[calligraplan] doc: Documentation: Mainly move images into its own line

Dag Andersen null at kde.org
Sun Mar 15 12:26:21 GMT 2020

Git commit 783632ba3d24699b218e0dcbcd337b8c29159bb9 by Dag Andersen.
Committed on 15/03/2020 at 12:24.
Pushed by danders into branch 'master'.

Documentation: Mainly move images into its own line

M  +14   -24   doc/costbreakdownstructureeditor.docbook
M  +16   -28   doc/mainworkspace.docbook
M  +17   -27   doc/milestoneganttview.docbook
M  +2    -1    doc/projectperformanceview.docbook
M  +14   -26   doc/reportsgeneratorview.docbook
M  +14   -24   doc/resourceeditor.docbook
M  +14   -24   doc/scheduleseditor.docbook
M  +14   -26   doc/taskdependencyeditorgraphical.docbook
M  +16   -27   doc/taskeditor.docbook
M  +14   -24   doc/taskexecutionview.docbook
M  +17   -27   doc/taskganttview.docbook
M  +14   -24   doc/taskstatusview.docbook
M  +21   -24   doc/usingtheviews.docbook
M  +23   -32   doc/workandvacationeditor.docbook


diff --git a/doc/costbreakdownstructureeditor.docbook b/doc/costbreakdownstructureeditor.docbook
index 990a81ec..42ddfab9 100644
--- a/doc/costbreakdownstructureeditor.docbook
+++ b/doc/costbreakdownstructureeditor.docbook
@@ -1,29 +1,19 @@
 <sect2 id="description12"><title>Description</title>
-    <informaltable>
-      <tgroup cols="2">
-        <tbody>
-          <row>
-            <entry>
-              <para>The Cost Breakdown Structure Editor is used to create, edit, and delete accounts.</para>
-            </entry>
-            <entry>
-              <para>
-                <screenshot>
-                  <screeninfo></screeninfo>
-                  <mediaobject>
-                    <imageobject>
-                      <imagedata fileref="plan_accounteditor.png" format="PNG"/>
-                    </imageobject>
-                    <textobject>
-                      <phrase></phrase>
-                    </textobject>
-                  </mediaobject>
-                  </screenshot></para></entry>
-          </row>
-        </tbody>
-      </tgroup>
-    </informaltable>
+    The Cost Breakdown Structure Editor is used to create, edit, and delete accounts.
+  </para>
+  <para>
+    <screenshot>
+      <screeninfo></screeninfo>
+      <mediaobject>
+        <imageobject>
+          <imagedata fileref="plan_accounteditor.png" format="PNG"/>
+        </imageobject>
+        <textobject>
+          <phrase></phrase>
+        </textobject>
+      </mediaobject>
+    </screenshot>
   <para>Accounts can be connected to by tasks and resources to accumulate costs from those tasks and resources.
diff --git a/doc/mainworkspace.docbook b/doc/mainworkspace.docbook
index f6a96035..250c90c7 100644
--- a/doc/mainworkspace.docbook
+++ b/doc/mainworkspace.docbook
@@ -1,34 +1,22 @@
 <sect2 id="description2"><title>Description</title>
-    <informaltable>
-      <tgroup cols="2">
-        <tbody>
-          <row>
-            <entry>
-              <para>The Main Work Space is normally organized with the View Selector to the left and the data view to the right.</para><para>As usual, you will also find the Menu bar and Toolbar at the top, and the Status bar at the bottom.
-              </para>
-              <para>Since both the View selector and the Scripts docker are dockers they can be moved to the different border, floated or hidden. To show a hidden docker, use the <menuchoice><guimenu>Settings</guimenu><guimenuitem>Dockers</guimenuitem></menuchoice> menu entry.
-              </para>
-            </entry>
-            <entry>
-              <para>
-                <screenshot>
-                  <screeninfo></screeninfo>
-                  <mediaobject>
-                    <imageobject>
-                      <imagedata fileref="plan_work_space.png" format="PNG"/>
-                    </imageobject>
-                    <textobject>
-                      <phrase></phrase>
-                    </textobject>
-                  </mediaobject>
-                  </screenshot></para></entry>
-          </row>
-        </tbody>
-      </tgroup>
-    </informaltable>
+    The Main Work Space is normally organized with the View Selector to the left and the data view to the right.</para><para>As usual, you will also find the Menu bar and Toolbar at the top, and the Status bar at the bottom.
