[utilities/konsole] src: EditProfileDialog: add combobox to select custom text editor
Ahmad Samir
null at kde.org
Sun Jan 3 02:37:22 GMT 2021
Git commit bf75cfa930ff18b0c276421e7709e3487477d8be by Ahmad Samir.
Committed on 02/01/2021 at 16:39.
Pushed by hindenburg into branch 'master'.
EditProfileDialog: add combobox to select custom text editor
The functionality to open a file at a certain line/column in a text editor
was added in commit 923f8d144a31be. Here some preset text editors are added
to make it easier to select your preferred text editor to use; the syntax
for each editor is hard-coded, however there is a "custom" entry in the
combobox where the user can set a different text editor (or a different
This combobox is inspired by the "Code Navigation" menu in Heaptrack.
M +15 -0 src/Enumeration.h
M +8 -7 src/filterHotSpots/FileFilterHotspot.cpp
M +40 -2 src/profile/Profile.cpp
M +25 -10 src/profile/Profile.h
M +106 -4 src/widgets/EditProfileDialog.cpp
M +2 -0 src/widgets/EditProfileDialog.h
M +21 -12 src/widgets/EditProfileMousePage.ui
diff --git a/src/Enumeration.h b/src/Enumeration.h
index 13eca850..9b64bb26 100644
--- a/src/Enumeration.h
+++ b/src/Enumeration.h
@@ -88,6 +88,21 @@ public:
PasteFromClipboard = 1
+ /**
+ * This enum describes the the text editor cmd used to open local text file URLs
+ * in Konsole, where line and column data are appended to the file URL, e.g.:
+ * /path/to/file:123:123
+ */
+ enum TextEditorCmd {
+ Kate = 0,
+ KWrite,
+ KDevelop,
+ QtCreator,
+ Gedit,
+ gVim,
+ CustomTextEditor,
+ };
* This enum describes the different types of sounds and visual effects which
* can be used to alert the user when a 'bell' occurs in the terminal
diff --git a/src/filterHotSpots/FileFilterHotspot.cpp b/src/filterHotSpots/FileFilterHotspot.cpp
index 5d71f703..bd16645e 100644
--- a/src/filterHotSpots/FileFilterHotspot.cpp
+++ b/src/filterHotSpots/FileFilterHotspot.cpp
@@ -74,24 +74,25 @@ void FileFilterHotSpot::activate(QObject *)
Profile::Ptr profile = SessionManager::instance()->sessionProfile(_session);
QString editorCmd = profile->textEditorCmd();
+ const int firstBlank = editorCmd.indexOf(QLatin1Char(' '));
+ const QString editorExecPath = QStandardPaths::findExecutable(editorCmd.mid(0, firstBlank));
- // If the cmd is empty or PATH and LINE don't exist, then the command
- // is malformed, ignore it and open with the default editor
// TODO: show an error message to the user?
- if (editorCmd.isEmpty()
- || ! (editorCmd.contains(QLatin1String("PATH")) && editorCmd.contains(QLatin1String("LINE")))) {
+ if (editorCmd.isEmpty() || editorExecPath.isEmpty()
+ || !(editorCmd.contains(QLatin1String("PATH")) && editorCmd.contains(QLatin1String("LINE")))) {
+ // Substitute e.g. "kate" with full path, "/usr/bin/kate"
+ editorCmd.replace(0, firstBlank, editorExecPath);
+ editorCmd.replace(QLatin1String("PATH"), path);
editorCmd.replace(QLatin1String("LINE"), match.captured(1));
const QString col = match.captured(2);
editorCmd.replace(QLatin1String("COLUMN"), !col.isEmpty() ? col : QLatin1String("0"));
- editorCmd.replace(QLatin1String("PATH"), path);
qCDebug(KonsoleDebug) << "editorCmd:" << editorCmd;
KService::Ptr service(new KService(QString(), editorCmd, QString()));
diff --git a/src/profile/Profile.cpp b/src/profile/Profile.cpp
index 81dc0fe6..72834267 100644
--- a/src/profile/Profile.cpp
+++ b/src/profile/Profile.cpp
@@ -107,7 +107,8 @@ const Profile::PropertyInfo Profile::DefaultPropertyNames[] = {
, { UnderlineLinksEnabled , "UnderlineLinksEnabled" , INTERACTION_GROUP , QVariant::Bool }
, { UnderlineFilesEnabled , "UnderlineFilesEnabled" , INTERACTION_GROUP , QVariant::Bool }
