site. In these cases, you may find it
-necessary to fool the web site by having &konqueror; report itself to be
-another browser by means of the user agent header.</para>
-<sect2 id="user-agent-use">
-<para>In this module you can configure the
-type of browser that &konqueror; will report itself to be. You can
-control this information by web site. Usually, the list box that is
-labeled <guilabel>Site Specific Identification</guilabel> will be
-empty, so that &konqueror; will always use its default useragent
-<para>You can disable the sending of a user agent entirely, by
-unchecking the <guilabel>Send identification</guilabel>
-check box.  This may cause strange behavior on some sites, and may even
-deny you access to some websites, so disable this with caution.</para>
-<para>To configure a new agent binding, press the
-<guibutton>New...</guibutton> button.  Type the name of the server or
-a domain in the text box at the top of the dialog that pops up, which
-is labeled <guilabel>When browsing the following
-<para>Note that you can <emphasis>not</emphasis> use the wildcard
-character <token>*</token> in this text box. However, the string
-<userinput>kde.org</userinput> will match all hosts in the domain
-<para>After typing the name of the server, select the identifying
-string in the next combo box, which is labeled <guilabel>Use the
-following identification:</guilabel>. The <guilabel>Real identification:</guilabel>
-&ie; the strings sent to the server, is displayed in the field.</para>
-<para>You can click on an existing entry in the list, and then modify the contents of the
-text boxes, followed by clicking <guibutton>Change...</guibutton>.</para>
-<para>The <guibutton>Delete</guibutton> button can be used to delete
-the selected entry in the list of configured agent bindings.  The
-<guibutton>Delete All</guibutton> will remove all the configured user
-agent strings.  Click the <guibutton>Apply</guibutton> to take your
-changes in effect.</para>
-<para>You can use the check boxes at the top of the screen to build a
-user agent that is uniquely yours, by choosing your own combination of
-operating system name and version, platform, processor type, and
-<para>In all cases, the user agent that is being sent by default is
-displayed in bold text at the top of the page.</para>
diff --git a/src/kcms/kio/CMakeLists.txt b/src/kcms/kio/CMakeLists.txt
index a354651b0..11cd239f2 100644
--- a/src/kcms/kio/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/src/kcms/kio/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -1,6 +1,4 @@
-add_subdirectory( uasproviders )
 find_package(KF5TextWidgets ${KF_DEP_VERSION} REQUIRED)
 ########### next target ###############
@@ -12,31 +10,18 @@ set(kcm_kio_PART_SRCS
-    useragentdlg.cpp
-    useragentinfo.cpp
-    useragentselectordlg.cpp
-    useragentselectordlg.ui
-    useragentdlg.ui
-    CATEGORY_NAME kf.configwidgets.cms.kf.kio.useragentdlg
-    OLD_CATEGORY_NAMES kf5.kio.useragentdlg
-    DESCRIPTION "kio useragentdialog (KIO)"
 add_library(kcm_kio MODULE ${kcm_kio_PART_SRCS})
@@ -56,6 +41,5 @@ install(TARGETS kcm_kio  DESTINATION ${KDE_INSTALL_PLUGINDIR} )
 ########### install files ###############
-install( FILES smb.desktop cookies.desktop useragent.desktop cache.desktop
+install( FILES smb.desktop cookies.desktop cache.desktop
     netpref.desktop proxy.desktop  DESTINATION  ${KDE_INSTALL_KSERVICES5DIR} )
-install( FILES uasprovider.desktop  DESTINATION  ${KDE_INSTALL_KSERVICETYPES5DIR} )
diff --git a/src/kcms/kio/UA-DESKTOP-FILE-HOWTO b/src/kcms/kio/UA-DESKTOP-FILE-HOWTO
deleted file mode 100644
index 13f5e819f..000000000
--- a/src/kcms/kio/UA-DESKTOP-FILE-HOWTO
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,135 +0,0 @@
-Mini HOWTO create a "User-Agent" description file for KDE
-This mini HOWTO describes the procedure for creating a new user-agent 
-description file to extend the ones that come pre-packaged with KDE. 
-The purpose of a user agent description file is to fake or spoof sites 
-that refuse to render pages with the default KDE user-agent identification.
-In order to create new user-agent description files, simply follow the
-normal desktop file specifications set by the "DESKTOP ENTRY STANDARD"
-augmented with the following requirements:
-The following properties as defined by the DESKTOP ENTRY STANDARD
-must be set as shown below:
-Name=UADescription (XXXX)
-Though the (XXXX) value shown above can be any text, it is a good idea 
-to make it a short identification of the browser being emulated.  However,
-there is NO requirement on what the text should be.  It can even be left 
-out. It is only meant to give people a quick idea which browser is being
-emulated by your desktop file.
-TYPE:         QString
-An abbreviation of the actual browser-brand and is used
-to group the entries whenever necessary. Currently there are 5
-approximations: IE, NN, MOZ, OP, MISC. These represent Internet
-Explorer, Netscape Navigator, Mozilla, Opera and Miscellaneous
-respectively. NOTE: you can enter any value here as it is just
-a place holder that would be automatically replaced with the
-actual user-agent name (X-KDE-UA-NAME).
-TYPE:         QString
-The full user-agent description that will be sent to the remote
-site. It can contain the following keywords that would be replaced
-with the appropriate value as defined by "uname":
-appSysName          the name of the operating system (ex: Linux).
-appPlatform         the name of the platform.  Currently hardcoded to "X11".
-appLanguage         the language values as set in the control panel (ex: en, en-US).
-appSysRelease       the version of the operating system (ex: 2.2.18).
-appKDERelease       the current release number as set by KDE (ex: 2.1.9 >=20010310).
-appMachineType      the processor or machine type (ex: i686).
-NOTE: if you use any of these values and want them to be replaced
-automatically, make sure you include the X-KDE-UA-DYNAMIC-ENTRY field
-and set its value to 1 (for true).
-TYPE:         QString
-The actual name of the browser or user-agent.
-TYPE:         QString
-The actual version of the browser or user-agent.
-TYPE:         QString
-The system name (for example Linux) where the browser
-identification was obtained from.
-TYPE:         QString
-The system version (for example 2.4.1) where the browser
-identification was obtained from.
-TYPE:         BOOLEAN (0/1)
-A boolean that indicates whether the keywords described under
-X-KDE-UA-FULL should be translated.  Make sure this field is
-there with its value set to "1" if you want the keywords to
-be replaced appropriately.
-[Desktop Entry]
-Name=UADescription (IE 5.5 on Win 98)
-X-KDE-UA-FULL=Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.5; Windows 98)
-X-KDE-UA-NAME=Internet Explorer
-[Desktop Entry]
-Name=UADescription (NN 4.76 on current)
-X-KDE-UA-FULL=Mozilla/4.76 (appPlatform; U; appSysName appSysRelease appMachineType)
-X-KDE-UA-NAME=Netscape Navigator
-The first entry is a description file for Internet Explorer running on
-a Windows 98 machine while the second one is an example of a description
-file for Netscape browser using the "keyword" based approach to describe 
-the fields that should be replaced dynamically based on the current system 
-settings. Note that all "keyword" based desktop files should always set
-Dawit A.
diff --git a/src/kcms/kio/main.cpp b/src/kcms/kio/main.cpp
index f1b065f46..8bacb10ca 100644
--- a/src/kcms/kio/main.cpp
+++ b/src/kcms/kio/main.cpp
@@ -18,10 +18,8 @@
 #include "kproxydlg.h"
 #include "netpref.h"
 #include "smbrodlg.h"
-#include "useragentdlg.h"
-K_PLUGIN_FACTORY(KioConfigFactory, registerPlugin<UserAgentDlg>(QStringLiteral("useragent")); registerPlugin<SMBRoOptions>(QStringLiteral("smb"));
-                 registerPlugin<KIOPreferences>(QStringLiteral("netpref"));
+K_PLUGIN_FACTORY(KioConfigFactory, registerPlugin<SMBRoOptions>(QStringLiteral("smb")); registerPlugin<KIOPreferences>(QStringLiteral("netpref"));
diff --git a/src/kcms/kio/uasprovider.desktop b/src/kcms/kio/uasprovider.desktop
deleted file mode 100644
index 70c99a234..000000000
--- a/src/kcms/kio/uasprovider.desktop
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,106 +0,0 @@
-[Desktop Entry]
-Comment=UserAgent Strings
-Comment[af]=Gebruiker agent Stringe
-Comment[as]=UserAgent Strings
-Comment[ast]=Cadenes d'UserAgent
-Comment[az]=Brauzer Versiyaları
-Comment[be]=Радкі ідэнтыфікацыі вандроўніка UserAgent
-Comment[be at latin]=Identyfikacyja „UserAgent”
-Comment[bg]=Идентификация на браузъра
-Comment[bn]=UserAgent Strings
-Comment[bn_IN]=UserAgent-র পংক্তি
-Comment[ca]=Cadenes de l'agent d'usuari
-Comment[ca at valencia]=Cadenes de l'agent d'usuari
-Comment[cs]=Řetězce uživatelského agenta
-Comment[csb]=Miona "Programë Brëkòwnika"
-Comment[cy]=Llinynnau Asiant y Defnyddiwr
-Comment[el]=Συμβολοσειρές πράκτορα χρήστη
-Comment[en_GB]=UserAgent Strings
-Comment[es]=Cadenas del agente de usuario
-Comment[et]=Veebilehitseja identifikaatorid
-Comment[eu]=Erabiltzaile agentearen kateak 
-Comment[fa]=رشته‌های عامل‌ کاربر
-Comment[fr]=Chaînes d'identité du navigateur
-Comment[fy]=regels foar brûkersagint
-Comment[ga]=Teaghráin UserAgent
-Comment[gd]=Sreangan UserAgent
-Comment[gl]=Cadeas de UserAgent
-Comment[gu]=યુઝરએજન્ટ વાક્યો
-Comment[he]=מחרוזות זיהוי דפדפן
-Comment[hne]=यूजरएजेंट स्ट्रिंग्स
-Comment[hr]=Identifikacijske (UA – UserAgent) poruke
-Comment[hsb]=UserAgent Strings
-Comment[ia]=Catenas de UserAgent
-Comment[id]=Benang AgenPengguna
-Comment[it]=Stringhe User Agent
-Comment[ja]=UserAgent 文字列
-Comment[kk]=UserAgent жазулары
-Comment[kn]=ಬಳಕೆದಾರ ಮಧ್ಯವರ್ತಿ ಅಕ್ಷರಾವಳಿಗಳು (ಸ್ಟ್ರಿಂಗ್)
-Comment[ko]=UserAgent 문자열
-Comment[ku]=Rêzikên UserAgent
-Comment[lt]=Naudotojo agento eilutės
-Comment[mai]=यूजरएजेंट स्ट्रिंग्स
-Comment[mk]=UserAgent низи
-Comment[ml]=യൂസര്‍ഏജന്റ് വാക്യങ്ങള്‍
-Comment[mr]=यूजरएजेंट स्ट्रिंग्स
-Comment[ms]=Rentetan Ejen Pengguna
-Comment[nds]=Nettkieker-Kennen instellen
-Comment[ne]=प्रयोगकर्ता एजेन्ट स्ट्रिङ
-Comment[nl]=Tekstregels voor Gebruikersagent(GA)
-Comment[or]=ଚାଳକ ବାକ୍ୟଖଣ୍ଡଗୁଡ଼ିକ
-Comment[pa]=ਯੂਜ਼ਰ-ਏਜੰਟ ਸਤਰਾਂ
-Comment[pl]=Nazwy "Programu Użytkownika"
-Comment[pt]=Textos de Agente do Utilizador
-Comment[pt_BR]=Strings do agente de usuário
-Comment[ru]=Версия браузера
-Comment[si]=පරිශීලක නියෝජිත වැකිය
-Comment[sk]=Reťazce WWW agenta
-Comment[sl]=Nizi uporabniškega posrednika
-Comment[sr]=Ниске корисничког агента (УА)
-Comment[sr at ijekavian]=Ниске корисничког агента (УА)
-Comment[sr at ijekavianlatin]=Niske korisničkog agenta (UA)
-Comment[sr at latin]=Niske korisničkog agenta (UA)
-Comment[ta]=உலாவி அடையாள சரங்கள்
-Comment[te]=యూజర్ఏజంట్ స్ట్రింగ్‍స్
-Comment[tg]=Версияи браузер
-Comment[tr]=Kullanıcı Uygulamaları İfadeleri
-Comment[uk]=Рядки агента користувача
-Comment[vi]=Chuỗi đại diện người dùng
-Comment[wa]=Tchines d' idintifiaedje do betchteu (tchinne «User Agent»)
-Comment[xh]=Iqela lamagama UserAgent
-Comment[x-test]=xxUserAgent Stringsxx
diff --git a/src/kcms/kio/uasproviders/CMakeLists.txt b/src/kcms/kio/uasproviders/CMakeLists.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 43c7cc46c..000000000
--- a/src/kcms/kio/uasproviders/CMakeLists.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-FILE(GLOB useragents *.desktop)
-install(FILES ${useragents} DESTINATION
-    ${KDE_INSTALL_KSERVICES5DIR}/useragentstrings)
diff --git a/src/kcms/kio/uasproviders/android10.desktop b/src/kcms/kio/uasproviders/android10.desktop
deleted file mode 100644
index 63583e246..000000000
--- a/src/kcms/kio/uasproviders/android10.desktop
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,76 +0,0 @@
-[Desktop Entry]
-Name=UADescription (Android Phone 1.0)
-Name[ast]=UADescription (Android Phone 1.0)
-Name[az]=UADescription (Android Phone 1.0)
-Name[bg]=UADescription (Android Phone 1.0)
-Name[bn]=UADescription (Android Phone 1.0)
-Name[ca]=Descripció AU (Android Phone 1.0)
-Name[ca at valencia]=Descripció AU (Android Phone 1.0)
-Name[cs]=Popis agenta (Android Phone 1.0)
-Name[csb]=Òpisënk programë brëkòwnika (Android Phone 1.0)
-Name[da]=Brugeragentbeskrivelse (Android Phone 1.0)
-Name[de]=Programmkennung (Android Phone 1.0)
-Name[el]=Περιγραφή UA (Android Phone 1.0)
-Name[en_GB]=UADescription (Android Phone 1.0)
-Name[eo]=UA-Priskribo (Android Phone 1.0)
-Name[es]=Descripción del agente de usuario (Android Phone 1.0)
-Name[et]=UADescription (Android telefon 1.0)
-Name[eu]=UADescription (Android Phone 1.0)
-Name[fi]=Käyttäjäagenttikuvaus (Android Phone 1.0)
-Name[fr]=UADescription (Android Phone 1.0)
-Name[fy]=UA-beskriuwing (Android Phone 1.0)
-Name[ga]=UADescription (Android Phone 1.0)
-Name[gd]=UADescription (Fòn Android 1.0)
-Name[gl]=UADescription (Teléfono Android 1.0)
-Name[gu]=UADescription (એનેરોઇડ ફોન ૧.૦)
-Name[he]=UADescription (Android Phone 1.0)
-Name[hr]=UADescription (Android Phone 1.0)
-Name[hu]=Böngészőtípus (Android 1.0)
-Name[ia]=UADescription (Android Phone 1.0)
-Name[id]=UADescription (Android Phone 1.0)
-Name[it]=Descrizione UA (telefono Android 1.0)
-Name[ja]=UADescription (Android Phone 1.0)
-Name[kk]=UADescription (Android Phone 1.0)
-Name[kn]=UAವಿವರಣೆ (ಆಂಡ್ರಾಯ್ಡ್ ಫೋನ್ 1.0)
-Name[ko]=UADescription (Android 휴대폰 1.0)
-Name[lt]=NA aprašas (Android telefonas 1.0)
-Name[mai]=यूएडी-डिस्क्रिप्शन (एन्ड्रायड फोन 1.5.3)
-Name[mk]=UADescription (Android Phone 1.0)
-Name[ml]=യുഎവിവരണം (ആന്‍ഡ്രോയിഡ് ഫോണ്‍‌ 1.0)
-Name[ms]=UADescription (Android Phone 1.0)
-Name[nb]=Brukeragent (Android Phone 1.0)
-Name[nds]=UA-Beschrieven (Telefoon mit Android 1.0)
-Name[nl]=GA-beschrijving (Android telefoon 1.0)
-Name[nn]=Brukaragent (Android Phone 1.0)
-Name[pa]=UADescription (ਐਡਰੋਇਡ ਫੋਨ ੧.੦)
-Name[pl]=Opis przeglądarki użytkownika (Android 1.0)
-Name[pt]=UADescription (Android Phone 1.0)
-Name[pt_BR]=UADescription (Celular Android 1.0)
-Name[ro]=Descriere AU (Telefon Android 1.0)
-Name[ru]=UADescription (Android Phone 1.0)
-Name[se]=UA-čilgehus (Android telefuvdna 1.0)
-Name[si]=UADescription (Android දුරකථනය 1.0)
-Name[sk]=Popis agenta (Android Phone 1.0)
-Name[sl]=Opis UP (Android Phone 1.0)
-Name[sr]=УА‑опис (андроид телефон 1.0)
-Name[sr at ijekavian]=УА‑опис (андроид телефон 1.0)
-Name[sr at ijekavianlatin]=UA-opis (android telefon 1.0)
-Name[sr at latin]=UA-opis (android telefon 1.0)
-Name[sv]=AA-beskrivning (Android Phone 1.0)
-Name[ta]=UADescription (Android Phone 1.0)
-Name[tg]=UADescription (Android Phone 1.0)
-Name[th]=UADescription (โทรศัพท์แอนดรอยด์ 1.0)
-Name[tr]=Kullanıcı Uygulaması Tanımı (Android Telefon 1.0)
-Name[uk]=UADescription (Android Phone 1.0)
-Name[vi]=Đại diện người dùng (điện thoại Android 1.0)
-Name[wa]=Idintifiaedje do betchteu (Telefone Android 1.0)
-Name[x-test]=xxUADescription (Android Phone 1.0)xx
-Name[zh_CN]=客户端描述(Android Phone 1.0)
-Name[zh_TW]=使用者代理描述 (Android Phone 1.0)
-X-KDE-UA-FULL=Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; U; Android 1.0; appLanguage; dream) AppleWebKit/525.10+ (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/3.0.4 Mobile Safari/523.12.2
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index 1da640271..000000000
--- a/src/kcms/kio/uasproviders/chrome10onwinnt51.desktop
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@@ -1,77 +0,0 @@
-[Desktop Entry]
-Name=UADescription (Google Chrome 1.0 on Windows XP)
-Name[ast]=UADescription (Google Chrome 1.0 en Windows XP)
-Name[az]=UADescription (Google Chrome 1.0 Windows XP -də)
-Name[bg]=UADescription (Google Chrome 1.0 в Windows XP)
-Name[bn]=UADescription (Google Chrome 1.0 on Windows XP)
-Name[ca]=Descripció AU (Google Chrome 1.0 a Windows XP)
-Name[ca at valencia]=Descripció AU (Google Chrome 1.0 a Windows XP)
-Name[cs]=Popis agenta (Google Chrome 1.0 on Windows XP)
-Name[csb]=Òpisënk programë brëkòwnika (Google Chrome 1.0 na Windows XP)
-Name[da]=Brugeragentbeskrivelse (Google Chrome 1.0 på Windows XP)
-Name[de]=Browserkennung (Google Chrome 1.0 unter Windows XP)
-Name[el]=Περιγραφή UA (Google Chrome 1.0 σε Windows XP)
-Name[en_GB]=UADescription (Google Chrome 1.0 on Windows XP)
-Name[eo]=UA-Priskribo (Google Chrome 1.0 sub Vindozo XP)
-Name[es]=Descripción del agente de usuario (Google Chrome 1.0 en Windows XP)
-Name[et]=UADescription (Google Chrome 1.0 Windows XP platvormil)
-Name[eu]=UADescription (Google Chrome 1.0 Windows XPn)
-Name[fi]=Käyttäjäagenttikuvaus (Google Chrome 1.0 Windows XP:llä)
-Name[fr]=UADescription (Google Chrome 1.0 sous Windows XP)
-Name[fy]=UA-beskriuwing (Google Chrome 1.0 op Windows XP)
-Name[ga]=UADescription (Google Chrome 1.0 ar Windows XP)
-Name[gd]=UADescription (Google Chrome 1.0 air Windows XP)
-Name[gl]=UADescription (Google Chrome 1.0 en Windows XP)
-Name[gu]=UADescription (ગુગલ ક્રોમ ૧.૦ વિન્ડોઝ XP પર)
-Name[he]=UADescription (Google Chrome 1.0 on Windows XP)
-Name[hr]=UADescription (Google Chrome 1.0 on Windows XP)
-Name[hu]=Böngészőtípus (Google Chrome 1.0, Windows XP)
-Name[ia]=UADescription (Google Chrome 1.0 super Windows XP)
-Name[id]=UADescription (Google Chrome 1.0 pada Windows XP)
-Name[it]=Descrizione UA (Google Chrome 1.0 su Windows XP)
-Name[ja]=UADescription (Google Chrome 1.0 on Windows XP)
-Name[kk]=UADescription (Google Chrome 1.0 / Windows XP)
-Name[kn]=UAವಿವರಣೆ (ವಿಂಡೋಸ್ XP ಯಲ್ಲಿ ಗೂಗಲ್ ಕ್ರೋಮ್ 1.0)
-Name[ko]=UADescription (Windows XP의 Google 크롬 1.0)
-Name[lt]=UADescription (Google Chrome 1.0, Windows XP)
-Name[mai]=यूए-डिस्क्रिप्शन (गूगल क्रोम 1.0 विंडोज एक्सपी पर)
-Name[mk]=UADescription (Google Chrome 1.0 на Windows XP)
-Name[ml]=യുഎവിവരണം (വിന്‍ഡോസ് എക്സ്പിയിലെ ഗൂഗിള്‍ ക്രോം 1.0)
-Name[nb]=Brukeragent (Google Chrome 1.0 på Windows XP)
-Name[nds]=UA-Beschrieven (Google Chrome 1.0 op Windows XP)
-Name[nl]=GA-beschrijving (Google Chrome 1.0 op Windows XP)
-Name[nn]=Brukaragent (Google Chrome 1.0 på Windows XP)
-Name[pa]=UADescription (Windows XP ਉੱਤੇ ਗੂਗਲ ਚਰੋਮ ੧.੦)
-Name[pl]=Opis przeglądarki użytkownika (Googole Chrome 1.0 na Windows XP)
-Name[pt]=UADescription (Google Chrome 1.0 no Windows XP)
-Name[pt_BR]=UADescription (Google Chrome 1.0 no Windows XP)
-Name[ro]=Descriere AU (Google Chrome 1.0 pe Windows XP)
-Name[ru]=UADescription (Google Chrome 1.0 на Windows XP)
-Name[se]=UA-čilgehus (Google Chrome 1.0 Windows XP:s)
-Name[si]=UADescription (Windows XP මත Google Chrome 1.0)
-Name[sk]=Popis agenta (Google Chrome 1.0 na Windows XP)
-Name[sl]=Opis UP (Google Chrome 1.0 na Windows XP)
-Name[sr]=УА‑опис (Гуглов Кроум 1.0 на Виндоузу ИксП)
-Name[sr at ijekavian]=УА‑опис (Гуглов Кроум 1.0 на Виндоузу ИксП)
-Name[sr at ijekavianlatin]=UA-opis (Googleov Chrome 1.0 na Windowsu XP)
-Name[sr at latin]=UA-opis (Googleov Chrome 1.0 na Windowsu XP)
-Name[sv]=AA-beskrivning (Google Chrome 1.0 på Windows XP)
-Name[ta]=UADescription (Google Chrome 1.0 on Windows XP)
-Name[tg]=UADescription (Google Chrome 1.0 дар Windows XP)
-Name[th]=UADescription (กูเกิลโครม 1.0 บน Windows XP)
-Name[tr]=Kullanıcı Uygulaması Tanımı (Windows XP üzerinde Google Chrome 1.0)
-Name[uk]=UADescription (Google Chrome 1.0 у Windows XP)
-Name[vi]=Đại diện người dùng (Google Chrome 1.0 trên Windows XP)
-Name[wa]=Idintifiaedje do betchteu (Google Chrome so Windows XP)
-Name[x-test]=xxUADescription (Google Chrome 1.0 on Windows XP)xx
-Name[zh_CN]=客户端描述(运行于 Windows XP 的 Google Chrome 1.0)
-Name[zh_TW]=使用者代理描述 (Google Chrome on Windows XP)
-X-KDE-UA-FULL=Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; appLanguage) AppleWebKit/525.19 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/525.19
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index 41caff03b..000000000
--- a/src/kcms/kio/uasproviders/chrome22oncurrent.desktop
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@@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
-[Desktop Entry]
-Name=UADescription (Google Chrome 22.0)
-Name[ast]=UADescription (Google Chrome 22.0)
-Name[az]=UADescription (Google Chrome 22.0)
-Name[ca]=Descripció AU (Google Chrome 22.0)
-Name[ca at valencia]=Descripció AU (Google Chrome 22.0)
-Name[cs]=Popis agenta (Google Chrome 22.0)
-Name[da]=Brugeragentbeskrivelse (Google Chrome 22.0)
-Name[de]=Browserkennung (Google Chrome 22.0)
-Name[el]=Περιγραφή UA (Google Chrome 22.0)
-Name[en_GB]=UADescription (Google Chrome 22.0)
-Name[es]=Descripción del agente de usuario (Google Chrome 22.0)
-Name[et]=UADescription (Google Chrome 22.0)
-Name[eu]=UADescription (Google Chrome 22.0)
-Name[fi]=Käyttäjäagenttikuvaus (Google Chrome 22.0)
-Name[fr]=UADescription (Google Chrome 22.0)
-Name[gd]=UADescription (Google Chrome 22.0)
-Name[gl]=UADescription (Google Chrome 22.0)
-Name[hu]=Böngészőtípus (Google Chrome 22.0)
-Name[ia]=UADescription (Google Chrome 22.0)
-Name[id]=UADescription (Google Chrome 22.0)
-Name[it]=Descrizione UA (Google Chrome 22.0)
-Name[ko]=UADescription (Google 크롬 22.0)
-Name[lt]=UADescription (Google Chrome 22.0)
-Name[nb]=Brukeragent (Google Chrome 22.0)
-Name[nl]=GA-beschrijving (Google Chrome 22.0)
-Name[nn]=Brukaragent (Google Chrome 22.0)
-Name[pl]=Opis przeglądarki użytkownika (Google Chrome 22.0)
-Name[pt]=UADescription (Google Chrome 22.0)
-Name[pt_BR]=UADescription (Google Chrome 22.0)
-Name[ru]=UADescription (Google Chrome 22.0)
-Name[sk]=Popis agenta (Google Chrome 22.0)
-Name[sl]=Opis UP (Google Chrome 22.0)
-Name[sr]=УА‑опис (Гуглов Кроум 22.0)
-Name[sr at ijekavian]=УА‑опис (Гуглов Кроум 22.0)
-Name[sr at ijekavianlatin]=UA-opis (Googleov Chrome 22.0)
-Name[sr at latin]=UA-opis (Googleov Chrome 22.0)
-Name[sv]=AA-beskrivning (Google Chrome 22.0)
-Name[ta]=UADescription (Google Chrome 22.0)
-Name[tg]=UADescription (Google Chrome 22.0)
-Name[tr]=Kullanıcı Uygulaması Tanımı (Google Chrome 22.0)
-Name[uk]=UADescription (Google Chrome 22.0)
-Name[vi]=Đại diện người dùng (Google Chrome 22.0)
-Name[x-test]=xxUADescription (Google Chrome 22.0)xx
-Name[zh_CN]=客户端描述(Google Chrome 22.0)
-Name[zh_TW]=使用者代理描述 (Google Chrome 22.0)
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index 014544a51..000000000
--- a/src/kcms/kio/uasproviders/chrome23oncurrent.desktop
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
-[Desktop Entry]
-Name=UADescription (Google Chrome 23.0)
-Name[ast]=UADescription (Google Chrome 23.0)
-Name[az]=UADescription (Google Chrome 23.0)
-Name[ca]=Descripció AU (Google Chrome 23.0)
-Name[ca at valencia]=Descripció AU (Google Chrome 23.0)
-Name[cs]=Popis agenta (Google Chrome 23.0)
-Name[da]=Brugeragentbeskrivelse (Google Chrome 23.0)
-Name[de]=Browserkennung (Google Chrome 23.0)
-Name[el]=Περιγραφή UA (Google Chrome 23.0)
-Name[en_GB]=UADescription (Google Chrome 23.0)
-Name[es]=Descripción del agente de usuario (Google Chrome 23.0)
-Name[et]=UADescription (Google Chrome 23.0)
-Name[eu]=UADescription (Google Chrome 23.0)
-Name[fi]=Käyttäjäagenttikuvaus (Google Chrome 23.0)
-Name[fr]=UADescription (Google Chrome 23.0)
-Name[gd]=UADescription (Google Chrome 23.0)
-Name[gl]=UADescription (Google Chrome 23.0)
-Name[hu]=Böngészőtípus (Google Chrome 23.0)
-Name[ia]=UADescription (Google Chrome 23.0)
-Name[id]=UADescription (Google Chrome 23.0)
-Name[it]=Descrizione UA (Google Chrome 23.0)
-Name[ko]=UADescription (Google 크롬 23.0)
-Name[lt]=UADescription (Google Chrome 23.0)
-Name[nb]=Brukeragent (Google Chrome 23.0)
-Name[nl]=GA-beschrijving (Google Chrome 23.0)
-Name[nn]=Brukaragent (Google Chrome 23.0)
-Name[pl]=Opis przeglądarki użytkownika (Google Chrome 23.0)
-Name[pt]=UADescription (Google Chrome 23.0)
-Name[pt_BR]=UADescription (Google Chrome 23.0)
-Name[ru]=UADescription (Google Chrome 23.0)
-Name[sk]=Popis agenta (Google Chrome 23.0)
-Name[sl]=Opis UP (Google Chrome 23.0)
-Name[sr]=УА‑опис (Гуглов Кроум 23.0)
-Name[sr at ijekavian]=УА‑опис (Гуглов Кроум 23.0)
-Name[sr at ijekavianlatin]=UA-opis (Googleov Chrome 23.0)
-Name[sr at latin]=UA-opis (Googleov Chrome 23.0)
-Name[sv]=AA-beskrivning (Google Chrome 23.0)
-Name[ta]=UADescription (Google Chrome 23.0)
-Name[tg]=UADescription (Google Chrome 23.0)
-Name[tr]=Kullanıcı Uygulaması Tanımı (Google Chrome 23.0)
-Name[uk]=UADescription (Google Chrome 23.0)
-Name[vi]=Đại diện người dùng (Google Chrome 23.0)
-Name[x-test]=xxUADescription (Google Chrome 23.0)xx
-Name[zh_CN]=客户端描述(Google Chrome 23.0)
-Name[zh_TW]=使用者代理描述 (Google Chrome 23.0)
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index 375a0d3b2..000000000
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@@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
-[Desktop Entry]
-Name=UADescription (Google Chrome 24.0)
-Name[ast]=UADescription (Google Chrome 24.0)
-Name[az]=UADescription (Google Chrome 24.0)
-Name[ca]=Descripció AU (Google Chrome 24.0)
-Name[ca at valencia]=Descripció AU (Google Chrome 24.0)
-Name[cs]=Popis agenta (Google Chrome 24.0)
-Name[da]=Brugeragentbeskrivelse (Google Chrome 24.0)
-Name[de]=Browserkennung (Google Chrome 24.0)
-Name[el]=Περιγραφή UA (Google Chrome 24.0)
-Name[en_GB]=UADescription (Google Chrome 24.0)
-Name[es]=Descripción del agente de usuario (Google Chrome 24.0)
-Name[et]=UADescription (Google Chrome 24.0)
-Name[eu]=UADescription (Google Chrome 24.0)
-Name[fi]=Käyttäjäagenttikuvaus (Google Chrome 24.0)
-Name[fr]=UADescription (Google Chrome 24.0)
-Name[gd]=UADescription (Google Chrome 24.0)
-Name[gl]=UADescription (Google Chrome 24.0)
-Name[hu]=Böngészőtípus (Google Chrome 24.0)
-Name[ia]=UADescription (Google Chrome 24.0)
-Name[id]=UADescription (Google Chrome 24.0)
-Name[it]=Descrizione UA (Google Chrome 24.0)
-Name[ko]=UADescription (Google 크롬 24.0)
-Name[lt]=UADescription (Google Chrome 24.0)
-Name[nb]=Brukeragent (Google Chrome 24.0)
-Name[nl]=GA-beschrijving (Google Chrome 24.0)
-Name[nn]=Brukaragent (Google Chrome 24.0)