+  <para>
+    Since both the View selector and the Scripts docker are dockers they can be moved to the different border, floated or hidden. To show a hidden docker, use the <menuchoice><guimenu>Settings</guimenu><guimenuitem>Dockers</guimenuitem></menuchoice> menu entry.
+  </para>
+  <para>
+    <screenshot>
+      <screeninfo></screeninfo>
+      <mediaobject>
+        <imageobject>
+          <imagedata fileref="plan_work_space.png" format="PNG"/>
+        </imageobject>
+        <textobject>
+          <phrase></phrase>
+        </textobject>
+      </mediaobject>
+    </screenshot></para>
 <sect2 id="the-view-selector"><title>The View Selector</title>
   <para>The <link linkend="the-view-selector">View Selector</link> enables you to select the data view you want to display from the currently listed views.
diff --git a/doc/milestoneganttview.docbook b/doc/milestoneganttview.docbook
index f615b294..a93e8906 100644
--- a/doc/milestoneganttview.docbook
+++ b/doc/milestoneganttview.docbook
@@ -1,32 +1,22 @@
 <sect2 id="description30"><title>Description</title>
-    <informaltable>
-      <tgroup cols="2">
-        <tbody>
-          <row>
-            <entry>
-              <para>The Milestone Gantt view is used to show milestones in a time line.</para>
-            </entry>
-            <entry>
-              <para>
-                <screenshot>
-                  <screeninfo></screeninfo>
-                  <mediaobject>
-                    <imageobject>
-                      <imagedata fileref="plan_milestoneganttview.png" format="PNG"/>
-                    </imageobject>
-                    <textobject>
-                      <phrase>Gantt View</phrase>
-                    </textobject>
-                    <caption>
-                      <para>Gantt View</para>
-                    </caption>
-                  </mediaobject>
-                  </screenshot></para></entry>
-          </row>
-        </tbody>
-      </tgroup>
-    </informaltable>
+    The Milestone Gantt view is used to show milestones in a time line.
+  </para>
+  <para>
+    <screenshot>
+      <screeninfo></screeninfo>
+      <mediaobject>
+        <imageobject>
+          <imagedata fileref="plan_milestoneganttview.png" format="PNG"/>
+        </imageobject>
+        <textobject>
+          <phrase>Gantt View</phrase>
+        </textobject>
+        <caption>
+          <para>Gantt View</para>
+        </caption>
+      </mediaobject>
+    </screenshot>
 <sect2 id="editing-data31"><title>Editing data</title>
diff --git a/doc/projectperformanceview.docbook b/doc/projectperformanceview.docbook
index d1e1f07f..5e8117d1 100644
--- a/doc/projectperformanceview.docbook
+++ b/doc/projectperformanceview.docbook
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
 <sect2 id="description21"><title>Description</title>
-  <para>The Project performance view is a project management chart where can be understood the actual situation of the project according to the Earned Value Method.
+  <para>
+    The Project performance view is a project management chart where can be understood the actual situation of the project according to the Earned Value Method.
diff --git a/doc/reportsgeneratorview.docbook b/doc/reportsgeneratorview.docbook
index 121def0e..7af63dfb 100644
--- a/doc/reportsgeneratorview.docbook
+++ b/doc/reportsgeneratorview.docbook
@@ -1,31 +1,19 @@
 <sect2 id="description41"><title>Description</title>
-    <informaltable>
-      <tgroup cols="2">
-        <tbody>
-          <row>
-            <entry>
-              <para>The Reports Generator View is used to add and generate reports in Open Document Text (odt) format.</para><para>The reports can be based on the supplied report templates, or you can <link linkend="creating-odt-report-templates">write your own templates</link>.
-              </para>
-            </entry>
-            <entry>
-              <para>
-                <screenshot>
-                  <screeninfo></screeninfo>
-                  <mediaobject>
-                    <imageobject>
-                      <imagedata fileref="plan_reportsgeneratorview.png" format="PNG"/>
-                    </imageobject>
-                    <textobject>
-                      <phrase></phrase>
-                    </textobject>
-                  </mediaobject>
-                  </screenshot></para></entry>
-          </row>
-        </tbody>
-      </tgroup>
-    </informaltable>
+    The Reports Generator View is used to add and generate reports in Open Document Text (odt) format.</para><para>The reports can be based on the supplied report templates, or you can <link linkend="creating-odt-report-templates">write your own templates</link>.