, { OpenLinksByDirectClickEnabled , "OpenLinksByDirectClickEnabled" , INTERACTION_GROUP , QVariant::Bool }
- , { TextEditorCmd , "TextEditorCmd" , INTERACTION_GROUP , QVariant::String }
+ , { TextEditorCmd , "TextEditorCmd" , INTERACTION_GROUP , QVariant::Int }
+ , { TextEditorCmdCustom , "TextEditorCmdCustom" , INTERACTION_GROUP , QVariant::String }
, { CtrlRequiredForDrag, "CtrlRequiredForDrag" , INTERACTION_GROUP , QVariant::Bool }
, { DropUrlsAsText , "DropUrlsAsText" , INTERACTION_GROUP , QVariant::Bool }
, { AutoCopySelectedText , "AutoCopySelectedText" , INTERACTION_GROUP , QVariant::Bool }
@@ -194,7 +195,10 @@ void Profile::useFallback()
setProperty(UnderlineLinksEnabled, true);
setProperty(UnderlineFilesEnabled, false);
setProperty(OpenLinksByDirectClickEnabled, false);
- setProperty(TextEditorCmd, QStringLiteral("/usr/bin/kate PATH:LINE:COLUMN"));
+ setProperty(TextEditorCmd, Enum::Kate);
+ setProperty(TextEditorCmdCustom, QStringLiteral("kate PATH:LINE:COLUMN"));
setProperty(CtrlRequiredForDrag, true);
setProperty(AutoCopySelectedText, false);
setProperty(CopyTextAsHTML, true);
@@ -353,3 +357,37 @@ Profile::GroupPtr Profile::asGroup()
return Profile::GroupPtr(dynamic_cast<ProfileGroup *>(this));
+QString Profile::textEditorCmd() const
+ auto current = property<int>(Profile::TextEditorCmd);
+ QString editorCmd;
+ switch(current) {
+ case Enum::Kate:
+ editorCmd = QStringLiteral("kate PATH:LINE:COLUMN");
+ break;
+ case Enum::KWrite:
+ editorCmd = QStringLiteral("kwrite PATH:LINE:COLUMN");
+ break;
+ case Enum::KDevelop:
+ editorCmd = QStringLiteral("kdevelop PATH:LINE:COLUMN");
+ break;
+ case Enum::QtCreator:
+ editorCmd = QStringLiteral("qtcreator PATH:LINE:COLUMN");
+ break;
+ case Enum::Gedit:
+ editorCmd = QStringLiteral("gedit +LINE:COLUMN PATH");
+ break;
+ case Enum::gVim:
+ editorCmd = QStringLiteral("gvim +LINE PATH");
+ break;
+ case Enum::CustomTextEditor:
+ editorCmd = customTextEditorCmd();
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ return editorCmd;
diff --git a/src/profile/Profile.h b/src/profile/Profile.h
index 4d46a5ea..53e85767 100644
--- a/src/profile/Profile.h
+++ b/src/profile/Profile.h
@@ -201,16 +201,23 @@ public:
* underlined when hovered by the mouse pointer.
- * (QString) Text editor command used to open link/file URLs at a given line/column;
- * it should include two placeholders, LINE and COLUMN, which will be
- * replaced by the actual line and column numbers, respectively. This is needed as
- * each text editor has its own command line options to specify line/column numbers
- * when opening a text file. For example:
- * "/usr/bin/kate --line LINE --column COLUMN"
- * "/usr/bin/gedit +LINE:COLUMN"
+ * (Enum::TextEditorCmd) Text editor command used to open local
+ * text file URLs at a given line/column. There is a default list
+ * of editors that the user can select from, and a CustomTextEditor
+ * option if the user wants to use a different editor.
+ *
+ * See Enum::TextEditorCmd
+ /**
+ * (QString) This is the command string corresponding to Enum::CustomTextEditor.
+ *
+ * See TextEditorCmd and Enum::TextEditorCmd
+ */
+ TextEditorCmdCustom,
/** (bool) If true, links can be opened by direct mouse click.*/
/** (bool) If true, control key must be pressed to click and drag selected text. */
@@ -608,10 +615,18 @@ public:
return property<bool>(Profile::UnderlineFilesEnabled);
- /** Convenience method for property<QString>(Profile::TextEditorCmd) */
- QString textEditorCmd() const
+ /**
+ * Returns the command line that will be used with the current text
+ * editor setting.
