[kwave] /: prepared for next release, v0.9.3, at 2017-01-29

Thomas Eschenbacher Thomas.Eschenbacher at gmx.de
Sun Jan 8 10:26:20 UTC 2017

Hello Luigi,

sorry, I didn't know about that!
I searched through the KDE web sites, but found nothing about this topic.

For the moment I reverted the change to the docbook file only.

It is fine for me to follow the KDE release cycle and abandon the
old/own release scheme. But, to be consequent, there are some more
places to consider. It would be great to get some hints about how to I
handle these...

1) help_en.docbook

-> is it ok and sufficient to just remove the old version, so that it
reads like this:
"<releaseinfo>Applications 16.12</releaseinfo>" ?

-> should I rely on the release team to update this information when
needed, or do I have to take care about that in my build system / scripting?

2) kwave.lsm
-> does it still make sense to keep that file, or should I remove it?

-> same as for kwave.lsm, remove it?

4) filling KAboutData and app.setApplicationVersion(...)
-> any reference implementation about how to fill in the version field?

5) build system
-> is there any cmake variable that I can use, just in case I need the
application version number?


Luigi Toscano wrote:

> Thomas Eschenbacher ha scritto:
>> Git commit 85463c19f2b011ece59e920ac06c03f2fc749d39 by Thomas Eschenbacher.
>> Committed on 06/01/2017 at 13:11.
>> Pushed by eschenbacher into branch 'master'.
>> prepared for next release, v0.9.3, at 2017-01-29
>> M  +1    -1    CHANGES
>> M  +6    -6    README
>> M  +1    -1    VERSION
>> M  +5    -5    doc/en/index.docbook
>> M  +2    -2    kwave.lsm
> Hi Thomas,
> kwave is part of KDE Applications, which means that you don't have your own
> release cycle anymore. This was explained when you requested to join KDE
> Applications.
> The next patch release of KDE Applications (so only bug fixes) will be tagged
> next Monday:
> https://community.kde.org/Schedules/Applications/16.12_Release_Schedule#Monday.2C_January_9.2C_2017:_KDE_Applications_16.12.1_tagging
> And the next major release will be around April (schedule not fixed yet).
> If you want to keep your release schedule and do your release when you like,
> you can certainly do so, but then kwave should be moved to extragear.

Thomas Eschenbacher                       <Thomas.Eschenbacher at gmx.de>

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