[kde-doc-english] [khangman] doc: Update KHangman docbooks to 16.04

Burkhard Lück lueck at hube-lueck.de
Wed Apr 27 12:19:23 UTC 2016

Git commit 069ea6bcb5adaa673000b6518df336c30add8c08 by Burkhard Lück.
Committed on 27/04/2016 at 12:18.
Pushed by lueck into branch 'master'.

Update KHangman docbooks to 16.04

Adapt to Gui changes, no menus any more, only 2 toolbars
Remove chapters faq + installation
Chapter developers  updated
Remove para about fonts, apparently khangman installs Dustismo_Roman + Domestic_Manners fonts
Fix how to type Special characters
Remove difficulty levels
New screenshots

A  +-    --    doc/about-kde.png
M  +-    --    doc/application-exit.png
A  +-    --    doc/dialog-information.png
M  +-    --    doc/document-new.png
M  +-    --    doc/games-hint.png
A  +-    --    doc/get-hot-new-stuff.png
M  +-    --    doc/getnewstuff.png
A  +-    --    doc/go-next.png
A  +-    --    doc/handbook.png
A  +-    --    doc/help-hint.png
M  +163  -548  doc/index.docbook
M  +-    --    doc/khangman-desert.png
M  +-    --    doc/khangman-main.png
M  +5    -13   doc/man-khangman.6.docbook
A  +-    --    doc/pause.png
A  +-    --    doc/play.png
A  +-    --    doc/quit.png
M  +-    --    doc/settings-general.png
M  +-    --    doc/settings-languages.png
M  +-    --    doc/settings-timers.png
A  +-    --    doc/settings.png
A  +-    --    doc/settings_icon.png
A  +-    --    doc/statusbar.png
A  +-    --    doc/toolbar.png


diff --git a/doc/about-kde.png b/doc/about-kde.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..341bc13
Binary files /dev/null and b/doc/about-kde.png differ
diff --git a/doc/application-exit.png b/doc/application-exit.png
index dd76354..a9141d0 100644
Binary files a/doc/application-exit.png and b/doc/application-exit.png differ
diff --git a/doc/dialog-information.png b/doc/dialog-information.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..00f75bd
Binary files /dev/null and b/doc/dialog-information.png differ
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index 92642a9..3092571 100644
Binary files a/doc/document-new.png and b/doc/document-new.png differ
diff --git a/doc/games-hint.png b/doc/games-hint.png
index e3b8555..48da8fd 100644
Binary files a/doc/games-hint.png and b/doc/games-hint.png differ
diff --git a/doc/get-hot-new-stuff.png b/doc/get-hot-new-stuff.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4d45db8
Binary files /dev/null and b/doc/get-hot-new-stuff.png differ
diff --git a/doc/getnewstuff.png b/doc/getnewstuff.png
index 2178d58..b044995 100644
Binary files a/doc/getnewstuff.png and b/doc/getnewstuff.png differ
diff --git a/doc/go-next.png b/doc/go-next.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2ffe156
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diff --git a/doc/handbook.png b/doc/handbook.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0989ad5
Binary files /dev/null and b/doc/handbook.png differ
diff --git a/doc/help-hint.png b/doc/help-hint.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7b30212
Binary files /dev/null and b/doc/help-hint.png differ
diff --git a/doc/index.docbook b/doc/index.docbook
index b1557fd..d8bec21 100644
--- a/doc/index.docbook
+++ b/doc/index.docbook
@@ -2,7 +2,6 @@
 <!DOCTYPE book PUBLIC "-//KDE//DTD DocBook XML V4.5-Based Variant V1.1//EN"
  "dtd/kdedbx45.dtd" [
   <!ENTITY kappname "&khangman;">
-  <!ENTITY package "kdeedu">
   <!ENTITY % addindex "IGNORE">
   <!ENTITY % English "INCLUDE"><!-- change language only here -->
@@ -32,12 +31,12 @@
-<releaseinfo>2.5 (&kde; 4.11)</releaseinfo>
+<releaseinfo>3.0 (Applications 16.04)</releaseinfo>
-&khangman; is the classic hangman game for children, adapted for &kde;.
+&khangman; is the classic hangman game for children.
