[konqueror] doc/kcontrol: Move doc for runtime here

Laurent Montel montel at kde.org
Tue Nov 8 12:35:59 UTC 2016

Git commit fa2b83a488491d93079878cae862cf22e1ed18a9 by Laurent Montel.
Committed on 30/08/2007 at 19:25.
Pushed by lueck into branch 'master'.

Move doc for runtime here

svn path=/trunk/KDE/kdebase/runtime/; revision=706565

A  +2    -0    doc/kcontrol/filemanager/CMakeLists.txt
A  +297  -0    doc/kcontrol/filemanager/index.docbook
A  +-    --    doc/kcontrol/filemanager/kfileman1.png
A  +-    --    doc/kcontrol/filemanager/kfileman2.png
A  +2    -0    doc/kcontrol/kcmcss/CMakeLists.txt
A  +257  -0    doc/kcontrol/kcmcss/index.docbook
A  +2    -0    doc/kcontrol/performance/CMakeLists.txt
A  +102  -0    doc/kcontrol/performance/index.docbook


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+########### install files ###############
+kde4_create_handbook(index.docbook INSTALL_DESTINATION ${HTML_INSTALL_DIR}/en SUBDIR kcontrol/filemanager)
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+<?xml version="1.0" ?>
+<!DOCTYPE article PUBLIC "-//KDE//DTD DocBook XML V4.2-Based Variant V1.1//EN"
+"dtd/kdex.dtd" [
+<!ENTITY % addindex "IGNORE">
+<!ENTITY % English "INCLUDE" > <!-- change language only here -->
+<article lang="&language;">
+<author>&Mike.McBride; &Mike.McBride.mail;</author>
+<keyword>file manager</keyword>
+<sect1 id="file-manager">
+<title>File Manager</title>
+<para>In this module, you can configure various aspects of
+&konqueror;'s file manager functionality. </para>
+<note><para>&konqueror;'s web browser functionality has its <ulink
+url="help:/kcontrol/khtml/index.html">own configuration
+<sect2 id="fileman-use">
+<para> The configuration options for the file manager are
+organized under tabs as follows:</para>
+<listitem><para>This tab contains options for customizing the appearance of
+&konqueror; windows, such as the default font
+text color.</para></listitem>
+<listitem><para>This tab contains a couple of &konqueror;
+global options.</para></listitem>
+<para>On this tab, you can customize when &konqueror; should show
+<sect3 id="fileman-appearance">
+<para>The following settings determine how text and colors are displayed in
+&konqueror; File Manager mode windows.</para>
+<term><guilabel>Standard font:</guilabel></term>
+<para>This is the font used to display text such as file names in
+&konqueror; windows.</para>
+<term><guilabel>Font size:</guilabel></term>
+<para>Lets you control the size of text, while the <guilabel>Standard
+Font</guilabel> setting determines the font face used.</para>
+<term><guilabel>Normal text color:</guilabel></term>
+<para>Determines the standard text color.</para>
+<term><guilabel>Height for icon text:</guilabel></term>
+<para>The maximum number of lines that can be used to draw icon text.  Long lines are truncated at the end of the last line.</para>
+<tip> <para>You can still see word-wrapped filenames by pausing the mouse pointer over the icon.</para></tip>
+<term><guilabel>Width for icon text:</guilabel></term>
+<para>The maximum width for the icon text when &konqueror; is in multi-column view mode.</para>
+<term><guilabel>Underline filenames:</guilabel></term>
+<para>When <guilabel>Underline filenames</guilabel> is checked,
+ filenames will be underlined so that they look like links on a web
+ page.</para>
+<term><guilabel>Display file sizes in bytes:</guilabel></term>
+<para>The final check box on this page determines how &konqueror;
+displays file sizes, when you are in one of the file manager modes
+that normally shows this information.  If you check the
+<guilabel>Display file sizes in bytes</guilabel> box then file sizes
+are always shown in bytes.  If you leave it unchecked then file sizes