+  </para>
+  <para>
+    <screenshot>
+      <screeninfo></screeninfo>
+      <mediaobject>
+        <imageobject>
+          <imagedata fileref="plan_reportsgeneratorview.png" format="PNG"/>
+        </imageobject>
+        <textobject>
+          <phrase></phrase>
+        </textobject>
+      </mediaobject>
+      </screenshot>
diff --git a/doc/resourceeditor.docbook b/doc/resourceeditor.docbook
index ec7dd959..2bb35523 100644
--- a/doc/resourceeditor.docbook
+++ b/doc/resourceeditor.docbook
@@ -1,29 +1,19 @@
 <sect2 id="description6"><title>Description</title>
-    <informaltable>
-      <tgroup cols="2">
-        <tbody>
-          <row>
-            <entry>
-              <para>The Resource Editor is used to create, edit, and delete resources and resource groups. Resources must belong to a resource group. At the moment sub-groups are not allowed.</para>
-            </entry>
-            <entry>
-              <para>
-                <screenshot>
-                  <screeninfo></screeninfo>
-                  <mediaobject>
-                    <imageobject>
-                      <imagedata fileref="plan_resourceeditor.png" format="PNG"/>
-                    </imageobject>
-                    <textobject>
-                      <phrase></phrase>
-                    </textobject>
-                  </mediaobject>
-                  </screenshot></para></entry>
-          </row>
-        </tbody>
-      </tgroup>
-    </informaltable>
+    The Resource Editor is used to create, edit, and delete resources and resource groups. Resources must belong to a resource group. At the moment sub-groups are not allowed.
+  </para>
+  <para>
+    <screenshot>
+      <screeninfo></screeninfo>
+      <mediaobject>
+        <imageobject>
+          <imagedata fileref="plan_resourceeditor.png" format="PNG"/>
+        </imageobject>
+        <textobject>
+          <phrase></phrase>
+        </textobject>
+      </mediaobject>
+    </screenshot>
   <para>Working resources must refer to a <emphasis>calendar</emphasis> that defines the working hours for the resource. Calendars are created using the <link linkend="work-and-vacation-editor">Work and Vacation Editor</link>.
diff --git a/doc/scheduleseditor.docbook b/doc/scheduleseditor.docbook
index c386aed6..3888a684 100644
--- a/doc/scheduleseditor.docbook
+++ b/doc/scheduleseditor.docbook
@@ -1,29 +1,19 @@
 <sect2 id="description17"><title>Description</title>
-    <informaltable>
-      <tgroup cols="2">
-        <tbody>
-          <row>
-            <entry>
-              <para>The Schedule Editor is used to create, edit, calculate and delete schedules.</para>
-            </entry>
-            <entry>
-              <para>
-                <screenshot>
-                  <screeninfo></screeninfo>
-                  <mediaobject>
-                    <imageobject>
-                      <imagedata fileref="plan_scheduleeditor.png" format="PNG"/>
-                    </imageobject>
-                    <textobject>
-                      <phrase></phrase>
-                    </textobject>
-                  </mediaobject>
-                  </screenshot></para></entry>
-          </row>
-        </tbody>
-      </tgroup>
-    </informaltable>
+    The Schedule Editor is used to create, edit, calculate and delete schedules.
+  </para>
+  <para>
+    <screenshot>
+      <screeninfo></screeninfo>
+      <mediaobject>
+        <imageobject>
+          <imagedata fileref="plan_scheduleeditor.png" format="PNG"/>
+        </imageobject>
+        <textobject>
+          <phrase></phrase>
+        </textobject>
+      </mediaobject>
+    </screenshot>
   <para>The Schedule Editor has three sub-views that show the results of the scheduling.
diff --git a/doc/taskdependencyeditorgraphical.docbook b/doc/taskdependencyeditorgraphical.docbook
index 7ec16e0e..7832bb36 100644
--- a/doc/taskdependencyeditorgraphical.docbook
+++ b/doc/taskdependencyeditorgraphical.docbook
@@ -1,31 +1,19 @@
 <sect2 id="description15"><title>Description</title>
-    <informaltable>
-      <tgroup cols="2">
-        <tbody>
-          <row>
-            <entry>
-              <para>The Task Dependency Editor is used to create, edit, and delete task dependencies. For convenience, tasks can also be inserted, deleted or edited.</para><para>The tasks are ordered in accordance with the Work Breakdown Structure (WBS).
