[office/kmymoney/33-use-qt-resource-system-for-all-the-extra-files-we-ship] doc: checkprinting: update the manual

Dawid Wróbel null at kde.org
Sun Feb 14 21:17:10 GMT 2021

Git commit 419ed0b4e623b6448518657056487ec90e347c96 by Dawid Wróbel.
Committed on 14/02/2021 at 21:17.
Pushed by wrobelda into branch '33-use-qt-resource-system-for-all-the-extra-files-we-ship'.

checkprinting: update the manual

M  +14   -10   doc/details-settings.docbook


diff --git a/doc/details-settings.docbook b/doc/details-settings.docbook
index 3a69cc7ca..89773a819 100644
--- a/doc/details-settings.docbook
+++ b/doc/details-settings.docbook
@@ -908,23 +908,27 @@ of accounts.</para>
   is included with the source of &kmymoney;, and should always be
   enabled.  It allows printing of a check based on the data from a selected
   transaction, with the layout controlled by an &HTML; template. You need to use a
-  template which is matched to your pre-printed checks.  When you click on the
-  <guibutton>configure</guibutton> (&configicon;) button, the <guilabel>Check
-  printing</guilabel> configuration dialog is displayed.  At the top is a text box
-  for the path to the selected template.  To the right of that is a button which
-  brings up a file chooser, to select an alternate template file.
+  template which is matched to your pre-printed checks.  A default, built-in
+  template is provided. You may also choose a custom template. To do so, click on
+  the <guibutton>configure</guibutton> (&configicon;) button to get the
+  <guilabel>Check printing</guilabel> configuration dialog displayed.  At the top
+  you can check the box to use a custom template.  To the right of that is a
+  button which brings up a file chooser, to select an alternate template file.
   A template file is an &HTML; file, in which specific strings are used to
   reference the fields from the transaction and from the current account and
-  institution to show where they will be printed on the check.  &kmymoney; is
-  shipped with some sample template files.  You should either be able to use one
-  of them, or modify one to suit your needs.  When the default template is
-  selected, the configuration dialog will show you the folder which contains
-  the sample files.
+  institution to show where they will be printed on the check.  &kmymoney;
+  ships with a default, built-in template.  At <ulink url="https://invent.kde.org/office/kmymoney/-/blob/master/kmymoney/plugins/checkprinting/templates/">this</ulink>
+  address you can find the HTML source file of default template, as well as some
+  additional templates.  You should either be able to use one of them, or modify
+  one to suit your needs.  Note that only a <emphasis>subset</emhpasis> of the
+  HTML standard is supported — the detailed documentation on that can be found
+  <ulink url="https://doc.qt.io/qt-5/richtext-html-subset.html">here</ulink>.
 <!-- info from source code on substitution variables
     // data about the user
     checkHTML.replace("$OWNER_NAME", file->user().name());

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