+are shown in bytes, kilobytes or megabytes, depending on their
+<sect3 id="fileman-behav">
+<title><guilabel>Misc Options</guilabel></title>
+<term>Open folders in separate windows</term>
+<listitem> <para>If this option is checked, a new
+&konqueror; window will be created when you open a
+folder, rather than simply showing that folder's contents in the
+ current
+<term>Show network operations in a single window</term>
+<para>If unchecked, and you download a
+file, a dialog box will appear that shows the status of the
+  <screeninfo>Download Dialog Box</screeninfo>
+  <mediaobject>
+  <imageobject><imagedata fileref="kfileman2.png"
+ format="PNG"/></imageobject>
+  <textobject> <phrase>Download Dialog Box</phrase> </textobject>
+  <caption>
+  <para>Individual Download Dialog Box</para>
+  </caption>
+  </mediaobject>
+<para>If you start a new transfer, another dialog box will
+appear. (&Netscape; users will be familiar with
+this behavior) </para>
+<para>If checked, all transfer status windows will be grouped
+together under a single dialog box.</para>
+  <screeninfo>Download Dialog Box</screeninfo>
+  <mediaobject>
+  <imageobject><imagedata fileref="kfileman1.png"
+ format="PNG"/></imageobject>
+  <textobject><phrase>Download Dialog Box</phrase></textobject>
+  <caption>
+  <para>Collected Download Dialog Box</para>
+  </caption>
+  </mediaobject>
+<para>If you choose to use the Collected download dialog box, you can
+delete transfers by clicking once on the transfer you want to cancel,
+then clicking the <guibutton>Delete</guibutton> Button on the
+<term><guilabel>Show file tips</guilabel></term>
+<para> Here you can control if, when moving the mouse over a file, you
+want to see a small popup window with additional information about
+that file.</para>
+<term><guilabel>Show previews in file tips</guilabel></term>
+<para>Here you can control if the file tip should show a
+thumbnail preview of the file.
+<term><guilabel>Home URL</guilabel></term>
+<listitem><para>This is the &URL; (⪚ a
+folder or a web page) where &konqueror; will jump to
+when the <guibutton>Home</guibutton> button is pressed.</para><para>The
+default is the users home folder, indicated with a
+<para>You can set a path that is your <guilabel>Home URL</guilabel> by
+typing into the text field, or using the <guiicon>browse</guiicon>
+icon.  The default is <literal>~</literal> which is a standard
+shortcut for your $<envar>HOME</envar> folder.  When you choose the
+<guiicon>home</guiicon> icon on your panel, in a file open or save
+dialog, or from within &konqueror; in file manager mode, this is the
+folder you will be shown.</para>
+<para>The <guilabel>Ask confirmation for</guilabel> setting tells
+&konqueror; what to do when you choose to <quote>Delete</quote>,
+<quote>Trash</quote>, or <quote>Shred</quote> a file in a &konqueror;
+window.  If any box is checked, &konqueror; asks for confirmation before
+performing the corresponding action.</para>
+<para>&konqueror; has a
+preview feature for many file types, including <acronym>HTML</acronym>
+files, images, &PostScript; and <acronym>PDF</acronym>, sound, web
+archives (if you have the appropriate &konqueror; plugin installed)
+and text files.</para>
+<para>If you enable previews for one of these, files of that particular
+file type will not be represented by standard icons in the filemanager, but
+will instead be shown as miniature previews.  On slow computers, the
+previews can take some time to show up, so you might not want to enable
+this feature.</para>
+<para>In this module you can specify which <quote>protocols</quote>
+you wish the previews to be available for.  Creating the previews
+requires that &konqueror; download at least part of the file, in order
