[education/kstars] doc: Fix minor typo

Yuri Chornoivan null at kde.org
Fri Aug 28 05:55:21 BST 2020

Git commit e082d271b1ba380d8eb80c2d72bab39a05514c0e by Yuri Chornoivan.
Committed on 28/08/2020 at 04:55.
Pushed by yurchor into branch 'master'.

Fix minor typo

M  +1    -1    doc/ekos-analyze.docbook


diff --git a/doc/ekos-analyze.docbook b/doc/ekos-analyze.docbook
index 2c839ba59..58382c909 100644
--- a/doc/ekos-analyze.docbook
+++ b/doc/ekos-analyze.docbook
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@
     <sect3 id="analyze-timeline">
-        Timeline shows the major Ekos processes, and when they were active. For intance, the <guilabel>Capture</guilabel> line shows when images were taken (green sections) and when imaging was aborted (red sections). Clicking on a green section gives information about that image, and double clicking on one brings up the image taken then in a fitsviewer, if it's available. [Note: if you've moved your captured images, you can set <guilabel>alternate directory</guilabel> in the input menu to a directory which is the base of part of the original file path.] Clicking on a <guilabel>Focus</guilabel> segment shows focus session information and displays up the position vs HFR measurements from that session. Clicking on a <guilabel>Guider</guilabel> segment shows a drift plot from that session, (if it's guiding) and the session's RMS statistics. Other timelines show status information when clicked. 
+        Timeline shows the major Ekos processes, and when they were active. For instance, the <guilabel>Capture</guilabel> line shows when images were taken (green sections) and when imaging was aborted (red sections). Clicking on a green section gives information about that image, and double clicking on one brings up the image taken then in a fitsviewer, if it's available. [Note: if you've moved your captured images, you can set <guilabel>alternate directory</guilabel> in the input menu to a directory which is the base of part of the original file path.] Clicking on a <guilabel>Focus</guilabel> segment shows focus session information and displays up the position vs HFR measurements from that session. Clicking on a <guilabel>Guider</guilabel> segment shows a drift plot from that session, (if it's guiding) and the session's RMS statistics. Other timelines show status information when clicked. 
     <sect3 id="analyze-statistics">

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