David Bryant davidbryant at
Mon Jul 22 22:31:47 BST 2019

OK, I don't want to be a pest. But since I'm a newbie, and sort of compulsive 
when it comes to logic, math, and standardization of computer code (I used to 
do assembler on IBM mainframes -- in the Dark Ages before PCs were born), I 
have some issues with this page.

-- At the top I read "This is a list of all the markup elements contained in 
DocBook XML 4.1.2." But the DocBook template I'm supposed to use says "-//
KDE//DTD DocBook XML V4.5-Based Variant V1.1//EN" "dtd/kdedbx45.dtd"

Unless I miss my guess, there have been some changes in DocBook XML between 
versions 4.1.2 and 4.5xxx. Is this page in need of an update, maybe?

-- Many of the tags in the list are linked to the "Tags we don't use" page. 
The only way I can determine if a tag is being used, or not, is by actually 
chasing the link. Shouldn't the various entries be color-coded, or have some 
sort of icon next to them, to indicate which ones are useful and which are 
being ignored? Something like that would help a newcomer like me hit the 
ground running.

Here -- I took the liberty of creating an example to illustrate what I'm 
talking about. It's residing at my own web-site:

Please check it out and let me know what you think.

-- Again, the referenced "alphabetical-list" page says it's a list of *all* 
the markup elements, but I noticed right away that the first eight elements on 
this page

aren't included on the "alphabetical-list" page. What's up with that?

-- I've only been reading bits and pieces of the documentation, but I have 
already noticed that this page

contains some tags that appear in neither the "alphabetical list" nor the 
"tags we don't use". (For instance, <abbrev>, <acronym>, <attribution>, and 
<computerouput> [typo?].) Maybe I'm just being hyper-critical, but it seems to 
me that the list of *all* the tags should be complete.

Thanks! Feel free to write directly to me any time you like.
D. Bryant
Canyon Lake, Texas

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