@@ -59,9 +58,7 @@
 &khangman; is a game based on the well-known hangman game. It is aimed at
 children aged six and over. The game has several categories of words to play
-with and among them: <guimenuitem>Animals</guimenuitem> (animals words) and 
-three difficulty categories: <guimenuitem>Easy</guimenuitem>,
-<guimenuitem>Medium</guimenuitem> and <guimenuitem>Hard</guimenuitem>.
+with and among them: Animals, Clothing, Computers, Currencies, Easy and Fruits.
 A word is picked at random, the letters are hidden, and you
 must guess the word by trying one letter after another. Each time you guess a
 wrong letter, part of a picture of a hangman is drawn. You must guess the word
@@ -74,30 +71,29 @@ before being hanged! You have 10 tries.
 <title>Using &khangman;</title>
-<screeninfo>Here's a screenshot of &khangman; when you start it for the first
-	<mediaobject>
-	  <imageobject>
-	    <imagedata fileref="khangman-main.png" format="PNG"/>
-	  </imageobject>
-	    <textobject>
-	    <phrase>&khangman; screenshot</phrase>
-	  </textobject>
-	</mediaobject>
+<screeninfo>Here's a screenshot of &khangman; when you start it for the first time
+<imagedata fileref="khangman-main.png" format="PNG"/>
+<phrase>&khangman; screenshot</phrase>
 Here you can see &khangman; as it is the first time you run it. Category is
 Animals, language is default (English here, the default is your current &kde;
-language if the data exists), the theme is "Sea". Any changes in category,
+language if the data exists), the theme is <quote>Notes</quote>. Any changes in category,
 language or theme (background) are written in the configuration file and
 restored in your next game.
-Please note how easy it is to change the theme, just click on the combo box on
-the toolbar. Getting a new word and quitting the game are also easily done by
-clicking on the corresponding buttons on the toolbar.
+Please note how easy it is to change the theme, just click on the button on
+the bottom toolbar. Getting a new word and quitting the game are also easily done by
+clicking on the corresponding buttons on the toolbars.
 <sect1 id="general-usage">
@@ -105,10 +101,12 @@ clicking on the corresponding buttons on the toolbar.
 <para>A word is chosen and its letters are displayed as an underscore (_)
 symbol. You know how many letters there are in the word. You have to guess the
-word by trying one letter after another. You enter the letter in the text box
-and you either press the &Enter; key or click on the
-<guibutton>Guess</guibutton> button to see if the
-letter belongs or not to the word. </para>
+word by trying one letter after another. You type the letter on the keyboard 
+or select them with the &LMB;. If the letter belongs to the word the background
+color of the letter will change to green, otherwise to red.</para>
+<para>The letter keys in the game window allow you to play &khangman; in foreign 
+languages without changing your keyboard layout.</para>
 <para>The word is picked at random and it is not the same as the previous word.
@@ -116,22 +114,21 @@ letter belongs or not to the word. </para>
 <important><para>All the words are nouns (there are no verbs or
 adjectives, &etc;).</para></important>
-<para>If you need help guessing the word, you can click on the <guiicon>Show
-Hint</guiicon> icon <inlinemediaobject><imageobject> <imagedata
-fileref="games-hint.png" format="PNG"/></imageobject></inlinemediaobject> in the
+<para>If you need help guessing the word, you can click on the <inlinemediaobject><imageobject> <imagedata
+fileref="help-hint.png" format="PNG"/></imageobject></inlinemediaobject> icon in the
 toolbar and a hint will be displayed to give you some clue about the word.
-Clicking the <guiicon>Show Hint</guiicon> icon again will hide the hint. 
+Clicking this icon again will hide the hint. 
-<para>Hints are not displayed in default start mode. 
+<para>Hints are not displayed by default. 
 <para> Usually, it is not important whether you type in lowercase or uppercase.
-The program converts all input into lowercase (except for German words beginning
-with an uppercase letter). The program does that automatically. </para>
+The program converts all input into an uppercase letter. The program does that 
+automatically. </para>
-The current category, wins and losses are displayed in the statusbar.
+The current category, wins and losses are displayed in the window.
@@ -141,12 +138,11 @@ answer is displayed.
-There are 4 categories: easy, medium, hard and animals, plus categories for
-topics in some languages. The program scans for all data files in all
+There are several categories of words available, depending on the selected 
+language. The program scans for all data files in all
 languages and uses &kanagram; words files as well.
- </para>
+<!--FIXME no difficulty levels in KF5?