+to create the preview.  &konqueror;, like the rest of &kde; is
+entirely network transparent, and will treat a remote &FTP; folder
+just as if it was on your local hard drive.  This can result in a
+delay, especially if you are viewing, for example, a folder full of
+images over a slow network connection.</para>
+<para>For each protocol, you can independently enable or disable
+previews.  For example, you might enable previews for
+<acronym>NFS</acronym> mounted drives if you have a fast network, but
+disable them for &FTP; because your Internet connection is via a
+<para>You can further refine the maximum size file that &konqueror;
+will attempt to show a preview for.  The default is 1 MB.  In other
+words, by default, if a file is 900 kB in size, and the protocol you
+are viewing the folder with is enabled, then &konqueror; will
+create a preview icon for it.  If the file is 1.1 MB in size,
+&konqueror; will not make a preview, even if the protocol is
+<para>You can turn on and off previews <quote>on the fly</quote> from
+within &konqueror;, using the <guimenu>View</guimenu> menu. For
+example, if you normally want to see image previews on every protocol,
+but find a particular server is very slow to send you the data, you
+might turn it off for the present, and turn it on again later.</para>
+<para>You may also like to enable the checkbox <guilabel>Increase size
+of previews relative to icons</guilabel>, in order to see more
+information in the thumbnails.</para>
+<para>Many image files already contain a thumbnail.  You can enable
+the <guilabel>Use thumbnails embedded in files</guilabel> to make use
+of these. This will save time waiting for thumbnails to be created
+when viewing a folder full of images you have not previously seen in
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+########### install files ###############
+kde4_create_handbook(index.docbook INSTALL_DESTINATION ${HTML_INSTALL_DIR}/en SUBDIR kcontrol/kcmcss)
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+<!ENTITY % addindex "IGNORE">
+<!ENTITY % English "INCLUDE" > <!-- change language only here -->
+<author>&Lauri.Watts; &Lauri.Watts.mail;</author>
+<sect1 id="stylesheets">
+<para><acronym>CSS</acronym> style sheets affect the way web pages
+appear.  <acronym>CSS</acronym> stands for
+<emphasis>C</emphasis>ascading <emphasis>S</emphasis>tyle
+<para>&kde; can use its own stylesheet, based on simple defaults and
+the color scheme you are using for your desktop.  &kde; can also use a
+stylesheet that you have written yourself.  Finally, you can specify a
+stylesheet in this module.  The options presented in this module are
+tuned for accessibility purposes, especially for people with reduced
+<para>Your choices here affect every &kde; application that renders HTML
+with &kde;'s own renderer, which is called khtml.  These include
+&kmail;, &khelpcenter; and of course &konqueror;.  Choices here do not
+affect other browsers such as &Netscape;.</para>
+<para>The module has two pages, <guilabel>General</guilabel>, where you
+can choose which stylesheet to use, and <guilabel>Customize</guilabel>
+where you can design an accessibility stylesheet.</para>
+<sect2 id="css-general">
+<para>This page contains the following options:</para>
+<term><guilabel>Use default stylesheet</guilabel></term>
+<para>&kde; will use the default stylesheet.  Some of the colors will
+default to those defined in your chosen color scheme.  Most settings are
+easily overridden by the page you are viewing.</para>
+<term><guilabel>Use user-defined stylesheet</guilabel></term>
+<para>&kde; will use a stylesheet that you have written yourself. You
+can use the browse button to locate the stylesheet on your system.