+ */
+ QString textEditorCmd() const;
+ /**
+ * Convenience method to get the text editor command corresponding to
+ * Enum::TextEditorCmdCustom.
+ */
+ QString customTextEditorCmd() const
- return property<QString>(Profile::TextEditorCmd);
+ return property<QString>(Profile::TextEditorCmdCustom);
bool autoCopySelectedText() const
diff --git a/src/widgets/EditProfileDialog.cpp b/src/widgets/EditProfileDialog.cpp
index 16d9910a..92ce6329 100644
--- a/src/widgets/EditProfileDialog.cpp
+++ b/src/widgets/EditProfileDialog.cpp
@@ -1706,10 +1706,6 @@ void EditProfileDialog::setupMousePage(const Profile::Ptr &profile)
_mouseUi->openLinksByDirectClickButton->setEnabled(_mouseUi->underlineLinksButton->isChecked() || _mouseUi->underlineFilesButton->isChecked());
- _mouseUi->textEditorCmdLineEdit->setText(profile->textEditorCmd());
- connect(_mouseUi->textEditorCmdLineEdit, &QLineEdit::textChanged,
- this, &Konsole::EditProfileDialog::textEditorCmdEditLineChanged);
connect(_mouseUi->enableMouseWheelZoomButton, &QCheckBox::toggled, this, &Konsole::EditProfileDialog::toggleMouseWheelZoom);
@@ -1721,6 +1717,112 @@ void EditProfileDialog::setupMousePage(const Profile::Ptr &profile)
connect(_mouseUi->linkEscapeSequenceTexts, &QLineEdit::textChanged,
this, &Konsole::EditProfileDialog::linkEscapeSequenceTextsChanged);
+ setTextEditorCombo(profile);
+void EditProfileDialog::setTextEditorCombo(const Profile::Ptr &profile)
+ std::array<Enum::TextEditorCmd, 7> editorsList = { Enum::Kate, Enum::KWrite,
+ Enum::KDevelop, Enum::QtCreator,
+ Enum::Gedit, Enum::gVim,
+ Enum::CustomTextEditor };
+ auto *editorCombo = _mouseUi->textEditorCombo;
+ QStandardItemModel *model = static_cast<QStandardItemModel *>(editorCombo->model());
+ Q_ASSERT(model);
+ for (auto editor : editorsList) {
+ QString exec;
+ QString displayName;
+ QIcon icon;
+ switch(editor) {
+ case Enum::Kate:
+ exec = QStringLiteral("kate");
+ displayName = QStringLiteral("Kate");
+ icon = QIcon::fromTheme(exec);
+ break;
+ case Enum::KWrite:
+ exec = QStringLiteral("kwrite");
+ displayName = QStringLiteral("KWrite");
+ icon = QIcon::fromTheme(exec);
+ break;
+ case Enum::KDevelop:
+ exec = QStringLiteral("kdevelop");
+ displayName = QStringLiteral("KDevelop");
+ icon = QIcon::fromTheme(exec);
+ break;
+ case Enum::QtCreator:
+ exec = QStringLiteral("qtcreator");
+ displayName = QStringLiteral("Qt Creator");
+ icon = QIcon::fromTheme(exec);
+ break;
+ case Enum::Gedit:
+ exec = QStringLiteral("gedit");
+ displayName = QStringLiteral("Gedit");
+ QIcon::fromTheme(QStringLiteral("org.gnome.gedit"));
+ break;
+ case Enum::gVim:
+ exec = QStringLiteral("gvim");
+ displayName = QStringLiteral("gVim");
+ icon = QIcon::fromTheme(exec);
+ break;
+ case Enum::CustomTextEditor:
+ displayName = QStringLiteral("Custom");
+ icon = QIcon::fromTheme(QStringLiteral("system-run"));
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ editorCombo->addItem(icon, displayName);
+ // For "CustomTextEditor" we don't check if the binary exists
+ const bool isAvailable = editor == Enum::CustomTextEditor
+ || !QStandardPaths::findExecutable(exec).isEmpty();
+ // Make un-available editors look disabled in the combobox
+ model->item(static_cast<int>(editor))->setEnabled(isAvailable);
+ }
+ const auto currentEditor = profile->property<int>(Profile::TextEditorCmd);
+ editorCombo->setCurrentIndex(currentEditor);
+ connect(editorCombo, QOverload<int>::of(&QComboBox::currentIndexChanged),
+ this, [this](const int index) {
+ updateTempProfileProperty(Profile::TextEditorCmd, index);
+ _mouseUi->textEditorCustomBtn->setEnabled(index == Enum::CustomTextEditor);
+ });
+ _mouseUi->textEditorCustomBtn->setEnabled(currentEditor == Enum::CustomTextEditor);