 In the easy category, the words are quite simple and related to everyday life.
@@ -160,49 +156,31 @@ difficult to spell and not very well known. This category is challenging, even
 <para>After a word is guessed (or the hangman is completed), you are
-congratulated and prompted for another word. You can either click on 
-<guilabel>Play again</guilabel> and another word is ready to be guessed or
-another <guimenu>Category</guimenu> to play.
-To quit the game now select
-</menuchoice> or click the <guiicon>Quit</guiicon> icon in the toolbar.
+congratulated and the next word is presented.
+To quit the game click the <inlinemediaobject><imageobject><imagedata 
+fileref="quit.png" format="PNG"/></imageobject></inlinemediaobject> icon in the top toolbar.
-<para>You type the letter you want to try in the text box (the mouse cursor is
-ready in the text box) and you hit the &Enter; key or click the
-<guibutton>Guess</guibutton> button. If
-the letter belongs to the word, it takes its place, as many times as it appears
-in the word. If the letter does not belong to the word, it goes in the
-field and a further part of the hangman is drawn on the right. You have ten
+<para>You type the letter you want to try on the keyboard or select it
+with the &LMB;. If the letter belongs to the word the key is highlighted in green
+and the letter its place, as many times as it appears in the word. 
+If the letter does not belong to the word, the key is highlighted red. You have ten
 tries and after that you lose and the correct word is displayed.
-<para>During the game, you can choose to start a new game by going in the
-<guimenu>Game</guimenu> menu and choosing <guimenuitem>New</guimenuitem> or
-clicking on the <guiicon>New</guiicon> icon <inlinemediaobject><imageobject>
-fileref="document-new.png" format="PNG"/></imageobject></inlinemediaobject> on
-the toolbar. You can also change
-the category of words using the <guimenu>Category</guimenu> menu (this
-will bring you a new word for the new category).</para>
-<para>The look can easily be changed with the <guimenuitem>Look</guimenuitem>
-toolbar holding the look dropdown box.</para>
+<para>During the game, you can choose to start a new game by clicking on the 
+<inlinemediaobject><imageobject><imagedata fileref="go-next.png" format="PNG"/></imageobject></inlinemediaobject>
+on the bottom toolbar. You can also change the category of words clicking the current category .</para>
-<para>The <guiicon>Quit</guiicon> button on the toolbar
-<inlinemediaobject><imageobject> <imagedata
-format="PNG"/></imageobject></inlinemediaobject> allows you to easily quit the
+<para>The look can easily be changed with theme button on the bottom toolbar.</para>
+<!--Not in kf5?
 <para>You can also play the game with a local file installed on your machine
 that you will open using the <guimenu>Game</guimenu> menu and choosing
 <sect1 id="languages">
@@ -214,33 +192,31 @@ German, Hungarian, Irish (Gaelic), Italian, Norwegian (Bokmål), Norwegian
 (Nynorsk), Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Spanish, Serbian (Latin and Cyrillic),
 Tajik, Swedish, Russian and Turkish. You can even try Chinese if you install
-the files from &kanagram;!!
+the files from &kanagram;.
 By default, after the first installation of &khangman;, only English and your
 &kde; language if it is one of the above and if you have the corresponding
 kde-i18n package will be installed. For example if you are a Danish user and if
-you have &kde; in Danish, in <guimenu>Language</guimenu> you will see two
+you have &kde; in Danish, in Language you will see two
 items: English and Danish and Danish will be the default. </para>
 You can still play &khangman; in other languages. It is very easy to add new
 data in &khangman;. All you need is a working Internet connection. You click on
-the <guimenu>Game</guimenu> menu and then on <guimenuitem>Get Words in New
-Language...</guimenuitem>. A dialog appears, similar to this one:
+<inlinemediaobject><imageobject><imagedata fileref="get-hot-new-stuff.png" format="PNG"/></imageobject></inlinemediaobject>
+and a dialog appears, similar to this one:
 <screeninfo>The Get New Words dialog for &khangman;</screeninfo>
-	<mediaobject>
-	  <imageobject>
-	    <imagedata fileref="getnewstuff.png" format="PNG"/>
-	  </imageobject>
-	    <textobject>
-	    <phrase>The Get New Words dialog for &khangman;</phrase>
-	  </textobject>
-	</mediaobject>
+<imagedata fileref="getnewstuff.png" format="PNG"/>
+<phrase>The Get New Words dialog for &khangman;</phrase>
@@ -253,46 +229,37 @@ data is immediately installed and available in &khangman;. You click on the
 want another data file, you can repeat these steps). </para>
-You can then easily change the language by going in the
-<guimenu>Language</guimenu> and choose the new language. </para>
+You can then easily change the language by clicking the language button 
+and choose the new language. </para>
-Please note that you can now type the special characters in a language by
-displaying the <interface>Special Characters</interface> toolbar. This toolbar
-holds buttons with an icon of each special character per language like é
-in French for example. Clicking on such a button will write the corresponding
-letter in the input line and you validate your choice with &Enter;. You can of
-course also use the keyboard layout corresponding to the language. This toolbar
-can be shown or hidden. The setting is restored next time you play &khangman;.