+<acronym>CSS</acronym> files traditionally have a <literal
+role="extension">.css</literal> extension, but this is not
+<term><guilabel>Use accessibility stylesheet defined in
+<para>Use the settings defined in the <guilabel>Customize</guilabel>
+tab.  Enabling this option will enable the options on the
+<guilabel>Customize</guilabel> page.</para>
+<sect2 id="css-customize">
+<para>Here you can set up a user stylesheet.  The options available are
+only a subset of the instructions you can add in a stylesheet, and they
+are geared towards people with reduced vision, to allow users to create
+a stylesheet that makes web pages and the &kde; help files more
+<para>The options on this page are disabled unless you chose
+<guilabel>Use accessibility stylesheet defined in
+"Customize"-tab</guilabel> on the previous page.</para>
+<title><guilabel>Font Family</guilabel></title>
+<term><guilabel>Base family</guilabel></term>
+<para>Choose a font family to use for body text.</para>
+<term><guilabel>Use same family for all text</guilabel></term>
+<para>If you enable this, then the same font family will be used for all
+text, regardless of the settings on the page you are viewing.  This is
+useful for pages which have used a decorative or hard to read font for
+<title>Font Size</title>
+<term><guilabel>Base Font Size</guilabel></term>
+<para>This is the default size for text on the page.  Many web sites set
+their font sizes relative to this default, using <quote>larger</quote>
+or <quote>+1</quote> to make the text bigger, and <quote>smaller</quote>
+or <quote>-1</quote> to make the text smaller.</para>
+<para>Many people design their web pages on platforms where the ordinary
+default text size is too large for the average user to read, so it is
+very common to come across web pages that have forced the font smaller
+in this way.</para>
+<para>This setting will allow you to set the default font to a
+comfortable size, so that the relative sizes are also enlarged enough to
+be comfortable.</para>
+<para>Do not forget you can also have &konqueror; enforce a minimum size,
+so that text is <emphasis>never</emphasis> too small to read.  Set that
+under Behavior, in the Web Browser section in &kcontrol;.</para>
+<term><guilabel>Use same size for all elements</guilabel></term>
+<para>If you enable this option, then all text will be rendered at your
+specified font size, regardless of the instructions the page contains.
+Relative font sizes as discussed earlier, and even specific instructions
+that text should be rendered at a certain size will be overridden
+<term><guilabel>Black on White</guilabel></term>
+<para>Many people with reduced vision find black text on a white screen
+gives the most contrast, and is easiest to read.  If this applies to
+you, you can set this here.</para>
+<term><guilabel>White on Black</guilabel></term>
+<para>Many other people with reduced vision find the opposite to be
+true, that white text on a black screen is easier to read.</para>
+<para>Still other people find that pure black and white, in either
+order, is difficult to read.  You can set custom colors here for both
+the <guilabel>Background</guilabel> and the
+<term><guilabel>Use same color for all text</guilabel></term>
+<para>Many web sites use a different, often contrasting color for
+headings or other flourishes.  If this interferes with your ability to
+read the content, you can enable this checkbox to have &kde; use the
+colors you have set above for all text.</para>
+<term><guilabel>Suppress images</guilabel></term>
+<para>If you do not want to view images, you can turn this off
+<term><guilabel>Suppress background images</guilabel></term>
+<para>One major problem for reduced vision users is that background
+images do not give sufficient contrast to allow them to read the text.
+You can disable background images here, independently of your choice
+above to view all images.</para>
+<para>The <guibutton>Preview</guibutton> allows you to see the effect of
+your changes.  A window will pop up, showing how several types of
+headings will appear with your stylesheet, and a sentence in the default
+body text.</para>
+<para>This should allow you to fine tune your stylesheet until you have
+something that you can comfortably read.</para>
+<para>Happy surfing!</para>
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+########### install files ###############
+kde4_create_handbook(index.docbook INSTALL_DESTINATION ${HTML_INSTALL_DIR}/en SUBDIR kcontrol/performance)
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+"dtd/kdex.dtd" [
+<!ENTITY % addindex "IGNORE">
+<!ENTITY % English "INCLUDE" > <!-- change language only here -->
+<article lang="&language;">
+<author>&Mike.McBride; &Mike.McBride.mail;</author>
+<keyword>system performance</keyword>
+<sect1 id="sys-performance">
+<title>Performance Settings</title>
+<para>&kde;, is used on a wide variety of computers by a wide variety of users.  Under the category of 
+performance, this dialog box allows each user to adjust options which may make the computer that &kde; is 
+installed on feel more responsive. </para>
+<para>This module is divided into two tabs.</para>
+<sect2><title>&konqueror; performance options</title>
+<sect3><title>&konqueror; instances</title>