-Name[pl]=Opis przeglądarki użytkownika (Google Chrome 24.0)
-Name[pt]=UADescription (Google Chrome 24.0)
-Name[pt_BR]=UADescription (Google Chrome 24.0)
-Name[ru]=UADescription (Google Chrome 24.0)
-Name[sk]=Popis agenta (Google Chrome 24.0)
-Name[sl]=Opis UP (Google Chrome 24.0)
-Name[sr]=УА‑опис (Гуглов Кроум 24.0)
-Name[sr at ijekavian]=УА‑опис (Гуглов Кроум 24.0)
-Name[sr at ijekavianlatin]=UA-opis (Googleov Chrome 24.0)
-Name[sr at latin]=UA-opis (Googleov Chrome 24.0)
-Name[sv]=AA-beskrivning (Google Chrome 24.0)
-Name[ta]=UADescription (Google Chrome 24.0)
-Name[tg]=UADescription (Google Chrome 24.0)
-Name[tr]=Kullanıcı Uygulaması Tanımı (Google Chrome 24.0)
-Name[uk]=UADescription (Google Chrome 24.0)
-Name[vi]=Đại diện người dùng (Google Chrome 24.0)
-Name[x-test]=xxUADescription (Google Chrome 24.0)xx
-Name[zh_CN]=客户端描述(Google Chrome 24.0)
-Name[zh_TW]=使用者代理描述 (Google Chrome 24.0)
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-[Desktop Entry]
-Name=UADescription (Google Chrome 5.0)
-Name[ast]=UADescription (Google Chrome 5.0)
-Name[az]=UADescription (Google Chrome 5.0)
-Name[bg]=UADescription (Google Chrome 5.0)
-Name[bn]=UADescription (Google Chrome 5.0)
-Name[ca]=Descripció AU (Google Chrome 5.0)
-Name[ca at valencia]=Descripció AU (Google Chrome 5.0)
-Name[cs]=Popis agenta (Google Chrome 5.0)
-Name[da]=Brugeragentbeskrivelse (Google Chrome 5.0)
-Name[de]=Browserkennung (Google Chrome 5.0)
-Name[el]=Περιγραφή UA (Google Chrome 5.0)
-Name[en_GB]=UADescription (Google Chrome 5.0)
-Name[eo]=UA-Priskribo (Google Chrome 1.0 sub Vindozo XP)
-Name[es]=Descripción del agente de usuario (Google Chrome 5.0)
-Name[et]=UADescription (Google Chrome 5.0)
-Name[eu]=UADescription (Google Chrome 5.0)
-Name[fi]=Käyttäjäagenttikuvaus (Google Chrome 5.0)
-Name[fr]=UADescription (Google Chrome 5.0)
-Name[ga]=UADescription (Google Chrome 5.0)
-Name[gd]=UADescription (Google Chrome 5.0)
-Name[gl]=UADescription (Google Chrome 5.0)
-Name[gu]=UADescription (ગુગલ ક્રોમ ૫.૦)
-Name[he]=UADescription (Google Chrome 5.0)
-Name[hr]=UADescription (Google Chrome 5.0)
-Name[hu]=Böngészőtípus (Google Chrome 5.0)
-Name[ia]=UADescription (Google Chrome 5.0)
-Name[id]=UADescription (Google Chrome 5.0)
-Name[it]=Descrizione UA (Google Chrome 5.0)
-Name[ja]=UADescription (Google Chrome 5.0)
-Name[kk]=UADescription (Google Chrome 5.0)
-Name[kn]=UAವಿವರಣೆ (ಗೂಗಲ್ ಕ್ರೋಮ್ 5.0)
-Name[ko]=UADescription (Google 크롬 5.0)
-Name[lt]=UADescription (Google Chrome 5.0)
-Name[mai]=यूए-डिस्क्रिप्शन (गूगल क्रोम 5.0)
-Name[ml]=യുഎവിവരണം (ഗൂഗിള്‍ ക്രോം 5.0)
-Name[nb]=Brukeragent (Google Chrome 5.0)
-Name[nds]=UA-Beschrieven (Google Chrome 5.0)
-Name[nl]=GA-beschrijving (Google Chrome 5.0)
-Name[nn]=Brukaragent (Google Chrome 5.0)
-Name[pa]=UADescription (ਗੂਗਲ ਕਰੋਮ ੫.੦)
-Name[pl]=UADescription (Google Chrome 5.0)
-Name[pt]=UADescription (Google Chrome 5.0)
-Name[pt_BR]=UADescription (Google Chrome 5.0)
-Name[ro]=Descriere AU (Google Chrome 5.0)
-Name[ru]=UADescription (Google Chrome 5.0)
-Name[si]=UADescription (Google Chrome 5.0)
-Name[sk]=Popis agenta (Google Chrome 5.0)
-Name[sl]=Opis UP (Google Chrome 5.0)
-Name[sr]=УА‑опис (Гуглов Кроум 5.0)
-Name[sr at ijekavian]=УА‑опис (Гуглов Кроум 5.0)
-Name[sr at ijekavianlatin]=UA-opis (Googleov Chrome 5.0)
-Name[sr at latin]=UA-opis (Googleov Chrome 5.0)
-Name[sv]=AA-beskrivning (Google Chrome 5.0)
-Name[ta]=UADescription (Google Chrome 5.0)
-Name[tg]=UADescription (Google Chrome 5.0)
-Name[th]=UADescription (กูเกิลโครม 5.0)
-Name[tr]=Kullanıcı Uygulaması Tanımı (Google Chrome 5.0)
-Name[uk]=UADescription (Google Chrome 5.0)
-Name[vi]=Đại diện người dùng (Google Chrome 5.0)
-Name[wa]=Idintifiaedje do betchteu (Google Chrome 5.0)
-Name[x-test]=xxUADescription (Google Chrome 5.0)xx
-Name[zh_CN]=客户端描述(Google Chrome 5.0)
-Name[zh_TW]=使用者代理描述 (Google Chrome 5.0)
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--- a/src/kcms/kio/uasproviders/chrome570oncurrent.desktop
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-[Desktop Entry]
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-Name[ca]=Descripció AU (Google Chrome 57.0)
-Name[ca at valencia]=Descripció AU (Google Chrome 57.0)
-Name[cs]=Popis agenta (Google Chrome 57.0)
-Name[da]=Brugeragentbeskrivelse (Google Chrome 57.0)
-Name[de]=Browserkennung (Google Chrome 57.0)
-Name[el]=Περιγραφή UA (Google Chrome 57.0)
-Name[en_GB]=UADescription (Google Chrome 57.0)
-Name[es]=UADescription (Google Chrome 57.0)
-Name[et]=UADescription (Google Chrome 57.0)
-Name[eu]=UADescription (Google Chrome 57.0)
-Name[fi]=Käyttäjäagenttikuvaus (Google Chrome 57.0)
-Name[fr]=UADescription (Google Chrome 57.0)
-Name[gl]=UADescription (Google Chrome 57.0)
-Name[hu]=Böngészőtípus (Google Chrome 57.0)
-Name[ia]=UADescription (Google Chrome 57.0)
-Name[id]=UADescription (Google Chrome 57.0)
-Name[it]=Descrizione UA (Google Chrome 57.0)
-Name[ko]=UADescription (Google 크롬 57.0)
-Name[lt]=UADescription (Google Chrome 57.0)
-Name[nl]=GA-beschrijving (Google Chrome 57.0)
-Name[nn]=Brukaragent (Google Chrome 57.0)
-Name[pl]=UADescription (Google Chrome 57.0)
-Name[pt]=UADescription (Google Chrome 57.0)
-Name[pt_BR]=UADescription (Google Chrome 57.0)
-Name[ru]=UADescription (Google Chrome 57.0)
-Name[sk]=UADescription (Google Chrome 57.0)
-Name[sl]=Opis UP (Google Chrome 57.0)
-Name[sr]=УА‑опис (Гуглов Кроум 57.0)
-Name[sr at ijekavian]=УА‑опис (Гуглов Кроум 57.0)
-Name[sr at ijekavianlatin]=UA-opis (Googleov Chrome 57.0)
-Name[sr at latin]=UA-opis (Googleov Chrome 57.0)
-Name[sv]=AA-beskrivning (Google Chrome 57.0)
-Name[ta]=UADescription (Google Chrome 57.0)
-Name[tg]=UADescription (Google Chrome 57.0)
-Name[tr]=UADescription (Google Chrome 57.0)
-Name[uk]=UADescription (Google Chrome 57.0)
-Name[vi]=Đại diện người dùng (Google Chrome 57.0)
-Name[x-test]=xxUADescription (Google Chrome 57.0)xx
-Name[zh_CN]=客户端描述 (Google Chrome 57.0)
-Name[zh_TW]=使用者代理描述 (Google Chrome 57.0)
-X-KDE-UA-FULL=Mozilla/5.0 (appPlatform; appSysName appMachineType) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/57.0.2987.98 Safari/537.36
diff --git a/src/kcms/kio/uasproviders/firefox15oncurrent.desktop b/src/kcms/kio/uasproviders/firefox15oncurrent.desktop
deleted file mode 100644
index f287766d9..000000000
--- a/src/kcms/kio/uasproviders/firefox15oncurrent.desktop
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
-[Desktop Entry]
-Name=UADescription (Firefox 15 on current)
-Name[az]=UADescription (Firefox 15 hazırkı sistemdə)
-Name[ca]=Descripció AU (Firefox 15 a l'actual)
-Name[ca at valencia]=Descripció AU (Firefox 15 a l'actual)
-Name[cs]=Popis agenta (Firefox 15 na aktuálním)
-Name[da]=Brugeragentbeskrivelse (Firefox 15.0 på nuværende)
-Name[de]=Browserkennung (Firefox 15 unter aktuellem Betriebssystem)
-Name[el]=Περιγραφή UA (Firefox 15 στο τρέχον σύστημα)
-Name[en_GB]=UADescription (Firefox 15 on current)
-Name[es]=Descripción del agente de usuario (Firefox 15 actual)
-Name[et]=UADescription (Selles masinas töötav Firefox 15)
-Name[eu]=UADescription (Firefox 15 unekoan)
-Name[fi]=Käyttäjäagenttikuvaus (Firefox 15 nykyisellä)
-Name[fr]=UADescription (Firefox 15 sous le système actuel)
-Name[gd]=UADescription (Firefox 15 air an fhear làithreach)
-Name[gl]=UADescription (Firefox 15 no actual)
-Name[hu]=Böngészőtípus (Firefox 15)
-Name[ia]=UADescription (Firefox 15 super le currente)
-Name[id]=UADescription (Firefox 15 pada saat ini)
-Name[it]=Descrizione UA (Firefox 15 sul sistema attuale)
-Name[ko]=UADescription (현재 플랫폼의 Firefox 15)
-Name[lt]=UADescription (Firefox 15, dabartinė sistema)
-Name[nb]=Brukeragent (Firefox 15 herifra)
-Name[nl]=GA-beschrijving (Firefox 15 op huidige)
-Name[nn]=Brukaragent (Firefox 15 herifrå)
-Name[pl]=Opis przeglądarki użytkownika (Firefox 15, na bieżącym systemie)
-Name[pt]=UADescription (Firefox 15 no actual)
-Name[pt_BR]=UADescription (Firefox 15 no sistema atual)
-Name[ru]=UADescription (Firefox 15 на текущей системе)
-Name[sk]=Popis agenta (Firefox 15 na aktuálnom)
-Name[sl]=Opis UP (Firefox 15 na trenutnem)
-Name[sr]=УА‑опис (Фајерфокс 15 на текућем)
-Name[sr at ijekavian]=УА‑опис (Фајерфокс 15 на текућем)
-Name[sr at ijekavianlatin]=UA-opis (Firefox 15 na tekućem)
-Name[sr at latin]=UA-opis (Firefox 15 na tekućem)
-Name[sv]=AA-beskrivning (Firefox 15 på aktuell)
-Name[ta]=UADescription (Firefox 15 on current)
-Name[tg]=UADescription (Firefox 15 дар низоми ҷорӣ)
-Name[tr]=Kullanıcı Uygulaması Tanımı (geçerli işletim sistemi üzerinde Firefox 15)
-Name[uk]=UADescription (Firefox 15 на поточній)
-Name[vi]=Đại diện người dùng (Firefox 15 trên máy hiện tại)
-Name[x-test]=xxUADescription (Firefox 15 on current)xx
-Name[zh_CN]=客户端描述(运行于本机的 Firefox 15)
-Name[zh_TW]=使用者代理描述 (Firefox 15 on current)
-X-KDE-UA-FULL=Mozilla/5.0 (appPlatform; U; appMachineType appSysName; appLanguage; rv:15.0.2) Gecko/20120910 Firefox/15.0.2
diff --git a/src/kcms/kio/uasproviders/firefox16oncurrent.desktop b/src/kcms/kio/uasproviders/firefox16oncurrent.desktop
deleted file mode 100644
index 668d10c14..000000000
--- a/src/kcms/kio/uasproviders/firefox16oncurrent.desktop
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
-[Desktop Entry]
-Name=UADescription (Firefox 16 on current)
-Name[az]=UADescription (Firefox 16 hazırkı sistemdə)
-Name[ca]=Descripció AU (Firefox 16 a l'actual)
-Name[ca at valencia]=Descripció AU (Firefox 16 a l'actual)
-Name[cs]=Popis agenta (Firefox 16 na aktuálním)
-Name[da]=Brugeragentbeskrivelse (Firefox 16 på nuværende)
-Name[de]=Browserkennung (Firefox 16 auf aktuellem Betriebssystem)
-Name[el]=Περιγραφή UA (Firefox 16 στο τρέχον σύστημα)
-Name[en_GB]=UADescription (Firefox 16 on current)
-Name[es]=Descripción del agente de usuario (Firefox 16 actual)
-Name[et]=UADescription (Selles masinas töötav Firefox 16)
-Name[eu]=UADescription (Firefox 16 unekoan)
-Name[fi]=Käyttäjäagenttikuvaus (Firefox 16 nykyisellä)
-Name[fr]=UADescription (Firefox 16 sous le système actuel)
-Name[gd]=UADescription (Firefox 16 air an fhear làithreach)
-Name[gl]=UADescription (Firefox 16 no actual)
-Name[hu]=Böngészőtípus (Firefox 16)
-Name[ia]=UADescription (Firefox 16 super le currente)
-Name[id]=UADescription (Firefox 16 pada saat ini)
-Name[it]=Descrizione UA (Firefox 16 sul sistema attuale)
-Name[ko]=UADescription (현재 플랫폼의 Firefox 16)
-Name[lt]=UADescription (Firefox 16, dabartinė sistema)
-Name[nb]=Brukeragent (Firefox 16 herifra)
-Name[nl]=GA-beschrijving (Firefox 16 op huidige)
-Name[nn]=Brukaragent (Firefox 16 herifrå)
-Name[pl]=Opis przeglądarki użytkownika (Firefox 16, na bieżącym systemie)
-Name[pt]=UADescription (Firefox 16 no actual)
-Name[pt_BR]=UADescription (Firefox 16 no sistema atual)
-Name[ru]=UADescription (Firefox 16 на текущей системе)
-Name[sk]=Popis agenta (Firefox 16 na aktuálnom)
-Name[sl]=Opis UP (Firefox 16 na trenutnem)
-Name[sr]=УА‑опис (Фајерфокс 16 на текућем)
-Name[sr at ijekavian]=УА‑опис (Фајерфокс 16 на текућем)
-Name[sr at ijekavianlatin]=UA-opis (Firefox 16 na tekućem)
-Name[sr at latin]=UA-opis (Firefox 16 na tekućem)
-Name[sv]=AA-beskrivning (Firefox 16 på aktuell)
-Name[ta]=UADescription (Firefox 16 on current)
-Name[tg]=UADescription (Firefox 16 дар низоми ҷорӣ)
-Name[tr]=Kullanıcı Uygulaması Tanımı (geçerli işletim sistemi üzerinde Firefox 16)
-Name[uk]=UADescription (Firefox 16 на поточній)
-Name[vi]=Đại diện người dùng (Firefox 16 trên máy hiện tại)
-Name[x-test]=xxUADescription (Firefox 16 on current)xx
-Name[zh_CN]=客户端描述(运行于本机的 Firefox 16)
-Name[zh_TW]=使用者代理描述 (Firefox 16 on current)
-X-KDE-UA-FULL=Mozilla/5.0 (appPlatform; U; appMachineType appSysName; appLanguage; rv:16.0.1) Gecko/20121011 Firefox/16.0.1
diff --git a/src/kcms/kio/uasproviders/firefox20oncurrent.desktop b/src/kcms/kio/uasproviders/firefox20oncurrent.desktop
deleted file mode 100644
index 39409186e..000000000
--- a/src/kcms/kio/uasproviders/firefox20oncurrent.desktop
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,86 +0,0 @@
-[Desktop Entry]
-Name=UADescription (Firefox 2.0 on current)
-Name[af]=UA-beskrywing (Firefox 2.0 op huidige bedryfstelsel)
-Name[as]=UADescription (Firefox 2.0 on current)
-Name[az]=UADescription (Firefox 2.0 hazırkı sistemdə)
-Name[be]=UADescription (Firefox 2.0 на гэтай сістэме)
-Name[be at latin]=UADescription (Firefox 2.0 na hetaj systemie)
-Name[bg]=UADescription (текущо Firefox 2.0)
-Name[bn]=UADescription (Firefox 2.0 on current)
-Name[bn_IN]=UADescription (সাম্প্রতিক সংস্করণের মধ্যে Firefox 2.0)
-Name[ca]=Descripció AU (Firefox 2.0 a l'actual)
-Name[ca at valencia]=Descripció AU (Firefox 2.0 a l'actual)
-Name[cs]=Popis agenta (Firefox 2.0 na aktuálním)
-Name[csb]=Òpisënk programë brëkòwnika (FireFox 2.0)
-Name[da]=Brugeragentbeskrivelse (Firefox 2.0 på nuværende)
-Name[de]=Browserkennung (Firefox 2.0 auf aktuellem Betriebssystem)
-Name[el]=Περιγραφή UA (Firefox 2.0 στο τρέχον σύστημα)
-Name[en_GB]=UADescription (Firefox 2.0 on current)
-Name[eo]=UA-Priskribo (Fajrovulpo 2.0 sub nuna)
-Name[es]=Descripción del agente de usuario (Firefox 2.0 actual)
-Name[et]=UADescription (Selles masinas töötav Firefox 2.0)
-Name[eu]=UADescription (Firefox 2.0 unekoan)
-Name[fi]=Käyttäjäagenttikuvaus (Firefox 2.0)
-Name[fr]=UADescription (Firefox 2.0 sous le système actuel)
-Name[fy]=GA-omskriuwing (Firefox 2.0 op aktive)
-Name[ga]=UADescription (Firefox 2.0 ar an gcóras reatha)
-Name[gd]=UADescription (Firefox 2.0 air an fhear làithreach)
-Name[gl]=UADescription (Firefox 2.0 no actual)
-Name[gu]=UADescription (હાલમાં ફાયરફોક્સ ૨.૦)
-Name[he]=UADescription (Firefox 2.0 on current)
-Name[hne]=यूए-डिस्क्रिप्सन (फायरफाक्स २.0 अभी वाले मं)
-Name[hr]=UADescription (Firefox 2.0 na trenutnom)
-Name[hsb]=UADescription (Firefox 2.0 abo pozdźišo)
-Name[hu]=Böngészőtípus (Firefox 2.0)
-Name[ia]=UADescription (Firefox 2.0 super le currente)
-Name[id]=UADescription (Firefox 2.0 pada saat ini)
-Name[it]=Descrizione UA (Firefox 2.0 sul sistema attuale)
-Name[ja]=UADescription (Firefox 2.0 on current)
-Name[kk]=UADescription (Firefox 2.0 осында)
-Name[kn]=UAವಿವರಣೆ (ಪ್ರಸ್ತುತದಲ್ಲಿನ ಫೈರ್ಫಾಕ್ಸ್ ೨.೦೦
-Name[ko]=UADescription (현재 플랫폼의 Firefox 2.0)
-Name[ku]=Pênasa UA (Firefox 2.0 derbasdar e)
-Name[lt]=UADescription (Firefox 2.0, dabartinė sistema)
-Name[mai]=UADescription (फायरफाक्स 2.0 मोजुदा पर)
-Name[mk]=UADescription (Firefox 2.0 на тековно)
-Name[ml]=യുഎവിവരണം (ഇപ്പോഴത്തേതില്‍ ഫയര്‍ഫോക്സ് 2.0)
-Name[mr]=UAडिस्क्रिप्शन (वर्तमान फॉयरफॉक्स 2.0 वर)
-Name[nb]=Brukeragent (Firefox 2.0 herifra)
-Name[nds]=UA-Beschrieven (Firefox 2.0 op dit Systeem)
-Name[ne]=UA वर्णन (हालमा फायरफक्स २.0)
-Name[nl]=GA-beschrijving (Firefox 2.0 op huidige)
-Name[nn]=Brukaragent (Firefox 2.0 herifrå)
-Name[or]=UA ବର୍ଣ୍ଣନା (ପ୍ରଚଳିତ Firefox 2.0)
-Name[pa]=UADescription (ਮੌਜੂਦਾ ਉੱਤੇ ਫਾਇਰਫਾਕਸ 2.0)
-Name[pl]=UADescription (Firefox 2.0, bieżący)
-Name[pt]=UADescription (Firefox 2.0 no actual)
-Name[pt_BR]=UADescription (Firefox 2.0 no sistema atual)
-Name[ro]=Descriere AU (Firefox 2.0 pe sistemul curent)
-Name[ru]=UADescription (Firefox 2.0 на текущей системе)
-Name[se]=UA-čilgehus (Firefox 2.0 dán mašiinnas)
-Name[si]=UADescription (වත්මන මත Firefox 2.0)
-Name[sk]=Popis agenta (Firefox 2.0 na aktuálnom)
-Name[sl]=Opis UP (Firefox 2.0 na trenutnem)
-Name[sr]=УА‑опис (Фајерфокс 2.0 на текућем)
-Name[sr at ijekavian]=УА‑опис (Фајерфокс 2.0 на текућем)
-Name[sr at ijekavianlatin]=UA-opis (Firefox 2.0 na tekućem)
-Name[sr at latin]=UA-opis (Firefox 2.0 na tekućem)
-Name[sv]=AA-beskrivning (Firefox 2.0 på aktuell)
-Name[ta]=UADescription (Firefox 2.0 on current)
-Name[te]=UADescription (Firefox 2.0 on current)
-Name[tg]=UADescription (Firefox 2.0 дар низоми ҷорӣ)
-Name[th]=UADescription (ไฟร์ฟอกซ์ 2.0 บนระบบปัจจุบัน)
-Name[tr]=Kullanıcı Uygulaması Tanımı (geçerli işletim sistemi üzerinde Firefox 2.0)
-Name[uk]=UADescription (Firefox 2.0 на поточній)
-Name[vi]=Đại diện người dùng (Firefox 2.0 trên máy hiện tại)
-Name[wa]=Idintifiaedje do betchteu (Firefox 2.0 sol sistinme do moumint)
-Name[x-test]=xxUADescription (Firefox 2.0 on current)xx
-Name[zh_CN]=客户端描述(运行于本机的 Firefox 2.0)
-Name[zh_TW]=使用者代理描述 (Firefox 2.0 on current)
-X-KDE-UA-FULL=Mozilla/5.0 (appPlatform; U; appMachineType appSysName; appLanguage; rv:1.8.16) Gecko/20071015 Firefox/
diff --git a/src/kcms/kio/uasproviders/firefox30oncurrent.desktop b/src/kcms/kio/uasproviders/firefox30oncurrent.desktop
deleted file mode 100644
index acbe6edb0..000000000
--- a/src/kcms/kio/uasproviders/firefox30oncurrent.desktop
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,74 +0,0 @@
-[Desktop Entry]
-Name=UADescription (Firefox 3.0 on current)
-Name[az]=UADescription (Firefox 3.0 hazırkı sistemdə)
-Name[bg]=UADescription (Firefox 3.0 на текущата система)
-Name[bn]=UADescription (Firefox 3.0 on current)
-Name[ca]=Descripció AU (Firefox 3.0 a l'actual)
-Name[ca at valencia]=Descripció AU (Firefox 3.0 a l'actual)
-Name[cs]=Popis agenta (Firefox 3.0 na současném)
-Name[csb]=Òpisënk programë brëkòwnika (FireFox 3.0)
-Name[da]=Brugeragentbeskrivelse (Firefox 3.0 på nuværende)
-Name[de]=Browserkennung (Firefox 3.0 auf aktuellem Betriebssystem)
-Name[el]=Περιγραφή UA (Firefox 3.0 στο τρέχον σύστημα)
-Name[en_GB]=UADescription (Firefox 3.0 on current)
-Name[eo]=UA-Priskribo (Fajrovulpo 3.0 sub nuna)
-Name[es]=Descripción del agente de usuario (Firefox 3.0 actual)
-Name[et]=UADescription (Selles masinas töötav Firefox 3.0)
-Name[eu]=UADescription (Firefox 3.0 unekoan)
-Name[fi]=Käyttäjäagenttikuvaus (Firefox 3.0 nykyisellä)
-Name[fr]=UADescription (Firefox 3.0 sous le système actuel)
-Name[fy]=UA-beskriuwing (Firefox 3.0 op aktive)
-Name[ga]=UADescription (Firefox 3.0 ar an gcóras reatha)
-Name[gd]=UADescription (Firefox 3.0 air an fhear làithreach)
-Name[gl]=UADescription (Firefox 3.0 no actual)
-Name[gu]=UADescription (ફાયરફોક્સ ૩.૦ હાલમાં)
-Name[he]=UADescription (Firefox 3.0 on current)
-Name[hr]=UADescription (Firefox 3.0 na trenutnom)
-Name[hu]=Böngészőtípus (Firefox 3.0)
-Name[ia]=UADescription (Firefox 3.0 super le currente)
-Name[id]=UADescription (Firefox 3.0 pada saat ini)
-Name[it]=Descrizione UA (Firefox 3.0 sul sistema attuale)
-Name[ja]=UADescription (Firefox 3.0 on current)
-Name[kk]=UADescription (Firefox 3.0 осында)
-Name[kn]=UAವಿವರಣೆ (ಚಾಲ್ತಿಯಲ್ಲಿರುವ ಫೈರ್ಫಾಕ್ಸ್ ೩.೦೦)
-Name[ko]=UADescription (현재 플랫폼의 Firefox 3.0)
-Name[lt]=UADescription (Firefox 3.0, dabartinė sistema)
-Name[mai]=यूए-डिस्क्रिप्शन (फायरफाक्स 3.0 अखनका पर)
-Name[mk]=UADescription (Firefox 3.0 на тековно)
-Name[ml]=യുഎവിവരണം (ഇപ്പോഴത്തേതില്‍ ഫയര്‍ഫോക്സ് 3.0)
-Name[nb]=Brukeragent (Firefox 3.0 herifra)
-Name[nds]=UA-Beschrieven (Firefox 3.0 op dit Systeem)
-Name[nl]=GA-beschrijving (Firefox 3.0 op huidige)
-Name[nn]=Brukaragent (Firefox 3.0 herifrå)
-Name[pa]=UADescription (ਮੌਜੂਦਾ ਉੱਤੇ ਫਾਇਰਫਾਕਸ ੩.੦)
-Name[pl]=UADescription (Firefox 3.0, bieżący)
-Name[pt]=UADescription (Firefox 3.0 no actual)
-Name[pt_BR]=UADescription (Firefox 3.0 no sistema atual)
-Name[ro]=Descriere AU (Firefox 3.0 pe sistemul curent)
-Name[ru]=UADescription (Firefox 3.0 на текущей системе)
-Name[se]=UA-čilgehus (Firefox 3.0 dán mašiinnas)
-Name[si]=UADescription (වත්මන මත Firefox 3.0)
-Name[sk]=Popis agenta (Firefox 3.0 na aktuálnom)
-Name[sl]=Opis UP (Firefox 3.0 na trenutnem)
-Name[sr]=УА‑опис (Фајерфокс 3.0 на текућем)
-Name[sr at ijekavian]=УА‑опис (Фајерфокс 3.0 на текућем)
-Name[sr at ijekavianlatin]=UA-opis (Firefox 3.0 na tekućem)
-Name[sr at latin]=UA-opis (Firefox 3.0 na tekućem)
-Name[sv]=AA-beskrivning (Firefox 3.0 på aktuell)
-Name[ta]=UADescription (Firefox 3.0 on current)
-Name[tg]=UADescription (Firefox 3.0 дар низоми ҷорӣ)
-Name[th]=UADescription (ไฟร์ฟอกซ์ 3.0 บนระบบปัจจุบัน)
-Name[tr]=Kullanıcı Uygulaması Tanımı (geçerli işletim sistemi üzerinde Firefox 3.0)
-Name[uk]=UADescription (Firefox 3.0 на поточній)
-Name[vi]=Đại diện người dùng (Firefox 3.0 trên máy hiện tại)
-Name[wa]=Idintifiaedje do betchteu (Firefox 3.0 sol sistinme do moumint)
-Name[x-test]=xxUADescription (Firefox 3.0 on current)xx
-Name[zh_CN]=客户端描述(运行于本机的 Firefox 3.0)
-Name[zh_TW]=使用者代理描述 (Firefox 3.0 on current)
-X-KDE-UA-FULL=Mozilla/5.0 (appPlatform; U; appMachineType appSysName; appLanguage; rv: Gecko/2008120121 Firefox/3.0.5
diff --git a/src/kcms/kio/uasproviders/firefox36oncurrent.desktop b/src/kcms/kio/uasproviders/firefox36oncurrent.desktop
deleted file mode 100644
index e01b90dc1..000000000
--- a/src/kcms/kio/uasproviders/firefox36oncurrent.desktop
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,70 +0,0 @@
-[Desktop Entry]
-Name=UADescription (Firefox 3.6 on current)
-Name[az]=UADescription (Firefox 3.6 hazırkı sistemdə)
-Name[bg]=UADescription (Firefox 3.6 на текущата система)
-Name[bn]=UADescription (Firefox 3.6 on current)
-Name[ca]=Descripció AU (Firefox 3.6 a l'actual)
-Name[ca at valencia]=Descripció AU (Firefox 3.6 a l'actual)
-Name[cs]=Popis agenta (Firefox 3.6 na aktuálním)
-Name[da]=Brugeragentbeskrivelse (Firefox 3.6 på nuværende)
-Name[de]=Browserkennung (Firefox 3.6 auf aktuellem Betriebssystem)
-Name[el]=Περιγραφή UA (Firefox 3.6 στο τρέχον σύστημα)
-Name[en_GB]=UADescription (Firefox 3.6 on current)
-Name[eo]=UA-Priskribo (Fajrovulpo 3.0 sub nuna)
-Name[es]=Descripción del agente de usuario (Firefox 3.6 actual)
-Name[et]=UADescription (Selles masinas töötav Firefox 3.6)
-Name[eu]=UADescription (Firefox 3.6 unekoan)
-Name[fi]=Käyttäjäagenttikuvaus (Firefox 3.6 nykyisellä)
-Name[fr]=UADescription (Firefox 3.6 sous le système actuel)
-Name[ga]=UADescription (Firefox 3.6 ar an gcóras reatha)
-Name[gd]=UADescription (Firefox 3.6 air an fhear làithreach)
-Name[gl]=UADescription (Firefox 3.6 no actual)
-Name[gu]=UADescription (ફાયરફોક્સ ૩.૬ હાલમાં)
-Name[he]=UADescription (Firefox 3.6 on current)
-Name[hr]=UADescription (Firefox 3.6 on current)
-Name[hu]=Böngészőtípus (Firefox 3.6)
-Name[ia]=UADescription (Firefox 3.6 super le currente)
-Name[id]=UADescription (Firefox 3.6 pada saat ini)
-Name[it]=Descrizione UA (Firefox 3.6 sul sistema attuale)
-Name[ja]=UADescription (Firefox 3.6 on current)
-Name[kk]=UADescription (Firefox 3.6 осында)
-Name[kn]=UAವಿವರಣೆ (ಚಾಲ್ತಿಯಲ್ಲಿರುವ ಫೈರ್ಫಾಕ್ಸ್ ೩.೬)
-Name[ko]=UADescription (현재 플랫폼의 Firefox 3.6)
-Name[lt]=UADescription (Firefox 3.6, dabartinė sistema)
-Name[mai]=यूए-डिस्क्रिप्शन (फायरफाक्स 3.6 अखनका पर)
-Name[ml]=യുഎവിവരണം (ഇപ്പോഴത്തേതില്‍ ഫയര്‍ഫോക്സ് 3.6)
-Name[nb]=Brukeragent (Firefox 3.6 herifra)
-Name[nds]=UA-Beschrieven (Firefox 3.6 op dit Systeem)
-Name[nl]=GA-beschrijving (Firefox 3.6 op huidige)
-Name[nn]=Brukaragent (Firefox 3.6 herifrå)
-Name[pa]=UADescription (ਮੌਜੂਦਾ ਉੱਤੇ ਫਾਇਰਫਾਕਸ ੩.੬)
-Name[pl]=UADescription (Firefox 3.6, bieżący)
-Name[pt]=UADescription (Firefox 3.6 no actual)
-Name[pt_BR]=UADescription (Firefox 3.6 no sistema atual)
-Name[ro]=Descriere AU (Firefox 3.6 pe sistemul curent)
-Name[ru]=UADescription (Firefox 3.6 на текущей системе)
-Name[si]=UADescription (වත්මන් Firefox 3.6)
-Name[sk]=Popis agenta (Firefox 3.6 na aktuálnom)
-Name[sl]=Opis UP (Firefox 3.6 na trenutnem)
-Name[sr]=УА‑опис (Фајерфокс 3.6 на текућем)
-Name[sr at ijekavian]=УА‑опис (Фајерфокс 3.6 на текућем)
-Name[sr at ijekavianlatin]=UA-opis (Firefox 3.6 na tekućem)
-Name[sr at latin]=UA-opis (Firefox 3.6 na tekućem)
-Name[sv]=AA-beskrivning (Firefox 3.6 på aktuell)
-Name[ta]=UADescription (Firefox 3.6 on current)
-Name[tg]=UADescription (Firefox 3.6 дар низоми ҷорӣ)
-Name[th]=UADescription (ไฟร์ฟอกซ์ 3.6 บนระบบปัจจุบัน)
-Name[tr]=Kullanıcı Uygulaması Tanımı (geçerli işletim sistemi üzerinde Firefox 3.6)
-Name[uk]=UADescription (Firefox 3.6 на поточній)
-Name[vi]=Đại diện người dùng (Firefox 3.6 trên máy hiện tại)
-Name[wa]=Idintifiaedje do betchteu (Firefox 3.6 sol sistinme do moumint)
-Name[x-test]=xxUADescription (Firefox 3.6 on current)xx
-Name[zh_CN]=客户端描述(运行于本机的 Firefox 3.6)
-Name[zh_TW]=使用者代理描述 (Firefox 3.6 on current)
-X-KDE-UA-FULL=Mozilla/5.0 (appPlatform; U; appMachineType appSysName; appLanguage; rv:1.9.2) Gecko/20100115 Firefox/3.6
diff --git a/src/kcms/kio/uasproviders/firefox520oncurrent.desktop b/src/kcms/kio/uasproviders/firefox520oncurrent.desktop
deleted file mode 100644
index 7c2c92c72..000000000
--- a/src/kcms/kio/uasproviders/firefox520oncurrent.desktop
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
-[Desktop Entry]
-Name=UADescription (Firefox 52.0 on current)
-Name[az]=UADescription (Firefox 52.0 hazırkı sistemdə)
-Name[ca]=Descripció AU (Firefox 52.0 a l'actual)
-Name[ca at valencia]=Descripció AU (Firefox 52.0 a l'actual)
-Name[cs]=Popis agenta (Firefox 52.0 na aktuálním)
-Name[da]=Brugeragentbeskrivelse (Firefox 52.0 på nuværende)
-Name[de]=Browserkennung (Firefox 52.0 auf aktuellem Betriebssystem)
-Name[el]=Περιγραφή UA (Firefox 52.0 στο τρέχον σύστημα)
-Name[en_GB]=UADescription (Firefox 52.0 on current)
-Name[es]=Descripción del agente de usuario (Firefox 52.0 actual)
-Name[et]=UADescription (Selles masinas töötav Firefox 52.0)
-Name[eu]=UADescription (Firefox 52.0 unekoan)
-Name[fi]=Käyttäjäagenttikuvaus (Firefox 52.0 nykyisellä alustalla)
-Name[fr]=UADescription (Firefox 52.0 sous le système actuel)
-Name[gl]=UADescription (Firefox 52.0 no actual)
-Name[hu]=Böngészőtípus (Firefox 52.0)
-Name[ia]=UADescription (Firefox 52.0 le currente)
-Name[id]=UADescription (Firefox 52.0 pada saat ini)
-Name[it]=Descrizione UA (Firefox 52.0 sul sistema attuale)
-Name[ko]=UADescription (현재 플랫폼의 Firefox 52.0)
-Name[lt]=UADescription (Firefox 52.0, dabartinė sistema)
-Name[nl]=GA-beschrijving (Firefox 52.0 op huidige)
-Name[nn]=Brukaragent (Firefox 52.0 herifrå)
-Name[pl]=UADescription (Firefox 52.0, bieżący)
-Name[pt]=UADescription (Firefox 52.0 no actual)
-Name[pt_BR]=UADescription (Firefox 52.0 no sistema atual)