+Please note that you the special characters in a language are displayed on the keyboard.
+Here you see buttons with an icon of each special character per language like é
+in French for example. Clicking on such a button will select the corresponding
+letter. You can of course also use the keyboard layout corresponding to the language.
+<!--FIXME still true in KF5? apparently khangman installs Dustismo_Roman + Domestic_Manners fonts
 Please note that you need Arial and URW Bookman fonts in order to display the
 special characters correctly in some languages. Provided you have those fonts
 installed, &khangman; will automatically use them. If you see small squares
 instead of letters, then you may not have one of these fonts installed. Type
 <command>fonts:/</command> into the &konqueror; address bar to check which fonts
-you have installed. </para></important>
+you have installed. </para></important> -->
 <sect1 id="few-tips">
 <title>A few tips</title>
 In English, try to guess the vowels first. Then have a go with the most common
-l, t, r, n, s
+l, t, r, n, s.
 <para>When you see <quote>io</quote>, try n after that, in French and English.
-In Brazilian Portuguese, Catalan, Spanish and Portuguese, the accented
-vowels can be discovered when you type the non accented corresponding
-vowel. For example, all the accented <quote>a</quote> are displayed in
-the word when you type <quote>a</quote>. This is when <guilabel>Type accented
-letters</guilabel> on the <guilabel>Languages</guilabel> page of &khangman;'s
-configuration dialog is not checked. When <guilabel>Type accented
-letters</guilabel> is checked, then you have to type
-the accented letters yourself. When you type <quote>a</quote>, only
+<para>ou have to either type the accented letters yourself or click on them.. When you type <quote>a</quote>, only
 <quote>a</quote> is displayed and you have to type for example
 ã for this letter to be displayed.
@@ -300,116 +267,71 @@ the accented letters yourself. When you type <quote>a</quote>, only
 by t (9.1%) then a (8.2%), i (7.0%) and n (6.7%). </para>
 <chapter id="menus">
-<title>Menubar and toolbars</title>
+<title>Menubar and Toolbars</title>
 <sect1 id="mainwindow">
 <title>The Main &khangman; Window</title>
-<para>The <guimenu>Game</guimenu> menu has 3 items:
-<guimenuitem>New</guimenuitem>, <guimenuitem>Get Words in New
-Language...</guimenuitem> and <guimenuitem>Quit</guimenuitem>.</para>
-<para><guimenuitem>New</guimenuitem> brings you a new game, &ie; a new word to
-guess, in the same category you already are. <guimenuitem>Get Words in New
-Language...</guimenuitem> will display the Get New Stuff dialog to allow you to
-download data in a new language. <guimenuitem>Quit</guimenuitem> quits the game
-by closing the main window and writing the actual settings in the configuration
-The <guimenu>Category</guimenu> menu allows you to choose the category of words
-you want to play with and also three difficulty categories.
-The <guimenu>Language</guimenu> menu allows you to change the language the
-words are displayed in. 
-The <guimenu>Look</guimenu> menu proposes four themes: the <guimenuitem>Sea
-Theme</guimenuitem>, the <guimenuitem>Winter Theme</guimenuitem>, the
-<guimenuitem>Bee Theme</guimenuitem> and the <guimenuitem>Desert
-Theme</guimenuitem>. The background and the font colors change for each theme.
-The <guimenu>Settings</guimenu> menu allows you to configure
-&khangman; easily.  First, <guimenuitem>Toolbars</guimenuitem>,
-<guimenuitem>Show Hint</guimenuitem> and
-<guimenuitem>Show Statusbar</guimenuitem> give you the possibility to
-hide or show the toolbars, hints and the statusbar.
