Possible option missing in System Settings

Antoni Bella Pérez antonibella5 at yahoo.com
Thu Dec 3 19:02:18 GMT 2020


  I'm checking the Dolphin doc translation, it refers to the "Double-click to 
open files and folders" option but it doesn't exist, at least on this location.

#-- second time
The option to open items with a single or double mouse click is a system wide 
setting and can be changed in the &systemsettings; in the 
<menuchoice><guimenu>Input Devices</guimenu> <guimenuitem>Mouse</
guimenuitem></menuchoice> module.

  If anyone can guide me what happens, thanks in advance.

Dubta que les estrelles siguin foc.
Dubta que el Sol es mogui.
Dubta que la veritat sigui mentida.
Però no dubtis mai que t'estimo.
	- William Shakespeare

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