-              </para>
-            </entry>
-            <entry>
-              <para>
-                <screenshot>
-                  <screeninfo></screeninfo>
-                  <mediaobject>
-                    <imageobject>
-                      <imagedata fileref="plan_dependencyeditor.png" format="PNG"/>
-                    </imageobject>
-                    <textobject>
-                      <phrase></phrase>
-                    </textobject>
-                  </mediaobject>
-                  </screenshot></para></entry>
-          </row>
-        </tbody>
-      </tgroup>
-    </informaltable>
+    The Task Dependency Editor is used to create, edit, and delete task dependencies. For convenience, tasks can also be inserted, deleted or edited.</para><para>The tasks are ordered in accordance with the Work Breakdown Structure (WBS).
+  </para>
+  <para>
+    <screenshot>
+      <screeninfo></screeninfo>
+      <mediaobject>
+        <imageobject>
+          <imagedata fileref="plan_dependencyeditor.png" format="PNG"/>
+        </imageobject>
+        <textobject>
+          <phrase></phrase>
+        </textobject>
+      </mediaobject>
+    </screenshot>
   <para>The symbols for summary tasks, tasks and milestones are shown below:
diff --git a/doc/taskeditor.docbook b/doc/taskeditor.docbook
index e83c2a96..16bf8e5a 100644
--- a/doc/taskeditor.docbook
+++ b/doc/taskeditor.docbook
@@ -1,31 +1,19 @@
 <sect2 id="description4"><title>Description</title>
-    <informaltable>
-      <tgroup cols="2">
-        <tbody>
-          <row>
-            <entry>
-              <para>The Task Editor is used to create, edit, and delete tasks.</para><para>Tasks can be organized into a hierarchical tree structure to any depth.
-              </para>
-            </entry>
-            <entry>
-              <para>
-                <screenshot>
-                  <screeninfo></screeninfo>
-                  <mediaobject>
-                    <imageobject>
-                      <imagedata fileref="plan_taskeditor.png" format="PNG"/>
-                    </imageobject>
-                    <textobject>
-                      <phrase></phrase>
-                    </textobject>
-                  </mediaobject>
-                  </screenshot></para></entry>
-          </row>
-        </tbody>
-      </tgroup>
-    </informaltable>
+    The Task Editor is used to create, edit, and delete tasks.</para><para>Tasks can be organized into a hierarchical tree structure to any depth.
+  </para>
+  <para>
+    <screenshot>
+      <screeninfo></screeninfo>
+      <mediaobject>
+        <imageobject>
+          <imagedata fileref="plan_taskeditor.png" format="PNG"/>
+        </imageobject>
+        <textobject>
+          <phrase></phrase>
+        </textobject>
+      </mediaobject>
+    </screenshot>
 <sect2 id="toolbar"><title>Toolbar</title>
@@ -134,7 +122,8 @@
-  <para>Note that you can also move tasks with drag and drop.
+  <para>
+    Note that you can also move or copy tasks using drag and drop or copy/paste.
 <sect2 id="editing-data5"><title>Editing data</title>
diff --git a/doc/taskexecutionview.docbook b/doc/taskexecutionview.docbook
index 73f44709..7236d8b6 100644
--- a/doc/taskexecutionview.docbook
+++ b/doc/taskexecutionview.docbook
@@ -1,29 +1,19 @@
 <sect2 id="description25"><title>Description</title>
-    <informaltable>
-      <tgroup cols="2">
-        <tbody>
-          <row>
-            <entry>
-              <para>The Task Execution View is used to inspect task performance information.</para>
-            </entry>
-            <entry>
-              <para>
-                <screenshot>
-                  <screeninfo></screeninfo>
-                  <mediaobject>
-                    <imageobject>
-                      <imagedata fileref="plan_taskexecutionview.png" format="PNG"/>
-                    </imageobject>
-                    <textobject>
-                      <phrase></phrase>
-                    </textobject>
-                  </mediaobject>
-                  </screenshot></para></entry>
-          </row>
-        </tbody>
-      </tgroup>
-    </informaltable>
+    The Task Execution View is used to inspect task performance information.