-Name[ru]=UADescription (Firefox 52.0 на текущей системе)
-Name[sk]=UADescription (Firefox 52.0 on current)
-Name[sl]=Opis UP (Firefox 52.0 na trenutnem)
-Name[sr]=УА‑опис (Фајерфокс 52.0 на текућем)
-Name[sr at ijekavian]=УА‑опис (Фајерфокс 52.0 на текућем)
-Name[sr at ijekavianlatin]=UA-opis (Firefox 52.0 na tekućem)
-Name[sr at latin]=UA-opis (Firefox 52.0 na tekućem)
-Name[sv]=AA-beskrivning (Firefox 52.0 på aktuell)
-Name[ta]=UADescription (Firefox 52.0 on current)
-Name[tg]=UADescription (Firefox 52.0 дар низоми ҷорӣ)
-Name[tr]=UADescription (Firefox 52.0 geçerlide)
-Name[uk]=UADescription (Firefox 52.0 на поточній)
-Name[vi]=Đại diện người dùng (Firefox 52.0 trên máy hiện tại)
-Name[x-test]=xxUADescription (Firefox 52.0 on current)xx
-Name[zh_CN]=客户端描述 (运行于本机的 Firefox 52.0)
-Name[zh_TW]=使用者代理描述 (Firefox 52.0 on current)
-X-KDE-UA-FULL=Mozilla/5.0 (appPlatform; appSysName appMachineType; rv:52.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/52.0
diff --git a/src/kcms/kio/uasproviders/googlebot.desktop b/src/kcms/kio/uasproviders/googlebot.desktop
deleted file mode 100644
index 772a27a64..000000000
--- a/src/kcms/kio/uasproviders/googlebot.desktop
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,90 +0,0 @@
-[Desktop Entry]
-Name=UADescription (Googlebot/2.1)
-Name[af]=UA-beskrywing (Googlebot/2.1)
-Name[as]=UADescription (Googlebot/2.1)
-Name[ast]=UADescription (Googlebot/2.1)
-Name[az]=UADescription (Googlebot/2.1)
-Name[be]=UADescription (Googlebot/2.1)
-Name[be at latin]=UADescription (Googlebot/2.1)
-Name[bg]=UADescription (Googlebot/2.1)
-Name[bn]=UADescription (Googlebot/2.1)
-Name[bn_IN]=UADescription (Googlebot/2.1)
-Name[br]=UADescription (Googlebot/2.1)
-Name[ca]=Descripció AU (Googlebot/2.1)
-Name[ca at valencia]=Descripció AU (Googlebot/2.1)
-Name[cs]=Popis agenta (Googlebot/2.1)
-Name[csb]=Òpisënk programë brëkòwnika (Googlebot/2.1)
-Name[da]=Brugeragentbeskrivelse (Googlebot/2.1)
-Name[de]=Browserkennung (Googlebot/2.1)
-Name[el]=Περιγραφή UA (Googlebot/2.1)
-Name[en_GB]=UADescription (Googlebot/2.1)
-Name[eo]=UA-Priskribo (Googlebot/2.1)
-Name[es]=Descripción del agente de usuario (Googlebot/2.1)
-Name[et]=UADescription (Googlebot/2.1)
-Name[eu]=UADescription (Googlebot/2.1)
-Name[fi]=Käyttäjäagenttikuvaus (Googlebot/2.1)
-Name[fr]=UADescription (Googlebot / 2.1)
-Name[fy]=GA-omskriuwing (Googlebot/2.1)
-Name[ga]=UADescription (Googlebot/2.1)
-Name[gd]=UADescription (Googlebot/2.1)
-Name[gl]=UADescription (Googlebot/2.1)
-Name[gu]=UADescription (હાલમાં ગુગલબોટ ૧.૫)
-Name[he]=UADescription (Googlebot/2.1)
-Name[hne]=यूए-डिस्क्रिप्सन (गूगलबाट/2.1)
-Name[hr]=UADescription (Googlebot/2.1)
-Name[hsb]=UADescription (Googlebot/2.1)
-Name[hu]=Böngészőtípus (Googlebot/2.1)
-Name[ia]=UADescription (Googlebot/2.1)
-Name[id]=UADescription (Googlebot/2.1)
-Name[it]=Descrizione UA (Googlebot/2.1)
-Name[ja]=UADescription (Googlebot/2.1)
-Name[kk]=UADescription (Googlebot/2.1)
-Name[kn]=UAವಿವರಣೆ (ಗೂಗಲ್ಬಾಟ್/೨.೧)
-Name[ko]=UADescription (Googlebot/2.1)
-Name[ku]=Pênasa UA (Googlebot/2.1)
-Name[lt]=UADescription (Googlebot/2.1)
-Name[mai]=यूए-डिस्क्रिप्शन (गूगलबाट/2.1)
-Name[mk]=UADescription (Googlebot/2.1)
-Name[ml]=യുഎവിവരണം (ഗൂഗിള്‍ബോട്ട്/2.1)
-Name[mr]=UAडिस्क्रिप्शन (Googlebot/2.1)
-Name[ms]=UADescription (Googlebot/2.1)
-Name[nb]=Brukeragent (Googlebot/2.1)
-Name[nds]=UA-Beschrieven (Googlebot/2.1)
-Name[ne]=UA वर्णन (गुगलबुट/2.1)
-Name[nl]=GA-beschrijving (Googlebot/2.1)
-Name[nn]=Brukaragent (Googlebot/2.1)
-Name[or]=UA ବର୍ଣ୍ଣନା (Googlebot/2.1)
-Name[pa]=UADescription (Googlebot/2.1)
-Name[pl]=Opis przeglądarki użytkownika (Googlebot/2.1)
-Name[pt]=UADescription (Googlebot/2.1)
-Name[pt_BR]=UADescription (Googlebot/2.1)
-Name[ro]=Descriere AU (Googlebot/2.1)
-Name[ru]=UADescription (Googlebot/2.1)
-Name[se]=UA-čilgehus (Googlebot/2.1)
-Name[si]=UADescription (Googlebot/2.1)
-Name[sk]=Popis agenta (Googlebot/2.1)
-Name[sl]=Opis UP (Googlebot/2.1)
-Name[sr]=УА‑опис (Гуглбот/2.1)
-Name[sr at ijekavian]=УА‑опис (Гуглбот/2.1)
-Name[sr at ijekavianlatin]=UA-opis (GoogleBot/2.1)
-Name[sr at latin]=UA-opis (GoogleBot/2.1)
-Name[sv]=AA-beskrivning (Googlebot/2.1)
-Name[ta]=UADescription (Googlebot/2.1)
-Name[te]=UADescription (Googlebot/2.1)
-Name[tg]=UADescription (Googlebot/2.1)
-Name[th]=UADescription (Googlebot/2.1)
-Name[tr]=Kullanıcı Uygulaması Tanımı (Googlebot/2.1)
-Name[uk]=UADescription (Googlebot/2.1)
-Name[uz]=UADescription (Googlebot/2.1)
-Name[uz at cyrillic]=UADescription (Googlebot/2.1)
-Name[vi]=Đại diện người dùng (Googlebot/2.1)
-Name[wa]=Idintifiaedje do betchteu (Googlebot/2.1)
-Name[x-test]=xxUADescription (Googlebot/2.1)xx
-Name[zh_CN]=客户端描述(Google 机器人/2.1)
-Name[zh_TW]=使用者代理描述 (Googlebot/2.1)
-X-KDE-UA-FULL=Googlebot/2.1 (+http://www.googlebot.com/bot.html)
diff --git a/src/kcms/kio/uasproviders/ie401onwinnt4.desktop b/src/kcms/kio/uasproviders/ie401onwinnt4.desktop
deleted file mode 100644
index 9cdc2b565..000000000
--- a/src/kcms/kio/uasproviders/ie401onwinnt4.desktop
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,95 +0,0 @@
-[Desktop Entry]
-Name=UADescription (IE 4.01 on Win 2000)
-Name[af]=UA-beskrywing (IE 4.01 op Win 2000)
-Name[as]=UADescription (IE 4.01 on Win 2000)
-Name[ast]=UADescription (IE 4.01 en Win 2000)
-Name[az]=UADescription (IE 4.01 Win 2000 -də)
-Name[be]=UADescription (IE 4.01 на Win 2000)
-Name[be at latin]=UADescription (IE 4.01 na „Windows 2000”)
-Name[bg]=UADescription (IE 4.01 на Win 2000)
-Name[bn]=UADescription (IE 4.01 on Win 2000)
-Name[bn_IN]=UADescription (Win 2000-র মধ্যে IE 4.01)
-Name[br]=UADescription (IE 4.01 war Win 2000)
-Name[ca]=Descripció AU (IE 4.01 a Windows 2000)
-Name[ca at valencia]=Descripció AU (IE 4.01 a Windows 2000)
-Name[cs]=Popis agenta (IE 4.01 na Win 2000)
-Name[csb]=Òpisënk programë brëkòwnika (IE 4.01 na Win 2000)
-Name[cy]=UADisgrifiad (IE 4.01 ar Win 2000)
-Name[da]=Brugeragentbeskrivelse (IE 4.01 på Win 2000)
-Name[de]=Browserkennung (IE 4.01 auf Windows 2000)
-Name[el]=Περιγραφή UA (IE 4.01 σε Win 2000)
-Name[en_GB]=UADescription (IE 4.01 on Win 2000)
-Name[eo]=UA-Priskribo (IE 4.01 sur Vindozo 2000)
-Name[es]=Descripción del agente de usuario (IE 4.01 en Win 2000)
-Name[et]=UADescription (IE 4.01 Win2000 platvormil)
-Name[eu]=UADescription (IE 4.01 Win 2000-n)
-Name[fa]=UADescription (IE 4.01 در Win 2000)
-Name[fi]=Käyttäjäagenttikuvaus (IE 4.01 Win 2000:lla)
-Name[fr]=UADescription (IE 4.01 sous Windows 2000)
-Name[fy]=GA-omskriuwing (IE 4.01 op Win 2000)
-Name[ga]=UADescription (IE 4.01 ar Win 2000)
-Name[gd]=UADescription (IE 4.01 air Win 2000)
-Name[gl]=UADescription (IE 4.01 en Win 2000)
-Name[gu]=UADescription (આઇ.ઇ. ૪.૦૧ વિન્ડોઝ ૨૦૦૦ પર)
-Name[he]=UADescription (IE 4.01 on Win 2000)
-Name[hne]=यूए-डिस्क्रिप्सन (आईई 4.01 विन 2000 मं)
-Name[hr]=UADescription (IE 4.01 na Win 2000)
-Name[hsb]=UADescription (IE 4.01 na Win 2000)
-Name[hu]=Böngészőtípus (IE 4.01, Win 2000)
-Name[ia]=UADescription (IE 4.01 super Win 2000)
-Name[id]=UADescription (IE 4.01 pada Win 2000)
-Name[it]=Descrizione UA (IE 4.01 su Windows 2000)
-Name[ja]=UADescription (IE 4.01 on Win 2000)
-Name[kk]=UADescription (IE 4.01 / Win 2000)
-Name[kn]=UAವಿವರಣೆ (ವಿನ್ಡೋಸ್ ೨೦೦೦ ದ ಮೇಲಿನ ಐಇ ೪.೦೧)
-Name[ko]=UADescription (Windows 2000의 IE 4.01)
-Name[ku]=Pênasa UA (IE 4.01 ji bo Win 2000)
-Name[lt]=UADescription (IE 4.01, Win 2000)
-Name[mai]=यूए-डिस्क्रिप्शन (आईई 4.01 विन 2000 पर)
-Name[mk]=UADescription (IE 4.01 на Win 2000)
-Name[ml]=യുഎവിവരണം (വിന്‍ 2000 ലെ ഐഇ 4.01)
-Name[mr]=UAडिस्क्रिप्शन (IE 4.01 विन 2000 पर)
-Name[ms]=UADescription (IE 4.01 on Win 2000)
-Name[nb]=Brukeragent (IE 4.01 på Win 2000)
-Name[nds]=UA-Beschrieven (IE 4.01 op Win 2000)
-Name[ne]=UA वर्णन (Win 2000 मा IE 4.01)
-Name[nl]=GA-beschrijving (IE 4.01 op Win 2000)
-Name[nn]=Brukaragent (IE 4.01 på Windows 2000)
-Name[or]=UA ବର୍ଣ୍ଣନା (Win 2000 ଉପରେ IE 4.01)
-Name[pa]=UADescription (Win ੨੦੦੦ ਉੱਤੇ IE 4.01)
-Name[pl]=Opis przeglądarki użytkownika (IE 4.01 na Win 2000)
-Name[pt]=UADescription (IE 4.01 no Win 2000)
-Name[pt_BR]=UADescription (IE 4.01 no Windows 2000)
-Name[ro]=Descriere AU (IE 4.01 pentru Win 2000)
-Name[ru]=UADescription (IE 4.01 на Windows 2000)
-Name[se]=UA-čilgehus (IE 4.01 ja Win 2000)
-Name[si]=UADescription (Win 2000 මත IE 4.01 )
-Name[sk]=Popis agenta (IE 4.01 na Win 2000)
-Name[sl]=Opis UP (IE 4.01 na Windows 2000)
-Name[sr]=УА‑опис (ИЕ 4.01 на Виндоузу 2000)
-Name[sr at ijekavian]=УА‑опис (ИЕ 4.01 на Виндоузу 2000)
-Name[sr at ijekavianlatin]=UA-opis (IE 4.01 na Windowsu 2000)
-Name[sr at latin]=UA-opis (IE 4.01 na Windowsu 2000)
-Name[sv]=AA-beskrivning (IE 4.01 på Win 2000)
-Name[ta]=UADescription (IE 4.01 on Win 2000)
-Name[te]=UADescription (IE 4.01 on Win 2000)
-Name[tg]=UADescription (IE 4.01 дар Win 2000)
-Name[th]=UADescription (IE 4.01 บน Win 2000)
-Name[tr]=Kullanıcı Uygulaması Tanımı (Win 2000 üzerinde IE 4.01)
-Name[uk]=UADescription (IE 4.01 на Win 2000)
-Name[uz]=UADescription (Win 2000 bilan IE 4.01)
-Name[uz at cyrillic]=UADescription (Win 2000 билан IE 4.01)
-Name[vi]=Đại diện người dùng (IE 4.01 trên Win 2000)
-Name[wa]=Idintifiaedje do betchteu (MSIE 4.01 so Windows 2000)
-Name[xh]=UADescription (IE 4.01 kwi Win 2000)
-Name[x-test]=xxUADescription (IE 4.01 on Win 2000)xx
-Name[zh_CN]=客户端描述(运行于 Win 2000 的 IE 4.01)
-Name[zh_TW]=使用者代理描述 (IE 4.01 on Win 2000)
-X-KDE-UA-FULL=Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 4.01; Windows NT 5.0)
-X-KDE-UA-NAME=Internet Explorer
diff --git a/src/kcms/kio/uasproviders/ie50onppc.desktop b/src/kcms/kio/uasproviders/ie50onppc.desktop
deleted file mode 100644
index 5045d7177..000000000
--- a/src/kcms/kio/uasproviders/ie50onppc.desktop
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,95 +0,0 @@
-[Desktop Entry]
-Name=UADescription (IE 5.0 on Mac PPC)
-Name[af]=UA-beskrywing (Ie 5.0 op Mac Ppc)
-Name[as]=UADescription (IE 5.0 on Mac PPC)
-Name[ast]=UADescription (IE 5.0 en Mac PPC)
-Name[az]=UADescription (IE 5.0 Mac PPC -də)
-Name[be]=UADescription (IE 5.0 на Mac PPC)
-Name[be at latin]=UADescription (IE 5.0 na „Mac” dla PPC)
-Name[bg]=UADescription (IE 5.0 на Mac PPC)
-Name[bn]=UADescription (IE 5.0 on Mac PPC)
-Name[bn_IN]=UADescription (Mac PPC-র মধ্যে IE 5.0)
-Name[br]=UADescription (IE 5.0 war Mac PPC)
-Name[ca]=Descripció AU (IE 5.0 a Mac PPC)
-Name[ca at valencia]=Descripció AU (IE 5.0 a Mac PPC)
-Name[cs]=Popis agenta (IE 5.0 na Mac PPC)
-Name[csb]=Òpisënk programë brëkòwnika (IE 5.0 na Mac PPC)
-Name[cy]=UADisgrifiad (IE 5.0 ar Mac PPC)
-Name[da]=Brugeragentbeskrivelse (IE 5.0 på Mac PPC)
-Name[de]=Browserkennung (IE 5.0 auf Mac PPC)
-Name[el]=Περιγραφή UA (IE 5.0 σε Mac PPC)
-Name[en_GB]=UADescription (IE 5.0 on Mac PPC)
-Name[eo]=UA-Priskribo (IE 5.0 sub Mac-PPC)
-Name[es]=Descripción del agente de usuario (IE 5.0 en Mac PPC)
-Name[et]=UADescription (IE 5.0 MacPPC platvormil)
-Name[eu]=UADescription (IE 5.0 Mac PPC-n)
-Name[fa]=UADescription (IE 5.0 در Mac PPC)
-Name[fi]=Käyttäjäagenttikuvaus (IE 5.0 Mac PPC:llä)
-Name[fr]=UADescription (IE 5.0 sous Mac PPC)
-Name[fy]=GA-omskriuwing (IE 5.0 op Mac PPC)
-Name[ga]=UADescription (IE 5.0 ar Mac PPC)
-Name[gd]=UADescription (IE 5.0 air Mac PPC)
-Name[gl]=UADescription (IE 5.0 en Mac PPC)
-Name[gu]=UADescription (આઇ.ઇ. ૫.૦ મેક પીપીસી પર)
-Name[he]=UADescription (IE 5.0 on Mac PPC)
-Name[hne]=यूए-डिस्क्रिप्सन (आईई 5.0 मैक पीपीसी मं)
-Name[hr]=UADescription (IE 5.0 na Mac PPC)
-Name[hsb]=UADescription (IE 5.0 na Mac PPC)
-Name[hu]=Böngészőtípus (IE 5.0, Mac PPC)
-Name[ia]=UADescription (IE 5.0 super Mac PPC)
-Name[id]=UADescription (IE 5.0 pada Mac PPC)
-Name[it]=Descrizione UA (IE 5.0 su Mac PPC)
-Name[ja]=UADescription (IE 5.0 on Mac PPC)
-Name[kk]=UADescription (IE 5.0 / Mac PPC)
-Name[kn]=UAವಿವರಣೆ (ಮಾಕ್ ಪಿಪಿಸಿ ಮೇಲಿನ ಐಇ ೫.೦)
-Name[ko]=UADescription (Mac PPC의 IE 5.0)
-Name[ku]=Pênasa UA (IE 5.0 ji bo Mac PPC)
-Name[lt]=UADescription (IE 5.0, Mac PPC)
-Name[mai]=यूए-डिस्क्रिप्शन (आईई 5.0 मैक पीपीसी पर)
-Name[mk]=UADescription (IE 5.0 на Mac PPC)
-Name[ml]=യുഎവിവരണം (പിപിസി മാകിലെ ഐഇ 5.0)
-Name[mr]=UAडिस्क्रिप्शन (IE 5.0 मैक पीपीसी पर)
-Name[ms]=UADescription (IE 5.0 on Mac PPC)
-Name[nb]=Brukeragent (IE 5.0 på Mac PPC)
-Name[nds]=UA-Beschrieven (IE 5.0 op Mac PPC)
-Name[ne]=UA वर्णन (Mac PPC मा IE 5.0)
-Name[nl]=GA-beschrijving (IE 5.0 op Mac PPC)
-Name[nn]=Brukaragent (IE 5.0 på Mac PPC)
-Name[or]=UA ବର୍ଣ୍ଣନା (Mac PPC ଉପରେ IE 5.0)
-Name[pa]=UADescription (ਮੈਕ PPC ਉੱਤੇ IE 5.0)
-Name[pl]=Opis przeglądarki użytkownika (IE 5.0 na Mac PPC)
-Name[pt]=UADescription (IE 5.0 no Mac PPC)
-Name[pt_BR]=UADescription (IE 5.0 no Mac PPC)
-Name[ro]=Descriere AU (IE 5.0 pentru Mac PPC)
-Name[ru]=UADescription (IE 5.0 на Mac PPC)
-Name[se]=UA-čilgehus (IE 5.0 ja Mac PPC)
-Name[si]=UADescription (Mac PPC මත IE 5.0)
-Name[sk]=Popis agenta (IE 5.0 na Mac PPC)
-Name[sl]=Opis UP (IE 5.0 na Mac PPC)
-Name[sr]=УА‑опис (ИЕ 5.0 на ППЦ мекинтошу)
-Name[sr at ijekavian]=УА‑опис (ИЕ 5.0 на ППЦ мекинтошу)
-Name[sr at ijekavianlatin]=UA-opis (IE 5.0 na PPC Macintoshu)
-Name[sr at latin]=UA-opis (IE 5.0 na PPC Macintoshu)
-Name[sv]=AA-beskrivning (IE 5.0 på Mac PPC)
-Name[ta]=UADescription (IE 5.0 on Mac PPC)
-Name[te]=UADescription (IE 5.0 on Mac PPC)
-Name[tg]=UADescription (IE 5.0 дар Mac PPC)
-Name[th]=UADescription (IE 5.0 บน Mac PPC)
-Name[tr]=Kullanıcı Uygulaması Tanımı (Mac PPC üzerinde IE 5.0)
-Name[uk]=UADescription (IE 5.0 на Mac PPC)
-Name[uz]=UADescription (Mac PPC bilan IE 5.0)
-Name[uz at cyrillic]=UADescription (Mac PPC билан IE 5.0)
-Name[vi]=Đại diện người dùng (IE 5.0 trên Mac PPC)
-Name[wa]=Idintifiaedje do betchteu (MSIE 5.0 so MacOS PPC)
-Name[xh]=UADescription (IE 5.0 kwi Mac PPC)
-Name[x-test]=xxUADescription (IE 5.0 on Mac PPC)xx
-Name[zh_CN]=客户端描述(运行于 Mac PPC 的 IE 5.0)
-Name[zh_TW]=使用者代理描述 (IE 5.0 on Mac PPC)
-X-KDE-UA-FULL=Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.0; Mac_PowerPC)
-X-KDE-UA-NAME=Internet Explorer
diff --git a/src/kcms/kio/uasproviders/ie55onwinnt5.desktop b/src/kcms/kio/uasproviders/ie55onwinnt5.desktop
deleted file mode 100644
index 13347155d..000000000
--- a/src/kcms/kio/uasproviders/ie55onwinnt5.desktop
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,95 +0,0 @@
-[Desktop Entry]
-Name=UADescription (IE 5.5 on Win 2000)
-Name[af]=UA-beskrywing (Ie 5.5 op Win 2000)
-Name[as]=UADescription (IE 5.5 on Win 2000)
-Name[ast]=UADescription (IE 5.5 en Win 2000)
-Name[az]=UADescription (IE 5.5 Win 2000 -də)
-Name[be]=UADescription (IE 5.5 на Win 2000)
-Name[be at latin]=UADescription (IE 5.5 na „Windows 2000”)
-Name[bg]=UADescription (IE 5.5 на Win 2000)
-Name[bn]=UADescription (IE 5.5 on Win 2000)
-Name[bn_IN]=UADescription (Win 2000-র মধ্যে IE 5.5)
-Name[br]=UADescription (IE 5.5 war Win 2000)
-Name[ca]=Descripció AU (IE 5.5 a Windows 2000)
-Name[ca at valencia]=Descripció AU (IE 5.5 a Windows 2000)
-Name[cs]=Popis agenta (IE 5.5 na Win 2000)
-Name[csb]=Òpisënk programë brëkòwnika (IE 5.5 na Win 2000)
-Name[cy]=UADisgrifiad (IE 5.5 ar Win 2000)
-Name[da]=Brugeragentbeskrivelse (IE 5.5 på Win 2000)
-Name[de]=Browserkennung (IE 5.5 unter Windows 2000)
-Name[el]=Περιγραφή UA (IE 5.5 σε Win 2000)
-Name[en_GB]=UADescription (IE 5.5 on Win 2000)
-Name[eo]=UA-Priskribo (IE 5.5 sub Vindozo 2000)
-Name[es]=Descripción del agente de usuario (IE 5.5 en Win 2000)
-Name[et]=UADescription (IE 5.5 Win2000 platvormil)
-Name[eu]=UADescription (IE 5.5 Win 2000-n)
-Name[fa]=UADescription (IE 5.5 در Win 2000)
-Name[fi]=Käyttäjäagenttikuvaus (IE 5.5 Win 2000:lla)
-Name[fr]=UADescription (IE 5.5 sous Windows 2000)
-Name[fy]=GA-omskriuwing (IE 5.5 op Win 2000)
-Name[ga]=UADescription (IE 5.5 ar Win 2000)
-Name[gd]=UADescription (IE 5.5 air Win 2000)
-Name[gl]=UADescription (IE 5.5 en Win 2000)
-Name[gu]=UADescription (આઇ.ઇ. ૫.૫ વિન્ડોઝ ૨૦૦૦ પર)
-Name[he]=UADescription (IE 5.5 on Win 2000)
-Name[hne]=यूए-डिस्क्रिप्सन (आईई 5.5 विन 2000 मं)
-Name[hr]=UADescription (IE 5.5 na Win 2000)
-Name[hsb]=UADescription (IE 5.5 na Win 2000)
-Name[hu]=Böngészőtípus (IE 5.5, Win 2000)
-Name[ia]=UADescription (IE 5.5 super Win 2000)
-Name[id]=UADescription (IE 5.5 pada Win 2000)
-Name[it]=Descrizione UA (IE 5.5 su Windows 2000)
-Name[ja]=UADescription (IE 5.5 on Win 2000)
-Name[kk]=UADescription (IE 5.5 / Win 2000)
-Name[kn]=UAವಿವರಣೆ (ವಿನ್ಡೋಸ್ ೨೦೦೦ ದ ಮೇಲಿನ ಐಇ ೫.೫)
-Name[ko]=UADescription (Windows 2000의 IE 5.5)
-Name[ku]=Pênasa UA (IE 5.5 ji bo Win 2000)
-Name[lt]=UADescription (IE 5.5, Win 2000)
-Name[mai]=यूए-डिस्क्रिप्शन (आईई 5.5 विन 2000 पर)
-Name[mk]=UADescription (IE 5.5 на Win 2000)
-Name[ml]=യുഎവിവരണം (വിന്‍ 2000 ലെ ഐഇ 5.5)
-Name[mr]=UAडिस्क्रिप्शन (IE 5.5 विन 2000 पर)
-Name[ms]=UADescription (IE 5.5 on Win 2000)
-Name[nb]=Brukeragent (IE 5.5 på Win 2000)
-Name[nds]=UA-Beschrieven (IE 5.5 op Win 2000)
-Name[ne]=UA वर्णन (Win 2000मा IE 5.5)
-Name[nl]=GA-beschrijving (IE 5.5 op Win 2000)
-Name[nn]=Brukaragent (IE 5.5 på Windows 2000)
-Name[or]=UA ବର୍ଣ୍ଣନା (Win 2000 ଉପରେ IE 5.5)
-Name[pa]=UADescription (Win ੨੦੦੦ ਉੱਤੇ IE 5.5)
-Name[pl]=Opis przeglądarki użytkownika (IE 5.5 na Win 2000)
-Name[pt]=UADescription (IE 5.5 no Win 2000)
-Name[pt_BR]=UADescription (IE 5.5 no Windows 2000)
-Name[ro]=Descriere AU (IE 5.5 pentru Win 2000)
-Name[ru]=UADescription (IE 5.5 на Windows 2000)
-Name[se]=UA-čilgehus (IE 5.5 ja Win 2000)
-Name[si]=UADescription (Win 2000 මත IE 5.0)
-Name[sk]=Popis agenta (IE 5.5 na Win 2000)
-Name[sl]=Opis UP (IE 5.5 na Windows 2000)
-Name[sr]=УА‑опис (ИЕ 5.5 на Виндоузу 2000)
-Name[sr at ijekavian]=УА‑опис (ИЕ 5.5 на Виндоузу 2000)
-Name[sr at ijekavianlatin]=UA-opis (IE 5.5 na Windowsu 2000)
-Name[sr at latin]=UA-opis (IE 5.5 na Windowsu 2000)
-Name[sv]=AA-beskrivning (IE 5.5 på Win 2000)
-Name[ta]=UADescription (IE 5.5 on Win 2000)
-Name[te]=UADescription (IE 5.5 on Win 2000)
-Name[tg]=UADescription (IE 5.5 дар Win 2000)
-Name[th]=UADescription (IE 5.5 บน Win 2000)
-Name[tr]=Kullanıcı Uygulaması Tanımı (Win 2000 üzerinde IE 5.5)
-Name[uk]=UADescription (IE 5.5 на Win 2000)
-Name[uz]=UADescription (Win 2000 bilan IE 5.5)
-Name[uz at cyrillic]=UADescription (Win 2000 билан IE 5.5)
-Name[vi]=Đại diện người dùng (IE 5.5 trên Win 2000)
-Name[wa]=Idintifiaedje do betchteu (MSIE 5.5 so Windows 2000)
-Name[xh]=UADescription (IE 5.5 kwi Win 2000)
-Name[x-test]=xxUADescription (IE 5.5 on Win 2000)xx
-Name[zh_CN]=客户端描述(运行于 Win 2000 的 IE 5.5)
-Name[zh_TW]=使用者代理描述 (IE 5.5 on Win 2000)
-X-KDE-UA-FULL=Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.5; Windows NT 5.0)
-X-KDE-UA-NAME=Internet Explorer
diff --git a/src/kcms/kio/uasproviders/ie60oncurrent.desktop b/src/kcms/kio/uasproviders/ie60oncurrent.desktop
deleted file mode 100644
index c56f0cc18..000000000
--- a/src/kcms/kio/uasproviders/ie60oncurrent.desktop
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,90 +0,0 @@
-[Desktop Entry]
-Name=UADescription (IE 6.0 on current)
-Name[af]=UA-beskrywing (IE 6.0 op huidige bedryfstelsel)
-Name[as]=UADescription (IE 6.0 on current)
-Name[ast]=UADescription (IE 6.0 n'actual)
-Name[az]=UADescription (IE 6.0 cari sistemdə)
-Name[be]=UADescription (IE 6.0 на гэтай сістэме)
-Name[be at latin]=UADescription (IE 6.0 na hetaj systemie)
-Name[bg]=UADescription (IE 6.0 на текущата система)
-Name[bn]=UADescription (IE 6.0 on current)
-Name[bn_IN]=UADescription (সাম্প্রতিক সংস্করণের মধ্যে IE 6.0)
-Name[ca]=Descripció AU (IE 6.0 a l'actual)
-Name[ca at valencia]=Descripció AU (IE 6.0 a l'actual)
-Name[cs]=Popis agenta (IE 6.0 na aktuálním)
-Name[csb]=Òpisënk programë brëkòwnika (IE 6.0)
-Name[da]=Brugeragentbeskrivelse (IE 6.0 på nuværende)
-Name[de]=Browserkennung (IE 6.0 auf aktuellem Betriebssystem)
-Name[el]=Περιγραφή UA (IE 6.01 στο τρέχον σύστημα)
-Name[en_GB]=UADescription (IE 6.0 on current)
-Name[eo]=UA-Priskribo (IE 6.0 sub nuna)
-Name[es]=Descripción del agente de usuario (IE 6.0 actual)
-Name[et]=UADescription (Selles masinas töötav IE 6.0)
-Name[eu]=UADescription (IE 6.0 unekoan)
-Name[fa]=UADescription (IE 6.0 در حال حاضر)
-Name[fi]=Käyttäjäagenttikuvaus (IE 6.0 on current)
-Name[fr]=UADescription (IE 6.0 sous le système actuel)
-Name[fy]=GA-omskriuwing (IE 6.0 op aktive)
-Name[ga]=UADescription (IE 6.0 ar an gcóras reatha)
-Name[gd]=UADescription (IE 6.0 air an fhear làithreach)
-Name[gl]=UADescription (IE 6.0 no actual)
-Name[gu]=UADescription (આઇ.ઇ. ૬.૦ હાલ પર)
-Name[he]=UADescription (IE 6.0 on current)
-Name[hne]=यूए-डिस्क्रिप्सन (आईई 6.0 वाले मं)
-Name[hr]=UADescription (IE 6.0 na trenutnom)
-Name[hsb]=UADescription (IE 6.0 abo pozdźišo)
-Name[hu]=Böngészőtípus (IE 6.0)
-Name[ia]=UADescription (IE 6.0 super le currente)
-Name[id]=UADescription (IE 6.0 pada saat ini)
-Name[it]=Descrizione UA (IE 6.0 sul sistema attuale)
-Name[ja]=UADescription (IE 6.0 on current)
-Name[kk]=UADescription (IE 6.0 осы орында)
-Name[kn]=UAವಿವರಣೆ (ಪ್ರಸ್ತುತದ ಮೇಲಿನ ಐಇ ೬.೦)
-Name[ko]=UADescription (현재 플랫폼의 IE 6.0)
-Name[ku]=Pênasa UA (IE 6.0 derbasdar e)
-Name[lt]=UADescription (IE 6.0, dabartinė sistema)
-Name[mai]=यूए-डिस्क्रिप्शन (आईई 6.0 अखनका पर)
-Name[mk]=UADescription (IE 6.0 на тековно)
-Name[ml]=യുഎവിവരണം (ഇപ്പോഴത്തേതില്‍ ഐഇ 6.0)
-Name[mr]=UAडिस्क्रिप्शन (IE 6.0 वर्तमान वर)
-Name[nb]=Brukeragent (IE 6.0 herifra)
-Name[nds]=UA-Beschrieven (IE 6.0 op dit Systeem)
-Name[ne]=UA वर्णन (हाल IE 6.0 मा)
-Name[nl]=GA-beschrijving (IE 6.0 op huidige)
-Name[nn]=Brukaragent (IE 6.0 herifrå)
-Name[or]=UA ବର୍ଣ୍ଣନା (ପ୍ରଚଳିତ IE 6.0)
-Name[pa]=UADescription (ਮੌਜੂਦਾ ਉੱਤੇ IE 6.0)
-Name[pl]=Opis przeglądarki użytkownika (IE 6.0 na bieżącym systemie)
-Name[pt]=UADescription (IE 6.0 no actual)
-Name[pt_BR]=UADescription (IE 6.0 no sistema atual)
-Name[ro]=Descriere AU (IE 6.0 pe sistemul curent)
-Name[ru]=UADescription (IE 6.0 на текущей системе)
-Name[se]=UA-čilgehus (IE 6.0 dán mašiinnas)
-Name[si]=UADescription (වත්මන මත IE 6.0)
-Name[sk]=Popis agenta (IE 6.0 na aktuálnom)
-Name[sl]=Opis UP (IE 6.0 na trenutnem)
-Name[sr]=УА‑опис (ИЕ 6.0 на текућем)
-Name[sr at ijekavian]=УА‑опис (ИЕ 6.0 на текућем)
-Name[sr at ijekavianlatin]=UA-opis (IE 6.0 na tekućem)
-Name[sr at latin]=UA-opis (IE 6.0 na tekućem)
-Name[sv]=AA-beskrivning (IE 6.0 på aktuell)
-Name[ta]=UADescription (IE 6.0 on current)
-Name[te]=UADescription (IE 6.0 on current)
-Name[tg]=UADescription (IE 6.0 дар низоми ҷорӣ)
-Name[th]=UADescription (IE 6.0 บนระบบปัจจุบัน)
-Name[tr]=Kullanıcı Uygulaması Tanımı (geçerli işletim sistemi üzerinde IE 6.0)
-Name[uk]=UADescription (IE 6.0 на поточній)
-Name[uz]=UADescription (joriy bilan IE 6.0)
-Name[uz at cyrillic]=UADescription (жорий билан IE 6.0)
-Name[vi]=Đại diện người dùng (IE 6.0 trên máy hiện tại)
-Name[wa]=Idintifiaedje do betchteu (MSIE 6.0 so Windows 2000)
-Name[x-test]=xxUADescription (IE 6.0 on current)xx
-Name[zh_CN]=客户端描述(运行于本机的 IE 6.0)
-Name[zh_TW]=使用者代理描述 (IE 6.0 on current)
-X-KDE-UA-FULL=Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; appPlatform; appSysName appMachineType) Konqueror/3.4 (KHTML, like Gecko)
-X-KDE-UA-NAME=Internet Explorer
diff --git a/src/kcms/kio/uasproviders/ie60onwinnt51.desktop b/src/kcms/kio/uasproviders/ie60onwinnt51.desktop
deleted file mode 100644
index 5cc748f38..000000000
--- a/src/kcms/kio/uasproviders/ie60onwinnt51.desktop
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,95 +0,0 @@
-[Desktop Entry]
-Name=UADescription (IE 6.0 on Win XP)
-Name[af]=UA-beskrywing (IE 6.0 op Win XP)
-Name[as]=UADescription (IE 6.0 on Win XP)
-Name[ast]=UADescription (IE 6.0 en Windows XP)
-Name[az]=UADescription (IE 6.0 Win XP -də)
-Name[be]=UADescription (IE 6.0 на Win XP)
-Name[be at latin]=UADescription (IE 6.0 na „Windows XP”)
-Name[bg]=UADescription (IE 6.0 на Win XP)
-Name[bn]=UADescription (IE 6.0 on Win XP)
-Name[bn_IN]=UADescription (Win XP-র মধ্যে IE 6.0)
-Name[br]=UADescription (IE 6.0 war Win XP)
-Name[ca]=Descripció AU (IE 6.0 a Win XP)
-Name[ca at valencia]=Descripció AU (IE 6.0 a Win XP)
-Name[cs]=Popis agenta (IE 6.0 na Win XP)
-Name[csb]=Òpisënk programë brëkòwnika (IE 6.0 na Win XP)
-Name[cy]=UADisgrifiad (IE 6.0 ar Win XP)
-Name[da]=Brugeragentbeskrivelse (IE 6.0 på Win XP)
-Name[de]=Browserkennung (IE 6.0 unter Windows XP)
-Name[el]=Περιγραφή UA (IE 6.0 σε Win XP)
-Name[en_GB]=UADescription (IE 6.0 on Win XP)
-Name[eo]=UA-Priskribo (IE 6.0 sub Vindozo XP)
-Name[es]=Descripción del agente de usuario (IE 6.0 en Win XP)
-Name[et]=UADescription (IE 6.0 Win XP platvormil)
-Name[eu]=UADescription (IE 6.0 Win XP-n)
-Name[fa]=UADescription (IE 6.0 در Win XP)
-Name[fi]=Käyttäjäagenttikuvaus (IE 6.0 Win XP:llä)
-Name[fr]=UADescription (IE 6.0 sous Windows XP)
-Name[fy]=GA-omskriuwing (IE 6.0 op Win XP)
-Name[ga]=UADescription (IE 6.0 ar Win XP)
-Name[gd]=UADescription (IE 6.0 air Win XP)
-Name[gl]=UADescription (IE 6.0 en Win XP)
-Name[gu]=UADescription (આઇ.ઇ. ૬.૦ વિન્ડોઝ XP પર)
-Name[he]=UADescription (IE 6.0 on Win XP)
-Name[hne]=यूए-डिस्क्रिप्सन (आईई 6.0 विन एक्सपी मं)
-Name[hr]=UADescription (IE 5.0 na Win 95)
-Name[hsb]=UADescription (IE 6.0 na Win XP)
-Name[hu]=Böngészőtípus (IE 6.0, Win XP)
-Name[ia]=UADescription (IE 6.0 super Win XP)
-Name[id]=UADescription (IE 6.0 pada Win XP)
-Name[it]=Descrizione UA (IE 6.0 su Windows XP)
-Name[ja]=UADescription (IE 6.0 on Win XP)
-Name[kk]=UADescription (IE 6.0 / Win XP)
-Name[kn]=UAವಿವರಣೆ (ವಿನ್ಡೋಸ್ ಕ್ಸಪಿ ಮೇಲಿನ ಐಇ ೬.೦)
-Name[ko]=UADescription (Windows XP의 IE 6.0)
-Name[ku]=pênasa UA (IE 6.0 ji bo Win XP)
-Name[lt]=UADescription (IE 6.0, Win XP)
-Name[mai]=यूए-डिस्क्रिप्शन (आईई 6.0 विन एक्सपी पर)
-Name[mk]=UADescription (IE 6.0 на Win XP)
-Name[ml]=യുഎവിവരണം (വിന്‍ എക്സ്പിയിലെ ഐഇ 6.0)
-Name[mr]=UAडिस्क्रिप्शन (IE 6.0 Win XP वर)
-Name[ms]=UADescription (IE 6.0 on Win XP)
-Name[nb]=Brukeragent (IE 6.0 på Win XP)
