[kde-doc-english] [kstars] /: Update Configuring KStars documentation

Raphael Cojocaru raphael.cojocaru at yahoo.com
Fri Jul 8 10:59:23 UTC 2016

Git commit b44ab00c0d25f7cfa430d5d899af3c577de48cfa by Raphael Cojocaru.
Committed on 08/07/2016 at 10:59.
Pushed by raphaelc into branch 'master'.

Update Configuring KStars documentation

M  +6    -5    doc/config.docbook
M  +4    -4    kstars/data/satellites.dat


diff --git a/doc/config.docbook b/doc/config.docbook
index 183812f..969dd55 100644
--- a/doc/config.docbook
+++ b/doc/config.docbook
@@ -185,16 +185,17 @@ sky color.
 <indexterm><primary>Configure &kstars; window</primary>
 <secondary>Satellites page</secondary></indexterm>
-The <guilabel>Satellites</guilabel> page allows you to set the satellites view options. You can decide which satellites are shown by 
-KStars, as well as their labels. You can also choose to see only visible satellites or to see them like stars.
-There is another way to select what satellites you want to be displayed on KStars globe. All you need to do is to select the
-desired satellite from the list with a simple click on its checkbox.
+The <guilabel>Satellites</guilabel> page allows you to set the satellites view options. Firsly, you can see or hide the satellites on the skymap using <guilabel>Show satellites checkbox</guilabel> from the top <guilabel>View options</guilabel> section. By default, satellites are drawn as small light red filled circles with an optional dark red name label next to them. You can enable or disable these labels by checking or not the <guilabel>Show labels</guilabel> checkbox. It is located bellow the <guilabel>Show satellites</guilabel> checkbox, within the <guilabel>View options</guilabel> section. The colors of the dots representing satellites and their name labels can be easily customized using the <guilabel>Colors</guilabel> page from the same <guilabel>Configure KStars</guilabel> window. In addition, satellites can be drawn just like regular stars by checking the <guilabel>Draw satellites like stars</guilabel> checkbox. To display only the visible satellites from your current geographic location and time, select <guilabel>Show only visible satellites</guilabel>.
+KStars can draw artificial satellites from many predefined groups. Thus, you can select to display a particular group, multiple groups or partially select subgroups. Under each group, a list of individual satellites is presented. To select all satellites from a group, you need to check the group checkbox. You can also select only the satellites of interest in each group.
+The satellites orbital elements can be updated via the internet by pressing the <guibutton>Update TLEs</guibutton> button. Another way for updating the satellites orbital elements is to click on <guilabel>Data -> Updates -> Update satellites orbital elements</guilabel> option. If you know the name of a desired satellite then you can use the search satellites method that KStars provides. You need to enter the name of satellite in the <guilabel>Search satellites</guilabel> text box and the list will be reduced only to its best matches.
+You can add new satellites to KStars default satellites set by editing the <guilabel>kstars/data/satellites.dat</guilabel> file.
+As each line of this file is a group of satellites, you need to add a new entry for your desired satellites group. An entry should have the following format: "Group Name;local_filename;url". For example: "Iridium;iridium.tle;http://celestrak.com/NORAD/elements/iridium.txt".
 <!-- Supernovae page: -->
 <indexterm><primary>Configure &kstars; window</primary>
 <secondary>Supernovae page</secondary></indexterm>
-The <guilabel>Supernovae</guilabel> page allows you to decide if the supernovae are displayed or not by checking the <guilabel>Show supernovae</guilabel> checkbox. You can configure KStars to check for recent supernovae on startup and you can also enable supernova alerts. The magnitude limit for showing the supernovae and for supernova alerts can be set using the spin boxes control.
+The <guilabel>Supernovae</guilabel> page allows you to decide if the supernovae are displayed or not by checking the <guilabel>Show supernovae</guilabel> checkbox. By default, supernovae are drawn as small light orange '+' mark. As for satellites, the color of supernovae can be easily customized using the <guilabel>Colors</guilabel> page. You can configure KStars to check for newly discovered supernovae on startup by checking the <guilabel>Check for Recent Supernovae on Startup</guilabel> checkbox. This way, KStars will be always up-to-date with the most recent supernovae. You can enable supernova alerts using the <guilabel>Enable Supernova alerts</guilabel> checkbox. Thus, KStars will automatically alert you every time it learns of a new supernova in the sky. You can set the magnitude limit for showing a supernova as well as magnitude limit for supernova alerts using the spin boxes control. The limiting magnitude is the faintest apparent magnitude of an skyobject that is visible with the naked-eye or a telescope. The list of recent supernovae can be updated via the internet by pressing the <guibutton>Update List of Recent Supernovae</guibutton> button. Another way for updating the supernovae list is to click on <guilabel>Data -> Updates -> Update Recent Supernovae data</guilabel> option. 
diff --git a/kstars/data/satellites.dat b/kstars/data/satellites.dat
index b03268c..1f9f220 100644
--- a/kstars/data/satellites.dat
+++ b/kstars/data/satellites.dat
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
 # Edit this file to add satellites
-# Each line is a group of satellite
+# Each line is a group of satellites
 # Format :
-# Groupe Name;local_filename;url
-# * Groupe Name : This is the name of the group witch will be use in kstars
+# Group Name;local_filename;url
+# * Group Name : This is the name of the group which will be used in KStars
 # * local_filename : This is the name of the file used to store TLE data
-# * url : The url where the TLE data file can be retrieved (you can leave this field blank, in this case, kstars will not update the file)
+# * url : The url where the TLE data file can be retrieved (you can leave this field blank, in this case, KStars will not update the file)
 Last Launches;new.tle;http://celestrak.com/NORAD/elements/tle-new.txt
 International Space Station;iss.tle;http://celestrak.com/NORAD/elements/stations.txt

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