-<para>There are four toolbars: the <guimenuitem>Main</guimenuitem>,
-and <guimenuitem>Language</guimenuitem> toolbars which are the one on top
-with the buttons and combo boxes and the
-<guilabel>Special Characters</guilabel> toolbar which, when it is shown, is
-on the bottom. This toolbar has buttons with the special characters
-for each language: accented letters and other special characters. This
-allows users to easily play in another language without having to configure
-a new keyboard layout. You click on a special letter and it is
-displayed as the letter to try. Pressing &Enter; will make the program
-see if the letter is present in the word or not. The toolbar can be
-hidden if you don't want it. This is saved in the configuration file
-so if the toolbar is hidden, it will be hidden next time you run
-It is of course possible to move the toolbars around. Put the mouse
-cursor on the small handle on the left of the toolbar, press the &LMB;
-and drag the toolbar to position it on the screen where you want
-it. If you point the mouse on one of the toolbars and press the right
-mouse button, a context menu appears to let you choose different
-options for the toolbar.
-<guimenuitem>Configure Shortcuts...</guimenuitem> is a standard &kde; setting
-dialog that allows you to choose different shortcut keys for different actions.
-For example, <keycombo action="simul">&Ctrl;<keycap>Q</keycap></keycombo> is the
-standard shortcut for <guimenuitem>Quit</guimenuitem>.</para>
-<para><guimenuitem>Configure Toolbars...</guimenuitem> is also a standard &kde;
-menu item that allows you to add or suppress items from the toolbar.
 <screeninfo>&khangman; Desert theme</screeninfo>
-	<mediaobject>
-	  <imageobject>
-	    <imagedata fileref="khangman-desert.png" format="PNG"/>
-	  </imageobject>
-	    <textobject>
-	    <phrase>&khangman; Desert theme</phrase>
-	  </textobject>
-	</mediaobject>
+<imagedata fileref="khangman-desert.png" format="PNG"/>
+<phrase>&khangman; Desert theme</phrase>
 <para> Here you have &khangman; with the Desert theme, French language and
-Easy. The <interface>Special Characters</interface> toolbar is shown
-The category is chosen with a combo box in the toolbar or via the
-<guimenu>Category</guimenu> menu in the menubar. Available are
-<guimenuitem>Easy</guimenuitem>, <guimenuitem>Medium</guimenuitem>,
-<guimenuitem>Animals</guimenuitem> and <guimenuitem>Hard</guimenuitem> and some
-<guimenuitem>Easy</guimenuitem> is related to common objects a child 
-aged six or seven knows. <guimenuitem>Medium</guimenuitem> regards nouns
-a bit more challenging, <guimenuitem>Hard</guimenuitem> is quite difficult and 
-<guimenuitem>Animals</guimenuitem> is only animals nouns. There are also some 
-other categories of words, depending on the language.
+category <quote>Animaux</quote>. The special characters for french are shown here.</para>
+<para>The game has the main toolbar at the top of the window:</para>
+<inlinemediaobject><imageobject><imagedata fileref="play.png" format="PNG"/></imageobject></inlinemediaobject> or 
+<inlinemediaobject><imageobject><imagedata fileref="pause.png" format="PNG"/></imageobject></inlinemediaobject> 
+Start or stop a game
+<member><inlinemediaobject><imageobject><imagedata fileref="settings_icon.png" format="PNG"/></imageobject></inlinemediaobject>
+Open the settings dialog
+<member><inlinemediaobject><imageobject><imagedata fileref="dialog-information.png" format="PNG"/></imageobject></inlinemediaobject>
+About &khangman;
+<member><inlinemediaobject><imageobject><imagedata fileref="about-kde.png" format="PNG"/></imageobject></inlinemediaobject>
+About &kde;
+<member><inlinemediaobject><imageobject><imagedata fileref="handbook.png" format="PNG"/></imageobject></inlinemediaobject>
+View the &khangman; handbook
+<member><inlinemediaobject><imageobject><imagedata fileref="get-hot-new-stuff.png" format="PNG"/></imageobject></inlinemediaobject>
+Download new language files from the Internet
+<member><inlinemediaobject><imageobject><imagedata fileref="quit.png" format="PNG"/></imageobject></inlinemediaobject>
+Quit &khangman;
+<para>The bottom toolbar is displayed only when playing a game, if you pause the game this toolbar is hidden:</para>
+<member><inlinemediaobject><imageobject><imagedata fileref="help-hint.png" format="PNG"/></imageobject></inlinemediaobject>
+- Display a hint about the word to guess
+<member>A button to change the category</member>
+<member>Language selection</member>
+<member>Theme selection</member>
+<member>Reveal the word to guess</member>
+<member><inlinemediaobject><imageobject><imagedata fileref="go-next.png" format="PNG"/></imageobject></inlinemediaobject>
+Load the next word and start a new game
 <para> All words are nouns. No verbs, no adjectives. The chosen category
  is then displayed on the statusbar.</para>
@@ -417,308 +339,58 @@ other categories of words, depending on the language.