-Name[nds]=UA-Beschrieven (IE 6.0 op Win XP)
-Name[ne]=UA वर्णन (Win XP मा IE 6.0)
-Name[nl]=GA-beschrijving (IE 6.0 op Win XP)
-Name[nn]=Brukaragent (IE 6.0 på Windows XP)
-Name[or]=UA ବର୍ଣ୍ଣନା (Win XP ଉପରେ IE 6.0)
-Name[pa]=UADescription (ਵਿੰਡੋ XP ਉੱਤੇ IE 6.0)
-Name[pl]=Opis przeglądarki użytkownika (IE 6.0 na Win XP)
-Name[pt]=UADescription (IE 6.0 no Win XP)
-Name[pt_BR]=UADescription (IE 6.0 no Windows XP)
-Name[ro]=Descriere AU (IE 6.0 pentru Win XP)
-Name[ru]=UADescription (IE 5.0 на Windows 95)
-Name[se]=UA-čilgehus (IE 6.0 ja Win XP)
-Name[si]=UADescription (Win XP මත IE 6.0)
-Name[sk]=Popis agenta (IE 6.0 na Win XP)
-Name[sl]=Opis UP (IE 6.0 na Windows XP)
-Name[sr]=УА‑опис (ИЕ 6.0 на Виндоузу ИксП)
-Name[sr at ijekavian]=УА‑опис (ИЕ 6.0 на Виндоузу ИксП)
-Name[sr at ijekavianlatin]=UA-opis (IE 6.0 na Windowsu XP)
-Name[sr at latin]=UA-opis (IE 6.0 na Windowsu XP)
-Name[sv]=AA-beskrivning (IE 6.0 på Win XP)
-Name[ta]=UADescription (IE 6.0 on Win XP)
-Name[te]=UADescription (IE 6.0 on Win XP)
-Name[tg]=UADescription (IE 6.0 дар Win XP)
-Name[th]=UADescription (IE 6.0 บน Win XP)
-Name[tr]=Kullanıcı Uygulaması Tanımı (Win XP üzerinde IE 6.0)
-Name[uk]=UADescription (IE 6.0 у Win XP)
-Name[uz]=UADescription (Win XP bilan IE 6.0)
-Name[uz at cyrillic]=UADescription (Win XP билан IE 6.0)
-Name[vi]=Đại diện người dùng (IE 6.0 trên Win XP)
-Name[wa]=Idintifiaedje do betchteu (MSIE 6.0 so Windows XP)
-Name[xh]=UADescription (IE 6.0 kwi Win XP)
-Name[x-test]=xxUADescription (IE 6.0 on Win XP)xx
-Name[zh_CN]=客户端描述(运行于 Win XP 的 IE 6.0)
-Name[zh_TW]=使用者代理描述 (IE 6.0 on Win XP)
-X-KDE-UA-FULL=Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1)
-X-KDE-UA-NAME=Internet Explorer
diff --git a/src/kcms/kio/uasproviders/ie70onwinnt51.desktop b/src/kcms/kio/uasproviders/ie70onwinnt51.desktop
deleted file mode 100644
index ee3f0a38d..000000000
--- a/src/kcms/kio/uasproviders/ie70onwinnt51.desktop
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,76 +0,0 @@
-[Desktop Entry]
-Name=UADescription (IE 7.0 on Win XP)
-Name[ast]=UADescription (IE 7.0 en Windows XP)
-Name[az]=UADescription (IE 7.0 Win XP -də)
-Name[bg]=UADescription (IE 7.0 на Win XP)
-Name[bn]=UADescription (IE 7.0 on Win XP)
-Name[ca]=Descripció AU (IE 7.0 a Win XP)
-Name[ca at valencia]=Descripció AU (IE 7.0 a Win XP)
-Name[cs]=Popis agenta (IE 7.0 on Win XP)
-Name[csb]=Òpisënk programë brëkòwnika (IE 7.0 na Win XP)
-Name[da]=Brugeragentbeskrivelse (IE 7.0 på Win XP)
-Name[de]=Browserkennung (IE 7.0 unter Windows XP)
-Name[el]=Περιγραφή UA (IE 7.0 σε Win XP)
-Name[en_GB]=UADescription (IE 7.0 on Win XP)
-Name[eo]=UA-Priskribo (IE 7.0 sub Vindozo XP)
-Name[es]=Descripción del agente de usuario (IE 7.0 en Win XP)
-Name[et]=UADescription (IE 7.0 Win XP platvormil)
-Name[eu]=UADescription (IE 7.0 Win XP-n)
-Name[fi]=Käyttäjäagenttikuvaus (IE 7.0 Win XP:llä)
-Name[fr]=UADescription (IE 7.0 sous Windows XP)
-Name[fy]=UA-beskriuwing (IE 7.0 op Win XP)
-Name[ga]=UADescription (IE 7.0 ar Win XP)
-Name[gd]=UADescription (IE 7.0 air Win XP)
-Name[gl]=UADescription (IE 7.0 en Win XP)
-Name[gu]=UADescription (આઇ.ઇ. ૭.૦ વિન્ડોઝ XP પર)
-Name[he]=UADescription (IE 7.0 on Win XP)
-Name[hr]=UADescription (IE 7.0 on Win XP)
-Name[hu]=Böngészőtípus (IE 7.0, Win XP)
-Name[ia]=UADescription (IE 7.0 super Win XP)
-Name[id]=UADescription (IE 7.0 pada Win XP)
-Name[it]=Descrizione UA (IE 7.0 su Windows XP)
-Name[ja]=UADescription (IE 7.0 on Win XP)
-Name[kk]=UADescription (IE 7.0 / Win XP)
-Name[kn]=UAವಿವರಣೆ (Win XP ಯಲ್ಲಿನ IE ೭.೦)
-Name[ko]=UADescription (Windows XP의 IE 7.0)
-Name[lt]=UADescription (IE 7.0, Win XP)
-Name[mai]=यूए-डिस्क्रिप्शन (आईई 7.0 विन एक्सपी पर)
-Name[mk]=UADescription (IE 7.0 на Win XP)
-Name[ml]=യുഎവിവരണം (വിന്‍ എക്സ്പിയിലെ ഐഇ 7.0)
-Name[nb]=Brukeragent (IE 7.0 på Win XP)
-Name[nds]=UA-Beschrieven (IE 7.0 op Win XP)
-Name[nl]=GA-beschrijving (IE 6.0 op Win XP)
-Name[nn]=Brukaragent (IE 7.0 på Windows XP)
-Name[pa]=UADescription (ਵਿੰਡੋ XP ਉੱਤੇ IE 7.0)
-Name[pl]=Opis przeglądarki użytkownika (IE 7.0 na Win XP)
-Name[pt]=UADescription (IE 7.0 no Win XP)
-Name[pt_BR]=UADescription (IE 7.0 no Windows XP)
-Name[ro]=Descriere AU (IE 7.0 pe Win XP)
-Name[ru]=UADescription (IE 7.0 на Win XP)
-Name[se]=UA-čilgehus (IE 7.0 Win XP:s)
-Name[si]=UADescription (Win XP මත IE 7.0)
-Name[sk]=Popis agenta (IE 7.0 na Win XP)
-Name[sl]=Opis UP (IE 7.0 na Windows XP)
-Name[sr]=УА‑опис (ИЕ 7.0 на Виндоузу ИксП)
-Name[sr at ijekavian]=УА‑опис (ИЕ 7.0 на Виндоузу ИксП)
-Name[sr at ijekavianlatin]=UA-opis (IE 7.0 na Windowsu XP)
-Name[sr at latin]=UA-opis (IE 7.0 na Windowsu XP)
-Name[sv]=AA-beskrivning (IE 7.0 på Win XP)
-Name[ta]=UADescription (IE 7.0 on Win XP)
-Name[tg]=UADescription (IE 7.0 дар Win XP)
-Name[th]=UADescription (IE 7.0 บน Win XP)
-Name[tr]=Kullanıcı Uygulaması Tanımı (Win XP üzerinde IE 7.0)
-Name[uk]=UADescription (IE 7.0 у Win XP)
-Name[vi]=Đại diện người dùng (IE 7.0 trên Win XP)
-Name[wa]=Idintifiaedje do betchteu (IE 7.0 so Windows XP)
-Name[x-test]=xxUADescription (IE 7.0 on Win XP)xx
-Name[zh_CN]=客户端描述(运行于 Win XP 的 IE 7.0)
-Name[zh_TW]=使用者代理描述 (IE 7.0 on Win XP)
-X-KDE-UA-FULL=Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 5.1)
-X-KDE-UA-NAME=Internet Explorer
diff --git a/src/kcms/kio/uasproviders/ie80onwinnt60.desktop b/src/kcms/kio/uasproviders/ie80onwinnt60.desktop
deleted file mode 100644
index dc5dc6201..000000000
--- a/src/kcms/kio/uasproviders/ie80onwinnt60.desktop
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
-[Desktop Entry]
-Name=UADescription (IE 8.0 on Windows Vista)
-Name[ast]=UADescription (IE 8.0 en Windows Vista)
-Name[az]=UADescription (IE 8.0 Windows Vista -da)
-Name[ca]=Descripció AU (IE 8.0 a Windows Vista)
-Name[ca at valencia]=Descripció AU (IE 8.0 a Windows Vista)
-Name[cs]=Popis agenta (IE 8.0 na Windows Vista)
-Name[da]=Brugeragentbeskrivelse (IE 8.0 på Windows Vista)
-Name[de]=Browserkennung (IE 8.0 unter Windows Vista)
-Name[el]=Περιγραφή UA (IE 8.0 σε Windows Vista)
-Name[en_GB]=UADescription (IE 8.0 on Windows Vista)
-Name[es]=Descripción del agente de usuario (IE 8.0 en Windows Vista)
-Name[et]=UADescription (IE 8.0 Windows Vista platvormil)
-Name[eu]=UADescription (IE 8.0 Windows Vistan)
-Name[fi]=Käyttäjäagenttikuvaus (IE 8.0 Windows Vistalla)
-Name[fr]=UADescription (IE 8.0 sous Windows Vista)
-Name[gd]=UADescription (IE 8.0 air Windows Vista)
-Name[gl]=UADescription (IE 8.0 en Windows Vista)
-Name[hu]=Böngészőtípus (IE 8.0, Windows Vista)
-Name[ia]=UADescription (IE 8.0  super Windows Vista )
-Name[id]=UADescription (IE 8.0 pada Windows Vista)
-Name[it]=Descrizione UA (IE 8.0 su Windows Vista)
-Name[ko]=UADescription (Windows Vista의 IE 8.0)
-Name[lt]=UADescription (IE 8.0, Windows Vista)
-Name[nb]=Brukeragent (IE 8.0 på Windows Vista)
-Name[nl]=GA-beschrijving (IE 8.0 op Windows Vista)
-Name[nn]=Brukaragent (IE 8.0 på Windows Vista)
-Name[pl]=Opis przeglądarki użytkownika (IE 8.0 na Windows Vista)
-Name[pt]=UADescription (IE 8.0 no Windows Vista)
-Name[pt_BR]=UADescription (IE 8.0 no Windows Vista)
-Name[ru]=UADescription (IE 8.0 на Windows Vista)
-Name[sk]=Popis agenta (IE 8.0 na Windows Vista)
-Name[sl]=Opis UP (IE 8.0 na Windows Vista)
-Name[sr]=УА‑опис (ИЕ 8.0 на Виндоузу Висти)
-Name[sr at ijekavian]=УА‑опис (ИЕ 8.0 на Виндоузу Висти)
-Name[sr at ijekavianlatin]=UA-opis (IE 8.0 na Windowsu Visti)
-Name[sr at latin]=UA-opis (IE 8.0 na Windowsu Visti)
-Name[sv]=AA-beskrivning (IE 8.0 på Windows Vista)
-Name[ta]=UADescription (IE 8.0 on Windows Vista)
-Name[tg]=UADescription (IE 8.0 дар Windows Vista)
-Name[tr]=Kullanıcı Uygulaması Tanımı (Windows Vista üzerinde IE 8.0)
-Name[uk]=UADescription (IE 8.0 у Windows Vista)
-Name[vi]=Đại diện người dùng (IE 8.0 trên Windows Vista)
-Name[x-test]=xxUADescription (IE 8.0 on Windows Vista)xx
-Name[zh_CN]=客户端描述(运行于 Win Vista 的 IE 8.0)
-Name[zh_TW]=使用者代理描述 (IE8.0 on Windows Vista)
-X-KDE-UA-FULL=Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 6.0)
-X-KDE-UA-NAME=Internet Explorer
diff --git a/src/kcms/kio/uasproviders/ie90onwinnt71.desktop b/src/kcms/kio/uasproviders/ie90onwinnt71.desktop
deleted file mode 100644
index 1a5b3a179..000000000
--- a/src/kcms/kio/uasproviders/ie90onwinnt71.desktop
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
-[Desktop Entry]
-Name=UADescription (IE 9.0 on Windows Seven)
-Name[ast]=UADescription (IE 9.0 en Windows Seven)
-Name[az]=UADescription (IE 9.0 Windows 7 -də)
-Name[ca]=Descripció AU (IE 9.0 a Windows 7)
-Name[ca at valencia]=Descripció AU (IE 9.0 a Windows 7)
-Name[cs]=Popis agenta (IE 9.0 na Windows 7)
-Name[da]=Brugeragentbeskrivelse (IE 9.0 på Windows 7)
-Name[de]=Browserkennung (IE 9.0 unter Windows 7)
-Name[el]=Περιγραφή UA (IE 9.0 σε Windows Seven)
-Name[en_GB]=UADescription (IE 9.0 on Windows Seven)
-Name[es]=Descripción del agente de usuario (IE 9.0 en Windows Seven)
-Name[et]=UADescription (IE 9.0 Windows 7 platvormil)
-Name[eu]=UADescription (IE 9.0 on Windows 7an)
-Name[fi]=Käyttäjäagenttikuvaus (IE 9.0 Windows 7:llä)
-Name[fr]=UADescription (IE 9.0 sous Windows 7)
-Name[gd]=UADescription (IE 9.0 air Windows 7)
-Name[gl]=UADescription (IE 9.0 en Windows Vista)
-Name[hu]=Böngészőtípus (IE 9.0, Windows 7)
-Name[ia]=UADescription (IE 9.0  super Windows Seven)
-Name[id]=UADescription (IE 9.0 pada Windows Seven)
-Name[it]=Descrizione UA (IE 9.0 su Windows 7)
-Name[ko]=UADescription (Windows 7의 IE 9.0)
-Name[lt]=UADescription (IE 9.0, Windows 7)
-Name[nb]=Brukeragent (IE 9.0 på Windows Seven)
-Name[nl]=GA-beschrijving (IE 9.0 op Windows 7)
-Name[nn]=Brukaragent (IE 9.0 på Windows Seven)
-Name[pl]=Opis przeglądarki użytkownika (IE 9.0 na Windows Vista)
-Name[pt]=UADescription (IE 9.0 no Windows Vista)
-Name[pt_BR]=UADescription (IE 9.0 no Windows 7)
-Name[ru]=UADescription (IE 9.0 на Windows Seven)
-Name[sk]=Popis agenta (IE 9.0 na Windows 7)
-Name[sl]=Opis UP (IE 9.0 na Windows 7)
-Name[sr]=УА‑опис (ИЕ 9.0 на Виндоузу 7)
-Name[sr at ijekavian]=УА‑опис (ИЕ 9.0 на Виндоузу 7)
-Name[sr at ijekavianlatin]=UA-opis (IE 9.0 na Windowsu 7)
-Name[sr at latin]=UA-opis (IE 9.0 na Windowsu 7)
-Name[sv]=AA-beskrivning (IE 9.0 på Windows 7)
-Name[ta]=UADescription (IE 9.0 on Windows Seven)
-Name[tg]=UADescription (IE 9.0 дар Windows Seven)
-Name[tr]=Kullanıcı Uygulaması Tanımı (Windows Yedi üzerinde IE 9.0)
-Name[uk]=UADescription (IE 9.0 у Windows 7)
-Name[vi]=Đại diện người dùng (IE 9.0 trên Windows Seven)
-Name[x-test]=xxUADescription (IE 9.0 on Windows Seven)xx
-Name[zh_CN]=客户端描述(运行于 Win 7 的 IE 9.0)
-Name[zh_TW]=使用者代理描述 (IE 9.0 on Windows Seven)
-X-KDE-UA-FULL=Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; MSIE 9.0; Windows NT 7.1)
-X-KDE-UA-NAME=Internet Explorer
diff --git a/src/kcms/kio/uasproviders/lynxoncurrent.desktop b/src/kcms/kio/uasproviders/lynxoncurrent.desktop
deleted file mode 100644
index 379f34018..000000000
--- a/src/kcms/kio/uasproviders/lynxoncurrent.desktop
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,92 +0,0 @@
-[Desktop Entry]
-Name=UADescription (Lynx 2.8.3)
-Name[af]=UA-beskrywing (Lynx 2.8.3)
-Name[as]=UADescription (Lynx 2.8.3)
-Name[ast]=UADescription (Lynx 2.8.3)
-Name[az]=UADescription (Lynx 2.8.3)
-Name[be]=UADescription (Lynx 2.8.3)
-Name[be at latin]=UADescription (Lynx 2.8.3)
-Name[bg]=UADescription (Lynx 2.8.3)
-Name[bn]=UADescription (Lynx 2.8.3)
-Name[bn_IN]=UADescription (Lynx 2.8.3)
-Name[br]=UADescription (Lynx 2.8.3)
-Name[ca]=Descripció AU (Lynx 2.8.3)
-Name[ca at valencia]=Descripció AU (Lynx 2.8.3)
-Name[cs]=Popis agenta (Lynx 2.8.3)
-Name[csb]=Òpisënk programë brëkòwnika (Lynx 2.8.3)
-Name[cy]=UADisgrifiad (Lynx 2.8.3)
-Name[da]=Brugeragentbeskrivelse (Lynx 2.8.3)
-Name[de]=Browserkennung (Lynx 2.8.3)
-Name[el]=Περιγραφή UA (Lynx 2.8.3)
-Name[en_GB]=UADescription (Lynx 2.8.3)
-Name[eo]=UA-Priskribo (Lynx 2.8.3)
-Name[es]=Descripción del agente de usuario (Lynx 2.8.3)
-Name[et]=UADescription (Lynx 2.8.3)
-Name[eu]=UADescription (Lynx 2.8.3)
-Name[fi]=Käyttäjäagenttikuvaus (Lynx 2.8.3)
-Name[fr]=UADescription (Lynx 2.8.3)
-Name[fy]=GA-omskriuwing (Lynx 2.8.3)
-Name[ga]=UADescription (Lynx 2.8.3)
-Name[gd]=UADescription (Lynx 2.8.3)
-Name[gl]=UADescription (Lynx 2.8.3)
-Name[gu]=UADescription (લાયન્ક્સ ૨.૮.૩)
-Name[he]=UADescription (Lynx 2.8.3)
-Name[hne]=यूए-डिस्क्रिप्सन (लायनक्स 2.8.3)
-Name[hr]=UADescription (Lynx 2.8.3)
-Name[hsb]=UADescription (Lynx 2.8.3)
-Name[hu]=Böngészőtípus (Lynx 2.8.3)
-Name[ia]=UADescription (Lynx 2.8.3)
-Name[id]=UADescription (Lynx 2.8.3)
-Name[it]=Descrizione UA (Lynx 2.8.3)
-Name[ja]=UADescription (Lynx 2.8.3)
-Name[kk]=UADescription (Lynx 2.8.3)
-Name[kn]=UAವಿವರಣೆ (ಲಿಂಕ್ಸ್ ೨.೮.೩)
-Name[ko]=UADescription (Lynx 2.8.3)
-Name[ku]=Pênasa UA (Lynx 2.8.3)
-Name[lt]=UADescription (Lynx 2.8.3)
-Name[mai]=यूए-डिस्क्रिप्शन (लिन्क्स 2.8.3)
-Name[mk]=UADescription (Lynx 2.8.3)
-Name[ml]=യുഎവിവരണം (ലിന്‍ക്സ് 2.8.3)
-Name[mr]=UAडिस्क्रिप्शन (लिंक्स् 2.8.3)
-Name[ms]=UADescription (Lynx 2.8.3)
-Name[nb]=Brukeragent (Lynx 2.8.3)
-Name[nds]=UA-Beschrieven (Lynx 2.8.3)
-Name[ne]=UA वर्णन (Lynx 2.8.3)
-Name[nl]=GA-beschrijving (Lynx 2.8.3)
-Name[nn]=Brukaragent (Lynx 2.8.3)
-Name[or]=UA ବର୍ଣ୍ଣନା (Lynx 2.8.3)
-Name[pa]=UADescription(ਲੇਨਕਸ 2.8.3)
-Name[pl]=Opis przeglądarki użytkownika (Lynx 2.8.3)
-Name[pt]=UADescription (Lynx 2.8.3)
-Name[pt_BR]=UADescription (Lynx 2.8.3)
-Name[ro]=Descriere AU (Lynx 2.8.3)
-Name[ru]=UADescription (Lynx 2.8.3)
-Name[se]=UA-čilgehus (Lynx 2.8.3)
-Name[si]=UADescription (Lynx 2.8.3)
-Name[sk]=Popis agenta (Lynx 2.8.3)
-Name[sl]=Opis UP (Lynx 2.8.3)
-Name[sr]=УА‑опис (Линкс 2.8.3)
-Name[sr at ijekavian]=УА‑опис (Линкс 2.8.3)
-Name[sr at ijekavianlatin]=UA-opis (Lynx 2.8.3)
-Name[sr at latin]=UA-opis (Lynx 2.8.3)
-Name[sv]=AA-beskrivning (Lynx 2.8.3)
-Name[ta]=UADescription (Lynx 2.8.3)
-Name[te]=UADescription (Lynx 2.8.3)
-Name[tg]=UADescription (Lynx 2.8.3)
-Name[th]=UADescription (Lynx 2.8.3)
-Name[tr]=Kullanıcı Uygulaması Tanımı (Lynx 2.8.3)
-Name[uk]=UADescription (Lynx 2.8.3)
-Name[uz]=UADescription (Lynx 2.8.3)
-Name[uz at cyrillic]=UADescription (Lynx 2.8.3)
-Name[vi]=Đại diện người dùng (Lynx 2.8.3)
-Name[wa]=Idintifiaedje do betchteu (Lynx 2.8.3)
-Name[xh]=UADescription (Lynx 2.8.3)
-Name[x-test]=xxUADescription (Lynx 2.8.3)xx
-Name[zh_CN]=客户端描述(Lynx 2.8.3)
-Name[zh_TW]=使用者代理描述 (Lynx 2.8.3)
-X-KDE-UA-FULL=Lynx/2.8.3dev.6 libwww-FM/2.14
diff --git a/src/kcms/kio/uasproviders/nn301oncurrent.desktop b/src/kcms/kio/uasproviders/nn301oncurrent.desktop
deleted file mode 100644
index 76f264feb..000000000
--- a/src/kcms/kio/uasproviders/nn301oncurrent.desktop
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,91 +0,0 @@
-[Desktop Entry]
-Name=UADescription (NN 3.01 on current)
-Name[af]=UA-beskrywing (NN 3.01 op huidige bedryfstelsel)
-Name[as]=UADescription (NN 3.01 on current)
-Name[az]=UADescription (NN 3.01 cari sistemdə)
-Name[be]=UADescription (NN 3.01 на гэтай сістэме)
-Name[be at latin]=UADescription (NN 3.01 na hetaj systemie)
-Name[bg]=UADescription (NN 3.01 на текущата система)
-Name[bn]=UADescription (NN 3.01 on current)
-Name[bn_IN]=UADescription (সাম্প্রতিক সংস্করণের মধ্যে NN 3.01)
-Name[ca]=Descripció AU (NN 3.01 a l'actual)
-Name[ca at valencia]=Descripció AU (NN 3.01 a l'actual)
-Name[cs]=Popis agenta (NN 3.01 na aktuálním)
-Name[csb]=Òpisënk programë brëkòwnika (NN 3.01)
-Name[cy]=UADisgrifiad (NN 3.01 ar gyfredol)
-Name[da]=Brugeragentbeskrivelse (NN 3.01 på nuværende)
-Name[de]=Browserkennung (NN 3.01 auf aktuellem Betriebssystem)
-Name[el]=Περιγραφή UA (NN 3.01 στο τρέχον σύστημα)
-Name[en_GB]=UADescription (NN 3.01 on current)
-Name[eo]=UA-Priskribo (NN 3.01 sub nuna)
-Name[es]=Descripción del agente de usuario (NN 3.01 actual)
-Name[et]=UADescription (Selles masinas töötav Netscape 3.01)
-Name[eu]=UADescription (NN 3.01 unekoan)
-Name[fa]=UADescription (NN 3.01 در حال حاضر)
-Name[fi]=Käyttäjäagenttikuvaus (NN 3.01 nykyisellä)
-Name[fr]=UADescription (Netscape 3.01 sous le système actuel)
-Name[fy]=GA-omskriuwing (NN 3.01 op aktive)
-Name[ga]=UADescription (NN 3.01 ar an gcóras reatha)
-Name[gd]=UADescription (NN 3.01 air an fhear làithreach)
-Name[gl]=UADescription (NN 3.01 no actual)
-Name[gu]=UADescription (NN ૩.૧ હાલ પર)
-Name[he]=UADescription (NN 3.01 on current)
-Name[hne]=यूए-डिस्क्रिप्सन (एनएन 3.01 अभी वाले मं)
-Name[hr]=UADescription (NN 3.01 na trenutnom)
-Name[hsb]=UADescription (NN 3.01 abo pozdźišo)
-Name[hu]=Böngészőtípus (NN 3.01)
-Name[ia]=UADescription (NN 3.01 super le currente)
-Name[id]=UADescription (NN 3.01 pada saat ini)
-Name[it]=Descrizione UA (NN 3.01 sul sistema attuale)
-Name[ja]=UADescription (NN 3.01 on current)
-Name[kk]=UADescription (NN 3.01 осы орында)
-Name[kn]=UAವಿವರಣೆ (ಪ್ರಸ್ತುತದ ಮೇಲಿನ ಎನ್ಎನ್ ೩.೦೧)
-Name[ko]=UADescription (현재 플랫폼의 Netscape 3.01)
-Name[ku]=Pênasa UA (NN 3.01 derbasdar e)
-Name[lt]=UADescription (NN 3.01, dabartinė sistema)
-Name[mai]=यूए-डिस्क्रिप्शन (एनएन 3.01 अखनका पर)
-Name[mk]=UADescription (NN 3.01 на тековен)
-Name[ml]=യുഎവിവരണം (ഇപ്പോഴത്തേതില്‍ എന്‍എന്‍ 3.01)
-Name[mr]=UAडिस्क्रिप्शन (एनएन 3.01 वर्तमान वर)
-Name[nb]=Brukeragent (NN 3.01 herifra)
-Name[nds]=UA-Beschrieven (NN 3.01 op dit Systeem)
-Name[ne]=UA वर्णन (हाल NN 3.01 मा)
-Name[nl]=GA-beschrijving (NN 3.01 op huidige)
-Name[nn]=Brukaragent (NN 3.01 herifrå)
-Name[or]=UA ବର୍ଣ୍ଣନା (ପ୍ରଚଳିତ NN 3.01)
-Name[pa]=UADescription (ਮੌਜੂਦਾ ਉੱਤੇ NN 3.01)
-Name[pl]=Opis przeglądarki użytkownika (NN 3.01 na bieżącym systemie)
-Name[pt]=UADescription (NN 3.01 no actual)
-Name[pt_BR]=UADescription (NN 3.01 no sistema atual)
-Name[ro]=Descriere AU (NN 3.01 pe sistemul curent)
-Name[ru]=UADescription (NN 3.01 на текущей системе)
-Name[se]=UA-čilgehus (NN 3.01 dán mašiinnas)
-Name[si]=UADescription (වත්මන මත NN 3.01)
-Name[sk]=Popis agenta (NN 3.01 na aktuálnom)
-Name[sl]=Opis UP (NN 3.01 na trenutnem)
-Name[sr]=УА‑опис (НН 3.01 на текућем)
-Name[sr at ijekavian]=УА‑опис (НН 3.01 на текућем)
-Name[sr at ijekavianlatin]=UA-opis (NN 3.01 na tekućem)
-Name[sr at latin]=UA-opis (NN 3.01 na tekućem)
-Name[sv]=AA-beskrivning (NN 3.01 på aktuell)
-Name[ta]=UADescription (NN 3.01 on current)
-Name[te]=UADescription (NN 3.01 on current)
-Name[tg]=UADescription (NN 3.01 дар низоми ҷорӣ)
-Name[th]=UADescription (NN 3.01 บนระบบปัจจุบัน)
-Name[tr]=Kullanıcı Uygulaması Tanımı (geçerli işletim sistemi üzerinde NN 3.01)
-Name[uk]=UADescription (NN 3.01 на поточній ОС)
-Name[uz]=UADescription (joriy bilan NN 3.01)
-Name[uz at cyrillic]=UADescription (жорий билан NN 3.01)
-Name[vi]=Đại diện người dùng (NN 3.01 trên máy hiện tại)
-Name[wa]=Idintifiaedje do betchteu (Netscape 3.01 sol sistinme do moumint)
-Name[xh]=UADescription (NN 3.01 okwangoku)
-Name[x-test]=xxUADescription (NN 3.01 on current)xx
-Name[zh_CN]=客户端描述(运行于本机的 NN 3.01)
-Name[zh_TW]=使用者代理描述 (NN 3.01 on current)
-X-KDE-UA-FULL=Mozilla/3.01 (appPlatform; I; appSysName appSysRelease appMachineType)
-X-KDE-UA-NAME=Netscape Navigator
diff --git a/src/kcms/kio/uasproviders/nn475oncurrent.desktop b/src/kcms/kio/uasproviders/nn475oncurrent.desktop
deleted file mode 100644
index 42f616596..000000000
--- a/src/kcms/kio/uasproviders/nn475oncurrent.desktop
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,91 +0,0 @@
-[Desktop Entry]
-Name=UADescription (NN 4.76 on current)
-Name[af]=UA-beskrywing (NN 4.76 op huidige bedryfstelsel)
-Name[as]=UADescription (NN 4.76 on current)
-Name[az]=UADescription (NN 4.76 cari sistemdə)
-Name[be]=UADescription (NN 4.76 на гэтай сістэме)
-Name[be at latin]=UADescription (NN 4.76 na hetaj systemie)
-Name[bg]=UADescription (NN 4.76 на текущата система)
-Name[bn]=UADescription (NN 4.76 on current)
-Name[bn_IN]=UADescription (সাম্প্রতিক সংস্করণের মধ্যে NN 4.76)
-Name[ca]=Descripció AU (NN 4.76 a l'actual)
-Name[ca at valencia]=Descripció AU (NN 4.76 a l'actual)
-Name[cs]=Popis agenta (NN 4.76 na aktuálním)
-Name[csb]=Òpisënk programë brëkòwnika (NN 4.76)
-Name[cy]=UADisgrifiad (NN 4.76 ar gyfredol)
-Name[da]=Brugeragentbeskrivelse (NN 4.76 på nuværende)
-Name[de]=Browserkennung (NN 4.76 auf aktuellem Betriebssystem)
-Name[el]=Περιγραφή UA (NN 4.76 στο τρέχον σύστημα)
-Name[en_GB]=UADescription (NN 4.76 on current)
-Name[eo]=UA-Priskribo (NN 4.76 sub nuna)
-Name[es]=Descripción del agente de usuario (NN 4.76 actual)
-Name[et]=UADescription (Selles masinas töötav Netscape 4.76)
-Name[eu]=UADescription (NN 4.76 unekoan)
-Name[fa]=UADescription (NN 4.76 در حال حاضر)
-Name[fi]=Käyttäjäagenttikuvaus (NN 4.76 nykyisellä)
-Name[fr]=UADescription (Netscape 4.76 sous le système actuel)
-Name[fy]=GA-omskriuwing (NN 4.76 op aktive)
-Name[ga]=UADescription (NN 4.76 ar an gcóras reatha)
-Name[gd]=UADescription (NN 4.76 air an fhear làithreach)
-Name[gl]=UADescription (NN 4.76 no actual)
-Name[gu]=UADescription (NN ૪.૭૬ હાલ પર)
-Name[he]=UADescription (NN 4.76 on current)
-Name[hne]=यूए-डिस्क्रिप्सन (एनएन 4.76 अभी वाले मं)
-Name[hr]=UADescription (NN 4.76 na trenutnom)
-Name[hsb]=UADescription (NN 4.76 abo pozdźišo)
-Name[hu]=Böngészőtípus (NN 4.76)
-Name[ia]=UADescription (NN 4.76 super le currente)
-Name[id]=UADescription (NN 4.76 pada saat ini)
-Name[it]=Descrizione UA (NN 4.76 sul sistema attuale)
-Name[ja]=UADescription (NN 4.76 on current)
-Name[kk]=UADescription (NN 4.76 осы орында)
-Name[kn]=UAವಿವರಣೆ (ಪ್ರಸ್ತುತದ ಮೇಲಿನ ಎನ್ಎನ್ ೪.೭೬)
-Name[ko]=UADescription (현재 플랫폼의 Netscape 4.76)
-Name[ku]=Pênasa UA (NN 4.76 derbasdar e)
-Name[lt]=UADescription (NN 4.76, dabartinė sistema)
-Name[mai]=यूए-डिस्क्रिप्शन (एनएन 4.76 अखनका पर)
-Name[mk]=UADescription (NN 4.76 на тековен)
-Name[ml]=യുഎവിവരണം (ഇപ്പോഴത്തേതില്‍ എന്‍എന്‍ 4.76)
-Name[mr]=UAडिस्क्रिप्शन (एनएन 4.76 वर्तमान वर)
-Name[nb]=Brukeragent (NN 4.76 herifra)
-Name[nds]=UA-Beschrieven (NN 4.76 op dit Systeem)
-Name[ne]=UA वर्णन (हाल NN 4.76 मा)
-Name[nl]=GA-beschrijving (NN 4.76 op huidige)
-Name[nn]=Brukaragent (NN 4.76 herifrå)
-Name[or]=UA ବର୍ଣ୍ଣନା (ପ୍ରଚଳିତ NN 4.76)
-Name[pa]=UADescription (ਮੌਜੂਦਾ ਉੱਤੇ NN 4.76)
-Name[pl]=Opis przeglądarki użytkownika (NN 4.76 na bieżącym systemie)
-Name[pt]=UADescription (NN 4.76 no actual)
-Name[pt_BR]=UADescription (NN 4.76 no sistema atual)
-Name[ro]=Descriere AU (NN 4.76 pe sistemul curent)
-Name[ru]=UADescription (NN 4.76 на текущей системе)
-Name[se]=UA-čilgehus (NN 4.76 dán mašiinnas)
-Name[si]=UADescription (වත්මන මත NN 4.76)
-Name[sk]=Popis agenta (NN 4.76 na aktuálnom)
-Name[sl]=Opis UP (NN 4.76 na trenutnem)
-Name[sr]=УА‑опис (НН 4.76 на текућем)
-Name[sr at ijekavian]=УА‑опис (НН 4.76 на текућем)
-Name[sr at ijekavianlatin]=UA-opis (NN 4.76 na tekućem)
-Name[sr at latin]=UA-opis (NN 4.76 na tekućem)
-Name[sv]=AA-beskrivning (NN 4.76 på aktuell)
-Name[ta]=UADescription (NN 4.76 on current)
-Name[te]=UADescription (NN 4.76 on current)
-Name[tg]=UADescription (NN 4.76 дар низоми ҷорӣ)
-Name[th]=UADescription (NN 4.76 บนระบบปัจจุบัน)
-Name[tr]=Kullanıcı Uygulaması Tanımı (geçerli işletim sistemi üzerinde NN 4.76)
-Name[uk]=UADescription (NN 4.76 на поточній ОС)
-Name[uz]=UADescription (joriy bilan NN 4.76)
-Name[uz at cyrillic]=UADescription (жорий билан NN 4.76)
-Name[vi]=Đại diện người dùng (NN 4.76 trên máy hiện tại)
-Name[wa]=Idintifiaedje do betchteu (Netscape 4.76 sol sistinme do moumint)
-Name[xh]=UADescription (NN 4.76 okwangoku)
-Name[x-test]=xxUADescription (NN 4.76 on current)xx
-Name[zh_CN]=客户端描述(运行于本机的 NN 4.76)
-Name[zh_TW]=使用者代理描述 (NN 4.76 on current)
-X-KDE-UA-FULL=Mozilla/4.76 (appPlatform; U; appSysName appSysRelease appMachineType)
-X-KDE-UA-NAME=Netscape Navigator
diff --git a/src/kcms/kio/uasproviders/nn475onwin95.desktop b/src/kcms/kio/uasproviders/nn475onwin95.desktop
deleted file mode 100644
index 7c340478d..000000000
--- a/src/kcms/kio/uasproviders/nn475onwin95.desktop
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,95 +0,0 @@
-[Desktop Entry]
-Name=UADescription (NN 4.7 on Windows 95)
-Name[af]=UA-beskrywing (NN 4.7 op Windows 95)
-Name[as]=UADescription (NN 4.7 on Windows 95)
-Name[ast]=UADescription (NN 4.7 en Windows 95)
-Name[az]=UADescription (NN 4.7 Windows 95 -də)
-Name[be]=UADescription (NN 4.7 на Windows 95)
-Name[be at latin]=UADescription (NN 4.7 na „Windows 95”)
-Name[bg]=UADescription (NN 4.7 на Windows 95)
-Name[bn]=UADescription (NN 4.7 on Windows 95)
-Name[bn_IN]=UADescription (Windows 95-র মধ্যে NN 4.7)
-Name[br]=UADescription (NN 4.7 war Windows 95)
-Name[ca]=Descripció AU (NN 4.7 a Windows 95)
-Name[ca at valencia]=Descripció AU (NN 4.7 a Windows 95)
-Name[cs]=Popis agenta (NN 4.7 na Windows 95)
-Name[csb]=Òpisënk programë brëkòwnika (NN 4.7 na Windows 95)
-Name[cy]=UADisgrifiad (NN4.7 ar Windows 95)
-Name[da]=Brugeragentbeskrivelse (NN 4.7 på Windows 95)
-Name[de]=Browserkennung (NN 4.7 unter Windows 95)
-Name[el]=Περιγραφή UA (NN 4.7 σε Windows 95)
-Name[en_GB]=UADescription (NN 4.7 on Windows 95)
-Name[eo]=UA-Priskribo (NN 4.7 sub Vindozo 95)
-Name[es]=Descripción del agente de usuario (NN 4.7 en Windows 95)
-Name[et]=UADescription (Netscape 4.7 Win95 platvormil)
-Name[eu]=UADescription (NN 4.7  Windows 95ean)
-Name[fa]=UADescription (NN 4.7 در Windows 95)
-Name[fi]=Käyttäjäagenttikuvaus (NN 4.7 Windows 95:lla)
-Name[fr]=UADescription (Netscape 4.7 sous Windows 95)
-Name[fy]=GA-omskriuwing (NN 4.76 op Windows 95)
-Name[ga]=UADescription (NN 4.7 ar Windows 95)
-Name[gd]=UADescription (NN 4.7 air Windows 95)
-Name[gl]=UADescription (NN 4.7 en Windows 95)
-Name[gu]=UADescription (NN ૪.૭ વિન્ડોઝ ૯૫ પર)
-Name[he]=UADescription (NN 4.7 on Windows 95)
-Name[hne]=यूए-डिस्क्रिप्सन (एनएन 4.7 विंडोज 95 मं)
-Name[hr]=UADescription (NN 4.7 na Windows 95)
-Name[hsb]=UADescription (NN 4.7 na Windows 95)
-Name[hu]=Böngészőtípus (NN 4.7, Win 95)
-Name[ia]=UADescription (NN 4.7 super Windows 95)
