D22799: Adding new .docbook for KAddressBook, draft version
David Bryant
davidbryant at gvtc.com
Mon Jul 29 18:07:23 BST 2019
On Sunday, July 28, 2019 11:08:30 PM CDT Burkhard Lück wrote:
> lueck added a comment.
> Please use checkXML5 index.docbook to validate XML
I have been doing that. It appears to me that checkXML5 sometimes throws
extraneous errors. For instance, if I put in
<chapter> <title> xxx </title> </chapter>
sometimes it gives me a validation error. So I just change it to
<chapter> <title> xxx </title> <para> blah blah blah </para> </chapter>
and then everything is fine. That seems wrong, to me.
> <legalnotice>&FDLNotice;</legalnotice>
> &CCBYSA4Notice; see
> https://cgit.kde.org/kdoctools.git/tree/src/template.docbook
Somebody had referred me to an older copy of "template.docbook", I guess,
because I had coded this as &FDLNotice;, as instructed. Anyway, when I make
the suggested "correction", checkXML5 throws this error message:
david at linux-f0mc:~/Documents/KDEStuff/KAB> checkXML5 KAddressBook.docbook
KAddressBook.docbook:4: element xref: validity error : IDREF attribute linkend
references an unknown ID "cc-by-sa-4"
kf5.kdoctools: Error: `xmllint --noout` outputted text
So for the time being I have inserted this code in my XML document, to patch
it up (so I can run meinproc5 without getting errors).
<chapter id="cc-by-sa-4">
<title>Fake Out that &CCBYSA4Notice; Doodad for a While</title>
<para> </para>
but it seems to me that "template.docbook" is incomplete or inaccurate,
because now when I run the XML to HTML conversion, I see this in the
introductory section:
Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document under
the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International or
any later. A copy of the license is included in Chapter 6, Fake Out that
&CCBYSA4Notice; Doodad for a While.
Where do I get a copy of the referenced license? Is it supposed to be inserted
automatically via some new XML stylesheet? If so, how can I get a copy of the
new stylesheet? Oh, yeah -- speaking just as an English grammar perfectionist
right now, "the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International"
seems to be missing at least one word (a noun, probably "license") ... AFAIK,
"the International" refers to an old song that was sung by the IWW about 100
years ago, and "international" is almost always an adjective, and hardly ever
a noun (the only exceptions being that odious old song, and a brand of trucks
and farm implements that got bought out by Allis-Chalmers(?) years ago).
Oh -- I looked for the referenced license on-line, and found it here:
So it appears that something is miscoded ... yep, I found it, in a file named
<xref linkend="cc-by-sa-4"/>
This ought to be replaced with
<ulink href="https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/legalcode">at the
Creative Commons web site</ulink>,
or something like that, with a few additional changes to the verbiage
associated with &CCBYSA4Notice; (via "ccbysa4-notice.docbook"), to avoid
saying that we're including the whole bloody mess in this document -- the
license itself contains 2,409 words and 15,460 characters (if I copied it
correctly). At least, I think that is what should be done. Including the whole
CC license in each "Handbook" seems like overkill, to me.
> View Inlineindex.docbook:34
> <releaseinfo>5.7.3</releaseinfo>
> <abstract>
> Plesase use scheme from
> https://cgit.kde.org/kdoctools.git/tree/src/template.docbook
Well, I figured I was following the template, which grants me a lot of
latitude, imo. Anyway, I researched the documentation for all the components
of the "PIM" suite of programs, and this is the best I can come up with:
<releaseinfo>5.7.3 (Applications 17.12.3)</releaseinfo>
Is that better? I'm running openSuSE LEAP 15.0, and I'm not ready to install a
bunch of KDE stuff that's not in my distro. Not yet, anyway.
> [big snip ... stuff about <filename> tags]
Thanks for the tip on filename extensions. I'll keep that in mind.
> Please add <chapter id="credits">, see
> https://cgit.kde.org/kdoctools.git/tree/src/template.docbook
Well, I said I was submitting a rough draft. Don't worry. I'll eventually add
several more chapters. but it's going to take a while. ◕‿◕
D. Bryant
Canyon Lake, Texas
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