[kipi-plugins-doc] /: clean up obsolote tools

Gilles Caulier caulier.gilles at gmail.com
Mon Aug 22 13:05:12 UTC 2016

Git commit 7317522112f55cb39af1bee4fb6d41c05f21a1bf by Gilles Caulier.
Committed on 22/08/2016 at 13:04.
Pushed by cgilles into branch 'master'.

clean up obsolote tools

D  +0    -201  imageviewer.docbook
M  +0    -10   index.docbook
D  +0    -54   jpeglossless.docbook


diff --git a/imageviewer.docbook b/imageviewer.docbook
deleted file mode 100644
index f8a3683..0000000
--- a/imageviewer.docbook
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,201 +0,0 @@
-<chapter id="imageviewer">
-    <author>
-        <firstname>Markus</firstname><surname>Leuthold</surname>
-        <affiliation><address><email>kusi _AT forum dot titlis _dot org</email></address></affiliation>
-    </author>
-The Kipi imageviewer is a very fast and flexible tool for viewing images, based on OpenGL.
-<title>OpenGL Imageviewer</title>
-The KIPI imageviewer allows to display a selection of images and to do basic
-operations, such as rotation, zooming or panning. The usage of the viewer is only
-based on keyboard shortcuts and mouse gestures. It was placed emphasis mainly on
-speed in displaying as well as fast access to the functions.
-<variablelist><title>Image Access</title>
-<varlistentry><term>Next Image</term>
-<listitem><para>Scrollwheel Down</para></listitem>
-<varlistentry><term>Previous Image</term>
-<listitem><para>Scrollwheel Up</para></listitem>
-	<title>Display</title>
-	<varlistentry>
-		<term>Toggle fullscreen/normal</term>
-		<listitem>
-			<para>
-				On startup, an image is displayed in fullscreen mode by default.
-                It can be changed to windowed mode if desired.
-			</para>
-			<para>
-				<itemizedlist>
-					<listitem>
-						<para><keycap>F</keycap></para>
-					</listitem>
-				</itemizedlist>
-			</para>
-		</listitem>
-	</varlistentry>
-	<varlistentry>
-		<term>Toggle scrollwheel action</term>
-		<listitem>
-			<para>
-			Turning the scrollwheel either proceeds to the next image or zooms
-            into the image.
-			</para>
-			<para>
-			<itemizedlist>
-				<listitem>
-					<para><keycap>C</keycap></para>
-				</listitem>
-			</itemizedlist>
-			</para>
-		</listitem>
-	</varlistentry>
-	<varlistentry>
-		<term>Rotation</term>
-		<listitem>
-			<para>
-			The rotation is only temporary and not saved to the file.
-			</para>
-			<para>
-			<itemizedlist>
-				<listitem>
-					<para><keycap>R</keycap></para>
-				</listitem>
-			</itemizedlist>
-			</para>
-		</listitem>
-	</varlistentry>	
-	<varlistentry>
-		<term>Reset view</term>
-		<listitem>
-			<para>
-				<itemizedlist>
-					<listitem>
-						<para>double click</para>
-					</listitem>
-				</itemizedlist>
-			</para>
-		</listitem>
-	</varlistentry>
-	<varlistentry>
-		<term>Original size</term>
-		<listitem>
-			<para>
-			Each pixel of the image corresponds to a pixel of the screen.
-			</para>
-			<para>
-			<itemizedlist>
-				<listitem>
-					<para><keycap>O</keycap></para>
-				</listitem>
-			</itemizedlist>
-			</para>
-		</listitem>
-	</varlistentry>	
-	<title>Zooming</title>
-	<varlistentry>
-		<term></term>
-		<listitem>
-			<itemizedlist>
-				<listitem>
-					<para>move mouse up/down while pressing the &RMB;</para>
-				</listitem>
-				<listitem>
-					<para>scrollwheel (if you toggled the scrollwheel action)</para>
-				</listitem>
-				<listitem>
-					<para><keycap>+</keycap>/<keycap>-</keycap></para>
-				</listitem>
-				<listitem>
-					<para>&Ctrl; + scrollwheel</para>
-				</listitem>
-			</itemizedlist>
-		</listitem>	
-	</varlistentry>
-	<title>Panning</title>
-	<varlistentry>
-		<term></term>
-		<listitem>
-			<itemizedlist>
-				<listitem>
-					<para>move mouse while pressing the &LMB;</para>
-				</listitem>
-			</itemizedlist>
-		</listitem>	
-	</varlistentry>
-Local Variables:
-mode: sgml
-sgml-omittag: nil
-sgml-shorttag: t
diff --git a/index.docbook b/index.docbook
index 8a3d16a..99d9ece 100644
--- a/index.docbook
+++ b/index.docbook
@@ -10,8 +10,6 @@
  <!ENTITY doc-filterimages SYSTEM "filterimages.docbook">
  <!ENTITY doc-flickrexport SYSTEM "flickrexport.docbook">
  <!ENTITY doc-imagesgallery SYSTEM "imagesgallery.docbook">
- <!ENTITY doc-imageviewer SYSTEM "imageviewer.docbook">
- <!ENTITY doc-jpeglossless SYSTEM "jpeglossless.docbook">
  <!ENTITY doc-printwizard SYSTEM "printwizard.docbook">
  <!ENTITY doc-rawconverter SYSTEM "rawconverter.docbook">
  <!ENTITY doc-recompressimages SYSTEM "recompressimages.docbook">
@@ -95,12 +93,6 @@ The plugins available in this handbook are:
 <para><link linkend="imagesgallery">Images Gallery plugin</link></para>
-<para><link linkend="imageviewer">OpenGL Imageviewer plugin</link></para>
-<para><link linkend="jpeglossless">JPEG Loss Less plugin</link></para>
 <para><link linkend="printwizard">Print Wizard plugin</link></para>
@@ -131,8 +123,6 @@ please contact the Kipi team mailing list at <email>kde-imaging at kde.org</email>.
diff --git a/jpeglossless.docbook b/jpeglossless.docbook
deleted file mode 100644
index a5e7b6c..0000000
--- a/jpeglossless.docbook
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
-<chapter id="jpeglossless">
-    <author>
-        <firstname>Gilles</firstname><surname>Caulier</surname>
-        <affiliation><address><email>caulier dot gilles at gmail dot com</email></address></affiliation>
-    </author>
-The Kipi JPEG lossless plugin is a tool to transform the images without loss in
-quality due to compression.
-<title>JPEG Loss Less</title>
-This plugin is available from within the host application. It allows (for the
-below listed transformations) saving images in JPEG format, which usually loses
-precision every time you save it (otherwise there would be no size reduction),
-without losing any quality nor metadata information:
-<listitem><para>Do lossless JPEG 90/180/270 Degree Rotation.</para></listitem>
-<listitem><para>Do lossless JPEG Horizontal or Vertical flip.</para></listitem>
-<listitem><para>Do lossless JPEG black and white conversion.</para></listitem>
-<listitem><para>Exif orientation tag based rotation or flip auto-adjustment.</para></listitem>
-<listitem><para>Do lossless recompression of JPEG images.</para></listitem>
-<para>As a consequence of the lossless storage the file size will be larger
-(similar to the lossless PNG format) since there's no compression of the color
-coding information.
-Local Variables:
-mode: sgml
-sgml-omittag: nil
-sgml-shorttag: t

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