+<para>The first section of this dialog is labeled <guilabel>Minimize Memory Usage</guilabel> and has three options which determine maximum number of instances of &konqueror; that can be open on one machine at any one time.</para>
+<note><para>Do not confuse &konqueror; instances, with &konqueror; windows or tabs.  The number of konqueror instances is determined by &kde; not by the user.  You can think of instances as the hidden data of your &konqueror; windows and tabs.  One &konqueror; instance can contain the data for multiple windows or tabs. Your choice on the following radio buttons does not limit the number of windows you can open at one time, but rather, how many instances of &konqueror; you can have open.  </para>
+<para>The reason the choices you make in this dialog box are important is evident when something goes wrong and &konqueror; is forced to close an instance.  <emphasis>All &konqueror; windows associated with a &konqueror; instance must be closed immediatly (without time to save data or bookmark locations).</emphasis> Therefore, the more instances you can have open at one time, the less likely a problem in one instance will affect all of your work.  Each instance requires more memory which can be a problem on systems with less system memory.  </para></note>
+<para>Your options are:</para>
+<listitem><para>There are no restraints.  Any number of &konqueror; instances can be open at any one time.  The advantage of this option is if any &konqueror; instance crashes the remaining will be unaffected.  The disadvantage is that each &konqueror; instance uses more memory.</para></listitem>
+<term>For file browsing only (recommended)</term>
+<listitem><para>If this option is selected, you can have as many as you want &konqueror; instances open that are browsing the web, but only one instance of &konqueror; for file management.  </para></listitem>
+<term>Always (use with care)</term>
+<listitem><para>If this option is selected, you can only have one instance of &konqueror; running at any one time.  This saves system memory, but if your &konqueror; window crashes, all your browsing windows close immediatly without warning.  This should only be used for seriously memory limited systems.</para></listitem>
+<para>The subsection labeled <guilabel>Preloading</guilabel> also makes a tradeoff between memory and performance.</para>
+<para><emphasis>Preloading</emphasis> refers to loading an instance of &konqueror; into memory before a user asks to start &konqueror;.  The positive effect of this is that when a user asks &kde; to load &konqueror; the window appears instantly
+ because most of the application has been preloaded.  The negative effect is that this instance of &konqueror; uses memory that 
+could be used by other programs. By default, when a user closes &konqueror;, &kde; does not close the instance.
+This means that the next time a user wants &konqueror; loaded, it is nearly instantanous again.</para>
+<para>The spinbox labeled <guilabel>Maximum number of instances kept preloaded:</guilabel> can be used to adjust the maximum number of preloaded instances.  This option does not affect instances when they are loaded.  It also does not limit the number of instances that can be used by active windows.  It only affects the number of preloaded instances.</para>
+<para>The checkbox labeled <guilabel>Preload an instance after &kde; startup</guilabel> does just what it says.  It tells 
+&kde; to preload one instance of &konqueror; at the startup of &kde;.</para>
+<note><para>This does extend the startup time for &kde;.</para></note>
+<para>The final checkbox labeled <guilabel>Always try to have at least one preloaded instance</guilabel> signals to &kde; that you always want &kde; to have one preloaded, but not used, instance of &konqueror; available.  This option will actually decrease performance on some machines (especially those with limited physical memory).</para>
+<sect2><title>&kde; system performance options</title>
+<para>Click on the tab labeled <guilabel>System</guilabel>.</para>
+<para>Currently there is only one option labeled <guilabel>Disable system configuration startup check</guilabel>.
+<para>When &kde; starts, it checks several directories for changes to configuration.  Most of these changes relate to installation and uninstalling applications to the computer.  This scan extends the startup time for &kde;  and many times this scan is not needed as the configuration is current from the last time &kde; was started.  When the configuration has changed &kde; uses this scan to update various datafiles to ensure a smooth user experience.  </para>
+<warning><para>You are given the option to skip this initial scan during startup.  &kde; developers strongly suggest you do not disable this scan because of the potential to introduce instability into your system.</para>
+<para>If you do select this option:</para>
+<listitem><para>&kde; will wait to perform the scan until after &kde; has started.  This scan will be performed after the desktop is loaded.</para></listitem>
+<listitem><para>In the event of a crash, &kde; will not perform a backtrace because your problem may be related to the delayed scan.</para></listitem>
+<listitem><para>Switch this option off if any application is crashing as a delayed scan may be responsible for the crash.</para></listitem>
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