+  </para>
+  <para>
+    <screenshot>
+      <screeninfo></screeninfo>
+      <mediaobject>
+        <imageobject>
+          <imagedata fileref="plan_taskexecutionview.png" format="PNG"/>
+        </imageobject>
+        <textobject>
+          <phrase></phrase>
+        </textobject>
+      </mediaobject>
+    </screenshot>
 <sect2 id="data"><title>Data</title>
diff --git a/doc/taskganttview.docbook b/doc/taskganttview.docbook
index 29675230..91a37580 100644
--- a/doc/taskganttview.docbook
+++ b/doc/taskganttview.docbook
@@ -1,32 +1,22 @@
 <sect2 id="description27"><title>Description</title>
-    <informaltable>
-      <tgroup cols="2">
-        <tbody>
-          <row>
-            <entry>
-              <para>The Gantt view is used to show tasks in a timeline.</para>
-            </entry>
-            <entry>
-              <para>
-                <screenshot>
-                  <screeninfo></screeninfo>
-                  <mediaobject>
-                    <imageobject>
-                      <imagedata fileref="plan_ganttview.png" format="PNG"/>
-                    </imageobject>
-                    <textobject>
-                      <phrase>Gantt View</phrase>
-                    </textobject>
-                    <caption>
-                      <para>Gantt View</para>
-                    </caption>
-                  </mediaobject>
-                  </screenshot></para></entry>
-          </row>
-        </tbody>
-      </tgroup>
-    </informaltable>
+    The Gantt view is used to show tasks in a timeline.
+  </para>
+  <para>
+    <screenshot>
+      <screeninfo></screeninfo>
+      <mediaobject>
+        <imageobject>
+          <imagedata fileref="plan_ganttview.png" format="PNG"/>
+        </imageobject>
+        <textobject>
+          <phrase>Gantt View</phrase>
+        </textobject>
+        <caption>
+          <para>Gantt View</para>
+        </caption>
+      </mediaobject>
+    </screenshot>
 <sect2 id="editing-data28"><title>Editing data</title>
diff --git a/doc/taskstatusview.docbook b/doc/taskstatusview.docbook
index 0cf0503b..34f42996 100644
--- a/doc/taskstatusview.docbook
+++ b/doc/taskstatusview.docbook
@@ -1,29 +1,19 @@
 <sect2 id="description22"><title>Description</title>
-    <informaltable>
-      <tgroup cols="2">
-        <tbody>
-          <row>
-            <entry>
-              <para>The Task Status View is used to inspect task progress information at a period, set in the configuration.</para>
-            </entry>
-            <entry>
-              <para>
-                <screenshot>
-                  <screeninfo></screeninfo>
-                  <mediaobject>
-                    <imageobject>
-                      <imagedata fileref="plan_taskstatusview.png" format="PNG"/>
-                    </imageobject>
-                    <textobject>
-                      <phrase></phrase>
-                    </textobject>
-                  </mediaobject>
-                  </screenshot></para></entry>
-          </row>
-        </tbody>
-      </tgroup>
-    </informaltable>
+    The Task Status View is used to inspect task progress information at a period, set in the configuration.
+  </para>
+  <para>
+    <screenshot>
+      <screeninfo></screeninfo>
+      <mediaobject>
+        <imageobject>
+          <imagedata fileref="plan_taskstatusview.png" format="PNG"/>
+        </imageobject>
+        <textobject>
+          <phrase></phrase>
+        </textobject>
+      </mediaobject>
+    </screenshot>
   <para>The tasks are divided into groups dependent on the status of the task:
diff --git a/doc/usingtheviews.docbook b/doc/usingtheviews.docbook
index bed542df..a53929a4 100644
--- a/doc/usingtheviews.docbook
+++ b/doc/usingtheviews.docbook
@@ -1,29 +1,19 @@
 <sect2 id="description3"><title>Description</title>
-    <informaltable>
-      <tgroup cols="2">
-        <tbody>
-          <row>
-            <entry>
-              <para>The Task Editor is a view that displays task data in a tree structure. Most data in the Task Editor can be edited in situ.</para>
-            </entry>
-            <entry>
-              <para>
-                <screenshot>
-                  <screeninfo></screeninfo>
-                  <mediaobject>
-                    <imageobject>
-                      <imagedata fileref="plan_taskeditor.png" format="PNG"/>
-                    </imageobject>
-                    <textobject>
-                      <phrase></phrase>
-                    </textobject>
-                  </mediaobject>
-                  </screenshot></para></entry>
-          </row>
-        </tbody>
-      </tgroup>
-    </informaltable>
+    The Task Editor is a view that displays task data in a tree structure. Most data in the Task Editor can be edited in situ.
