Kleopatra error message

Martin Hurley martin.hurley at ucd.ie
Wed Nov 27 16:34:24 GMT 2019

To whom it may concern

I am looking for advice on how to decrypt files using Kleopatra PGP.  We
have been using this for a number of years to decrypt files from an
organisation in the US. The problem is that the only PC this works on is
mine, the one used to generate the keys initially, and this is on Windows 7
and out of warranty and will have to be replaced shortly. I am including a
screenshot below of what happens when one of my colleagues tries to decrypt
one of the files in question. I have exported both the certificate and the
secret key and she has imported them but still gets a message saying 'No
secret key'.

Any advice would be appreciated.

[image: image.png]

Martin Hurley

*Martin Hurley*

Senior Operations Manager
Admissions, UCD Registry, Tierney Building
University College Dublin
Belfield, Dublin 4

Tel: +353 (1) 716 1318
e-mail: martin.hurley at ucd.ie
Web: www.ucd.ie/registry
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