-Name[id]=UADescription (NN 4.7 pada Windows 95)
-Name[it]=Descrizione UA (NN 4.7 su Windows 95)
-Name[ja]=UADescription (NN 4.7 on Windows 95)
-Name[kk]=UADescription (NN 4.7 / Windows 95)
-Name[kn]=UAವಿವರಣೆ (ವಿಂಡೋಸ್ ೯೫ ರ ಮೇಲಿನ ಎನ್ಎನ್ ೪.೭)
-Name[ko]=UADescription (Windows 95의 Netscape 4.7)
-Name[ku]=Pênasa UA (NN 4.7 ji bo Windows 95)
-Name[lt]=UADescription (NN 4.7, Windows 95)
-Name[mai]=यूए-डिस्क्रिप्शन (एनएन 4.7 विंडोज 95 पर)
-Name[mk]=UADescription (NN 4.7 на Windows 95)
-Name[ml]=യുഎവിവരണം (വിന്‍ഡോസ് 95 ലെ എന്‍എന്‍ 4.7)
-Name[mr]=UAडिस्क्रिप्शन (एनएन 4.7 Windows 95 वर)
-Name[nb]=Brukeragent (NN 4.7 på Windows 95)
-Name[nds]=UA-Beschrieven (NN 4.7 op Windows 95)
-Name[ne]=UA वर्णन (विण्डोज ९५ मा NN 4.7)
-Name[nl]=GA-beschrijving (NN 4.76 op Windows 95)
-Name[nn]=Brukaragent (NN 4.7 på Windows 95)
-Name[or]=UA ବର୍ଣ୍ଣନା (Windows 95 ଉପରେ NN 4.7)
-Name[pa]=UADescription (ਵਿੰਡੋ ੯੫ ਉੱਤੇ NN 4.7)
-Name[pl]=Opis przeglądarki użytkownika (NN 4.7 na Windows 95)
-Name[pt]=UADescription (NN 4.7 no Windows 95)
-Name[pt_BR]=UADescription (NN 4.7 no Windows 95)
-Name[ro]=Descriere AU (NN 4.7 pentru Windows 95)
-Name[ru]=UADescription (NN 4.7 на Windows 95)
-Name[se]=UA-čilgehus (NN 4.7 ja Windows 95)
-Name[si]=UADescription (Windows 95 මත NN 4.7)
-Name[sk]=Popis agenta (NN 4.7 na Windows 95)
-Name[sl]=Opis UP (NN 4.7 na Windows 95)
-Name[sr]=УА‑опис (НН 4.7 на Виндоузу 95)
-Name[sr at ijekavian]=УА‑опис (НН 4.7 на Виндоузу 95)
-Name[sr at ijekavianlatin]=UA-opis (NN 4.7 na Windowsu 95)
-Name[sr at latin]=UA-opis (NN 4.7 na Windowsu 95)
-Name[sv]=AA-beskrivning (NN 4.7 på Windows 95)
-Name[ta]=UADescription (NN 4.7 on Windows 95)
-Name[te]=UADescription (NN 4.7 on Windows 95)
-Name[tg]=UADescription (NN 4.7 дар Windows 95)
-Name[th]=UADescription (NN 4.7 บน Windows 95)
-Name[tr]=Kullanıcı Uygulaması Tanımı (Windows 95 üzerinde NN 4.7)
-Name[uk]=UADescription (NN 4.7 на Windows 95)
-Name[uz]=UADescription (Windows 95 bilan NN 4.7)
-Name[uz at cyrillic]=UADescription (Windows 95 билан NN 4.7)
-Name[vi]=Đại diện người dùng (NN 4.7 trên Windows 95)
-Name[wa]=Idintifiaedje do betchteu (Netscape 4.7 so Windows 98)
-Name[xh]=UADescription (NN 4.7 kwi Windows.95)
-Name[x-test]=xxUADescription (NN 4.7 on Windows 95)xx
-Name[zh_CN]=客户端描述(运行于 Windows 95 的 NN 4.7)
-Name[zh_TW]=使用者代理描述 (NN 4.7 on Windows 95)
-X-KDE-UA-FULL=Mozilla/4.7 [appLanguage] (Win95; U)
-X-KDE-UA-NAME=Netscape Navigator
diff --git a/src/kcms/kio/uasproviders/ns71oncurrent.desktop b/src/kcms/kio/uasproviders/ns71oncurrent.desktop
deleted file mode 100644
index 3e4809434..000000000
--- a/src/kcms/kio/uasproviders/ns71oncurrent.desktop
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,89 +0,0 @@
-[Desktop Entry]
-Name=UADescription (Netscape 7.1 on current)
-Name[af]=UA-beskrywing (Netscape 7.1 op huidige bedryfstelsel)
-Name[as]=UADescription (Netscape 7.1 on current)
-Name[az]=UADescription (Netscape 7.1 cari sistemdə)
-Name[be]=UADescription (NN 7.1 на гэтай сістэме)
-Name[be at latin]=UADescription (Netscape 7.1 na hetaj systemie)
-Name[bg]=UADescription (Netscape 7.1 на текущата система)
-Name[bn]=UADescription (Netscape 7.1 on current)
-Name[bn_IN]=UADescription (সাম্প্রতিক সংস্করণের মধ্যে Netscape 7.1
-Name[ca]=Descripció AU (Netscape 7.1 a l'actual)
-Name[ca at valencia]=Descripció AU (Netscape 7.1 a l'actual)
-Name[cs]=Popis agenta (Netscape 7.1 na aktuálním)
-Name[csb]=Òpisënk programë brëkòwnika (Netscape 7.1)
-Name[da]=Brugeragentbeskrivelse (Netscape 7.1 på nuværende)
-Name[de]=Browserkennung (Netscape 7.1 auf aktuellem Betriebssystem)
-Name[el]=Περιγραφή UA (Netscape 7.1 στο τρέχον σύστημα)
-Name[en_GB]=UADescription (Netscape 7.1 on current)
-Name[eo]=UA-Priskribo (Netskapo 7.1 sub nuna)
-Name[es]=Descripción del agente de usuario (Netscape 7.1 actual)
-Name[et]=UADescription (Selles masinas töötav Netscape 7.1)
-Name[eu]=UADescription (Netscape 7.1 unekoan)
-Name[fa]=UADescription (Netscape 7.1 در حال حاضر)
-Name[fi]=Käyttäjäagenttikuvaus (Netscape 7.1 nykyisellä)
-Name[fr]=UADescription (Netscape 7.1 sous le système actuel)
-Name[fy]=GA-omskriuwing (Netscape 7.1 op aktive)
-Name[ga]=UADescription (Netscape 7.1 ar an gcóras reatha)
-Name[gd]=UADescription (Netscape 7.1 air an fhear làithreach)
-Name[gl]=UADescription (Netscape 7.1 no actual)
-Name[gu]=UADescription (નેટસ્કેપ ૭.૧ હાલ પર)
-Name[he]=UADescription (Netscape 7.1 on current)
-Name[hne]=यूए-डिस्क्रिप्सन (अभी वाले मं नेटस्केप 7.1)
-Name[hr]=UADescription (Netscape 7.1 na trenutnom)
-Name[hsb]=UADescription (Netscape 7.1 abo pozdźišo)
-Name[hu]=Böngészőtípus (Netscape 7.1)
-Name[ia]=UADescription (Netscape 7.1 super le currente)
-Name[id]=UADescription (Netscape 7.1 pada saat ini)
-Name[it]=Descrizione UA (Netscape 7.1 sul sistema attuale)
-Name[ja]=UADescription (Netscape 7.1 on current)
-Name[kk]=UADescription (Netscape 7.1 осында)0
-Name[kn]=UAವಿವರಣೆ (ಪ್ರಸ್ತುತದ ಮೇಲಿನ ಎನ್ಎನ್ ೭.೧)
-Name[ko]=UADescription (현재 플랫폼의 Netscape 7.1)
-Name[ku]=Pênasa UA (Netscape 7.1 derbasdar e)
-Name[lt]=UADescription (Netscape 7.1, dabartinė sistema)
-Name[mai]=यूए-डिस्क्रिप्शन (मोजुदा मे नेटस्केप 7.1)
-Name[mk]=UADescription (Netscape 7.1 на тековно)
-Name[ml]=യുഎവിവരണം (ഇപ്പോഴത്തേതില്‍ നെറ്റ്സ്കേപ് 7.1)
-Name[mr]=UAडिस्क्रिप्शन (वर्तमानातील नेटस्केप 7.1)
-Name[nb]=Brukeragent (Netscape 7.1 herifra)
-Name[nds]=UA-Beschrieven (Netscape 7.1 op dit Systeem)
-Name[ne]=UA वर्णन (हाल नेटस्केप ७.१)
-Name[nl]=GA-beschrijving (Netscape 7.1 op current)
-Name[nn]=Brukaragent (Netscape 7.1 herifrå)
-Name[or]=UA ବର୍ଣ୍ଣନା (ପ୍ରଚଳିତ ଉପରେ Netscape 7.1)
-Name[pa]=UADescription (ਮੌਜੂਦਾ ਉੱਤੇ Netscape 7.1)
-Name[pl]=Opis przeglądarki użytkownika (Netscape 7.1 na bieżącym systemie)
-Name[pt]=UADescription (Netscape 7.1 no actual)
-Name[pt_BR]=UADescription (Netscape 7.1 no sistema atual)
-Name[ro]=Descriere AU (Netscape 7.1 pe sistemul curent)
-Name[ru]=UADescription (Netscape 7.1 на текущей системе)
-Name[se]=UA-čilgehus (Netscape 7.1 dán mašiinnas)
-Name[si]=UADescription (වත්මන මත Netscape 7.1)
-Name[sk]=Popis agenta (Netscape 7.1 na aktuálnom)
-Name[sl]=Opis UP (Netscape 7.1 na trenutnem)
-Name[sr]=УА‑опис (Нетскејп 7.1 на текућем)
-Name[sr at ijekavian]=УА‑опис (Нетскејп 7.1 на текућем)
-Name[sr at ijekavianlatin]=UA-opis (Netscape 7.1 na tekućem)
-Name[sr at latin]=UA-opis (Netscape 7.1 na tekućem)
-Name[sv]=AA-beskrivning (Netscape 7.1 på aktuell)
-Name[ta]=UADescription (Netscape 7.1 on current)
-Name[te]=UADescription (Netscape 7.1 on current)
-Name[tg]=UADescription (Netscape 7.1 дар низоми ҷорӣ)
-Name[th]=UADescription (เน็ตสเคป 7.1 บนระบบปัจจุบัน)
-Name[tr]=Kullanıcı Uygulaması Tanımı (geçerli işletim sistemi üzerinde Netscape 7.1)
-Name[uk]=UADescription (Netscape 7.1 на поточній)
-Name[uz]=UADescription (joriy bilan Netscape 7.1)
-Name[uz at cyrillic]=UADescription (жорий билан Netscape 7.1)
-Name[vi]=Đại diện người dùng (Netscape 7.1 trên máy hiện tại)
-Name[wa]=Idintifiaedje do betchteu (Netscape 7.1 sol sistinme do moumint)
-Name[x-test]=xxUADescription (Netscape 7.1 on current)xx
-Name[zh_CN]=客户端描述(运行于本机的 Netscape 7.1)
-Name[zh_TW]=使用者代理描述 (Netscape 7.1 on current)
-X-KDE-UA-FULL=Mozilla/5.0 (appPlatform; U; appSysName appMachineType; en-CA; rv:1.4) Gecko/20030624 Netscape/7.1 (ax)
diff --git a/src/kcms/kio/uasproviders/ns71onwinnt51.desktop b/src/kcms/kio/uasproviders/ns71onwinnt51.desktop
deleted file mode 100644
index df08d5a8b..000000000
--- a/src/kcms/kio/uasproviders/ns71onwinnt51.desktop
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,92 +0,0 @@
-[Desktop Entry]
-Name=UADescription (Netscape 7.1 on XP)
-Name[af]=UA-beskrywing (Netscape 7.1 op XP)
-Name[as]=UADescription (Netscape 7.1 on XP)
-Name[ast]=UADescription (Netscape 7.1 en Windows XP)
-Name[az]=UADescription (Netscape 7.1 XP -də)
-Name[be]=UADescription (Netscape 7.1 на XP)
-Name[be at latin]=UADescription (Netscape 7.1 na „Windows XP”)
-Name[bg]=UADescription (Netscape 7.1 на XP)
-Name[bn]=UADescription (Netscape 7.1 on XP)
-Name[bn_IN]=UADescription (XP-র মধ্যে Netscape 7.1)
-Name[br]=UADescription (Netscape 7.1 war XP)
-Name[ca]=Descripció AU (Netscape 7.1 a XP)
-Name[ca at valencia]=Descripció AU (Netscape 7.1 a XP)
-Name[cs]=Popis agenta (Netscape 7.1 na XP)
-Name[csb]=Òpisënk programë brëkòwnika (Netscape 7.1 na Windows XP)
-Name[da]=Brugeragentbeskrivelse (Netscape 7.1 på XP)
-Name[de]=Browserkennung (Netscape 7.1 unter Windows XP)
-Name[el]=Περιγραφή UA (Netscape 7.1 σε Win XP)
-Name[en_GB]=UADescription (Netscape 7.1 on XP)
-Name[eo]=UA-Priskribo (Netskapo 7.1 sub Vindozo XP)
-Name[es]=Descripción del agente de usuario (Netscape 7.1 en XP)
-Name[et]=UADescription (Netscape 7.1 Win XP platvormil)
-Name[eu]=UADescription (Netscape 7.1 XPn)
-Name[fa]=UADescription (Netscape 7.1 در XP)
-Name[fi]=Käyttäjäagenttikuvaus (Netscape 7.1 Win XP:llä)
-Name[fr]=UADescription (Netscape 7.1 sous Windows XP)
-Name[fy]=GA-omskriuwing (Netscape 7.1 op XP)
-Name[ga]=UADescription (Netscape 7.1 ar XP)
-Name[gd]=UADescription (Netscape 7.1 air XP)
-Name[gl]=UADescription (Netscape 7.1 en Win XP)
-Name[gu]=UADescription (નેટસ્કેપ ૭.૧ XP પર)
-Name[he]=UADescription (Netscape 7.1 on XP)
-Name[hne]=यूए-डिस्क्रिप्सन (एक्सपी मं नेटस्केप 7.1)
-Name[hr]=UADescription (Netscape 7.1 na XP)
-Name[hsb]=UADescription (Netscape 7.1 na XP)
-Name[hu]=Böngészőtípus (Netscape 7.1 Windows XP)
-Name[ia]=UADescription (Netscape 7.1 super XP)
-Name[id]=UADescription (Netscape 7.1 pada XP)
-Name[it]=Descrizione UA (Netscape 7.1 su Windows XP)
-Name[ja]=UADescription (Netscape 7.1 on XP)
-Name[kk]=UADescription (Netscape 7.1 / XP)
-Name[kn]=UAವಿವರಣೆ (ಕ್ಸಪಿ ಮೇಲಿನ ಎನ್ಎನ್ ೩.೦೧)
-Name[ko]=UADescription (Windows XP의 Netscape 7.1)
-Name[ku]=Pênasa UA (Netscape 7.1 ji bo XP)
-Name[lt]=UADescription (Netscape 7.1, Win XP)
-Name[mai]=यूए-डिस्क्रिप्शन (एक्सपी मे नेटस्केप 7.1)
-Name[mk]=UADescription (Netscape 7.1 на XP)
-Name[ml]=യുഎവിവരണം (എക്സ്പിയിലെ നെറ്റ്സ്കേപ് 7.1)
-Name[mr]=UAडिस्क्रिप्शन (XP वरील नेटस्केप 7.1)
-Name[nb]=Brukeragent (Netscape 7.1 på XP)
-Name[nds]=UA-Beschrieven (Netscape 7.1 op XP)
-Name[ne]=UA वर्णन (XP मा नेटस्केप ७.१)
-Name[nl]=GA-beschrijving (Netscape 7.1 op XP)
-Name[nn]=Brukaragent (Netscape 7.1 på Windows XP)
-Name[or]=UA ବର୍ଣ୍ଣନା (XP Netscape 7.1)
-Name[pa]=UADescription (XP ਉੱਤੇ Netscape 7.1)
-Name[pl]=Opis przeglądarki użytkownika (Netscape 7.1 na Windows XP)
-Name[pt]=UADescription (Netscape 7.1 no XP)
-Name[pt_BR]=UADescription (Netscape 7.1 no XP)
-Name[ro]=Descriere AU (Netscape 7.1 pentru Win XP)
-Name[ru]=UADescription (Netscape 7.1 на Windows XP)
-Name[se]=UA-čilgehus (Netscape 7.1 on XP)
-Name[si]=UADescription (XP මත Netscape 7.1)
-Name[sk]=Popis agenta (Netscape 7.1 na XP)
-Name[sl]=Opis UP (Netscape 7.1 na Windows XP)
-Name[sr]=УА‑опис (Нетскејп 7.1 на ИксП‑у)
-Name[sr at ijekavian]=УА‑опис (Нетскејп 7.1 на ИксП‑у)
-Name[sr at ijekavianlatin]=UA-opis (Netscape 7.1 na XP‑u)
-Name[sr at latin]=UA-opis (Netscape 7.1 na XP‑u)
-Name[sv]=AA-beskrivning (Netscape 7.1 på XP)
-Name[ta]=UADescription (Netscape 7.1 on XP)
-Name[te]=UADescription (Netscape 7.1 on XP)
-Name[tg]=UADescription (Netscape 7.1 дар XP)
-Name[th]=UADescription (เน็ตสเคป 7.1 บน XP)
-Name[tr]=Kullanıcı Uygulaması Tanımı (XP üzerinde Netscape 7.1)
-Name[uk]=UADescription (Netscape 7.1 на XP)
-Name[uz]=UADescription (Windows XP bilan Netscape 7.1)
-Name[uz at cyrillic]=UADescription (Windows XP билан Netscape 7.1)
-Name[vi]=Đại diện người dùng (Netscape 7.1 trên XP)
-Name[wa]=Idintifiaedje do betchteu (Netscape 7.1 so Windows XP)
-Name[x-test]=xxUADescription (Netscape 7.1 on XP)xx
-Name[zh_CN]=客户端描述(运行于 Win XP 的 Netscape 7.1)
-Name[zh_TW]=使用者代理描述 (Netscape 7.1 on XP)
-X-KDE-UA-FULL=Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-CA; rv:1.4) Gecko/20030624 Netscape/7.1 (ax)
diff --git a/src/kcms/kio/uasproviders/op1162oncurrent.desktop b/src/kcms/kio/uasproviders/op1162oncurrent.desktop
deleted file mode 100644
index aedb92843..000000000
--- a/src/kcms/kio/uasproviders/op1162oncurrent.desktop
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
-[Desktop Entry]
-Name=UADescription (Opera 11.62 on current)
-Name[az]=UADescription (Opera 11.62 cari sistemdə
-Name[ca]=Descripció AU (Opera 11.62 a l'actual)
-Name[ca at valencia]=Descripció AU (Opera 11.62 a l'actual)
-Name[cs]=Popis agenta (Opera 11.62 na aktuálním)
-Name[da]=Brugeragentbeskrivelse (Opera 11.62 på nuværende)
-Name[de]=Browserkennung (Opera 11.62 auf aktuellem Betriebssystem)
-Name[el]=Περιγραφή UA (Opera 11.62 στο τρέχον σύστημα)
-Name[en_GB]=UADescription (Opera 11.62 on current)
-Name[es]=Descripción del agente de usuario (Opera 11.62 actual)
-Name[et]=UADescription (Selles masinas töötav Opera 11.62)
-Name[eu]=UADescription (Opera 11.62 unekoan)
-Name[fi]=Käyttäjäagenttikuvaus (Opera 11.62 nykyisellä)
-Name[fr]=UADescription (Opera 11.62 sous le système actuel)
-Name[gd]=UADescription (Opera 11.62 air an fhear làithreach)
-Name[gl]=UADescription (Opera 11.62 no actual)
-Name[hu]=Böngészőtípus (Opera 11.62)
-Name[ia]=UADescription (Opera 11.62  super le currente)
-Name[id]=UADescription (Opera 11.62 pada saat ini)
-Name[it]=Descrizione UA (Opera 11.62 sul sistema attuale)
-Name[ko]=UADescription (현재 플랫폼의 Opera 11.62)
-Name[lt]=UADescription (Opera 11.62, dabartinė sistema)
-Name[nb]=Brukeragent (Opera 11.62 herifra)
-Name[nl]=GA-beschrijving (Opera 11.62 op huidige)
-Name[nn]=Brukaragent (Opera 11.62 herifrå)
-Name[pl]=Opis przeglądarki użytkownika (Opera 11.62 na bieżącym systemie)
-Name[pt]=UADescription (Opera 11.62 no actual)
-Name[pt_BR]=UADescription (Opera 11.62 no sistema atual)
-Name[ru]=UADescription (Opera 11.62 на текущей системе)
-Name[sk]=Popis agenta (Opera 11.62 na aktuálnom)
-Name[sl]=Opis UP (Opera 11.62 na trenutnem)
-Name[sr]=УА‑опис (Опера 11.62 на текућем)
-Name[sr at ijekavian]=УА‑опис (Опера 11.62 на текућем)
-Name[sr at ijekavianlatin]=UA-opis (Opera 11.62 na tekućem)
-Name[sr at latin]=UA-opis (Opera 11.62 na tekućem)
-Name[sv]=AA-beskrivning (Opera 11.62 på aktuell)
-Name[ta]=UADescription (Opera 11.62 on current)
-Name[tg]=UADescription (Opera 11.62 дар низоми ҷорӣ)
-Name[tr]=Kullanıcı Uygulaması Tanımı (geçerli işletim sistemi üzerinde Opera 11.62)
-Name[uk]=UADescription (Opera 11.62 на поточній)
-Name[vi]=Đại diện người dùng (Opera 11.62 trên máy hiện tại)
-Name[x-test]=xxUADescription (Opera 11.62 on current)xx
-Name[zh_CN]=客户端描述(运行于本机的 Opera 11.62)
-Name[zh_TW]=使用者代理描述 (Opera 11.62 on current)
-X-KDE-UA-FULL=Opera/11.62 (appPlatform; appSysName appMachineType; U; appLanguage) Presto/2.10.229 Version/11.62
diff --git a/src/kcms/kio/uasproviders/op1202oncurrent.desktop b/src/kcms/kio/uasproviders/op1202oncurrent.desktop
deleted file mode 100644
index af27102a6..000000000
--- a/src/kcms/kio/uasproviders/op1202oncurrent.desktop
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
-[Desktop Entry]
-Name=UADescription (Opera 12.02 on current)
-Name[az]=UADescription (Opera 12.02 cari sistemdə)
-Name[ca]=Descripció AU (Opera 12.02 a l'actual)
-Name[ca at valencia]=Descripció AU (Opera 12.02 a l'actual)
-Name[cs]=Popis agenta (Opera 12.02 na aktuálním)
-Name[da]=Brugeragentbeskrivelse (Opera 12.02 på nuværende)
-Name[de]=Browserkennung (Opera 12.02 auf aktuellem Betriebssystem)
-Name[el]=Περιγραφή UA (Opera 12.62 στο τρέχον σύστημα)
-Name[en_GB]=UADescription (Opera 12.02 on current)
-Name[es]=Descripción del agente de usuario (Opera 12.02 actual)
-Name[et]=UADescription (Selles masinas töötav Opera 12.02)
-Name[eu]=UADescription (Opera 12.02 unekoan)
-Name[fi]=Käyttäjäagenttikuvaus (Opera 12.02 nykyisellä)
-Name[fr]=UADescription (Opera 12.02 sous le système actuel)
-Name[gd]=UADescription (Opera 12.02 air an fhear làithreach)
-Name[gl]=UADescription (Opera 12.02 no actual)
-Name[hu]=Böngészőtípus (Opera 12.02)
-Name[ia]=UADescription (Opera 12.02  super le currente)
-Name[id]=UADescription (Opera 9.62 pada saat ini)
-Name[it]=Descrizione UA (Opera 12.02 sul sistema attuale)
-Name[ko]=UADescription (현재 플랫폼의 Opera 12.02)
-Name[lt]=UADescription (Opera 12.02, dabartinė sistema)
-Name[nb]=Brukeragent (Opera 12.02 herifra)
-Name[nl]=GA-beschrijving (Opera 12.02 op huidige)
-Name[nn]=Brukaragent (Opera 12.02 herifrå)
-Name[pl]=Opis przeglądarki użytkownika (Opera 12.02 na bieżącym systemie)
-Name[pt]=UADescription (Opera 12.02 no actual)
-Name[pt_BR]=UADescription (Opera 12.02 no sistema atual)
-Name[ru]=UADescription (Opera 12.02 на текущей системе)
-Name[sk]=Popis agenta (Opera 12.02 na aktuálnom)
-Name[sl]=Opis UP (Opera 12.02 na trenutnem)
-Name[sr]=УА‑опис (Опера 12.02 на текућем)
-Name[sr at ijekavian]=УА‑опис (Опера 12.02 на текућем)
-Name[sr at ijekavianlatin]=UA-opis (Opera 12.02 na tekućem)
-Name[sr at latin]=UA-opis (Opera 12.02 na tekućem)
-Name[sv]=AA-beskrivning (Opera 12.02 på aktuell)
-Name[ta]=UADescription (Opera 12.02 on current)
-Name[tg]=UADescription (Opera 12.02 дар низоми ҷорӣ)
-Name[tr]=Kullanıcı Uygulaması Tanımı (geçerli işletim sistemi üzerinde Opera 12.02)
-Name[uk]=UADescription (Opera 12.02 на поточній)
-Name[vi]=Đại diện người dùng (Opera 12.02 trên máy hiện tại)
-Name[x-test]=xxUADescription (Opera 12.02 on current)xx
-Name[zh_CN]=客户端描述(运行于本机的 Opera 12.02)
-Name[zh_TW]=使用者代理描述 (Opera 12.02 on current)
-X-KDE-UA-FULL=Opera/12.02 (appPlatform; appSysName appMachineType; U; appLanguage) Presto/2.10.289 Version/12.02
diff --git a/src/kcms/kio/uasproviders/op403onwinnt4.desktop b/src/kcms/kio/uasproviders/op403onwinnt4.desktop
deleted file mode 100644
index 790758ea6..000000000
--- a/src/kcms/kio/uasproviders/op403onwinnt4.desktop
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,93 +0,0 @@
-[Desktop Entry]
-Name=UADescription (Opera 4.03 on NT)
-Name[af]=UA-beskrywing (Opera 4.03 op NT)
-Name[as]=UADescription (Opera 4.03 on NT)
-Name[az]=UADescription (Opera 4.03 NT -də)
-Name[be]=UADescription (Opera 4.03 на NT)
-Name[be at latin]=UADescription (Opera 4.03 na „Windows NT”)
-Name[bg]=UADescription (Opera 4.03 на NT)
-Name[bn]=UADescription (Opera 4.03 on NT)
-Name[bn_IN]=UADescription (NT-র মধ্যে Opera 4.03)
-Name[br]=UADescription (Opera 4.03 war NT)
-Name[ca]=Descripció AU (Opera 4.03 a NT)
-Name[ca at valencia]=Descripció AU (Opera 4.03 a NT)
-Name[cs]=Popis agenta (Opera 4.03 na NT)
-Name[csb]=Òpisënk programë brëkòwnika (Opera 4.03 na NT)
-Name[cy]=UADisgrifiad (Opera 4.03 ar NT)
-Name[da]=Brugeragentbeskrivelse (Opera 4.03 på NT)
-Name[de]=Browserkennung (Opera 4.03 unter Windows NT)
-Name[el]=Περιγραφή UA (Opera 4.03 σε NT)
-Name[en_GB]=UADescription (Opera 4.03 on NT)
-Name[eo]=UA-Priskribo (Opera 4.03 sub NT)
-Name[es]=Descripción del agente de usuario (Opera 4.03 en NT)
-Name[et]=UADescription (Opera 4.03 WinNT platvormil)
-Name[eu]=UADescription (Opera 4.03 NT-n)
-Name[fa]=UADescription (Opera 4.03 در NT)
-Name[fi]=Käyttäjäagenttikuvaus (Opera 4.03 NT:llä)
-Name[fr]=UADescription (Opera 4.03 sous Windows NT)
-Name[fy]=GA-omskriuwing (Opera 4.03 op NT)
-Name[ga]=UADescription (Opera 4.03 ar NT)
-Name[gd]=UADescription (Opera 4.03 air NT)
-Name[gl]=UADescription (Opera 4.03 en NT)
-Name[gu]=UADescription (ઓપેરા ૪.૦૩ NT પર)
-Name[he]=UADescription (Opera 4.03 on NT)
-Name[hne]=यूए-डिस्क्रिप्सन (ओपेरा 4.03 एनटी मं)
-Name[hr]=UADescription (Opera 4.03 na NT)
-Name[hsb]=UADescription (Opera 4.03 na NT)
-Name[hu]=Böngészőtípus (Opera 4.03, Win NT)
-Name[ia]=UADescription (Opera 4.03 super NT)
-Name[id]=UADescription (Opera 4.03 pada NT)
-Name[it]=Descrizione UA (Opera 4.03 su Windows NT)
-Name[ja]=UADescription (Opera 4.03 on NT)
-Name[kk]=UADescription (Opera 4.03 / NT)
-Name[kn]=UAವಿವರಣೆ (ಎನ್ ಟಿ ಮೇಲಿನ ಓಪರಾ ೪.೦೩)
-Name[ko]=UADescription (Windows NT의 Opera 4.03)
-Name[ku]=Pênasa UA (Opera 4.03 ji bo NT)
-Name[lt]=UADescription (Opera 4.03, NT)
-Name[mai]=यूए-डिस्क्रिप्शन (ओपेरा 4.03 एनटी पर)
-Name[mk]=UADescription (Opera 4.03 на NT)
-Name[ml]=യുഎവിവരണം (എന്‍ടിയിലെ ഓപെറ 4.03)
-Name[mr]=UAडिस्क्रिप्शन (NT वरील ओपेरा 4.03)
-Name[nb]=Brukeragent (Opera 4.03 på NT)
-Name[nds]=UA-Beschrieven (Opera 4.03 op NT)
-Name[ne]=UA वर्णन (NT मा Opera 4.03)
-Name[nl]=GA-beschrijving (Opera 4.03 op NT)
-Name[nn]=Brukaragent (Opera 4.03 på Windows NT)
-Name[or]=UA ବର୍ଣ୍ଣନା (NT ଉପରେ Opera 4.03)
-Name[pa]=UADescription (NT ਉੱਤੇ ਓਪੇਰਾ 4.03)
-Name[pl]=Opis przeglądarki użytkownika (Opera 4.03 na NT)
-Name[pt]=UADescription (Opera 4.03 no NT)
-Name[pt_BR]=UADescription (Opera 4.03 no NT)
-Name[ro]=Descriere AU (Opera 4.03 pentru NT)
-Name[ru]=UADescription (Opera 4.03 на Windows NT)
-Name[se]=UA-čilgehus (Opera 4.03 ja NT)
-Name[si]=UADescription (NT මත Opera 4.03)
-Name[sk]=Popis agenta (Opera 4.03 na NT)
-Name[sl]=Opis UP (Opera 4.03 na Windows NT)
-Name[sr]=УА‑опис (Опера 4.03 на НТ‑у)
-Name[sr at ijekavian]=УА‑опис (Опера 4.03 на НТ‑у)
-Name[sr at ijekavianlatin]=UA-opis (Opera 4.03 na NT‑u)
-Name[sr at latin]=UA-opis (Opera 4.03 na NT‑u)
-Name[sv]=AA-beskrivning (Opera 4.03 på NT)
-Name[ta]=UADescription (Opera 4.03 on NT)
-Name[te]=UADescription (Opera 4.03 on NT)
-Name[tg]=UADescription (Opera 4.03 дар NT)
-Name[th]=UADescription (โอเปร่า 4.03 บน NT)
-Name[tr]=Kullanıcı Uygulaması Tanımı (NT üzerinde Opera 4.03)
-Name[uk]=UADescription (Opera 4.03 на NT)
-Name[uz]=UADescription (NT bilan Opera 4.03)
-Name[uz at cyrillic]=UADescription (NT билан Opera 4.03)
-Name[vi]=Đại diện người dùng (Opera 4.03 trên NT)
-Name[wa]=Idintifiaedje do betchteu (Opera 4.03 so Windows NT)
-Name[xh]=UADescription (Opera 4.03 kwi NT)
-Name[x-test]=xxUADescription (Opera 4.03 on NT)xx
-Name[zh_CN]=客户端描述(运行于 NT 的 Opera 4.03)
-Name[zh_TW]=使用者代理描述 (Opera 4.03 on NT)
-X-KDE-UA-FULL=Opera/4.03 (Windows NT 4.0; U)
diff --git a/src/kcms/kio/uasproviders/op85oncurrent.desktop b/src/kcms/kio/uasproviders/op85oncurrent.desktop
deleted file mode 100644
index 1f26ce5e3..000000000
--- a/src/kcms/kio/uasproviders/op85oncurrent.desktop
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,87 +0,0 @@
-[Desktop Entry]
-Name=UADescription (Opera 8.5 on current)
-Name[af]=UA-beskrywing (Opera 8.5 op huidige bedryfstelsel)
-Name[as]=UADescription (Opera 8.5 on current)
-Name[az]=UADescription (Opera 8.5 cari sistemdə)
-Name[be]=UADescription (Opera 7.53 на гэтай сістэме)
-Name[be at latin]=UADescription (Opera 8.5 na hetaj systemie)
-Name[bg]=UADescription (Opera 7.53  на текущата система)
-Name[bn]=UADescription (Opera 8.5 on current)
-Name[bn_IN]=UADescription (সাম্প্রতিক সংস্করণের মধ্যে Opera 8.5)
-Name[ca]=Descripció AU (Opera 8.5 a l'actual)
-Name[ca at valencia]=Descripció AU (Opera 8.5 a l'actual)
-Name[cs]=Popis agenta (Opera 8.5 na aktuálním)
-Name[csb]=Òpisënk programë brëkòwnika (Opera 8.5)
-Name[da]=Brugeragentbeskrivelse (Opera 8.5 på nuværende)
-Name[de]=Browserkennung (Opera 8.5 auf aktuellem Betriebssystem)
-Name[el]=Περιγραφή UA (Opera 8.5 στο τρέχον σύστημα)
-Name[en_GB]=UADescription (Opera 8.5 on current)
-Name[eo]=UA-Priskribo (Opera 8.5 sub nuna)
-Name[es]=Descripción del agente de usuario (Opera 8.5 actual)
-Name[et]=UADescription (Selles masinas töötav Opera 8.5)
-Name[eu]=UA azalpena (Opera 8.5 unekoan)
-Name[fa]=UADescription (Opera ۸.۵ در حال حاضر)
-Name[fi]=Käyttäjäagenttikuvaus (Opera 8.5 nykyisellä)
-Name[fr]=UADescription (Opera 8.5 sous le système actuel)
-Name[fy]=GA-omskriuwing (Opera 8.5 op aktive)
-Name[ga]=UADescription (Opera 8.5 ar an gcóras reatha)
-Name[gd]=UADescription (Opera 8.5 air an fhear làithreach)
-Name[gl]=UADescription (Opera 8.5 no actual)
-Name[gu]=UADescription (ઓપેરા ૮.૫ હાલ પર)
-Name[he]=UADescription (Opera 8.5 on current)
-Name[hne]=यूए-डिस्क्रिप्सन (अभी वाले मं ओपेरा 8.5)
-Name[hr]=UADescription (Opera 8.5 na trenutnom)
-Name[hsb]=UADescription (Opera 8.5 abo pozdźišo)
-Name[hu]=Böngészőtípus (Opera 8.5)
-Name[ia]=UADescription (Opera 8.5 super le currente)
-Name[id]=UADescription (Opera 8.5 pada saat ini)
-Name[it]=Descrizione UA (Opera 8.5 sul sistema attuale)
-Name[ja]=UADescription (Opera 8.5 on current)
-Name[kk]=UADescription (Opera 8.5 осында)
-Name[kn]=UAವಿವರಣೆ (ಪ್ರಸ್ತುತದ ಮೇಲಿನ ಓಪರಾ ೮.೫)
-Name[ko]=UADescription (현재 플랫폼의 Opera 8.5)
-Name[ku]=Pênasa UA (Opera 8.5 derbasdar e)
-Name[lt]=UADescription (Opera 8.5, dabartinė sistema)
-Name[mai]=यूए-डिस्क्रिप्शन (मोजुदा मे आपेरा 8.5)
-Name[mk]=UADescription (Opera 8.5 на тековно)
-Name[ml]=യുഎവിവരണം (ഇപ്പോഴത്തേതില്‍ ഓപെറ 8.5)
-Name[mr]=UAडिस्क्रिप्शन (वर्तमानातील ऑपेरा 8.5)
-Name[nb]=Brukeragent (Opera 8.5 herifra)
-Name[nds]=UA-Beschrieven (Opera 8.5 op dit Systeem)
-Name[ne]=UA वर्णन (हाल ओपेरा ८.५)
-Name[nl]=GA-beschrijving (Opera 8.5 op huidige)
-Name[nn]=Brukaragent (Opera 8.5 herifrå)
-Name[or]=UA ବର୍ଣ୍ଣନା (ପ୍ରଚଳିତ Opera 8.5)
-Name[pa]=UADescription (ਮੌਜੂਦਾ ਉੱਤੇ ਓਪੇਰਾ 8.5)
-Name[pl]=Opis przeglądarki użytkownika (Opera 8.5 w bieżącym systemie)
-Name[pt]=UADescription (Opera 8.5 no actual)
-Name[pt_BR]=UADescription (Opera 8.5 no sistema atual)
-Name[ro]=Descriere AU (Opera 8.5 pe sistemul curent)
-Name[ru]=UADescription (Opera 8.5 на текущей системе)
-Name[se]=UA-čilgehus (Opera 8.5 dán mašiinnas)
-Name[si]=UADescription (වත්මන මත Opera 8.5)
-Name[sk]=Popis agenta (Opera 8.5 na aktuálnom)
-Name[sl]=Opis UP (Opera 8.5 na trenutnem)
-Name[sr]=УА‑опис (Опера 8.5 на текућем)
-Name[sr at ijekavian]=УА‑опис (Опера 8.5 на текућем)
-Name[sr at ijekavianlatin]=UA-opis (Opera 8.5 na tekućem)
-Name[sr at latin]=UA-opis (Opera 8.5 na tekućem)
-Name[sv]=AA-beskrivning (Opera 8.5 på aktuell)
-Name[ta]=UADescription (Opera 8.5 on current)
-Name[te]=UADescription (Opera 8.5 on current)
-Name[tg]=UADescription (Opera 8.5 дар низоми ҷорӣ)
-Name[th]=UADescription (โอเปร่า 7.53 บนระบบปัจจุบัน)
-Name[tr]=Kullanıcı Uygulaması Tanımı (geçerli işletim sistemi üzerinde Opera 8.5)
