[kdesrc-build/make_it_mojo] /: Merge remote-tracking branch 'gitlab/master' into make_it_mojo

Michael Pyne null at kde.org
Sun Sep 1 22:31:20 BST 2019

Git commit c1fb8cbb5faad6bcddbd17a85b1a3a8e8e1d01cd by Michael Pyne.
Committed on 01/09/2019 at 20:30.
Pushed by mpyne into branch 'make_it_mojo'.

Merge remote-tracking branch 'gitlab/master' into make_it_mojo

Main source of difficulty is integrating the ksb::Application changes
for debug-order hinting into the adapted backend/client split flow
paths, but seems to work OK.

TODO: Still need to fix test suite and/or fix broken code caught by
tests, as appropriate.


M  +4    -1    CMakeLists.txt
M  +25   -4    doc/index.docbook
M  +8    -5    doc/man-kdesrc-build.1.docbook
M  +1    -1    kdesrc-build
M  +92   -17   modules/ksb/Application.pm
M  +1    -0    modules/ksb/BuildContext.pm
M  +9    -23   modules/ksb/Updater/Git.pm
M  +2    -2    t/smoke/branch-time-based.t


diff --cc modules/ksb/Application.pm
index b549d41,9fcc617..f5691ca
--- a/modules/ksb/Application.pm
+++ b/modules/ksb/Application.pm
@@@ -22,9 -22,11 +22,10 @@@ use ksb::ModuleSet 0.20
  use ksb::ModuleSet::KDEProjects;
  use ksb::ModuleSet::Qt;
  use ksb::OSSupport;
 +use ksb::PromiseChain;
  use ksb::RecursiveFH;
  use ksb::DependencyResolver 0.20;
+ use ksb::DebugOrderHints;
 -use ksb::IPC::Pipe 0.20;
 -use ksb::IPC::Null;
  use ksb::Updater::Git;
  use ksb::Version qw(scriptVersion);
@@@ -67,31 -66,32 +68,41 @@@ sub ne
      # Default to colorized output if sending to TTY
      ksb::Debug::setColorfulOutput(-t STDOUT);
 -    my $workLoad = $self->generateModuleList(@options);
 -    if (!$workLoad->{build}) {
 -        print "No modules to build, exiting.\n";
 -        exit 0;
 -    }
 +    return $self;
 +# Call after establishContext (to read in config file and do one-time metadata
- # reading).
++# reading), but before you call startHeadlessBuild.
- # Need to call this before you call startHeadlessBuild
++# Parameter:
++# - workload, a hashref containing the following entries:
++# {
++#   selectedModules: listref with the selected ksb::Modules to build
++#   dependencyInfo: reference to a dependency info object created by
++#     ksb::DependencyResolver
++#   build: a boolean indicating whether to go through with build or not
++# }
 +sub setModulesToProcess
-     my ($self, @modules) = @_;
-     $self->{modules} = \@modules;
++    my ($self, $workLoad) = @_;
+     $self->{modules} = $workLoad->{selectedModules};
+     $self->{workLoad} = $workLoad;
 -    $self->context()->setupOperatingEnvironment(); # i.e. niceness, ulimits, etc.
 -    # After this call, we must run the finish() method
 -    # to cleanly complete process execution.
 -    if (!pretending() && !$self->context()->takeLock())
 -    {
 -        print "$0 is already running!\n";
 -        exit 1; # Don't finish(), it's not our lockfile!!
 -    }
 +    $self->context()->addModule($_)
-         foreach @modules;
++        foreach @{$self->{modules}};
 -    # Install signal handlers to ensure that the lockfile gets closed.
 -    _installSignalHandlers(sub {
 -        note ("Signal received, terminating.");
 -        @main::atexit_subs = (); # Remove their finish, doin' it manually
 -        $self->finish(5);
 -    });
 +    # i.e. niceness, ulimits, etc.
 +    $self->context()->setupOperatingEnvironment();
 +# Sets the application to be non-interactive, intended to make this suitable as
 +# a backend for a Mojolicious-based web server with a separate U/I.
 +sub setHeadless
 +    my $self = shift;
 +    $self->{run_mode} = 'headless';
      return $self;
@@@ -501,35 -501,10 +511,35 @@@ sub establishContex
      $moduleResolver->setIgnoredSelectors([keys %ignoredSelectors]);
 -    $self->_defineNewModuleFactory($moduleResolver);
 +    # The user might only want metadata to update to allow for a later
 +    # --pretend run, check for that here.
 +    if (exists $cmdlineGlobalOptions->{'metadata-only'}) {
 +        return;