+ connect(_mouseUi->textEditorCustomBtn, &QAbstractButton::clicked,
+ this, [this, profile]() {
+ auto *dlg = new QInputDialog(static_cast<QWidget *>(this));
+ dlg->setLabelText(i18n("The format is e.g. 'eidtorExec PATH:LINE:COLUMN'\n\n"
+ "PATH will be replaced by the path to the text file\n"
+ "LINE will be replaced by the line number\n"
+ "COLUMN (optional) will be replaced by the column number\n"
+ "Note: you will need to replace 'PATH:LINE:COLUMN' by the actual\n"
+ "syntax the editor you want to use supports; e.g.:\n"
+ "gedit +LINE:COLUMN PATH\n\n"
+ "If PATH or LINE aren't present in the command, this setting\n"
+ "will be ignored and the file will be opened by the default text\n"
+ "editor."));
+ const QString cmd = profile->customTextEditorCmd();
+ dlg->setTextValue(cmd);
+ dlg->setAttribute(Qt::WA_DeleteOnClose);
+ dlg->setWindowTitle(i18n("Text Editor Custom Command"));
+ QFontMetrics fm(font());
+ const int width = qMin(fm.averageCharWidth() * cmd.size(), this->width());
+ dlg->resize(width, dlg->height());
+ connect(dlg, &QDialog::accepted, this, [this, dlg]() {
+ updateTempProfileProperty(Profile::TextEditorCmdCustom, dlg->textValue());
+ });
+ dlg->show();
+ });
void EditProfileDialog::setupAdvancedPage(const Profile::Ptr &profile)
diff --git a/src/widgets/EditProfileDialog.h b/src/widgets/EditProfileDialog.h
index 242b7b07..53d45ece 100644
--- a/src/widgets/EditProfileDialog.h
+++ b/src/widgets/EditProfileDialog.h
@@ -203,6 +203,8 @@ private Q_SLOTS:
// apply the first previewed changes stored up by delayedPreview()
void delayedPreviewActivate();
+ void setTextEditorCombo(const Profile::Ptr &profile);
void toggleAllowLinkEscapeSequence(bool);
void linkEscapeSequenceTextsChanged();
diff --git a/src/widgets/EditProfileMousePage.ui b/src/widgets/EditProfileMousePage.ui
index 4b7f66f0..f691140f 100644
--- a/src/widgets/EditProfileMousePage.ui
+++ b/src/widgets/EditProfileMousePage.ui
@@ -285,24 +285,33 @@
<string>Text Editor Command: </string>
<property name="buddy">
- <cstring>textEditorCmdLineEdit</cstring>
+ <cstring>textEditorCombo</cstring>
+ </property>
+ <property name="toolTip">
+ <string comment="@info:tooltip">Text editor to use when opening text file URLs at a given line/column.</string>
- <widget class="QLineEdit" name="textEditorCmdLineEdit">
+ <widget class="QComboBox" name="textEditorCombo">
+ <property name="sizePolicy">
+ <sizepolicy hsizetype="Preferred" vsizetype="Fixed">
+ <horstretch>1</horstretch>
+ </sizepolicy>
+ </property>
<property name="toolTip">
- <string comment="@info:tooltip">Command used to open a file PATH at LINE/COLUMN.</string>
+ <string comment="@info:tooltip">Text editor to use when opening text file URLs at a given line/column.</string>
+ </property>
+ </widget>
+ </item>
+ <item>
+ <widget class="QPushButton" name="textEditorCustomBtn">
+ <property name="text">
+ <string>Edit</string>
- <property name="whatsThis">
- <string comment="@info:whatsthis"><html><head/><body>
- <p>The text editor command that will be used to open a file starting at the specified line and column.</p>
- <p>PATH, LINE and COLUMN are palceholders that will be replaced by the actual path to the file, line number and column number respectively.</p>
- <p>If PATH and LINE aren't specified in the command, the file will be opened with the system default text editor.</p>
- <p>For example:</p>
- <p>/usr/bin/kate PATH:LINE:COMLUMN</p>
- <p>/usr/bin/gedit +LINE:COLUMN PATH</p>
- </body></html></string>
+ <property name="sizePolicy">
+ <sizepolicy hsizetype="Preferred" vsizetype="Preferred">
+ </sizepolicy>
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