[kstars] doc: Add HiPS documentation

Jasem Mutlaq null at kde.org
Thu May 24 11:36:13 UTC 2018

Git commit 3434dd0ac5380c7b345612c2be59435418bdfe69 by Jasem Mutlaq.
Committed on 24/05/2018 at 11:36.
Pushed by mutlaqja into branch 'master'.

Add HiPS documentation

A  +34   -0    doc/hips.docbook
M  +10   -4    doc/index.docbook
A  +-    --    doc/kstars_hips.png


diff --git a/doc/hips.docbook b/doc/hips.docbook
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+<sect1 id="hips">
+<title><acronym>HiPS</acronym> Progressive Overlay</title>
+<para>&kstars; provides support for HiPS: Hierarchical Progressive Surveys. HiPS provides multi-resolution progressive surveys to be overlayed directly in client applications.
+It provides an immersive experience as you can explore the night sky dynamically. With over 200+ surveys across the whole electromagnetic spectrum from radio,
+infrared, visual, to even gamma rays, the user can pan and zoom progressively deeper into the data visually.
+<para>It can be enabled from the <guimenu>HiPS All Sky Overlay</guimenu> submenu in the <guimenu>View</guimenu> menu.</para>
+<para>Under the submenu, a list of enabled survery are listed. Click on the survey of interest to activate it. You can only activate one-overlay at a time. After activating the survery, &kstars; shall begin downloading
+the data in the background and progressivly overlay the images unto the sky map as they become ready. Zooming in usually requires another patch of images that should trigger another download cycle.</para>
+  <screeninfo>DSS Color HiPS</screeninfo>
+  <mediaobject>
+    <imageobject>
+      <imagedata fileref="kstars_hips.png" format="PNG"/>
+    </imageobject>
+    <textobject>
+      <phrase>DSS Color Overlay</phrase>
+    </textobject>
+  </mediaobject>
+<para>The above screenshot shows the DSS Color visual overlay in &kstars;.</para>
+<para><guimenu>HiPS Settings</guimenu> submenu includes the following pages:</para>
+  <listitem><para>Display: Enable or disable <option>Linear Interpolation</option> and <option>HiPS Grid</option>. The interpolation is enabled by default and should make the overlay appear smoother.</para></listitem>
+  <listitem><para>Cache: Set the <option>Disk</option> and <option>Memory</option> cache size in MB. Increase cache size if you have abundant resources and want to reduce bandwidth required to download the images.</para></listitem>
+  <listitem><para>Sources: Browse a list of HiPS source and enable/disable them accordingly. When you select each source, a summary and a preview are downloaded that include information on the mission in additional to technical data on the survery.</para></listitem>
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--- a/doc/index.docbook
+++ b/doc/index.docbook
@@ -159,23 +159,25 @@
 <holder>&Jason.Harris; and the &kstars; Team</holder>
 &kstars; is free, open source, cross-platform Astronomy Software.
-It provides an accurate graphical simulation of the night sky, from any location on Earth, at any date and time. The display includes up to 100 million stars, 13,000 deep-sky objects,all 8 planets, the Sun and Moon, and thousands of comets, asteroids, supernovae, and satellites. 
+It provides an accurate graphical simulation of the night sky, from any location on Earth, at any date and time. The display includes up to 100 million stars, 13,000 deep-sky objects,all 8 planets, the Sun and Moon, and thousands of comets, asteroids, supernovae, and satellites.
 For students and teachers, it supports adjustable simulation speeds in order to view phenomena that happen over long timescales, the &kstars; Astrocalculator to predict conjunctions, and many common astronomical calculations. For the amateur astronomer, it provides an observation planner, a sky calendar tool, and an FOV editor to calculate field of view of equipment and display them. Find out interesting objects in the "What's up Tonight" tool, plot altitude vs. time graphs for any object, print high-quality sky charts, and gain access to lots of information and resources to help you explore the universe!
+HiPS all-sky progressive overlay provide stunning views from numerous surveys spanning the whole electromagnetic spectrum.
 Included with &kstars; is Ekos astrophotography suite, a complete astrophotography solution that can control all INDI devices including numerous telescopes, CCDs, DSLRs, focusers, filters, and a lot more. Ekos supports highly accurate tracking using online and offline astrometry solver, autofocus and autoguiding capabilities, and capture of single or multiple images using the powerful built in sequence manager.
@@ -223,6 +225,10 @@ includes &DBus; functions that allow you to <link linkend="tool-scriptbuilder">w
 astronomical topics. Furthermore, any 3rd party tool or language with support of &DBus; can be used to write powerful scripts using <ulink url="http://api.kde.org/4.x-api/kdeedu-apidocs/kstars/html/classkstars.html">&kstars; &DBus; API</ulink>
+Enable <link linked="hips">HiPS</link> all-sky progressive overlay to fetch high-resolution images and display them directly in the sky map. You can select from numerous catalogs compiled from different earth and space based missions.
+This features requires a fast interenet connection in order to download the images. The image are cached locally to reduce bandwidth. You can optimize the caching options to best balance between disk space versus bandwidth.
 However, &kstars; is not just for students.  You can control telescopes and cameras with &kstars;, using the elegant and powerful <link linkend="indi">INDI</link> protocol.  &kstars; supports several popular 
 telescopes including Meade's LX200 family and Celestron GPS.  Several popular CCD cameras, webcams, and computerized focusers are also supported.  Simple slew/track commands are integrated directly into the main window's 
 popup menu, and the INDI Control Panel provides full access to all of your telescope's functions. INDI's Client/Server 
diff --git a/doc/kstars_hips.png b/doc/kstars_hips.png
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Binary files /dev/null and b/doc/kstars_hips.png differ

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