 +    }
 +    return @selectors;
 +# Requires establishContext to have been called first. Converts string-based
 +# "selectors" for modules or module-sets into a list of ksb::Modules (only
- # modules, no sets).
++# modules, no sets), and returns associated metadata including dependencies.
 +# After this function is called all module set selectors will have been
 +# expanded, and we will have downloaded kde-projects metadata.
 +# The modules returned must still be added (using setModulesToProcess) to the
 +# context if you intend to build. This is a separate step to allow for some
 +# introspection prior to making choice to build.
- # Returns: List of Modules to build.
++# Returns: A hashref to a workload object (as described in setModulesToProcess)
 +sub modulesFromSelectors
 +    my ($self, @selectors) = @_;
 +    my $moduleResolver = $self->{module_resolver};
 +    my $ctx = $self->context();
      my @modules;
 -    if ($commandLineModules) {
 +    if (@selectors) {
          @modules = $moduleResolver->resolveSelectorsIntoModules(@selectors);
      else {
@@@ -569,9 -546,27 +579,17 @@@
          croak_runtime("Failed to resolve dependency graph");
 -    if (exists $cmdlineGlobalOptions->{'dependency-tree'}) {
 -        my $depTreeCtx = {
 -            stack => [''],
 -            depth => 0,
 -            report => sub {
 -                print(@_, "\n");
 -            }
 -        };
 -        ksb::DependencyResolver::walkModuleDependencyTrees(
 -            $moduleGraph->{graph},
 -            \&_yieldModuleDependencyTreeEntry,
 -            $depTreeCtx,
 -            @modules
 -        );
++    # TODO: Implement --dependency-tree
 +    if (exists $self->{debugFlags}->{'dependency-tree'}) {
 +        # Save for later introspection
 +        $self->{debugFlags}->{'dependency-tree'} = $moduleGraph->{graph};
+         my $result = {
+             dependencyInfo => $moduleGraph,
+             selectedModules => [],
+             build => 0
+         };
+         return $result;
      @modules = ksb::DependencyResolver::sortModulesIntoBuildOrder(
@@@ -583,7 -578,33 +601,22 @@@
      # resolveSelectorsIntoModules) in that event.
      @modules = _applyModuleFilters($ctx, @modules);
-     return @modules;
 -    # Check for ignored modules (post-expansion)
 -    @modules = grep { ! exists $ignoredSelectors{$_->name()} } @modules;
 -    if(exists $cmdlineGlobalOptions->{'list-build'}) {
 -        for my $module (@modules) {
 -            my $branch = ksb::DependencyResolver::_getBranchOf($module);
 -            print(' ── ', $module->name());
 -            if($branch) {
 -                print(' : ', $branch);
 -            }
 -            print("\n");
 -        }
++    # TODO: Implement 'list-build' option
++    if(exists $self->{debugFlags}->{'list-build'}) {
+         my $result = {
+             dependencyInfo => $moduleGraph,
+             selectedModules => [],
+             build => 0
+         };
+         return $result;
+     }
+     my $result = {
+         dependencyInfo => $moduleGraph,
+         selectedModules => \@modules,
+         build => 1
+     };
+     return $result;
  # Causes kde-projects metadata to be downloaded (unless --pretend, --no-src, or
@@@ -721,49 -733,125 +754,53 @@@ sub startHeadlessBuil
      my $self = shift;
      my $ctx = $self->context();
 -    my @modules = $self->modules();
 -    if ($ctx->getOption('print-modules')) {
 -        for my $m (@modules) {
 -            say ((" " x ($m->getOption('#dependency-level', 'module') // 0)), "$m");
 -        }
 -        return 0; # Abort execution early!
 -    }
 -    # Add to global module list now that we've filtered everything.
 -    $ctx->addModule($_) foreach @modules;
 -    my $runMode = $self->runMode();
 -    if ($runMode eq 'query') {
 -        my $queryMode = $ctx->getOption('query', 'module');
 +    $ctx->statusMonitor()->createBuildPlan($ctx);
 -        # Default to ->getOption as query method.
