T9142: Update userbase.kde.org and remove outdated information

Carl Schwan noreply at phabricator.kde.org
Wed Nov 20 20:02:57 GMT 2019

ognarb removed ognarb as the assignee of this task.
ognarb added a comment.

  I don't have enough time for this task anymore. So @alexde feel free to update the page yourself. It's quite easy to do ;)


To: ognarb
Cc: alexde, thiagosueto, schweingruber, jucato, skadinna, GB_2, afarid, neofytosk, yurchor, ognarb, #documentation, #kde_promo, xyquadrat, gennad, fbampaloukas, domson, davidc, Anachronox, nauticalnexus, nicolasfella, James, nalmeida, ngraham, rgomezantoli, s8321414, jriddell, totte, tcanabrava, lydia, valorie, sebas, apol, ltoscano, repinc
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