 <sect1 id="settings">
-<title>Available Settings</title>
-A toolbar is provided for quick access to some settings. You can click on a
-button to have a new game (i.e. a new word), to see the hint or to quit the
-game. The theme is easily changed via a combo box on the toolbar. 
-In <menuchoice><guimenu>Settings</guimenu> <guimenuitem>Configure
-&khangman;...</guimenuitem> </menuchoice> you will find tree pages. The first
-one is for <guilabel>General</guilabel> settings. 
-<sect2 id="general-settings">
-<title>General Settings</title>
-<screeninfo>&khangman; General settings</screeninfo>
-	<mediaobject>
-	  <imageobject>
-	    <imagedata fileref="settings-general.png" format="PNG"/>
-	  </imageobject>
-	    <textobject>
-	    <phrase>&khangman; General settings</phrase>
-	  </textobject>
-	</mediaobject>
+<screeninfo>&khangman; settings</screeninfo>
+<imagedata fileref="settings.png" format="PNG"/>
+<phrase>&khangman; settings</phrase>
-<para><guilabel>Require more guesses for duplicate letters</guilabel>: this is
-unchecked as default. When unchecked, if you try the letter "a" and the word has
-several as, they will be all displayed. For example if the word is "potato" and
-you try "o", both os will be diaplayed. If you check this option however, only
-the first "o" will be displayed and you will have to try it one more time to
-display the second "o" in "potato". This increases the difficulty.
-<para><guilabel>Enable animations</guilabel>: the default is checked, that means
-that when you win a game, a message box will be displayed to tell you that you
-won and ask you if you want to play again. If you uncheck this option, this
-dialog is not displayed anymore, instead a new game starts directly after 3
+<!--FIXME Not displayed ?
+Hint show duration
+The duration for showing the hint for the actual word
+<para>The <guilabel>Word resolve time in seconds</guilabel> sets the
+maximum allowed time for resolving the word in &khangman;. Default value is 120 seconds.
+Young children will need more time to understand the game, for adults reduce 
+the resolve time to keep the game exciting.
-<para><guilabel>Enable hints globally</guilabel>: the default is unchecked.
-Hints are not shown. If you check this (or use the <guilabel>Show
-Hints</guilabel> icon or 
-the <menuchoice><guimenu>Settings</guimenu><guimenuitem>Show
-Hint</guimenuitem></menuchoice> menu or use the shortcut 
-<keycombo action="simul">&Ctrl;<keycap>H</keycap></keycombo>), a hint will be
-displayed above the word to guess to help you find the word more easily.
+<para> <!--FIXME Can not edit this value - what is the usecase?-->
+<guilabel>Score Multiplying Factor</guilabel> determines the factor by which 
+the scores will be multiplied.
-In the <guilabel>Sounds</guilabel> section, if you check <guilabel>Enable
-sounds</guilabel> then a sound will be played on new game and another sound will
-be played when you win a game.
-<sect2 id="languages-settings">
-<title>Languages Settings</title>
-<para>The <guilabel>Languages</guilabel> Settings tab allows you to set some
-settings specific to some languages. If the settings are not available for the
-language you are playing in then those settings will be grayed and disabled so
-you cannot choose them.