 -        # $_[0] is short name for first param.
 -        my $query = sub { $_[0]->getOption($queryMode) };
 -        $query = sub { $_[0]->fullpath('source') } if $queryMode eq 'source-dir';
 -        $query = sub { $_[0]->fullpath('build') }  if $queryMode eq 'build-dir';
 -        $query = sub { $_[0]->installationPath() } if $queryMode eq 'install-dir';
 -        $query = sub { $_[0]->fullProjectPath() }  if $queryMode eq 'project-path';
 -        $query = sub { ($_[0]->scm()->_determinePreferredCheckoutSource())[0] // '' }
 -            if $queryMode eq 'branch';
 +    my $promiseChain = ksb::PromiseChain->new;
 +    my $startPromise = Mojo::Promise->new;
 -        if (@modules == 1) {
 -            # No leading module name, just the value
 -            say $query->($modules[0]);
 -        }
 -        else {
 -            for my $m (@modules) {
 -                say "$m: ", $query->($m);
 -            }
 -        }
 +    # These succeed or die outright
 +    $startPromise = _handle_updates ($ctx, $promiseChain, $startPromise);
 +    $startPromise = _handle_build   ($ctx, $promiseChain, $startPromise);
 -        return 0;
 -    }
 -    my $result;
 +    die "Can't obtain build lock" unless $ctx->takeLock();
 -    if ($runMode eq 'build')
 -    {
 -        # No packages to install, we're in build mode
 -        # What we're going to do is fork another child to perform the source
 -        # updates while we build.  Setup for this first by initializing some
 -        # shared memory.
 -        my $ipc = 0;
 -        my $updateOptsSub = sub {
 -            my ($k, $v) = @_;
 -            $ctx->setPersistentOption($k, $v);
 -        };
 -        if ($ctx->getOption('async'))
 -        {
 -            $ipc = ksb::IPC::Pipe->new();
 -            $ipc->setPersistentOptionHandler($updateOptsSub);
 -        }
 +    # Install signal handlers to ensure that the lockfile gets closed.
 +    _installSignalHandlers(sub {
 +        @main::atexit_subs = (); # Remove their finish, doin' it manually
 +        $self->finish(5);
 +    });
-     $startPromise->resolve; # allow build to start
 -        if (!$ipc)
 -        {
 -            $ipc = ksb::IPC::Null->new();
 -            $ipc->setPersistentOptionHandler($updateOptsSub);
++    $startPromise->resolve; # allow build to start once control returned to evt loop
 +    my $promise = $promiseChain->makePromiseChain($startPromise)->finally(sub {
 +        my @results = @_;
 +        my $result = 0; # success, non-zero is failure
 -            whisper ("Using no IPC mechanism\n");
 +        # Must use ! here to make '0 but true' hack work
 +        $result = 1 if defined first { !($_->[0] // 1) } @results;
 -            note ("\n b[<<<  Update Process  >>>]\n");
 -            $result = _handle_updates ($ipc, $ctx);
 +        $ctx->statusMonitor()->markBuildDone();
 +        $ctx->closeLock();
 -            note (" b[<<<  Build Process  >>>]\n");
 -            $result = _handle_build ($ipc, $ctx) || $result;
 +        my $failedModules = join(',', map { "$_" } $ctx->listFailedModules());
 +        if ($failedModules) {
 +            # We don't clear the list of failed modules on success so that
 +            # someone can build one or two modules and still use
 +            # --rebuild-failures
 +            $ctx->setPersistentOption('global', 'last-failed-module-list', $failedModules);
 -        else
 -        {
 -            $result = _handle_async_build ($ipc, $ctx);
 -            $ipc->outputPendingLoggedMessages() if debugging();
 -        }
 -    }
 -    elsif ($runMode eq 'install')
 -    {
 -        $result = _handle_install ($ctx);
 -    }
 -    elsif ($runMode eq 'uninstall')
 -    {
 -        $result = _handle_uninstall ($ctx);
 -    }
 -    _cleanup_log_directory($ctx) if $ctx->getOption('purge-old-logs');
 -    my $workLoad = $self->workLoad();
 -    my $dependencyGraph = $workLoad->{dependencyInfo}->{graph};
 -    _output_failed_module_lists($ctx, $dependencyGraph);