-Name[uk]=UADescription (Opera 8.5 на поточній)
-Name[vi]=Đại diện người dùng (Opera 8.5 trên máy hiện tại)
-Name[wa]=Idintifiaedje do betchteu (Opera 8.5 sol sistinme do moumint)
-Name[x-test]=xxUADescription (Opera 8.5 on current)xx
-Name[zh_CN]=客户端描述(运行于本机的 Opera 8.5)
-Name[zh_TW]=使用者代理描述 (Opera 8.5 on current)
-X-KDE-UA-FULL=Opera/8.5 (appPlatform; appMachineType appSysName; U; appLanguage)
diff --git a/src/kcms/kio/uasproviders/op90oncurrent.desktop b/src/kcms/kio/uasproviders/op90oncurrent.desktop
deleted file mode 100644
index c301516e9..000000000
--- a/src/kcms/kio/uasproviders/op90oncurrent.desktop
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,86 +0,0 @@
-[Desktop Entry]
-Name=UADescription (Opera 9.00 on current)
-Name[af]=UA-beskrywing (Opera 9 op huidige bedryfstelsel)
-Name[as]=UADescription (Opera 9.00 on current)
-Name[az]=UADescription (Opera 9.00 cari sistemdə)
-Name[be]=UADescription (Opera 9.00 на гэтай сістэме)
-Name[be at latin]=UADescription (Opera 9.00 na hetaj systemie)
-Name[bg]=UADescription (Opera 9.00 на текущата система)
-Name[bn]=UADescription (Opera 9.00 on current)
-Name[bn_IN]=UADescription (সাম্প্রতিক সংস্করণের মধ্যে Opera 9.00)
-Name[ca]=Descripció AU (Opera 9.00 a l'actual)
-Name[ca at valencia]=Descripció AU (Opera 9.00 a l'actual)
-Name[cs]=Popis agenta (Opera 9.00 na aktuálním)
-Name[csb]=Òpisënk programë brëkòwnika (Opera 9.00)
-Name[da]=Brugeragentbeskrivelse (Opera 9.00 på nuværende)
-Name[de]=Browserkennung (Opera 9.00 auf aktuellem Betriebssystem)
-Name[el]=Περιγραφή UA (Opera 9.0 στο τρέχον σύστημα)
-Name[en_GB]=UADescription (Opera 9.00 on current)
-Name[eo]=UA-Priskribo (Opera 9.00 sub nuna)
-Name[es]=Descripción del agente de usuario (Opera 9.00 actual)
-Name[et]=UADescription (Selles masinas töötav Opera 9.00)
-Name[eu]=UA azalpena (Opera 9.00 unekoan)
-Name[fi]=Käyttäjäagenttikuvaus (Opera 9.00 nykyisellä)
-Name[fr]=UADescription (Opera 9.00 sous le système actuel)
-Name[fy]=GA-omskriuwing (Opera 9.00 op aktive)
-Name[ga]=UADescription (Opera 9.00 ar an gcóras reatha)
-Name[gd]=UADescription (Opera 9.00 air an fhear làithreach)
-Name[gl]=UADescription (Opera 9.00 no actual)
-Name[gu]=UADescription (ઓપેરા ૯.૦૦ હાલ પર)
-Name[he]=UADescription (Opera 9.00 on current)
-Name[hne]=यूए-डिस्क्रिप्सन (अभी वाले मं ओपेरा ९.०)
-Name[hr]=UADescription (Opera 9.00 na trenutnom)
-Name[hsb]=UADescription (Opera 9.00 abo pozdźišo)
-Name[hu]=Böngészőtípus (Opera 9.00)
-Name[ia]=UADescription (Opera 9.0 super le currente)
-Name[id]=UADescription (Opera 9.00 pada saat ini)
-Name[it]=Descrizione UA (Opera 9.00 sul sistema attuale)
-Name[ja]=UADescription (Opera 9.00 on current)
-Name[kk]=UADescription (Opera 9.00 осында)
-Name[kn]=UAವಿವರಣೆ (ಪ್ರಸ್ತುತದ ಮೇಲಿನ ಓಪರಾ ೯.೦೦)
-Name[ko]=UADescription (현재 플랫폼의 Opera 9.00)
-Name[ku]=Pênasa UA (Opera 9.00 derbasdar e)
-Name[lt]=UADescription (Opera 9.00, dabartinė sistema)
-Name[mai]=UADescription (Opera 9.00 मोजुदा पर)
-Name[mk]=UADescription (Opera 9.00 на тековно)
-Name[ml]=യുഎവിവരണം (ഇപ്പോഴത്തേതില്‍ ഓപെറ 9.00)
-Name[mr]=UAडिस्क्रिप्शन (वर्तमानातील ऑपेरा 9.00)
-Name[nb]=Brukeragent (Opera 9.00 herifra)
-Name[nds]=UA-Beschrieven (Opera 9.00 op dit Systeem)
-Name[ne]=UA वर्णन (हालमा ओपेरा ९.००)
-Name[nl]=GA-beschrijving (Opera 9.00 op huidige)
-Name[nn]=Brukaragent (Opera 9.00 herifrå)
-Name[or]=UA ବର୍ଣ୍ଣନା (ପ୍ରଚଳିତ Opera 9.00)
-Name[pa]=UADescription (ਮੌਜੂਦਾ ਉੱਤੇ ਓਪੇਰਾ 9.00)
-Name[pl]=Opis przeglądarki użytkownika (Opera 9.00 w bieżącym systemie)
-Name[pt]=UADescription (Opera 9.00 no actual)
-Name[pt_BR]=UADescription (Opera 9.00 no sistema atual)
-Name[ro]=Descriere AU (Opera 9.00 pe sistemul curent)
-Name[ru]=UADescription (Opera 9.00 на текущей системе)
-Name[se]=UA-čilgehus (Opera 9.00 dán mašiinnas)
-Name[si]=UADescription (වත්මන මත Opera 9.00)
-Name[sk]=Popis agenta (Opera 9.00 na aktuálnom)
-Name[sl]=Opis UP (Opera 9.00 na trenutnem)
-Name[sr]=УА‑опис (Опера 9.00 на текућем)
-Name[sr at ijekavian]=УА‑опис (Опера 9.00 на текућем)
-Name[sr at ijekavianlatin]=UA-opis (Opera 9.00 na tekućem)
-Name[sr at latin]=UA-opis (Opera 9.00 na tekućem)
-Name[sv]=AA-beskrivning (Opera 9.00 på aktuell)
-Name[ta]=UADescription (Opera 9.00 on current)
-Name[te]=UADescription (Opera 9.00 on current)
-Name[tg]=UADescription (Opera 9.00 дар низоми ҷорӣ)
-Name[th]=UADescription (โอเปร่า 9.00 บนระบบปัจจุบัน)
-Name[tr]=Kullanıcı Uygulaması Tanımı (geçerli işletim sistemi üzerinde Opera 9.00)
-Name[uk]=UADescription (Opera 9.00 на поточній)
-Name[vi]=Đại diện người dùng (Opera 9.00 trên máy hiện tại)
-Name[wa]=Idintifiaedje do betchteu (Opera 9.00 sol sistinme do moumint)
-Name[x-test]=xxUADescription (Opera 9.00 on current)xx
-Name[zh_CN]=客户端描述(运行于本机的 Opera 9.00)
-Name[zh_TW]=使用者代理描述 (Opera 9.00 on current)
-X-KDE-UA-FULL=Opera/9.00 (appPlatform; appSysName appMachineType; U; appLanguage)
diff --git a/src/kcms/kio/uasproviders/op962oncurrent.desktop b/src/kcms/kio/uasproviders/op962oncurrent.desktop
deleted file mode 100644
index ffbd9c218..000000000
--- a/src/kcms/kio/uasproviders/op962oncurrent.desktop
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,74 +0,0 @@
-[Desktop Entry]
-Name=UADescription (Opera 9.62 on current)
-Name[az]=UADescription (Opera 9.62 cari sistemdə)
-Name[bg]=UADescription (Opera 9.62 на текущата система)
-Name[bn]=UADescription (Opera 9.62 on current)
-Name[ca]=Descripció AU (Opera 9.62 a l'actual)
-Name[ca at valencia]=Descripció AU (Opera 9.62 a l'actual)
-Name[cs]=Popis agenta (Opera 9.62 na aktuálním)
-Name[csb]=Òpisënk programë brëkòwnika (Opera 9.62)
-Name[da]=Brugeragentbeskrivelse (Opera 9.62 på nuværende)
-Name[de]=Browserkennung (Opera 9.62 auf aktuellem Betriebssystem)
-Name[el]=Περιγραφή UA (Opera 9.62 στο τρέχον σύστημα)
-Name[en_GB]=UADescription (Opera 9.62 on current)
-Name[eo]=UA-Priskribo (Opera 9.62 sub nuna)
-Name[es]=Descripción del agente de usuario (Opera 9.62 actual)
-Name[et]=UADescription (Selles masinas töötav Opera 9.62)
-Name[eu]=UADescription (Opera 9.62 unekoan)
-Name[fi]=Käyttäjäagenttikuvaus (Opera 9.62 nykyisellä)
-Name[fr]=UADescription (Opera 9.62 sous le système actuel)
-Name[fy]=UA-beskriuwing (Opera 9.62 op aktive)
-Name[ga]=UADescription (Opera 9.62 ar an gcóras reatha)
-Name[gd]=UADescription (Opera 9.62 air an fhear làithreach)
-Name[gl]=UADescription (Opera 9.62 no actual)
-Name[gu]=UADescription (ઓપેરા ૯.૬૨ હાલ પર)
-Name[he]=UADescription (Opera 9.62 on current)
-Name[hr]=UADescription (Opera 9.62 na trenutnom)
-Name[hu]=Böngészőtípus (Opera 9.62)
-Name[ia]=UADescription (Opera 9.62 super le currente)
-Name[id]=UADescription (Opera 9.62 pada saat ini)
-Name[it]=Descrizione UA (Opera 9.62 sul sistema attuale)
-Name[ja]=UADescription (Opera 9.62 on current)
-Name[kk]=UADescription (Opera 9.62 осында)
-Name[kn]=UAವಿವರಣೆ (ಪ್ರಸ್ತುತದ ಮೇಲಿನ ಓಪರಾ ೯.೦೦)
-Name[ko]=UADescription (현재 플랫폼의 Opera 9.62)
-Name[lt]=UADescription (Opera 9.62, dabartinė sistema)
-Name[mai]=यूए-डिस्क्रिप्शन (मोजुदा मे आपेरा 9.62)
-Name[mk]=UADescription (Opera 9.62 на тековно)
-Name[ml]=യുഎവിവരണം (ഇപ്പോഴത്തേതില്‍ ഓപെറ 9.62)
-Name[nb]=Brukeragent (Opera 9.62 herifra)
-Name[nds]=UA-Beschrieven (Opera 9.62 op dit Systeem)
-Name[nl]=GA-beschrijving (Opera 9.62 op huidige)
-Name[nn]=Brukaragent (Opera 9.62 herifrå)
-Name[pa]=UADescription (ਮੌਜੂਦਾ ਉੱਤੇ ਓਪੇਰਾ 9.62)
-Name[pl]=Opis przeglądarki użytkownika (Opera 9.62 w bieżącym systemie)
-Name[pt]=UADescription (Opera 9.62 no actual)
-Name[pt_BR]=UADescription (Opera 9.62 no sistema atual)
-Name[ro]=Descriere AU (Opera 9.62 pe sistemul curent)
-Name[ru]=UADescription (Opera 9.62 на текущей системе)
-Name[se]=UA-čilgehus (Opera 9.62 dán mašiinnas)
-Name[si]=UADescription (වත්මන මත Opera 9.62)
-Name[sk]=Popis agenta (Opera 9.62 na aktuálnom)
-Name[sl]=Opis UP (Opera 9.62 na trenutnem)
-Name[sr]=УА‑опис (Опера 9.62 на текућем)
-Name[sr at ijekavian]=УА‑опис (Опера 9.62 на текућем)
-Name[sr at ijekavianlatin]=UA-opis (Opera 9.62 na tekućem)
-Name[sr at latin]=UA-opis (Opera 9.62 na tekućem)
-Name[sv]=AA-beskrivning (Opera 9.62 på aktuell)
-Name[ta]=UADescription (Opera 9.62 on current)
-Name[tg]=UADescription (Opera 9.62 дар низоми ҷорӣ)
-Name[th]=UADescription (โอเปร่า 9.62 บนระบบปัจจุบัน)
-Name[tr]=Kullanıcı Uygulaması Tanımı (geçerli işletim sistemi üzerinde Opera 9.62)
-Name[uk]=UADescription (Opera 9.62 на поточній)
-Name[vi]=Đại diện người dùng (Opera 9.62 trên máy hiện tại)
-Name[wa]=Idintifiaedje do betchteu (Opera 9.62 sol sistinme do moumint)
-Name[x-test]=xxUADescription (Opera 9.62 on current)xx
-Name[zh_CN]=客户端描述(运行于本机的 Opera 9.62)
-Name[zh_TW]=使用者代理描述 (Opera 9.62 on current)
-X-KDE-UA-FULL=Opera/9.62 (appPlatform; appSysName appMachineType; U; appLanguage) Presto/2.1.1
diff --git a/src/kcms/kio/uasproviders/safari20.desktop b/src/kcms/kio/uasproviders/safari20.desktop
deleted file mode 100644
index 03b9b27da..000000000
--- a/src/kcms/kio/uasproviders/safari20.desktop
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,91 +0,0 @@
-[Desktop Entry]
-Name=UADescription (Safari 2.0 on MacOS X)
-Name[af]=UA-beskrywing (Safari 2.0 op MacOS X)
-Name[as]=UADescription (Safari 2.0 on MacOS X)
-Name[ast]=UADescription (Safari 2.0 en MacOS X)
-Name[az]=UADescription (Safari 2.0 MacOS X -də)
-Name[be]=UADescription (Safari 1.2 на MacOS X)
-Name[be at latin]=UADescription (Safari 2.0 na „MacOS X”)
-Name[bg]=UADescription (Safari 2.0 на MacOS X)
-Name[bn]=UADescription (Safari 2.0 on MacOS X)
-Name[bn_IN]=UADescription (MacOS X-র মধ্যে Safari 2.0)
-Name[ca]=Descripció AU (Safari 2.0 a MacOS X)
-Name[ca at valencia]=Descripció AU (Safari 2.0 a MacOS X)
-Name[cs]=Popis UA (Safari 2.0 na MacOS X)
-Name[csb]=Òpisënk programë brëkòwnika (Safari 2.0 na MacOS X)
-Name[da]=Brugeragentbeskrivelse (Safari 2.0 på MacOS X)
-Name[de]=Browserkennung (Safari 2.0 unter MacOS X)
-Name[el]=Περιγραφή UA (Safari 2 σε MacOS X)
-Name[en_GB]=UADescription (Safari 2.0 on MacOS X)
-Name[eo]=UA-Priskribo (Safari 2.0 sub MacOS X)
-Name[es]=Descripción del agente de usuario (Safari 2.0 en MacOS X)
-Name[et]=UADescription (Safari 2.0 MacOS X platvormil)
-Name[eu]=UA azalpena (Safari 2.0 MacOS Xn)
-Name[fi]=Käyttäjäagenttikuvaus (Safari 2.0 MacOS X:llä)
-Name[fr]=UADescription (Safari 2.0 sous MacOS X)
-Name[fy]=GA-omskriuwing (Safari 2.0 op MacOS X)
-Name[ga]=UADescription (Safari 2.0 ar MacOS X)
-Name[gd]=UADescription (Safari 2.0 air MacOS X)
-Name[gl]=UADescription (Safari 2.0 en MacOS X)
-Name[gu]=UADescription (સફારી ૨.૦ મેકOS X પર)
-Name[he]=UADescription (Safari 2.0 on MacOS X)
-Name[hne]=यूए-डिस्क्रिप्सन (मॅक-ओएस X मं सफारी 2.0)
-Name[hr]=UADescription (Safari 2.0 na MacOS X)
-Name[hsb]=UADescription (Safari 2.0 na MacOS X)
-Name[hu]=Böngészőtípus (Safari 2.0, MacOS X)
-Name[ia]=UADescriprion (Safari 2.0 super MAcOSX)
-Name[id]=UADescription (Safari 2.0 pada MacOS X)
-Name[it]=Descrizione UA (Safari 2.0 su MacOS X)
-Name[ja]=UADescription (Safari 2.0 on MacOS X)
-Name[kk]=UADescription (Safari 2.0 / MacOS X)
-Name[kn]=UAವಿವರಣೆ (ಮ್ಯಾಕ್ OSX ನ ಮೇಲಿನ ಸಫಾರಿ ೨.೦)
-Name[ko]=UADescription (Mac OS X의 Safari 2.0)
-Name[ku]=Pênasa UA (Safari 2.0 ji bo MacOS X)
-Name[lt]=UADescription (Safari 2.0, MacOS X)
-Name[mai]=यूए-डिस्क्रिप्शन (मैक-ओएस X मे सफारी 2.0)
-Name[mk]=UADescription (Safari 2.0 на MacOS X)
-Name[ml]=യുഎവിവരണം (മാക്ഒഎസ് എക്സിലെ സഫാരി 2.0)
-Name[mr]=UAडिस्क्रिप्शन (मॅक-ओएस X वरील सफारी 2.0)
-Name[nb]=Brukeragent (Safari 2.0 på MacOS X)
-Name[nds]=UA-Beschrieven (Safari 2.0 op MacOS X)
-Name[ne]=UA वर्णन (MacOS X मा Safari 1.2)
-Name[nl]=GA-beschrijving (Safari 2.0 op MacOS X)
-Name[nn]=Brukaragent (Safari 2.0 på MacOS X)
-Name[or]=UA ବର୍ଣ୍ଣନା (MacOS X ଉପରେ Safari 2.0)
-Name[pa]=UADescription (MacOS X ਉੱਤੇ ਸਫ਼ਾਰੀ 3.0)
-Name[pl]=Opis przeglądarki użytkownika (Safari 2.0 na MacOS X)
-Name[pt]=UADescription (Safari 2.0 no MacOS X)
-Name[pt_BR]=UADescription (Safari 2.0 no MacOS X)
-Name[ro]=Descriere AU (Safari 2.0 pentru MacOS X)
-Name[ru]=UADescription (Safari 2.0 на Mac OS X)
-Name[se]=UA-čilgehus (Safari 2.0 MacOS X:s)
-Name[si]=UADescription (MacOS X මත Safari 2.0)
-Name[sk]=Popis agenta (Safari 2.0 na MacOS X)
-Name[sl]=Opis UP (Safari 2.0 na MacOS X)
-Name[sr]=УА‑опис (Сафари 2.0 на МекОС‑у X)
-Name[sr at ijekavian]=УА‑опис (Сафари 2.0 на МекОС‑у X)
-Name[sr at ijekavianlatin]=UA-opis (Safari 2.0 na MacOS‑u X)
-Name[sr at latin]=UA-opis (Safari 2.0 na MacOS‑u X)
-Name[sv]=AA-beskrivning (Safari 2.0 på MacOS X)
-Name[ta]=UADescription (Safari 2.0 on MacOS X)
-Name[te]=UADescription (Safari 2.0 on MacOS X)
-Name[tg]=UADescription (Safari 2.0 дар MacOS X)
-Name[th]=UADescription (ซาฟารี 2.0 บน MacOS X)
-Name[tr]=Kullanıcı Uygulaması Tanımı (MacOS X üzerinde Safari 2.0)
-Name[uk]=UADescription (Safari 2.0 на MacOS X)
-Name[uz]=UADescription (MacOS X bilan Safari 2.0)
-Name[uz at cyrillic]=UADescription (MacOS X билан Safari 2.0)
-Name[vi]=Đại diện người dùng (Safari 2.0 trên MacOS X)
-Name[wa]=Idintifiaedje do betchteu (Safari 2.0 so MacOS X)
-Name[x-test]=xxUADescription (Safari 2.0 on MacOS X)xx
-Name[zh_CN]=客户端描述(运行于 MacOS X 的 Safari 2.0)
-Name[zh_TW]=使用者代理描述 (Safari 2.0 on MacOS X)
-X-KDE-UA-FULL=Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; PPC Mac OS X; appLanguage) AppleWebKit/412 (KHTML, like Gecko) Safari/412
diff --git a/src/kcms/kio/uasproviders/safari30oniphone.desktop b/src/kcms/kio/uasproviders/safari30oniphone.desktop
deleted file mode 100644
index 419bd6aa0..000000000
--- a/src/kcms/kio/uasproviders/safari30oniphone.desktop
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,77 +0,0 @@
-[Desktop Entry]
-Name=UADescription (Safari 3.0 on iPhone)
-Name[ast]=UADescription (Safari 3.0 n'iPhone)
-Name[az]=UADescription (Safari 3.0 iPhone -də)
-Name[bg]=UADescription (Safari 3.0 на iPhone)
-Name[bn]=UADescription (Safari 3.0 on iPhone)
-Name[ca]=Descripció AU (Safari 3.0 a iPhone)
-Name[ca at valencia]=Descripció AU (Safari 3.0 a iPhone)
-Name[cs]=Popis agenta (Safari 3.0 na iPhone)
-Name[csb]=Òpisënk programë brëkòwnika (Safari 3.0 na iPhone)
-Name[da]=Brugeragentbeskrivelse (Safari 3.0 på iPhone)
-Name[de]=Browserkennung (Safari 3.0 auf dem iPhone)
-Name[el]=Περιγραφή UA (Safari 3.0 σε iPhone)
-Name[en_GB]=UADescription (Safari 3.0 on iPhone)
-Name[eo]=UA-Priskribo (Safari 3.0 sub MacOS X)
-Name[es]=Descripción del agente de usuario (Safari 3.0 en iPhone)
-Name[et]=UADescription (Safari 3.0 iPhone platvormil)
-Name[eu]=UADescription (Safari 3.0 iPhonen)
-Name[fi]=Käyttäjäagenttikuvaus (Safari 3.0 iPhonella)
-Name[fr]=UADescription (Safari 3.0 sur iPhone)
-Name[fy]=UA-beskriuwing (Safari 3.0 op iPhone)
-Name[ga]=UADescription (Safari 3.0 ar iPhone)
-Name[gd]=UADescription (Safari 3.0 air iPhone)
-Name[gl]=UADescription (Safari 3.0 nun iPhone)
-Name[gu]=UADescription (સફારી ૩.૦ આઇફોન પર)
-Name[he]=UADescription (Safari 3.0 on iPhone)
-Name[hr]=UADescription (Safari 3.0 on iPhone)
-Name[hu]=Böngészőtípus (Safari 3.0, iPhone)
-Name[ia]=UADescription (Safari 3.0 super iPhone)
-Name[id]=UADescription (Safari 3.0 pada iPhone)
-Name[it]=Descrizione UA (Safari 3.0 su iPhone)
-Name[ja]=UADescription (Safari 3.0 on iPhone)
-Name[kk]=UADescription (Safari 3.0 / iPhone)
-Name[kn]=UADescription (Safari 3.0 on iPhone)
-Name[ko]=UADescription (iPhone의 Safari 3.0)
-Name[lt]=UADescription (Safari 3.0, iPhone)
-Name[mai]=यूए-डिस्क्रिप्शन (आइफोन पर सफारी 3.0)
-Name[mk]=UADescription (Safari 3.0 на iPhone)
-Name[ml]=യുഎവിവരണം (ഐഫോണിലെ സഫാരി 3.0)
-Name[nb]=Brukeragent (Safari 3.0 på iPhone)
-Name[nds]=UA-Beschrieven (Safari 3.0 op iPhone)
-Name[nl]=GA-beschrijving (Safari 3.0 op iPhone)
-Name[nn]=Brukaragent (Safari 3.0 på iPhone)
-Name[pa]=UADescription (MacOS X ਉੱਤੇ ਸਫ਼ਾਰੀ ੩.੦)
-Name[pl]=Opis przeglądarki użytkownika (Safari 3.0 na iPhone)
-Name[pt]=UADescription (Safari 3.0 no iPhone)
-Name[pt_BR]=UADescription (Safari 3.0 no iPhone)
-Name[ro]=Descriere AU (Safari 3.0 pe iPhone)
-Name[ru]=UADescription (Safari 3.0 на iPhone)
-Name[se]=UA-čilgehus (Safari 3.0 iPhones)
-Name[si]=UADescription (iPhone මත Safari 3.0)
-Name[sk]=Popis agenta (Safari 3.0 na iPhone)
-Name[sl]=Opis UP (Safari 3.0 na iPhone)
-Name[sr]=УА‑опис (Сафари 3.0 на и‑фону)
-Name[sr at ijekavian]=УА‑опис (Сафари 3.0 на и‑фону)
-Name[sr at ijekavianlatin]=UA-opis (Safari 3.0 na iPhoneu)
-Name[sr at latin]=UA-opis (Safari 3.0 na iPhoneu)
-Name[sv]=AA-beskrivning (Safari 3.0 på iPhone)
-Name[ta]=UADescription (Safari 3.0 on iPhone)
-Name[tg]=UADescription (Safari 3.0 дар iPhone)
-Name[th]=UADescription (ซาฟารี 3.0 บน MacOS X)
-Name[tr]=Kullanıcı Uygulaması Tanımı (MacOS X üzerinde Safari 3.0)
-Name[uk]=UADescription (Safari 3.0 на iPhone)
-Name[vi]=Đại diện người dùng (Safari 3.0 trên iPhone)
-Name[wa]=Idintifiaedje do betchteu (Safari 3.0 so iPhone)
-Name[x-test]=xxUADescription (Safari 3.0 on iPhone)xx
-Name[zh_CN]=客户端描述(运行于 iPhone 的 Safari 3.0)
-Name[zh_TW]=使用者代理描述 (Safari 3.0 on iPhone)
-X-KDE-UA-FULL=Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU like Mac OS X; appLanguage) AppleWebKit/420+ (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/3.0 Mobile/1A543a Safari/419.3
diff --git a/src/kcms/kio/uasproviders/safari32.desktop b/src/kcms/kio/uasproviders/safari32.desktop
deleted file mode 100644
index 9defd07d5..000000000
--- a/src/kcms/kio/uasproviders/safari32.desktop
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,77 +0,0 @@
-[Desktop Entry]
-Name=UADescription (Safari 3.2 on MacOS X)
-Name[ast]=UADescription (Safari 3.2 en MacOS X)
-Name[az]=UADescription (Safari 3.2 MacOS X -da)
-Name[bg]=UADescription (Safari 3.2 на MacOS X)
-Name[bn]=UADescription (Safari 3.2 on MacOS X)
-Name[ca]=Descripció AU (Safari 3.2 a MacOS X)
-Name[ca at valencia]=Descripció AU (Safari 3.2 a MacOS X)
-Name[cs]=Popis agenta (Safari 3.2 na MacOS X)
-Name[csb]=Òpisënk programë brëkòwnika(Safari 3.2 na MacOS X)
-Name[da]=Brugeragentbeskrivelse (Safari 3.2 på MacOS X)
-Name[de]=Browserkennung (Safari 3.2 unter MacOS X)
-Name[el]=Περιγραφή UA (Safari 3.2 σε MacOS X)
-Name[en_GB]=UADescription (Safari 3.2 on MacOS X)
-Name[eo]=UA-Priskribo (Safari 3.2 sub MacOS X)
-Name[es]=Descripción del agente de usuario (Safari 3.2 en MacOS X)
-Name[et]=UADescription (Safari 3.2 MacOS X platvormil)
-Name[eu]=UADescription (Safari 3.2 MacOS Xn)
-Name[fi]=Käyttäjäagenttikuvaus (Safari 3.2 MacOS X:llä)
-Name[fr]=UADescription (Safari 3.2 sous MacOS X)
-Name[fy]=UA-beskriuwing (Safari 3.2 op MacOS X)
-Name[ga]=UADescription (Safari 3.2 ar MacOS X)
-Name[gd]=UADescription (Safari 3.2 air MacOS X)
-Name[gl]=UADescription (Safari 3.2 en MacOS X)
-Name[gu]=UADescription (સફારી ૩.૨ મેકOS X પર)
-Name[he]=UADescription (Safari 3.2 on MacOS X)
-Name[hr]=UADescription (Safari 3.2 na MacOS X)
-Name[hu]=Böngészőtípus (Safari 3.2, MacOS X)
-Name[ia]=UADescription (Safari 3.2 super MacOS X)
-Name[id]=UADescription (Safari 3.2 pada MacOS X)
-Name[it]=Descrizione UA (Safari 3.2 su MacOS X)
-Name[ja]=UADescription (Safari 3.2 on MacOS X)
-Name[kk]=UADescription (Safari 3.2 / MacOS X)
-Name[kn]=UADescription (MacOS X ನಲ್ಲಿ Safari 3.2)
-Name[ko]=UADescription (Mac OS X의 Safari 3.2)
-Name[lt]=UADescription (Safari 3.2, MacOS X)
-Name[mai]=यूए-डिस्क्रिप्शन (मॅक-ओएस X पर सफारी 3.2)
-Name[mk]=UADescription (Safari 3.2 на MacOS X)
-Name[ml]=യുഎവിവരണം (മാക്ഒഎസിലെ സഫാരി 3.2)
-Name[nb]=Brukeragent (Safari 3.2 på MacOS X)
-Name[nds]=UA-Beschrieven (Safari 3.2 op MacOS X)
-Name[nl]=GA-beschrijving (Safari 3.2 op MacOS X)
-Name[nn]=Brukaragent (Safari 3.2 på MacOS X)
-Name[pa]=UADescription (MacOS X ਉੱਤੇ Safari ੩.੨)
-Name[pl]=Opis przeglądarki użytkownika (Safari 3.2 na MacOS X)
-Name[pt]=UADescription (Safari 3.2 no MacOS X)
-Name[pt_BR]=UADescription (Safari 3.2 no MacOS X)
-Name[ro]=Descriere AU (Safari 3.2 pe MacOS X)
-Name[ru]=UADescription (Safari 3.2 на Mac OS X)
-Name[se]=UA-čilgehus (Safari 3.2 MacOS X:s)
-Name[si]=UADescription (MacOS X මත Safari 3.2)
-Name[sk]=Popis agenta (Safari 3.2 na MacOS X)
-Name[sl]=Opis UP (Safari 3.2 na MacOS X)
-Name[sr]=УА‑опис (Сафари 3.2 на МекОС‑у X)
-Name[sr at ijekavian]=УА‑опис (Сафари 3.2 на МекОС‑у X)
-Name[sr at ijekavianlatin]=UA-opis (Safari 3.2 na MacOS‑u X)
-Name[sr at latin]=UA-opis (Safari 3.2 na MacOS‑u X)
-Name[sv]=AA-beskrivning (Safari 3.2 på MacOS X)
-Name[ta]=UADescription (Safari 3.2 on MacOS X)
-Name[tg]=UADescription (Safari 3.2 дар MacOS X)
-Name[th]=UADescription (ซาฟารี 3.2 บน MacOS X)
-Name[tr]=Kullanıcı Uygulaması Tanımı (MacOS X üzerinde Safari 3.2)
-Name[uk]=UADescription (Safari 3.2 на MacOS X)
-Name[vi]=Đại diện người dùng (Safari 3.2 trên MacOS X)
-Name[wa]=Idintifiaedje do betchteu (Safari 3.2 so MacOS X)
-Name[x-test]=xxUADescription (Safari 3.2 on MacOS X)xx
-Name[zh_CN]=客户端描述(运行于 MacOS X 的 Safari 3.2)
-Name[zh_TW]=使用者代理描述 (Safari 3.2 on MacOS X)
-X-KDE-UA-FULL=Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; PPC Mac OS X 10_5_5; appLanguage) AppleWebKit/525.26.2 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/3.2 Safari/525.26.12
diff --git a/src/kcms/kio/uasproviders/safari40.desktop b/src/kcms/kio/uasproviders/safari40.desktop
deleted file mode 100644
index 2c34c76ef..000000000
--- a/src/kcms/kio/uasproviders/safari40.desktop
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,73 +0,0 @@
-[Desktop Entry]
-Name=UADescription (Safari 4.0 on MacOS X)
-Name[ast]=UADescription (Safari 4.0 en MacOS X)
-Name[az]=UADescription (Safari 4.0 MacOS X- da)
-Name[bg]=UADescription (Safari 4.0 на MacOS X)
-Name[bn]=UADescription (Safari 4.0 on MacOS X)
-Name[ca]=Descripció AU (Safari 4.0 a MacOS X)
-Name[ca at valencia]=Descripció AU (Safari 4.0 a MacOS X)
-Name[cs]=Popis UA (Safari 4.0 na MacOS X)
-Name[da]=Brugeragentbeskrivelse (Safari 4.0 på MacOS X)
-Name[de]=Browserkennung (Safari 4.0 unter MacOS X)
-Name[el]=Περιγραφή UA (Safari 4.0 σε MacOS X)
-Name[en_GB]=UADescription (Safari 4.0 on MacOS X)
-Name[eo]=UA-Priskribo (Safari 2.0 sub MacOS X)
-Name[es]=Descripción del agente de usuario (Safari 4.0 en MacOS X)
-Name[et]=UADescription (Safari 4.0 MacOS X platvormil)
-Name[eu]=UA azalpena (Safari 4.0 MacOS X-en)
-Name[fi]=Käyttäjäagenttikuvaus (Safari 4.0 MacOS X:llä)
-Name[fr]=UADescription (Safari 4.0 sous MacOS X)
-Name[ga]=UADescription (Safari 4.0 ar MacOS X)
-Name[gd]=UADescription (Safari 4.0 air MacOS X)
-Name[gl]=UADescription (Safari 4.0 en MacOS X)
-Name[gu]=UADescription (સફારી ૪.૦ મેકOS X પર)
-Name[he]=UADescription (Safari 4.0 on MacOS X)
-Name[hr]=UADescription (Safari 4.0 on MacOS X)
-Name[hu]=Böngészőtípus (Safari 4.0, MacOS X)
-Name[ia]=UADescription (Safari 4.0 super MacOS X)
-Name[id]=UADescription (Safari 4.0 pada MacOS X)
-Name[it]=Descrizione UA (Safari 4.0 su MacOS X)
-Name[ja]=UADescription (Safari 4.0 on MacOS X)
-Name[kk]=UADescription (Safari 4.0 / MacOS X)
-Name[kn]=UAವಿವರಣೆ (ಮ್ಯಾಕ್ OSX ನ ಮೇಲಿನ ಸಫಾರಿ ೪.೦)
-Name[ko]=UADescription (Mac OS X의 Safari 4.0)
-Name[lt]=UADescription (Safari 4.0, MacOS X)
-Name[mai]=यूए-डिस्क्रिप्शन (मैक-ओएस X मे सफारी 4.0)
-Name[ml]=യുഎവിവരണം (മാക്ഒഎസ് എക്സിലെ സഫാരി 4.0)
-Name[nb]=Brukeragent (Safari 4.0 på MacOS X)
-Name[nds]=UA-Beschrieven (Safari 4.0 op MacOS X)
-Name[nl]=GA-beschrijving (Safari 4.0 op MacOS X)
-Name[nn]=Brukaragent (Safari 4.0 på MacOS X)
-Name[pa]=UADescription (MacOS X ਉੱਤੇ ਸਫ਼ਾਰੀ ੪.੦)
-Name[pl]=UADescription (Safari 4.0 w MacOS X)
-Name[pt]=UADescription (Safari 4.0 no MacOS X)
-Name[pt_BR]=UADescription (Safari 4.0 no MacOS X)
-Name[ro]=Descriere AU (Safari 4.0 pentru MacOS X)
-Name[ru]=UADescription (Safari 4.0 на Mac OS X)
-Name[si]=UADescription (MacOS X මත Safari 4.0)
-Name[sk]=Popis agenta (Safari 4.0 na MacOS X)
-Name[sl]=Opis UP (Safari 4.0 na MacOS X)
-Name[sr]=УА‑опис (Сафари 4.0 на МекОС‑у X)
-Name[sr at ijekavian]=УА‑опис (Сафари 4.0 на МекОС‑у X)
-Name[sr at ijekavianlatin]=UA-opis (Safari 4.0 na MacOS‑u X)
-Name[sr at latin]=UA-opis (Safari 4.0 na MacOS‑u X)
-Name[sv]=UAD-beskrivning (Safari 4.0 på MacOS X)
-Name[ta]=UADescription (Safari 4.0 on MacOS X)
-Name[tg]=UADescription (Safari 4.0 дар MacOS X)
-Name[th]=UADescription (ซาฟารี 4.0 บน MacOS X)
-Name[tr]=Kullanıcı Uygulaması Tanımı (MacOS X üzerinde Safari 4.0)
-Name[uk]=UADescription (Safari 4.0 на MacOS X)
-Name[vi]=Đại diện người dùng (Safari 4.0 trên MacOS X)
-Name[wa]=Idintifiaedje do betchteu (Safari 4.0 so MacOS X)
-Name[x-test]=xxUADescription (Safari 4.0 on MacOS X)xx
-Name[zh_CN]=客户端描述(运行于 MacOS X 的 Safari 4.0)
-Name[zh_TW]=使用者代理描述 (Safari 4.0 on MacOS X)
-X-KDE-UA-FULL=Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; Intel Mac OS X 10_6_1; appLanguage) AppleWebKit/531.21.10 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0.4 Safari/531.21.10
diff --git a/src/kcms/kio/uasproviders/safari517.desktop b/src/kcms/kio/uasproviders/safari517.desktop
deleted file mode 100644
index 5d0fa2719..000000000
--- a/src/kcms/kio/uasproviders/safari517.desktop
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
-[Desktop Entry]
-Name=UADescription (Safari 5.1.7 on MacOS X)
-Name[ast]=UADescription (Safari 5.1.7 en MacOS X)
-Name[az]=UADescription (Safari 5.1.7 MacOS X -da)
-Name[ca]=Descripció AU (Safari 5.1.7 a MacOS X)
-Name[ca at valencia]=Descripció AU (Safari 5.1.7 a MacOS X)
-Name[cs]=Popis agenta (Safari 5.1.7 na MacOS X)
-Name[da]=Brugeragentbeskrivelse (Safari 5.1.7 på MacOS X)
-Name[de]=Browserkennung (Safari 5.1.7 unter MacOS X)
-Name[el]=Περιγραφή UA (Safari 5.1.7 σε MacOS X)
-Name[en_GB]=UADescription (Safari 5.1.7 on MacOS X)
-Name[es]=Descripción del agente de usuario (Safari 5.1.7 en MacOS X)
-Name[et]=UADescription (Safari 5.1.7 MacOS X platvormil)
-Name[eu]=UADescription (Safari 5.1.7 on MacOS Xn)
-Name[fi]=Käyttäjäagenttikuvaus (Safari 5.1.7 MacOS X:llä)
