[education/marble] doc: doc: remove download/build instructions

Pino Toscano null at kde.org
Sun Jun 28 07:50:20 BST 2020

Git commit 951cd4d981d09ea5dac9798928937c64d2cad5a7 by Pino Toscano.
Committed on 28/06/2020 at 06:50.
Pushed by pino into branch 'master'.

doc: remove download/build instructions

They do not belong to an user-facing documentation, but rather to
separate download/build development pages.

M  +0    -27   doc/index.docbook


diff --git a/doc/index.docbook b/doc/index.docbook
index 374829a827..3f48b4b7ed 100644
--- a/doc/index.docbook
+++ b/doc/index.docbook
@@ -1485,33 +1485,6 @@ url="https://owncloud.com/">ownClowd official website</ulink>.</para>
-	 <appendix id="installation">
-		 <title>Installation</title>
-		 <sect1 id="requirements">
-			 <title>Requirements</title>
-			 <para>
-				 &marble; itself can be found on the <ulink
-					 url="https://marble.kde.org">&marble; website</ulink> and
-				 is part of the &kde;-Edu project</para>
-			 <para>You can find a list of changes in the file
-				 <filename>ChangeLog</filename> in the distribution of
-				 &marble;.</para>
-		 </sect1>
-		 <sect1 id="compilation">
-			 <title>Compilation and Installation</title>
-             <para>
-                 &marble; can be compiled as a &Qt; 5-only version as well as featuring &kde; &frameworks; 5 usage.
-                 To compile &marble; with &Qt; 5-only support check out &marble; from its &kde; Git repository into ~/marble and just do: <command>cmake -DWITH_KF5=FALSE ~/marble</command> and <command>sudo make install</command>. To compile &marble; with &kde; &frameworks; 5 usage check instructions on how to compile &kde; applications at <ulink url="https://techbase.kde.org/">&kde;'s TechBase</ulink>.
-             </para> 
-		 </sect1>
-	 </appendix>

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