++        # TODO: Anything to do with this info at this point?
++        my $workLoad = $self->workLoad();
++        my $dependencyGraph = $workLoad->{dependencyInfo}->{graph};
 -    # Record all failed modules. Unlike the 'resume-list' option this doesn't
 -    # include any successfully-built modules in between failures.
 -    my $failedModules = join(',', map { "$_" } $ctx->listFailedModules());
 -    if ($failedModules) {
 -        # We don't clear the list of failed modules on success so that
 -        # someone can build one or two modules and still use
 -        # --rebuild-failures
 -        $ctx->setPersistentOption('global', 'last-failed-module-list', $failedModules);
 -    }
 -    # env driver is just the ~/.config/kde-env-*.sh, session driver is that + ~/.xsession
 -    if ($ctx->getOption('install-environment-driver') ||
 -        $ctx->getOption('install-session-driver'))
 -    {
 -        _installCustomSessionDriver($ctx);
 -    }
 -    my $color = 'g[b[';
 -    $color = 'r[b[' if $result;
 +        $ctx->storePersistentOptions();
 +        _cleanup_log_directory($ctx);
 -    info ("${color}", $result ? ":-(" : ":-)") unless pretending();
 +        return $result;
 +    });
 -    return $result;
 +    return $promise;
  # Method: finish
diff --cc modules/ksb/Updater/Git.pm
index 699d143,f8a6fc5..8cb3825
--- a/modules/ksb/Updater/Git.pm
+++ b/modules/ksb/Updater/Git.pm
@@@ -530,32 -538,18 +530,18 @@@ sub stashAndUpdat
      my $module = $self->module();
      my $date = strftime ("%F-%R", gmtime()); # ISO Date, hh:mm time
-     # To find out if we should stash, we just use git diff --quiet, twice to
-     # account for the index and the working dir.
-     # Note: Don't use safe_system, as the error code is stripped to the exit code
-     my $status = pretending() ? 0 : system('git', 'diff', '--quiet');
-     if ($status == -1 || $status & 127) {
-         croak_runtime("$module doesn't appear to be a git module.");
-     }
-     my $needsStash = 0;
-     if ($status && !_hasSubmodules()) {
-         # There are local changes.
-         $needsStash = 1;
-     }
-     else {
-         $status = pretending() ? 0 : system('git', 'diff', '--cached', '--quiet');
-         if ($status == -1 || $status & 127) {
-             croak_runtime("$module doesn't appear to be a git module.");
-         }
-         else {
-             $needsStash = ($status != 0);
-         }
-     }
+     # To find out if we should stash, we use git-status in its short mode which
+     # is intended to be scriptable and returns information on both the index
+     # and the working dir in one command.
+     my $status = 1;
+     my $needsStash =
+         !pretending() &&
+         (scalar filter_program_output(
+                 undef, # don't filter output
+                 qw(git status --short --untracked-files=no))) > 0;
      if ($needsStash) {
 -        info ("\tLocal changes detected, stashing them away...");
 +        info ("\tLocal changes detected (will stash for now and then restore)");
          $status = log_command($module, 'git-stash-save', [
                  qw(git stash save --quiet), "kdesrc-build auto-stash at $date",
diff --cc t/smoke/branch-time-based.t
index 6603b23,70663ff..732f09b
--- a/t/smoke/branch-time-based.t
+++ b/t/smoke/branch-time-based.t
@@@ -8,10 -8,8 +8,10 @@@ use Test::More
  use ksb::Application;
 -my $app = ksb::Application->new(qw(--pretend --rc-file t/data/branch-time-based/kdesrc-buildrc));
 -my @moduleList = $app->modules();
 +my @args = qw(--pretend --rc-file t/data/branch-time-based/kdesrc-buildrc);
 +my $app = ksb::Application->new;
- my @selectors = $app->establishContext(@args);
- my @moduleList = $app->modulesFromSelectors(@selectors);
++my $workload = $app->establishContext(@args);
++my @moduleList = $app->modulesFromSelectors($workload);
  is(scalar @moduleList, 3, 'Right number of modules');

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