-Name[fr]=UADescription (Safari 5.1.7 sous MacOS X)
-Name[gd]=UADescription (Safari 5.1.7 air MacOS X)
-Name[gl]=UADescription (Safari 5.1.7 en MacOS X)
-Name[hu]=Böngészőtípus (Safari 5.1.7, MacOS X)
-Name[ia]=UADescription (Safari 5.1.7 super MacOS X)
-Name[id]=UADescription (Safari 5.1.7 pada MacOS X)
-Name[it]=Descrizione UA (Safari 5.1.7 su MacOS X)
-Name[ko]=UADescription (Mac OS X의 Safari 5.1.7)
-Name[lt]=UADescription (Safari 5.1.7, MacOS X)
-Name[nb]=Brukeragent (Safari 5.1.7 på MacOS X)
-Name[nl]=GA-beschrijving (Safari 5.1.7 op MacOS X)
-Name[nn]=Brukaragent (Safari 5.1.7 på MacOS X)
-Name[pl]=Opis przeglądarki użytkownika (Safari 5.1.7 na MacOS X)
-Name[pt]=UADescription (Safari 5.1.7 no MacOS X)
-Name[pt_BR]=UADescription (Safari 5.1.7 no MacOS X)
-Name[ru]=UADescription (Safari 5.1.7 на Mac OS X)
-Name[sk]=Popis agenta (Safari 5.1.7 na MacOS X)
-Name[sl]=Opis UP (Safari 5.1.7 na MacOS X)
-Name[sr]=УА‑опис (Сафари 5.1.7 на МекОС‑у X)
-Name[sr at ijekavian]=УА‑опис (Сафари 5.1.7 на МекОС‑у X)
-Name[sr at ijekavianlatin]=UA-opis (Safari 5.1.7 na MacOS‑u X)
-Name[sr at latin]=UA-opis (Safari 5.1.7 na MacOS‑u X)
-Name[sv]=AA-beskrivning (Safari 5.1.7 på MacOS X)
-Name[ta]=UADescription (Safari 5.1.7 on MacOS X)
-Name[tg]=UADescription (Safari 5.1.7 дар MacOS X)
-Name[tr]=Kullanıcı Uygulaması Tanımı (MacOS X üzerinde Safari 5.1.7)
-Name[uk]=UADescription (Safari 5.1.7 на MacOS X)
-Name[vi]=Đại diện người dùng (Safari 5.1.7 trên MacOS X)
-Name[x-test]=xxUADescription (Safari 5.1.7 on MacOS X)xx
-Name[zh_CN]=客户端描述(运行于 MacOS X 的 Safari 5.1.7)
-Name[zh_TW]=使用者代理描述 (Safari 5.1.7 on MacOS X)
-X-KDE-UA-FULL=Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; Intel Mac OS X 10_7_3; appLanguage) AppleWebKit/537.13+ (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.1.7 Safari/534.57.2
diff --git a/src/kcms/kio/uasproviders/safari60.desktop b/src/kcms/kio/uasproviders/safari60.desktop
deleted file mode 100644
index fe2d1f0a9..000000000
--- a/src/kcms/kio/uasproviders/safari60.desktop
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
-[Desktop Entry]
-Name=UADescription (Safari 6.0 on MacOS X)
-Name[ast]=UADescription (Safari 6.0 en MacOS X)
-Name[az]=UADescription (Safari 6.0 MacOS X -da)
-Name[ca]=Descripció AU (Safari 6.0 a MacOS X)
-Name[ca at valencia]=Descripció AU (Safari 6.0 a MacOS X)
-Name[cs]=Popis agenta (Safari 6.0 na MacOS X)
-Name[da]=Brugeragentbeskrivelse (Safari 6.0 på MacOS X)
-Name[de]=Browserkennung (Safari 6.0 unter MacOS X)
-Name[el]=Περιγραφή UA (Safari 6.0 σε MacOS X)
-Name[en_GB]=UADescription (Safari 6.0 on MacOS X)
-Name[es]=Descripción del agente de usuario (Safari 6.0 en MacOS X)
-Name[et]=UADescription (Safari 6.0 MacOS X platvormil)
-Name[eu]=UADescription (Safari 6.0 on MacOS Xn)
-Name[fi]=Käyttäjäagenttikuvaus (Safari 6.0 MacOS X:llä)
-Name[fr]=UADescription (Safari 6.0 sous MacOS X)
-Name[gd]=UADescription (Safari 6.0 air MacOS X)
-Name[gl]=UADescription (Safari 6.0 en MacOS X)
-Name[hu]=Böngészőtípus (Safari 6.0, MacOS X)
-Name[ia]=UADescription (Safari 6.0 super MacOS X)
-Name[id]=UADescription (Safari 6.0 pada MacOS X)
-Name[it]=Descrizione UA (Safari 6.0 su MacOS X)
-Name[ko]=UADescription (Mac OS X의 Safari 6.0)
-Name[lt]=UADescription (Safari 6.0, MacOS X)
-Name[nb]=Brukeragent (Safari 6.0 på MacOS X)
-Name[nl]=GA-beschrijving (Safari 6.0 op MacOS X)
-Name[nn]=Brukaragent (Safari 6.0 på MacOS X)
-Name[pl]=Opis przeglądarki użytkownika (Safari 6.0 na MacOS X)
-Name[pt]=UADescription (Safari 6.0 no MacOS X)
-Name[pt_BR]=UADescription (Safari 6.0 no MacOS X)
-Name[ru]=UADescription (Safari 6.0 на Mac OS X)
-Name[sk]=Popis agenta (Safari 6.0 na MacOS X)
-Name[sl]=Opis UP (Safari 6.0 na MacOS X)
-Name[sr]=УА‑опис (Сафари 6.0 на МекОС‑у X)
-Name[sr at ijekavian]=УА‑опис (Сафари 6.0 на МекОС‑у X)
-Name[sr at ijekavianlatin]=UA-opis (Safari 6.0 na MacOS‑u X)
-Name[sr at latin]=UA-opis (Safari 6.0 na MacOS‑u X)
-Name[sv]=AA-beskrivning (Safari 6.0 på MacOS X)
-Name[ta]=UADescription (Safari 6.0 on MacOS X)
-Name[tg]=UADescription (Safari 6.0 дар MacOS X)
-Name[tr]=Kullanıcı Uygulaması Tanımı (MacOS X üzerinde Safari 6.0)
-Name[uk]=UADescription (Safari 6.0 на MacOS X)
-Name[vi]=Đại diện người dùng (Safari 6.0 trên MacOS X)
-Name[x-test]=xxUADescription (Safari 6.0 on MacOS X)xx
-Name[zh_CN]=客户端描述(运行于 MacOS X 的 Safari 6.0)
-Name[zh_TW]=使用者代理描述 (Safari 6.0 on MacOS X)
-X-KDE-UA-FULL=Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; Intel Mac OS X 10_7_3; appLanguage) AppleWebKit/536.26 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/6.0 Safari/8536.25
diff --git a/src/kcms/kio/uasproviders/w3moncurrent.desktop b/src/kcms/kio/uasproviders/w3moncurrent.desktop
deleted file mode 100644
index ea84486e1..000000000
--- a/src/kcms/kio/uasproviders/w3moncurrent.desktop
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,92 +0,0 @@
-[Desktop Entry]
-Name=UADescription (w3m 0.1.9)
-Name[af]=UA-beskrywing (w3m 0.1.9)
-Name[as]=UADescription (w3m 0.1.9)
-Name[ast]=UADescription (w3m 0.1.9)
-Name[az]=UADescription (w3m 0.1.9)
-Name[be]=UADescription (w3m 0.1.9)
-Name[be at latin]=UADescription (w3m 0.1.9)
-Name[bg]=UADescription (w3m 0.1.9)
-Name[bn]=UADescription (w3m 0.1.9)
-Name[bn_IN]=UADescription (w3m 0.1.9)
-Name[br]=UADescription (w3m 0.1.9)
-Name[ca]=Descripció AU (w3m 0.1.9)
-Name[ca at valencia]=Descripció AU (w3m 0.1.9)
-Name[cs]=Popis agenta (w3m 0.1.9)
-Name[csb]=Òpisënk programë brëkòwnika (w3m 0.1.9)
-Name[cy]=UADisgrifiad (w3m 0.1.9)
-Name[da]=Brugeragentbeskrivelse (w3m 0.1.9)
-Name[de]=Browserkennung (w3m 0.1.9)
-Name[el]=Περιγραφή UA (w3m 0.1.9)
-Name[en_GB]=UADescription (w3m 0.1.9)
-Name[eo]=UA-Priskribo (w3m 0.1.9)
-Name[es]=Descripción del agente de usuario (w3m 0.1.9)
-Name[et]=UADescription (w3m 0.1.9)
-Name[eu]=UADescription (w3m 0.1.9)
-Name[fi]=Käyttäjäagenttikuvaus (w3m 0.1.9)
-Name[fr]=UADescription (w3m 0.1.9)
-Name[fy]=GA-omskriuwing (w3m 0.1.9)
-Name[ga]=UADescription (w3m 0.1.9)
-Name[gd]=UADescription (w3m 0.1.9)
-Name[gl]=UADescription (w3m 0.1.9)
-Name[gu]=UADescription (w3m ૦.૧.૯)
-Name[he]=UADescription (w3m 0.1.9)
-Name[hne]=यूएडी-डिस्क्रिप्सन (डब्ल्यू3एम 0.1.9)
-Name[hr]=UADescription (w3m 0.1.9)
-Name[hsb]=UADescription (w3m 0.1.9)
-Name[hu]=Böngészőtípus (w3m 0.1.9)
-Name[ia]=UADescription (w3m 0.1.9)
-Name[id]=UADescription (w3m 0.1.9)
-Name[it]=Descrizione UA (w3m 0.1.9)
-Name[ja]=UADescription (w3m 0.1.9)
-Name[kk]=UADescription (w3m 0.1.9)
-Name[kn]=UAವಿವರಣೆ (w3m ೦.೧.೯)
-Name[ko]=UADescription (w3m 0.1.9)
-Name[ku]=Pênasa UA (w3m 0.19)
-Name[lt]=UADescription (w3m 0.1.9)
-Name[mai]=यूएडी-डिस्क्रिप्शन (डब्ल्यू3एम 0.1.9)
-Name[mk]=UADescription (w3m 0.1.9)
-Name[ml]=യുഎവിവരണം (ഡബ്ലിയു3എം 0.1.9)
-Name[mr]=UAडिस्क्रिप्शन (w3m 0.1.9)
-Name[ms]=UADescription (w3m 0.1.9)
-Name[nb]=Brukeragent (w3m 0.1.9)
-Name[nds]=UA-Beschrieven (w3m 0.1.9)
-Name[ne]=UA वर्णन (w3m 0.1.9)
-Name[nl]=GA-beschrijving (w3m 0.1.9)
-Name[nn]=Brukaragent (w3m 0.1.9)
-Name[or]=UA ବର୍ଣ୍ଣନା (w3m 0.1.9)
-Name[pa]=UADescription (w3m 0.1.9)
-Name[pl]=Opis przeglądarki użytkownika (w3m 0.1.9)
-Name[pt]=UADescription (w3m 0.1.9)
-Name[pt_BR]=UADescription (w3m 0.1.9)
-Name[ro]=Descriere AU (w3m 0.1.9)
-Name[ru]=UADescription (w3m 0.1.9)
-Name[se]=UA-čilgehus (w3m 0.1.9)
-Name[si]=UADescription (w3m 0.1.9)
-Name[sk]=Popis agenta (w3m 0.1.9)
-Name[sl]=Opis UP (w3m 0.1.9)
-Name[sr]=УА‑опис (в3м 0.1.9)
-Name[sr at ijekavian]=УА‑опис (в3м 0.1.9)
-Name[sr at ijekavianlatin]=UA-opis (w3m 0.1.9)
-Name[sr at latin]=UA-opis (w3m 0.1.9)
-Name[sv]=AA-beskrivning (w3m 0.1.9)
-Name[ta]=UADescription (w3m 0.1.9)
-Name[te]=UADescription (w3m 0.1.9)
-Name[tg]=UADescription (w3m 0.1.9)
-Name[th]=UADescription (w3m 0.1.9)
-Name[tr]=Kullanıcı Uygulaması Tanımı (w3m 0.1.9)
-Name[uk]=UADescription (w3m 0.1.9)
-Name[uz]=UADescription (w3m 0.1.9)
-Name[uz at cyrillic]=UADescription (w3m 0.1.9)
-Name[vi]=Đại diện người dùng (w3m 0.1.9)
-Name[wa]=Idintifiaedje do betchteu (w3m 0.1.9)
-Name[xh]=UADescription (w3m 0.1.9)
-Name[x-test]=xxUADescription (w3m 0.1.9)xx
-Name[zh_CN]=客户端描述(w3m 0.1.9)
-Name[zh_TW]=使用者代理描述 (w3m 0.1.9)
diff --git a/src/kcms/kio/uasproviders/wgetoncurrent.desktop b/src/kcms/kio/uasproviders/wgetoncurrent.desktop
deleted file mode 100644
index 7b3d3fcbe..000000000
--- a/src/kcms/kio/uasproviders/wgetoncurrent.desktop
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,74 +0,0 @@
-[Desktop Entry]
-Name=UADescription (Wget 1.11.4)
-Name[ast]=UADescription (Wget 1.11.4)
-Name[az]=UADescription (Wget 1.11.4)
-Name[bg]=UADescription (Wget 1.11.4)
-Name[bn]=UADescription (Wget 1.11.4)
-Name[ca]=Descripció AU (Wget 1.11.4)
-Name[ca at valencia]=Descripció AU (Wget 1.11.4)
-Name[cs]=Popis agenta (Wget 1.11.4)
-Name[csb]=Òpisënk programë brëkòwnika (Wget 1.11.4)
-Name[da]=Brugeragentbeskrivelse (Wget 1.11.4)
-Name[de]=Programmkennung (Wget 1.11.4)
-Name[el]=Περιγραφή UA (Wget 1.11.4)
-Name[en_GB]=UADescription (Wget 1.11.4)
-Name[eo]=UA-Priskribo (Wget 1.11.4)
-Name[es]=Descripción del agente de usuario (Wget 1.11.4)
-Name[et]=UADescription (Wget 1.11.4)
-Name[eu]=UADescription (Wget 1.11.4)
-Name[fi]=Käyttäjäagenttikuvaus (Wget 1.11.4)
-Name[fr]=UADescription (Wget 1.11.4)
-Name[fy]=UA-beskriuwing (Wget 1.11.4)
-Name[ga]=UADescription (Wget 1.11.4)
-Name[gd]=UADescription (Wget 1.11.4)
-Name[gl]=UADescription (Wget 1.11.4)
-Name[gu]=UADescription (Wget ૧.૧૧.૪)
-Name[he]=UADescription (Wget 1.11.4)
-Name[hr]=UADescription (Wget 1.11.4)
-Name[hu]=Böngészőtípus (Wget 1.11.4)
-Name[ia]=UADescritpion (Wget 1.11.4)
-Name[id]=UADescription (Wget 1.11.4)
-Name[it]=Descrizione UA (Wget 1.11.4)
-Name[ja]=UADescription (Wget 1.11.4)
-Name[kk]=UADescription (Wget 1.11.4)
-Name[kn]=UADescription (Wget 1.11.4)
-Name[ko]=UADescription (Wget 1.11.4)
-Name[lt]=UADescription (Wget 1.11.4)
-Name[mai]=यूएडी-डिस्क्रिप्शन (डब्ल्यूगेट 1.11.4)
-Name[mk]=UADescription (Wget 1.11.4)
-Name[ml]=യുഎവിവരണം (ഡബ്ലിയുഗെറ്റ് 1.11.4)
-Name[nb]=Brukeragent (Wget 1.11.4)
-Name[nds]=UA-Beschrieven (Wget 1.11.4)
-Name[nl]=GA-beschrijving (Wget 1.11.4)
-Name[nn]=Brukaragent (Wget 1.11.4)
-Name[pa]=UADescription (Wget 1.11.4)
-Name[pl]=Opis przeglądarki użytkownika (Wget 1.11.4)
-Name[pt]=UADescription (Wget 1.11.4)
-Name[pt_BR]=UADescription (Wget 1.11.4)
-Name[ro]=Descriere AU (Wget 1.11.4)
-Name[ru]=UADescription (Wget 1.11.4)
-Name[se]=UA-čilgehus (Wget 1.11.4)
-Name[si]=UADescription (Wget 1.11.4)
-Name[sk]=Popis agenta (Wget 1.11.4)
-Name[sl]=Opis UP (Wget 1.11.4)
-Name[sr]=УА‑опис (Вгет 1.11.4)
-Name[sr at ijekavian]=УА‑опис (Вгет 1.11.4)
-Name[sr at ijekavianlatin]=UA-opis (wget 1.11.4)
-Name[sr at latin]=UA-opis (wget 1.11.4)
-Name[sv]=AA-beskrivning (Wget 1.11.4)
-Name[ta]=UADescription (Wget 1.11.4)
-Name[tg]=UADescription (Wget 1.11.4)
-Name[th]=UADescription (Wget 1.11.4)
-Name[tr]=Kullanıcı Uygulaması Tanımı (Wget 1.11.4)
-Name[uk]=UADescription (Wget 1.11.4)
-Name[vi]=Đại diện người dùng (Wget 1.11.4)
-Name[wa]=Idintifiaedje do betchteu (Wget 1.11.4)
-Name[x-test]=xxUADescription (Wget 1.11.4)xx
-Name[zh_CN]=客户端描述(Wget 1.11.4)
-Name[zh_TW]=使用者代理描述 (Wget 1.11.4)
diff --git a/src/kcms/kio/useragent.desktop b/src/kcms/kio/useragent.desktop
deleted file mode 100644
index 42c191b6f..000000000
--- a/src/kcms/kio/useragent.desktop
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,183 +0,0 @@
-[Desktop Entry]
-Name=Browser Identification
-Name[af]=Stelsel identifisering
-Name[ar]=تعريف المتصفّح
-Name[as]=চৰকৰ চিনাক্তকৰণ
-Name[az]=Veb Bələdçi İD-si
-Name[be]=Ідэнтыфікацыя вандроўніка
-Name[be at latin]=Identyfikacyja hartača
-Name[bn]=ব্রাউজার সনাক্তকরণ
-Name[bn_IN]=ব্রাউজার সনাক্তকরণ
-Name[br]=Anvelezh ar furcher
-Name[ca]=Identificació del navegador
-Name[ca at valencia]=Identificació del navegador
-Name[cs]=Identifikace prohlížeče
-Name[csb]=Identifikacëjô przezérnika
-Name[cy]=Enw'r Porwr
-Name[el]=Ταυτοποίηση περιηγητή
-Name[en_GB]=Browser Identification
-Name[eo]=TTT-legila identeco
-Name[es]=Identificación del navegador
-Name[et]=Brauseri identifikaator
-Name[eu]=Arakatzailearen identifikazioa
-Name[fa]=شناسایی مرورگر
-Name[fi]=Selaimen tunnistus
-Name[fr]=Identification du navigateur
-Name[fy]=Blêder identifikaasje
-Name[ga]=Aitheantas Brabhsálaithe
-Name[gd]=Aithneachadh a' bhrabhsair
-Name[gl]=Identificación do navegador
-Name[gu]=બ્રાઉઝર ઓળખ
-Name[he]=זיהוי הדפדפן
-Name[hne]=ब्राउजर चिनहइया
-Name[hr]=Identifikacija preglednika
-Name[hsb]=Identifikacija browsera
-Name[ia]=Identification de Navigator
-Name[id]=Identifikasi Penelusur
-Name[it]=Identificazione del browser
-Name[kk]=Шолғыштың өз туралы хабарлауы
-Name[kn]=ವೀಕ್ಷಕದ ಗುರುತು
-Name[ko]=브라우저 식별
-Name[ku]=Nasnameya Gerokê
-Name[lt]=Naršyklės identifikavimas
-Name[mai]=ब्राउजर पहचान
-Name[ml]=ബ്രൌസര്‍ തിരിച്ചറിയല്‍
-Name[mr]=ब्राउजर ओळख
-Name[ms]=Pengenalpastian Pelayar
-Name[ne]=ब्राउजर पहिचान
-Name[or]=ବ୍ରାଉଜର ପରିଚୟ
-Name[pa]=ਬਰਾਊਜ਼ਰ ਪਛਾਣ
-Name[pl]=Identyfikacja przeglądarki
-Name[pt]=Identificação do Navegador
-Name[pt_BR]=Identificação do navegador
-Name[ro]=Identificare navigator web
-Name[ru]=Версия браузера
-Name[si]=ගවේශකය හඳුනා ගැනීම
-Name[sk]=Identifikácia prehliadača
-Name[sl]=Istovetnost brskalnika
-Name[sr]=Идентификација прегледача
-Name[sr at ijekavian]=Идентификација прегледача
-Name[sr at ijekavianlatin]=Identifikacija pregledača
-Name[sr at latin]=Identifikacija pregledača
-Name[ta]=உலாவி அடையாளம்
-Name[te]=అన్వేషణి గుర్తింపు
-Name[tg]=Муайянкунии браузер
-Name[tr]=Tarayıcı Kimliği
-Name[uk]=Ідентифікація навігатора
-Name[vi]=Định danh trình duyệt
-Name[wa]=Idintifiaedje do betchteu
-Name[xh]=Uchazo Lomkhangeli zincwadi
-Name[x-test]=xxBrowser Identificationxx
-Comment=Configure the User Agent exposed by the HTTP kioslave
-Comment[az]=HTTP kioslave tərəfindən Brauzer versiyasının göndərilməsi
-Comment[ca]=Configura l'agent d'usuari exposat pel «kioslave» HTTP
-Comment[ca at valencia]=Configura l'agent d'usuari exposat pel «kioslave» HTTP
-Comment[cs]=Nastavit agenta pro HTTP kioslave
-Comment[da]=Indstil den brugeragent der angives af HTTP-kioslaven
-Comment[de]=Browserkennung für das HTTP-Ein-/Ausgabemodul einrichten
-Comment[el]=Διαμόρφωση του πράκτορα χρήστη που παρουσιάζει το HTTP kioslave
-Comment[en_GB]=Configure the User Agent exposed by the HTTP kioslave
-Comment[es]=Configurar el agente de usuario mostrado por el kioslave HTTP
-Comment[et]=HTTP KIO-mooduli kaudu tuvastatud identifikaatori seadistamine
-Comment[eu]=Konfiguratu HTTP kioslave-k agerian jarriko duen erabiltzailearen agentea
-Comment[fi]=Aseta HTTP-KIO-palvelun käyttäjäagentti
-Comment[fr]=Configurer l'agent utilisateur montré par le module d'entrées / sorties HTTP
-Comment[gl]=Configurar o axente de usuario que expón o kioslave de HTTP
-Comment[hu]=A HTTP kioslave által közzétett böngészőazonosító beállítása
-Comment[ia]=Configura le Agente Udstor exponite per le kioslave de HTTP
-Comment[id]=Konfigurasikan User Agent yang terpapar oleh HTTP kioslave
-Comment[it]=Configura l'User Agent esposta dal kioslave HTTP
-Comment[ko]=HTTP kioslave에서 사용할 User Agent 설정
-Comment[lt]=Konfigūruoti HTTP kioslave atskleidžiamą naudotojo agentą
-Comment[nl]=De gebruikersagent (GA) configureren getoond door de HTTP-kioslave
-Comment[nn]=Set opp brukaragenten som HTTP-kioslaven skal oppgje
-Comment[pl]=Ustawienia User Agent pokazywanego przez HTTP kioslave
-Comment[pt]=Configurar o Agente de Utilizador exposto pelo 'kioslave' de HTTP
-Comment[pt_BR]=Configurar o agente de usuário exposto pelo kioslave HTTP
-Comment[ru]=Отправка версии браузера при использовании kioslave для HTTP
-Comment[sk]=Nastaviť Používateľského agenta odhaleného cez HTTP kioslave
-Comment[sl]=Nastavi uporabniškega posrednika, ki je izpostavljen s strani kioslave-a HTTP
-Comment[sr]=Подесите кориснички агент који издаје ХТТП У/И захват
-Comment[sr at ijekavian]=Подесите кориснички агент који издаје ХТТП У/И захват
-Comment[sr at ijekavianlatin]=Podesite korisnički agent koji izdaje HTTP U/I zahvat
-Comment[sr at latin]=Podesite korisnički agent koji izdaje HTTP U/I zahvat
-Comment[sv]=Anpassa användaragenten exponerad av HTTP I/O-slaven
-Comment[ta]=HTTP kioslave பயன்படுத்தும் உலாவி அடையாளத்தை (user agent-ஐ) அமையுங்கள்
-Comment[tg]=Танзим кардани браузери интернетие, ки тавассути HTTP kioslave муайян карда шудааст
-Comment[tr]=HTTP kioslave tarafından sunulan Kullanıcı Aracısı'nı yapılandır
-Comment[uk]=Налаштувати дані агента користувача, які надаватиме допоміжний засіб HTTP
-Comment[vi]=Cấu hình "Đại diện người dùng" được đưa ra bởi khối kioslave HTTP
-Comment[x-test]=xxConfigure the User Agent exposed by the HTTP kioslavexx
-Comment[zh_CN]=配置 HTTP kioslave 的对外客户端
-Comment[zh_TW]=設定要由 HTTP kioslave 使用的使用者代理
-X-KDE-Keywords=User Agent,Browser,Internet,WWW,Network,agent,bindings,server,login
-X-KDE-Keywords[az]=User Agent,Browser,Internet,WWW,Network,agent,bindings,server,login İstifadəçi Agent, Brauzer, İnternet, WWW, Şəbəkə, agent, bağlayıcılar, server, giriş
-X-KDE-Keywords[ca]=Agent d'usuari,Navegador,Internet,WWW,Xarxa,agent,lligams,servidor,connexió
-X-KDE-Keywords[ca at valencia]=Agent d'usuari,Navegador,Internet,WWW,Xarxa,agent,lligams,servidor,connexió
-X-KDE-Keywords[da]=User agent,brugeragent,internet,www,netværk,agent,bindinger,server,login
-X-KDE-Keywords[el]=User Agent,Περιηγητής,Διαδίκτυο,WWW,Δίκτυο,πράκτορας,δεσμεύσεις,εξυπηρετητής,σύνδεση
-X-KDE-Keywords[en_GB]=User Agent,Browser,Internet,WWW,Network,agent,bindings,server,login
-X-KDE-Keywords[es]=Agente de usuario,Navegador,Internet,WWW,Red,agente,enlaces,servidor,inicio de sesión
-X-KDE-Keywords[eu]=Erabiltzailearen agente,Arakatzaile,Internet,WWW,Sare,agente,loturak,zerbitzari,saio hasiera
-X-KDE-Keywords[fi]=User Agent,Selaimen tunnistetiedot,Selaimen tunnistus,Selain,Internet,WWW,Verkko,agent,palvelin,kirjautuminen
-X-KDE-Keywords[fr]=Agent utilisateur, navigateur, Internet, www, réseau, agent, liens, serveur, connexion
-X-KDE-Keywords[gd]=User Agent,Browser,Internet,WWW,Network,agent,bindings,server,login,àidseant cleachdaiche,brabhsair,eadar-lìon,lìonra,àidseant,nasgadh,frithealaiche,clàradh a-steach,clàraich a-steach
-X-KDE-Keywords[gl]=Axente de usuario,navegador,Internet,www,rede,axente,asociacións,servidor,acceso
-X-KDE-Keywords[ia]=Agente usator,Navigator,Internet,WWW,Rete.agente,ligamines,servitor,authentication
-X-KDE-Keywords[id]=User Agent,Penelusur,Internet,WWW,Jaringan,agent,bindings,server,login
-X-KDE-Keywords[it]=Identificazione del browser,browser,Internet,WWW,rete,agente,binding,server,login
-X-KDE-Keywords[ko]=User Agent,Browser,Internet,WWW,Network,agent,bindings,server,login,사용자 에이전트,브라우저,인터넷,네트워크,바인딩,서버,로그인
-X-KDE-Keywords[lt]=Naudotojo agentas,Naršyklė,Narsykle,Internetas,WWW,Saitynas,Tinklas,Agentas,sąsajos,sasajos,susiejimai,serveris,prisijungimas
-X-KDE-Keywords[nn]=brukaragent,nettlesar,user agent,Internett,WWW,nettverk,agent,bindingar,tenar,server,innlogging
-X-KDE-Keywords[pl]=Agent użytkownika,Przeglądarka,Internet,WWW,Sieć,agent, powiązania,serwer,login
-X-KDE-Keywords[pt]=Agente do Utilizador,Navegador,Internet,WWW,Rede,agente,interfaces,servidor,autenticação
-X-KDE-Keywords[pt_BR]=Agente do usuário,Navegador,Internet,WWW,Rede,agente,interfaces,servidor,conta
-X-KDE-Keywords[ru]=User Agent,Browser,Internet,WWW,Network,agent,bindings,server,login,браузер,Интернет,сеть,агент,привязка,сервер,логин,имя пользователя
-X-KDE-Keywords[sk]=Používateľský agent,Prehliadač,Internet,WWW,Sieť,agent,bindings,server,login
-X-KDE-Keywords[sl]=Uporabniški posrednik,Brskalnik,Internet,WWW,Omrežje,posrednik,povezave,strežnik,prijava
-X-KDE-Keywords[sr]=User Agent,Browser,Internet,WWW,Network,agent,bindings,server,login,кориснички агент,прегледач,Интернет,веб,мрежа,агент,свезе,сервер,пријава
-X-KDE-Keywords[sr at ijekavian]=User Agent,Browser,Internet,WWW,Network,agent,bindings,server,login,кориснички агент,прегледач,Интернет,веб,мрежа,агент,свезе,сервер,пријава
-X-KDE-Keywords[sr at ijekavianlatin]=User Agent,Browser,Internet,WWW,Network,agent,bindings,server,login,korisnički agent,pregledač,Internet,veb,mreža,agent,sveze,server,prijava
-X-KDE-Keywords[sr at latin]=User Agent,Browser,Internet,WWW,Network,agent,bindings,server,login,korisnički agent,pregledač,Internet,veb,mreža,agent,sveze,server,prijava
-X-KDE-Keywords[ta]=User Agent,Browser,Internet,WWW,Network,agent,bindings,server,login,பயனர் அடையாளம்,உலாவி,இணையம்,பிணையம்,சேவையகம்,நுழைவு
-X-KDE-Keywords[tg]=Браузери интернетӣ,Браузер,Интернет,WWW,Шабака,мизоҷ,иртибот,хизматрасон,воридшавӣ
-X-KDE-Keywords[tr]=Kullanıcı İstemcisi,Tarayıcı,İnternet,WWW,Ağ,istemci,bağlayıcılar,sunucu,giriş
-X-KDE-Keywords[uk]=User Agent,Browser,Internet,WWW,Network,agent,bindings,server,login,агент,перегляд,переглядач,браузер,мережа,прив’язки,прив’язування,сервер,вхід,реєстрація
-X-KDE-Keywords[vi]=User Agent,Browser,Internet,WWW,Network,agent,bindings,server,login,Đại diện người dùng,Trình duyệt,Liên Mạng,WWW,Mạng,đại diện,kết buộc,máy chủ,đăng nhập
-X-KDE-Keywords[x-test]=xxUser Agentxx,xxBrowserxx,xxInternetxx,xxWWWxx,xxNetworkxx,xxagentxx,xxbindingsxx,xxserverxx,xxloginxx
-X-KDE-Keywords[zh_CN]=User Agent,Browser,Internet,WWW,Network,agent,bindings,server,login,用户标识,浏览器,互联网,网络,代理,绑定,服务器,登录
-X-KDE-Keywords[zh_TW]=User Agent,Browser,Internet,WWW,Network,agent,bindings,server,login
diff --git a/src/kcms/kio/useragentdlg.cpp b/src/kcms/kio/useragentdlg.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 125ae0d1d..000000000
--- a/src/kcms/kio/useragentdlg.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,360 +0,0 @@
-    Original Authors:
-    SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 1997 Kalle Dalheimer <kalle at kde.org>
-    SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 1998 David Faure <faure at kde.org>
-    SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2000 Dirk Mueller <mueller at kde.org>
-    Completely re-written by:
-    SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2000 Dawit Alemayehu <adawit at kde.org>
-    SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-only
-// Own
-#include "useragentdlg.h"
-// Local
-#include "ksaveioconfig.h"
-#include "useragentinfo.h"
-#include "useragentselectordlg.h"
-// Qt
-#include <QCheckBox>
-#include <QLoggingCategory>
-#include <QPushButton>
-#include <QTreeWidget>
-// KDE
-#include <KConfig>
-#include <KConfigGroup>
-#include <KLocalizedString>
-#include <KMessageBox>
-#include <KPluginFactory>
-#include <http_slave_defaults.h>
-Q_LOGGING_CATEGORY(KIO_USERAGENTDLG, "kf.configwidgets.cms.kf.kio.useragentdlg")
-typedef QList<QTreeWidgetItem *> SiteList;
-typedef SiteList::iterator SiteListIterator;
-UserAgentDlg::UserAgentDlg(QWidget *parent, const QVariantList &)
-    : KCModule(parent)
-    , m_userAgentInfo(nullptr)
-    , m_config(nullptr)
-    ui.setupUi(this);
-    ui.newButton->setIcon(QIcon::fromTheme(QStringLiteral("list-add")));
-    ui.changeButton->setIcon(QIcon::fromTheme(QStringLiteral("edit-rename")));
-    ui.deleteButton->setIcon(QIcon::fromTheme(QStringLiteral("list-remove")));
-    ui.deleteAllButton->setIcon(QIcon::fromTheme(QStringLiteral("edit-delete")));
-    connect(ui.newButton, &QAbstractButton::clicked, this, &UserAgentDlg::newSitePolicy);
-    connect(ui.changeButton, &QAbstractButton::clicked, this, [this]() {
-        changeSitePolicy(ui.sitePolicyTreeWidget->currentItem());
-    });
-    connect(ui.deleteButton, &QAbstractButton::clicked, this, &UserAgentDlg::deleteSitePolicies);
-    connect(ui.deleteAllButton, &QAbstractButton::clicked, this, &UserAgentDlg::deleteAllSitePolicies);
-    connect(ui.sendUACheckBox, &QAbstractButton::clicked, this, [this]() {
-        configChanged();
-    });
-    connect(ui.osNameCheckBox, &QAbstractButton::clicked, this, &UserAgentDlg::changeDefaultUAModifiers);
-    connect(ui.osVersionCheckBox, &QAbstractButton::clicked, this, &UserAgentDlg::changeDefaultUAModifiers);
-    connect(ui.processorTypeCheckBox, &QAbstractButton::clicked, this, &UserAgentDlg::changeDefaultUAModifiers);
-    connect(ui.languageCheckBox, &QAbstractButton::clicked, this, &UserAgentDlg::changeDefaultUAModifiers);
-    connect(ui.sitePolicyTreeWidget, &QTreeWidget::itemSelectionChanged, this, &UserAgentDlg::updateButtons);
-    connect(ui.sitePolicyTreeWidget, &QTreeWidget::itemDoubleClicked, this, &UserAgentDlg::changeSitePolicy);
-    delete m_userAgentInfo;
-    delete m_config;
-void UserAgentDlg::newSitePolicy()
-    const QPointer<UserAgentSelectorDlg> pdlg(new UserAgentSelectorDlg(m_userAgentInfo, this));
-    pdlg->setWindowTitle(i18nc("@title:window", "Add Identification"));
-    if (pdlg->exec() == QDialog::Accepted && pdlg) {
-        if (!handleDuplicate(pdlg->siteName(), pdlg->identity(), pdlg->alias())) {
-            QTreeWidgetItem *item = new QTreeWidgetItem(ui.sitePolicyTreeWidget);
-            item->setText(0, pdlg->siteName());
-            item->setText(1, pdlg->identity());
-            item->setText(2, pdlg->alias());
-            ui.sitePolicyTreeWidget->setCurrentItem(item);
-            configChanged();
-        }
-    }
-    delete pdlg;
-void UserAgentDlg::deleteSitePolicies()
-    SiteList selectedItems = ui.sitePolicyTreeWidget->selectedItems();
-    SiteListIterator endIt = selectedItems.end();
-    for (SiteListIterator it = selectedItems.begin(); it != endIt; ++it)
-        delete (*it);
-    updateButtons();
-    configChanged();
-void UserAgentDlg::deleteAllSitePolicies()
-    ui.sitePolicyTreeWidget->clear();
-    updateButtons();
-    configChanged();
-void UserAgentDlg::changeSitePolicy(QTreeWidgetItem *item)
-    if (item) {
-        // Store the current site name...