+  </para>
+  <para>
+    <screenshot>
+      <screeninfo></screeninfo>
+      <mediaobject>
+        <imageobject>
+          <imagedata fileref="plan_taskeditor.png" format="PNG"/>
+        </imageobject>
+        <textobject>
+          <phrase></phrase>
+        </textobject>
+      </mediaobject>
+    </screenshot>
 <sect2 id="navigation"><title>Navigation</title>
@@ -162,3 +152,10 @@
+<sect2 id="using-the-views-drag-drop"><title>Drag & drop and copy/paste</title>
+  <para>
+    Most views support drag & drop and copy/paste. Charts and Gantt charts can be dragged to applications that support images.
+    Table data uses the html mime type, so can be dropped on any applications that supports this.
+    If the view supports moving or copying items internally ⪚ the <link linkend="task-editor">Task Editor</link>, items can also be moved or copied.
+  </para>
diff --git a/doc/workandvacationeditor.docbook b/doc/workandvacationeditor.docbook
index 95c22cd6..69cd03cf 100644
--- a/doc/workandvacationeditor.docbook
+++ b/doc/workandvacationeditor.docbook
@@ -1,37 +1,28 @@
 <sect2 id="description10"><title>Description</title>
-    <informaltable>
-      <tgroup cols="2">
-        <tbody>
-          <row>
-            <entry>
-              <para>The Work and Vacation Editor is used to create, edit, and delete calendars.</para><para>Calendars define the working hours for resources. Calendars can also be used by tasks with estimate type <emphasis>Duration</emphasis>.
-              </para>
-              <para>Calendars have a time zone specification so you can define working hours in the resources local time.
-              </para>
-              <para>A calendar consists of definitions for weekdays and dates. If the date has a definition, this definition is used. If the state of the date is <emphasis>Undefined</emphasis>, the definition for the weekday is used. If this is also <emphasis>Undefined</emphasis>, the parent calendar is checked.
-              </para>
-              <para>A calendar can be defined as <emphasis>Default</emphasis> and is then used by all working resources without a calendar reference.
-              </para>
-            </entry>
-            <entry>
-              <para>
-                <screenshot>
-                  <screeninfo></screeninfo>
-                  <mediaobject>
-                    <imageobject>
-                      <imagedata fileref="plan_workandvacation.png" format="PNG"/>
-                    </imageobject>
-                    <textobject>
-                      <phrase></phrase>
-                    </textobject>
-                  </mediaobject>
-                  </screenshot></para></entry>
-          </row>
-        </tbody>
-      </tgroup>
-    </informaltable>
+    The Work and Vacation Editor is used to create, edit, and delete calendars.</para><para>Calendars define the working hours for resources. Calendars can also be used by tasks with estimate type <emphasis>Duration</emphasis>.
+  </para>
+  <para>
+    Calendars have a time zone specification so you can define working hours in the resources local time.
+  </para>
+  <para>
+    A calendar consists of definitions for weekdays and dates. If the date has a definition, this definition is used. If the state of the date is <emphasis>Undefined</emphasis>, the definition for the weekday is used. If this is also <emphasis>Undefined</emphasis>, the parent calendar is checked.
+  </para>
+  <para>
+    A calendar can be defined as <emphasis>Default</emphasis> and is then used by all working resources without a calendar reference.
+  </para>
+  <para>
+    <screenshot>
+      <screeninfo></screeninfo>
+      <mediaobject>
+        <imageobject>
+          <imagedata fileref="plan_workandvacation.png" format="PNG"/>
+        </imageobject>
+        <textobject>
+          <phrase></phrase>
+        </textobject>
+      </mediaobject>
+    </screenshot>
   <para>The toolbar provides the means to create and delete calendars:

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