-        const QString currentSiteName = item->text(0);
-        UserAgentSelectorDlg pdlg(m_userAgentInfo, this);
-        pdlg.setWindowTitle(i18nc("@title:window", "Modify Identification"));
-        pdlg.setSiteName(currentSiteName);
-        pdlg.setIdentity(item->text(1));
-        if (pdlg.exec() == QDialog::Accepted) {
-            if (pdlg.siteName() == currentSiteName || !handleDuplicate(pdlg.siteName(), pdlg.identity(), pdlg.alias())) {
-                item->setText(0, pdlg.siteName());
-                item->setText(1, pdlg.identity());
-                item->setText(2, pdlg.alias());
-                configChanged();
-            }
-        }
-    }
-void UserAgentDlg::changeDefaultUAModifiers()
-    m_ua_keys = QLatin1Char(':'); // Make sure it's not empty
-    if (ui.osNameCheckBox->isChecked())
-        m_ua_keys += QLatin1Char('o');
-    if (ui.osVersionCheckBox->isChecked())
-        m_ua_keys += QLatin1Char('v');
-    if (ui.processorTypeCheckBox->isChecked())
-        m_ua_keys += QLatin1Char('m');
-    if (ui.languageCheckBox->isChecked())
-        m_ua_keys += QLatin1Char('l');
-    ui.osVersionCheckBox->setEnabled(m_ua_keys.contains(QLatin1Char('o')));
-    QString modVal = KProtocolManager::defaultUserAgent(m_ua_keys);
-    if (ui.defaultIdLineEdit->text() != modVal) {
-        ui.defaultIdLineEdit->setText(modVal);
-        configChanged();
-    }
-bool UserAgentDlg::handleDuplicate(const QString &site, const QString &identity, const QString &alias)
-    SiteList list = ui.sitePolicyTreeWidget->findItems(site, Qt::MatchExactly, 0);
-    if (!list.isEmpty()) {
-        QString msg = i18n(
-            "<qt><center>Found an existing identification for"
-            "<br/><b>%1</b><br/>"
-            "Do you want to replace it?</center>"
-            "</qt>",
-            site);
-        int res = KMessageBox::warningContinueCancel(this, msg, i18nc("@title:window", "Duplicate Identification"), KGuiItem(i18n("Replace")));
-        if (res == KMessageBox::Continue) {
-            list[0]->setText(0, site);
-            list[0]->setText(1, identity);
-            list[0]->setText(2, alias);
-            configChanged();
-        }
-        return true;
-    }
-    return false;
-void UserAgentDlg::configChanged(bool enable)
-    Q_EMIT changed(enable);
-void UserAgentDlg::updateButtons()
-    const int selectedItemCount = ui.sitePolicyTreeWidget->selectedItems().count();
-    const bool hasItems = ui.sitePolicyTreeWidget->topLevelItemCount() > 0;
-    ui.changeButton->setEnabled((hasItems && selectedItemCount == 1));
-    ui.deleteButton->setEnabled((hasItems && selectedItemCount > 0));
-    ui.deleteAllButton->setEnabled(hasItems);
-void UserAgentDlg::load()
-    ui.sitePolicyTreeWidget->clear();
-    if (!m_config)
-        m_config = new KConfig(QStringLiteral("kio_httprc"), KConfig::NoGlobals);
-    else
-        m_config->reparseConfiguration();
-    if (!m_userAgentInfo)
-        m_userAgentInfo = new UserAgentInfo();
-    const QStringList list = m_config->groupList();
-    QStringList::ConstIterator endIt = list.end();
-    QString agentStr;
-    for (QStringList::ConstIterator it = list.begin(); it != endIt; ++it) {
-        if ((*it) == QLatin1String("<default>"))
-            continue;
-        KConfigGroup cg(m_config, *it);
-        agentStr = cg.readEntry("UserAgent");
-        if (!agentStr.isEmpty()) {
-            QTreeWidgetItem *item = new QTreeWidgetItem(ui.sitePolicyTreeWidget);
-            item->setText(0, (*it).toLower());
-            item->setText(1, m_userAgentInfo->aliasStr(agentStr));
-            item->setText(2, agentStr);
-        }
-    }
-    // Update buttons and checkboxes...
-    KConfigGroup cg2(m_config, QString());
-    bool b = cg2.readEntry("SendUserAgent", true);
-    ui.sendUACheckBox->setChecked(b);
-    m_ua_keys = cg2.readEntry("UserAgentKeys", DEFAULT_USER_AGENT_KEYS).toLower();
-    ui.defaultIdLineEdit->setText(KProtocolManager::defaultUserAgent(m_ua_keys));
-    ui.osNameCheckBox->setChecked(m_ua_keys.contains(QLatin1Char('o')));
-    ui.osVersionCheckBox->setChecked(m_ua_keys.contains(QLatin1Char('v')));
-    ui.processorTypeCheckBox->setChecked(m_ua_keys.contains(QLatin1Char('m')));
-    ui.languageCheckBox->setChecked(m_ua_keys.contains(QLatin1Char('l')));
-    updateButtons();
-    configChanged(false);
-void UserAgentDlg::defaults()
-    ui.sitePolicyTreeWidget->clear();
-    m_ua_keys = QString::fromLatin1(DEFAULT_USER_AGENT_KEYS);
-    ui.defaultIdLineEdit->setText(KProtocolManager::defaultUserAgent(m_ua_keys));
-    ui.osNameCheckBox->setChecked(m_ua_keys.contains(QLatin1Char('o')));
-    ui.osVersionCheckBox->setChecked(m_ua_keys.contains(QLatin1Char('v')));
-    ui.processorTypeCheckBox->setChecked(m_ua_keys.contains(QLatin1Char('m')));
-    ui.languageCheckBox->setChecked(m_ua_keys.contains(QLatin1Char('l')));
-    ui.sendUACheckBox->setChecked(true);
-    updateButtons();
-    configChanged();
-void UserAgentDlg::save()
-    Q_ASSERT(m_config);
-    // Put all the groups except the default into the delete list.
-    QStringList deleteList = m_config->groupList();
-    // Remove all the groups that DO NOT contain a "UserAgent" entry...
-    QStringList::ConstIterator endIt = deleteList.constEnd();
-    for (QStringList::ConstIterator it = deleteList.constBegin(); it != endIt; ++it) {
-        if ((*it) == QLatin1String("<default>"))
-            continue;
-        KConfigGroup cg(m_config, *it);
-        if (!cg.hasKey("UserAgent"))
-            deleteList.removeAll(*it);
-    }
-    QString domain;
-    QTreeWidgetItem *item;
-    int itemCount = ui.sitePolicyTreeWidget->topLevelItemCount();
-    // Save and remove from the delete list all the groups that were
-    // not deleted by the end user.
-    for (int i = 0; i < itemCount; i++) {
-        item = ui.sitePolicyTreeWidget->topLevelItem(i);
-        domain = item->text(0);
-        KConfigGroup cg(m_config, domain);
-        cg.writeEntry("UserAgent", item->text(2));
-        deleteList.removeAll(domain);
-        qCDebug(KIO_USERAGENTDLG, "UserAgentDlg::save: Removed [%s] from delete list", domain.toLatin1().constData());
-    }
-    // Write the global configuration information...
-    KConfigGroup cg(m_config, QString());
-    cg.writeEntry("SendUserAgent", ui.sendUACheckBox->isChecked());
-    cg.writeEntry("UserAgentKeys", m_ua_keys);
-    // Sync up all the changes so far...
-    m_config->sync();
-    // If delete list is not empty, delete the specified domains.
-    if (!deleteList.isEmpty()) {
-        // Remove entries from local file.
-        endIt = deleteList.constEnd();
-        KConfig cfg(QStringLiteral("kio_httprc"), KConfig::SimpleConfig);
-        for (QStringList::ConstIterator it = deleteList.constBegin(); it != endIt; ++it) {
-            KConfigGroup cg(&cfg, *it);
-            cg.deleteEntry("UserAgent");
-            qCDebug(KIO_USERAGENTDLG, "UserAgentDlg::save: Deleting UserAgent of group [%s]", (*it).toLatin1().constData());
-            if (cg.keyList().count() < 1)
-                cg.deleteGroup();
-        }
-        // Sync up the configuration...
-        cfg.sync();
-        // Check everything is gone, reset to blank otherwise.
-        m_config->reparseConfiguration();
-        endIt = deleteList.constEnd();
-        for (QStringList::ConstIterator it = deleteList.constBegin(); it != endIt; ++it) {
-            KConfigGroup cg(m_config, *it);
-            if (cg.hasKey("UserAgent"))
-                cg.writeEntry("UserAgent", QString());
-        }
-        // Sync up the configuration...
-        m_config->sync();
-    }
-    KSaveIOConfig::updateRunningIOSlaves(this);
-    configChanged(false);
-QString UserAgentDlg::quickHelp() const
-    return i18n(
-        "<h1>Browser Identification</h1>"
-        "<p>The browser-identification module allows you to have "
-        "full control over how KDE applications using the HTTP "
-        "protocol (like Konqueror) will identify itself to web sites "
-        "you browse.</p>"
-        "<p>This ability to fake identification is necessary because "
-        "some web sites do not display properly when they detect that "
-        "they are not talking to current versions of either Netscape "
-        "Navigator or Internet Explorer, even if the browser actually "
-        "supports all the necessary features to render those pages "
-        "properly. "
-        "For such sites, you can use this feature to try to browse "
-        "them. Please understand that this might not always work, since "
-        "such sites might be using non-standard web protocols and or "
-        "specifications.</p>"
-        "<p><u>NOTE:</u> To obtain specific help on a particular section "
-        "of the dialog box, simply click on the quick help button on "
-        "the window title bar, then click on the section "
-        "for which you are seeking help.</p>");
diff --git a/src/kcms/kio/useragentdlg.h b/src/kcms/kio/useragentdlg.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 19724cb77..000000000
--- a/src/kcms/kio/useragentdlg.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,62 +0,0 @@
-    Original Authors:
-    SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 1997 Kalle Dalheimer <kalle at kde.org>
-    SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 1998 David Faure <faure at kde.org>
-    SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2000 Dirk Mueller <mueller at kde.org>
-    Completely re-written by:
-    SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2000 Dawit Alemayehu <adawit at kde.org>
-    SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-only
-#include "ui_useragentdlg.h"
-#include <KCModule>
-class KConfig;
-class UserAgentInfo;
-class QTreeWidgetItem;
-class UserAgentDlg : public KCModule
-    UserAgentDlg(QWidget *parent, const QVariantList &args);
-    ~UserAgentDlg();
-    void load() override;
-    void save() override;
-    void defaults() override;
-    QString quickHelp() const override;
-private Q_SLOTS:
-    void updateButtons();
-    void newSitePolicy();
-    void changeSitePolicy(QTreeWidgetItem *);
-    void deleteSitePolicies();
-    void deleteAllSitePolicies();
-    void changeDefaultUAModifiers();
-    void configChanged(bool enable = true);
-    bool handleDuplicate(const QString &, const QString &, const QString &);
-    // Useragent modifiers...
-    QString m_ua_keys;
-    // Fake user-agent modifiers...
-    UserAgentInfo *m_userAgentInfo;
-    KConfig *m_config;
-    // Interface...
-    Ui::UserAgentUI ui;
diff --git a/src/kcms/kio/useragentdlg.ui b/src/kcms/kio/useragentdlg.ui
deleted file mode 100644
index e3605f23c..000000000
--- a/src/kcms/kio/useragentdlg.ui
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,313 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<ui version="4.0">
- <class>UserAgentUI</class>
- <widget class="QWidget" name="UserAgentUI">
-  <property name="geometry">
-   <rect>
-    <x>0</x>
-    <y>0</y>
-    <width>613</width>
-    <height>512</height>
-   </rect>
-  </property>
-  <property name="whatsThis">
-   <string><qt>
-Here you can modify the default browser-identification text or set a site <code>(eg. www.kde.org)</code> or a domain <code>(eg. kde.org)</code> specific identification text.<p>
-To add a new site-specific identification text, click the <code>New</code> button and supply the necessary information. To change an existing site-specific entry, click on the <code>Change</code> button. The <code>Delete</code> button will remove the selected site-specific identification text, causing the default setting to be used for that site or domain.
-  </property>
-  <layout class="QVBoxLayout">
-   <item>
-    <widget class="QCheckBox" name="sendUACheckBox">
-     <property name="whatsThis">
-      <string><qt>
-Send the browser identification to web sites.<p>
-<u>NOTE:</u> Many sites rely on this information to display pages properly, hence, it is highly recommended that you do not totally disable this feature but rather customize it.<p>
-By default, only minimal identification information is sent to remote sites. The identification text that will be sent is shown below.
-     </property>
-     <property name="text">
-      <string>&Send identification</string>
-     </property>
-     <property name="checked">
-      <bool>true</bool>
-     </property>
-    </widget>
-   </item>
-   <item>
-    <widget class="QGroupBox" name="defaultIdGroupBox">
-     <property name="enabled">
-      <bool>true</bool>
-     </property>
-     <property name="whatsThis">
-      <string>The browser identification text sent to the sites you visit. Use the provided options to customize it.</string>
-     </property>
-     <property name="title">
-      <string>Default Identification</string>
-     </property>
-     <layout class="QVBoxLayout" name="verticalLayout">
-      <item>
-       <widget class="KSqueezedTextLabel" name="defaultIdLineEdit">
-        <property name="font">
-         <font>
-          <weight>75</weight>
-          <bold>true</bold>
-         </font>
-        </property>
-        <property name="whatsThis">
-         <string>The browser identification text sent to the sites you visit. You can customize it using the options provided below.</string>
-        </property>
-        <property name="text">
-         <string comment="KDE::DoNotExtract">KSqueezedTextLabel</string>
-        </property>
-        <property name="textInteractionFlags">
-         <set>Qt::LinksAccessibleByKeyboard|Qt::LinksAccessibleByMouse|Qt::TextBrowserInteraction|Qt::TextSelectableByKeyboard|Qt::TextSelectableByMouse</set>
-        </property>
-       </widget>
-      </item>
-      <item>
-       <widget class="QCheckBox" name="osNameCheckBox">
-        <property name="whatsThis">
-         <string>Includes your operating system's name in the browser identification text.</string>
-        </property>
-        <property name="text">
-         <string>Add operating s&ystem name</string>
-        </property>
-       </widget>
-      </item>
-      <item>
-       <layout class="QGridLayout" name="gridLayout">
-        <item row="0" column="0" rowspan="2">
-         <spacer>
-          <property name="orientation">
-           <enum>Qt::Horizontal</enum>
-          </property>
-          <property name="sizeType">
-           <enum>QSizePolicy::Fixed</enum>
-          </property>
-          <property name="sizeHint" stdset="0">
-           <size>
-            <width>14</width>
-            <height>13</height>
-           </size>
-          </property>
-         </spacer>
-        </item>
-        <item row="0" column="1">
-         <widget class="QCheckBox" name="osVersionCheckBox">
-          <property name="enabled">
-           <bool>false</bool>
-          </property>
-          <property name="whatsThis">
-           <string>Includes your operating system's version number in the browser identification text.</string>
-          </property>
-          <property name="text">
-           <string>Add operating system &version</string>
-          </property>
-         </widget>
-        </item>
-        <item row="1" column="1">
-         <widget class="QCheckBox" name="processorTypeCheckBox">
-          <property name="enabled">
-           <bool>false</bool>
-          </property>
-          <property name="whatsThis">
-           <string>Includes your machine's CPU type in the browser identification text.</string>
-          </property>
-          <property name="text">
-           <string>Add &machine (processor) type</string>
-          </property>
-         </widget>
-        </item>
-       </layout>
-      </item>
-      <item>
-       <widget class="QCheckBox" name="languageCheckBox">
-        <property name="whatsThis">
-         <string>Includes your language settings in the browser identification text to obtain localized versions of the page.</string>
-        </property>
-        <property name="text">
-         <string>Add lang&uage information</string>
-        </property>
-       </widget>
-      </item>
-     </layout>
-    </widget>
-   </item>
-   <item>
-    <widget class="QGroupBox" name="domainPolicyGroupBox">
-     <property name="enabled">
-      <bool>true</bool>
-     </property>
-     <property name="title">
-      <string>Site Specific Identification</string>
-     </property>
-     <layout class="QHBoxLayout">
-      <item>
-       <widget class="QTreeWidget" name="sitePolicyTreeWidget">
-        <property name="rootIsDecorated">
-         <bool>false</bool>
-        </property>
-        <property name="sortingEnabled">
-         <bool>true</bool>
-        </property>
-        <column>
-         <property name="text">
-          <string>Site Name</string>
-         </property>
-        </column>
-        <column>
-         <property name="text">
-          <string>Identification</string>
-         </property>
-        </column>
-        <column>
-         <property name="text">
-          <string>User Agent</string>
-         </property>
-        </column>
-       </widget>
-      </item>
-      <item>
-       <layout class="QVBoxLayout">
-        <property name="margin">
-         <number>0</number>
-        </property>
-        <item>
-         <widget class="QPushButton" name="newButton">
-          <property name="whatsThis">
-           <string>Add new identification text for a site.</string>
-          </property>
-          <property name="text">
-           <string>&New...</string>
-          </property>
-         </widget>
-        </item>
-        <item>
-         <widget class="QPushButton" name="changeButton">
-          <property name="whatsThis">
-           <string>Change the selected identifier text.</string>
-          </property>
-          <property name="text">
-           <string>Chan&ge...</string>
-          </property>
-         </widget>
-        </item>
-        <item>
-         <widget class="QPushButton" name="deleteButton">
-          <property name="whatsThis">
-           <string>Delete the selected identifier text.</string>
-          </property>
-          <property name="text">
-           <string>D&elete</string>
-          </property>
-         </widget>
-        </item>
-        <item>
-         <widget class="QPushButton" name="deleteAllButton">
-          <property name="whatsThis">
-           <string>Delete all identifiers.</string>
-          </property>
-          <property name="text">
-           <string>Delete A&ll</string>
-          </property>
-         </widget>
-        </item>
-        <item>
-         <spacer>
-          <property name="orientation">
-           <enum>Qt::Vertical</enum>
-          </property>
-          <property name="sizeType">
-           <enum>QSizePolicy::Expanding</enum>
-          </property>
-          <property name="sizeHint" stdset="0">
-           <size>
-            <width>21</width>
-            <height>16</height>
-           </size>
-          </property>
-         </spacer>
-        </item>
-       </layout>
-      </item>
-     </layout>
-    </widget>
-   </item>
-  </layout>
- </widget>
- <customwidgets>
-  <customwidget>
-   <class>KSqueezedTextLabel</class>
-   <extends>QLabel</extends>
-   <header>ksqueezedtextlabel.h</header>
-  </customwidget>
- </customwidgets>
- <resources/>
- <connections>
-  <connection>
-   <sender>osNameCheckBox</sender>
-   <signal>toggled(bool)</signal>
-   <receiver>osVersionCheckBox</receiver>
-   <slot>setEnabled(bool)</slot>
-   <hints>
-    <hint type="sourcelabel">
-     <x>31</x>
-     <y>98</y>
-    </hint>
-    <hint type="destinationlabel">
-     <x>53</x>
-     <y>125</y>
-    </hint>
-   </hints>
-  </connection>
-  <connection>
-   <sender>sendUACheckBox</sender>
-   <signal>toggled(bool)</signal>
-   <receiver>defaultIdGroupBox</receiver>
-   <slot>setEnabled(bool)</slot>
-   <hints>
-    <hint type="sourcelabel">
-     <x>20</x>
-     <y>20</y>
-    </hint>
-    <hint type="destinationlabel">
-     <x>24</x>
-     <y>49</y>
-    </hint>
-   </hints>
-  </connection>
-  <connection>
-   <sender>sendUACheckBox</sender>
-   <signal>toggled(bool)</signal>
-   <receiver>domainPolicyGroupBox</receiver>
-   <slot>setEnabled(bool)</slot>
-   <hints>
-    <hint type="sourcelabel">
-     <x>20</x>
-     <y>20</y>
-    </hint>
-    <hint type="destinationlabel">
-     <x>24</x>
-     <y>207</y>
-    </hint>
-   </hints>
-  </connection>
-  <connection>
-   <sender>osNameCheckBox</sender>
-   <signal>toggled(bool)</signal>
-   <receiver>processorTypeCheckBox</receiver>
-   <slot>setEnabled(bool)</slot>
-   <hints>
-    <hint type="sourcelabel">
-     <x>114</x>
-     <y>86</y>
-    </hint>
-    <hint type="destinationlabel">
-     <x>147</x>
-     <y>145</y>
-    </hint>
-   </hints>
-  </connection>
- </connections>
diff --git a/src/kcms/kio/useragentinfo.cpp b/src/kcms/kio/useragentinfo.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 4152407a2..000000000
--- a/src/kcms/kio/useragentinfo.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,155 +0,0 @@
-    SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2001 Dawit Alemayehu <adawit at kde.org>
-    SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
-// Own
-#include "useragentinfo.h"
-// std
-#include <time.h>
-// Qt
-#include <QLocale>
-#include <QSysInfo>
-// KDE
-#include <KServiceTypeTrader>
-    m_bIsDirty = true;
-UserAgentInfo::StatusCode UserAgentInfo::createNewUAProvider(const QString &uaStr)
-    QStringList split;
-    int pos = (uaStr).indexOf(QLatin1String("::"));
-    if (pos == -1) {
-        pos = (uaStr).indexOf(QLatin1Char(':'));
-        if (pos != -1) {
-            split.append(uaStr.left(pos));
-            split.append(uaStr.mid(pos + 1));
-        }
-    } else {
-        split = uaStr.split(QStringLiteral("::"));
-    }
-    if (m_lstIdentity.contains(split[1])) {
-        return DUPLICATE_ENTRY;
-    } else {
-        int count = split.count();
-        m_lstIdentity.append(split[1]);
-        if (count > 2) {
-            m_lstAlias.append(split[2]);
-        } else {
-            m_lstAlias.append(split[1]);
-        }
-    }
-    return SUCCEEDED;
-void UserAgentInfo::loadFromDesktopFiles()
-    m_providers.clear();
-    m_providers = KServiceTypeTrader::self()->query(QStringLiteral("UserAgentStrings"));
-void UserAgentInfo::parseDescription()
-    auto propertyToString = [](const KService::Ptr &service, const QString &prop) {
-        return service->property(prop).toString();
-    };
-    for (const auto &service : qAsConst(m_providers)) {
-        QString tmp = propertyToString(service, QStringLiteral("X-KDE-UA-FULL"));
-        if (service->property(QStringLiteral("X-KDE-UA-DYNAMIC-ENTRY")).toBool()) {
-            tmp.replace(QLatin1String("appSysName"), QSysInfo::productType());
-            tmp.replace(QLatin1String("appSysRelease"), QSysInfo::kernelVersion());
-            tmp.replace(QLatin1String("appMachineType"), QSysInfo::currentCpuArchitecture());
-            QStringList languageList = QLocale().uiLanguages();
-            if (!languageList.isEmpty()) {
-                int ind = languageList.indexOf(QLatin1String("C"));
-                if (ind >= 0) {
-                    if (languageList.contains(QLatin1String("en"))) {
-                        languageList.removeAt(ind);
-                    } else {
-                        languageList.value(ind) = QStringLiteral("en");
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-            tmp.replace(QLatin1String("appLanguage"), languageList.join(QLatin1String(", ")));
-            tmp.replace(QLatin1String("appPlatform"), QLatin1String("X11"));
-        }
-        // Ignore dups...
-        if (m_lstIdentity.contains(tmp)) {
-            continue;
-        }
-        m_lstIdentity << tmp;
-        tmp = QLatin1String("%1 %2").arg(propertyToString(service, QStringLiteral("X-KDE-UA-SYSNAME")),
-                                         propertyToString(service, QStringLiteral("X-KDE-UA-SYSRELEASE")));
-        if (tmp.trimmed().isEmpty()) {
-            tmp = QLatin1String("%1 %2").arg(propertyToString(service, QStringLiteral("X-KDE-UA-NAME")),
-                                             propertyToString(service, QStringLiteral("X-KDE-UA-VERSION")));
-        } else {
-            tmp = QLatin1String("%1 %2 on %3").arg(propertyToString(service, QStringLiteral("X-KDE-UA-NAME")), (QStringLiteral("X-KDE-UA-VERSION")), tmp);
-        }
-        m_lstAlias << tmp;
-    }
-    m_bIsDirty = false;
-QString UserAgentInfo::aliasStr(const QString &name)
-    int id = userAgentStringList().indexOf(name);
-    if (id == -1) {
-        return QString();
-    } else {
-        return m_lstAlias.at(id);
-    }
-QString UserAgentInfo::agentStr(const QString &name)
-    int id = userAgentAliasList().indexOf(name);
-    if (id == -1) {
-        return QString();
-    } else {
-        return m_lstIdentity.at(id);
-    }
-QStringList UserAgentInfo::userAgentStringList()
-    if (m_bIsDirty) {
-        loadFromDesktopFiles();
-        if (m_providers.isEmpty()) {
-            return QStringList();
-        }
-        parseDescription();
-    }
-    return m_lstIdentity;
-QStringList UserAgentInfo::userAgentAliasList()
-    if (m_bIsDirty) {
-        loadFromDesktopFiles();
-        if (m_providers.isEmpty()) {
-            return QStringList();
-        }
-        parseDescription();
-    }
-    return m_lstAlias;
diff --git a/src/kcms/kio/useragentinfo.h b/src/kcms/kio/useragentinfo.h
deleted file mode 100644
index e02dfbf37..000000000
--- a/src/kcms/kio/useragentinfo.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
-    SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2001 Dawit Alemayehu <adawit at kde.org>
-    SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
-#include <QStringList>
-#include <KService>
-class QString;
-class UserAgentInfo
-    enum StatusCode {
-        SUCCEEDED = 0,
-    };
-    UserAgentInfo();
-    ~UserAgentInfo()
-    {
-    }
-    StatusCode createNewUAProvider(const QString &);
-    QString aliasStr(const QString &);
-    QString agentStr(const QString &);
-    QStringList userAgentStringList();
-    QStringList userAgentAliasList();
-    bool isListDirty() const
-    {
-        return m_bIsDirty;
-    }
-    void setListDirty(bool dirty)
-    {
-        m_bIsDirty = dirty;
-    }
-    void loadFromDesktopFiles();
-    void parseDescription();
-    KService::List m_providers;
-    QStringList m_lstIdentity;
-    QStringList m_lstAlias;
-    bool m_bIsDirty;
diff --git a/src/kcms/kio/useragentselectordlg.cpp b/src/kcms/kio/useragentselectordlg.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index c14d69f36..000000000
--- a/src/kcms/kio/useragentselectordlg.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,143 +0,0 @@
-    SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2001 Dawit Alemayehu <adawit at kde.org>
-    SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
-// Own
-#include "useragentselectordlg.h"
-// Local
-#include "useragentinfo.h"
-// Qt
-#include <QComboBox>
-#include <QDialogButtonBox>
-#include <QLineEdit>
-#include <QPushButton>
-#include <QVBoxLayout>
-#include <QValidator>
-#include <QWidget>
-// KDE
-#include <KUrlLabel>
-class UserAgentSiteNameValidator : public QValidator
-    UserAgentSiteNameValidator(QObject *parent)
-        : QValidator(parent)
-    {
-        setObjectName(QStringLiteral("UserAgentSiteNameValidator"));
-    }
-    State validate(QString &input, int &) const override
-    {
-        if (input.isEmpty())
-            return Intermediate;
-        if (input.startsWith(QLatin1Char('.')))
-            return Invalid;
-        const int length = input.length();
-        for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
-            if (!input[i].isLetterOrNumber() && input[i] != QLatin1Char('.') && input[i] != QLatin1Char('-'))
-                return Invalid;
-        }
-        return Acceptable;
-    }
-UserAgentSelectorDlg::UserAgentSelectorDlg(UserAgentInfo *info, QWidget *parent, Qt::WindowFlags f)
-    : QDialog(parent, f)
-    , mUserAgentInfo(info)
-    , mButtonBox(nullptr)
-    QWidget *mainWidget = new QWidget(this);
-    QVBoxLayout *mainLayout = new QVBoxLayout(this);
-    mainLayout->addWidget(mainWidget);
-    mUi.setupUi(mainWidget);
-    mButtonBox = new QDialogButtonBox(QDialogButtonBox::Ok | QDialogButtonBox::Cancel, this);
-    mainLayout->addWidget(mButtonBox);
-    connect(mButtonBox, &QDialogButtonBox::accepted, this, &QDialog::accept);
-    connect(mButtonBox, &QDialogButtonBox::rejected, this, &QDialog::reject);
-    if (!mUserAgentInfo) {
-        setEnabled(false);
-        return;
-    }
-    mUi.aliasComboBox->clear();
-    mUi.aliasComboBox->addItems(mUserAgentInfo->userAgentAliasList());
-    mUi.aliasComboBox->insertItem(0, QString());
-    mUi.aliasComboBox->model()->sort(0);
-    mUi.aliasComboBox->setCurrentIndex(0);
-    UserAgentSiteNameValidator *validator = new UserAgentSiteNameValidator(this);
-    mUi.siteLineEdit->setValidator(validator);
-    mUi.siteLineEdit->setFocus();
-    connect(mUi.siteLineEdit, &QLineEdit::textEdited, this, &UserAgentSelectorDlg::onHostNameChanged);
-    connect(mUi.aliasComboBox, &QComboBox::textActivated, this, &UserAgentSelectorDlg::onAliasChanged);
-    mButtonBox->button(QDialogButtonBox::Ok)->setEnabled(false);
-void UserAgentSelectorDlg::onAliasChanged(const QString &text)
-    if (text.isEmpty())
-        mUi.identityLineEdit->setText(QString());
-    else
-        mUi.identityLineEdit->setText(mUserAgentInfo->agentStr(text));
-    const bool enable = (!mUi.siteLineEdit->text().isEmpty() && !text.isEmpty());
-    mButtonBox->button(QDialogButtonBox::Ok)->setEnabled(enable);
-void UserAgentSelectorDlg::onHostNameChanged(const QString &text)
-    const bool enable = (!text.isEmpty() && !mUi.aliasComboBox->currentText().isEmpty());
-    mButtonBox->button(QDialogButtonBox::Ok)->setEnabled(enable);
-void UserAgentSelectorDlg::setSiteName(const QString &text)
-    mUi.siteLineEdit->setText(text);
-void UserAgentSelectorDlg::setIdentity(const QString &text)
-    const int id = mUi.aliasComboBox->findText(text);
-    if (id != -1)
-        mUi.aliasComboBox->setCurrentIndex(id);
-    mUi.identityLineEdit->setText(mUserAgentInfo->agentStr(mUi.aliasComboBox->currentText()));
-    if (!mUi.siteLineEdit->isEnabled())
-        mUi.aliasComboBox->setFocus();
-QString UserAgentSelectorDlg::siteName()
-    return mUi.siteLineEdit->text().toLower();
-QString UserAgentSelectorDlg::identity()
-    return mUi.aliasComboBox->currentText();
-QString UserAgentSelectorDlg::alias()
-    return mUi.identityLineEdit->text();
-#include "useragentselectordlg.moc"
diff --git a/src/kcms/kio/useragentselectordlg.h b/src/kcms/kio/useragentselectordlg.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 66e6365dd..000000000
--- a/src/kcms/kio/useragentselectordlg.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
-    SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2001 Dawit Alemayehu <adawit at kde.org>
-    SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
-// KDE
-#include <QDialog>
-#include "ui_useragentselectordlg.h"
-// Forward declarations
-class QDialogButtonBox;
-class UserAgentInfo;
-class UserAgentSelectorDlg : public QDialog
-    explicit UserAgentSelectorDlg(UserAgentInfo *info, QWidget *parent = nullptr, Qt::WindowFlags f = Qt::WindowFlags());
-    ~UserAgentSelectorDlg();
-    void setSiteName(const QString &);
-    void setIdentity(const QString &);
-    QString siteName();
-    QString identity();
-    QString alias();
-protected Q_SLOTS:
-    void onHostNameChanged(const QString &);
-    void onAliasChanged(const QString &);
-    UserAgentInfo *mUserAgentInfo;
-    Ui::UserAgentSelectorUI mUi;
-    QDialogButtonBox *mButtonBox;
diff --git a/src/kcms/kio/useragentselectordlg.ui b/src/kcms/kio/useragentselectordlg.ui
deleted file mode 100644
index b79c4cbae..000000000
--- a/src/kcms/kio/useragentselectordlg.ui
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,118 +0,0 @@
-<ui version="4.0" >
- <class>UserAgentSelectorUI</class>
- <widget class="QWidget" name="UserAgentSelectorUI" >
-  <property name="geometry" >
-   <rect>
-    <x>0</x>
-    <y>0</y>
-    <width>400</width>
-    <height>187</height>
-   </rect>
-  </property>
-  <layout class="QVBoxLayout" >
-   <item>
-    <widget class="QLabel" name="siteLabel" >
-     <property name="whatsThis" >
-      <string><qt>
-Enter the site or domain name where a fake browser identification should be used.<p>
-<u>NOTE:</u> Wildcard syntax such as \"*,?\" is NOT allowed: instead, use the top level address of a site to make generic matches; for example, if you want all KDE sites to receive a fake browser identification, you would enter <code>kde.org</code> - the fake identity would then be sent to any KDE site that ends with <code>kde.org</code>.</p>
-     </property>
-     <property name="text" >
-      <string>&When browsing the following site:</string>
-     </property>
-     <property name="wordWrap" >
-      <bool>false</bool>
-     </property>
-     <property name="buddy" >
-      <cstring>siteLineEdit</cstring>
-     </property>
-    </widget>
-   </item>
-   <item>
-    <widget class="QLineEdit" name="siteLineEdit" >
-     <property name="whatsThis" >
-      <string><qt>
-Enter the site or domain name where a fake browser identification should be used.<p>
-<u>NOTE:</u> Wildcard syntax such as \"*,?\" is NOT allowed: instead, use the top level address of a site to make generic matches; for example, if you want all KDE sites to receive a fake browser identification, you would enter <code>kde.org</code> - the fake identity would then be sent to any KDE site that ends with <code>kde.org</code>.</p>
-     </property>
-    </widget>
-   </item>
-   <item>
-    <widget class="QLabel" name="aliasLabel" >
-     <property name="whatsThis" >
-      <string><qt>
-Select the browser identification to use whenever contacting the site you specified above.
-     </property>
-     <property name="text" >
-      <string>&Use the following identification:</string>
-     </property>
-     <property name="wordWrap" >
-      <bool>false</bool>
-     </property>
-     <property name="buddy" >
-      <cstring>aliasComboBox</cstring>
-     </property>
-    </widget>
-   </item>
-   <item>
-    <widget class="QComboBox" name="aliasComboBox" >
-     <property name="whatsThis" >
-      <string><qt>
-Select the browser identification to use whenever contacting the site you specified above.
-     </property>
-    </widget>
-   </item>
-   <item>
-    <widget class="QLabel" name="identityLabel" >
-     <property name="whatsThis" >
-      <string><qt>
-The actual browser identification text that will be sent to the remote machine.
-     </property>
-     <property name="text" >
-      <string>Real identification:</string>
-     </property>
-     <property name="wordWrap" >
-      <bool>false</bool>
-     </property>
-    </widget>
-   </item>
-   <item>
-    <widget class="QLineEdit" name="identityLineEdit" >
-     <property name="whatsThis" >
-      <string><qt>
-The actual browser identification text that will be sent to the remote machine.
-     </property>
-     <property name="readOnly" >
-      <bool>true</bool>
-     </property>
-    </widget>
-   </item>
-   <item>
-    <spacer>
-     <property name="orientation" >
-      <enum>Qt::Vertical</enum>
-     </property>
-     <property name="sizeType" >
-      <enum>QSizePolicy::Expanding</enum>
-     </property>
-     <property name="sizeHint" >
-      <size>
-       <width>377</width>
-       <height>16</height>
-      </size>
-     </property>
-    </spacer>
-   </item>
-  </layout>
- </widget>
- <customwidgets>
- </customwidgets>
- <resources/>
- <connections/>

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