-<screeninfo>&khangman; Languages Settings</screeninfo>
-	<mediaobject>
-	  <imageobject>
-	    <imagedata fileref="settings-languages.png" format="PNG"/>
-	  </imageobject>
-	    <textobject>
-	    <phrase>&khangman; Languages Settings</phrase>
-	  </textobject>
-	</mediaobject>
-<para><guilabel>Type accented letters</guilabel> is available for Spanish,
-Portuguese and Catalan in &khangman;'s configuration dialog. If you check
-<guilabel>Type accented letters</guilabel>  then you will have to type all
-accented vowels (like ã). If this remains unchecked, when you type any
-vowel, all accented vowels will be displayed as well.
+If you check <guilabel>Sounds</guilabel> then a sound will be played on new game 
+and another sound will be played when you win a game.
-<sect2 id="timers-settings">
-<title>Timers Settings</title>
-<para>The <guilabel>Timers</guilabel> Settings tab allows you to set
-<guilabel>Time for displaying the Already Guessed Letter tooltip</guilabel>.
-<screeninfo>&khangman; Timers Settings</screeninfo>
-	<mediaobject>
-	  <imageobject>
-	    <imagedata fileref="settings-timers.png" format="PNG"/>
-	  </imageobject>
-	    <textobject>
-	    <phrase>&khangman; Timers Settings</phrase>
-	  </textobject>
-	</mediaobject>
-<para><guilabel>Time for displaying the Already Guessed Letter
-tooltip</guilabel> allows you to increase or decrease the time for displaying
-the Already Guessed Letter tooltip. This tooltip is a label which appears when
-you tried a letter that was already tried. Some people will want not to see it
-for long while children will need time to understand it and thus will need to
-set the display for a longer duration.
-<chapter id="commands">
-<title>Command Reference</title>
-<sect1 id="khangman-mainwindow">
-<title>Menus and Shortcut Keys</title>
-<title>The Game Menu</title>
-<keycombo action="simul">&Ctrl;<keycap>N</keycap></keycombo>
-<listitem><para><action>New</action> game (&ie; new word)</para></listitem>
-<keycombo action="simul">&Ctrl;<keycap>O</keycap></keycombo>
-<listitem><para><action>Open</action> a local file to play with the
-<keycombo action="simul">&Ctrl;<keycap>G</keycap></keycombo>
-<guimenuitem>Get Words in New Language...</guimenuitem>
-<listitem><para><action>Display</action> the <guilabel>Get Hot New
-Stuff!</guilabel> dialog which lists all the data available in the different
-languages. </para></listitem>
-<keycombo action="simul">&Ctrl;<keycap>Q</keycap></keycombo>
-<listitem><para><action>Quits</action> &khangman;</para></listitem>
-<title>The Category Menu</title>
-<listitem><para><action>Choose</action> the list of animals words to
-<para>All other installed categories are displayed as items in this menu as
-<listitem><para><action>Choose</action> the list of easy words to
-<listitem><para><action>Choose</action> the list of medium difficulty words to
-<listitem><para><action>Choose</action> the list of difficult words to
-<title>The Language Menu</title>
-<listitem><para><action>Choose</action> the English language for the words to
-<para>All other installed languages are displayed as items in this menu as
-<title>The Look Menu</title>
-<guimenuitem>Sea Theme</guimenuitem>
-<listitem><para><action>Choose</action> the Sea background picture and
-associated font colors</para></listitem>
-<guimenuitem>Winter Theme</guimenuitem>
-<listitem><para><action>Choose</action> the Winter background picture and
-associated font colors</para></listitem>
-<guimenuitem>Bee Theme</guimenuitem>
-<listitem><para><action>Choose</action> the Bee background picture and
-associated font colors</para></listitem>
-<guimenuitem>Desert Theme</guimenuitem>
-<listitem><para><action>Choose</action> the Desert background picture and
-associated font colors</para></listitem>
-Additionally &khangman; has the common &kde; <guimenu>Settings</guimenu> and <guimenu>Help</guimenu>
-menu items, for more information read the sections about the <ulink url="help:/fundamentals/ui.html#menus-settings"
->Settings Menu</ulink> and <ulink url="help:/fundamentals/ui.html#menus-help">Help Menu</ulink>
-of the &kde; Fundamentals.
 <chapter id="developers">
 <title>Developer's Guide to &khangman;</title>
 <sect1 id="changing-words">
 <title>How to translate words in a new language for the game</title>
-<para>Please follow the procedure and then send me the files tarred and gzipped
-to &Anne-Marie.Mahfouf.mail;.
+<para>Please follow the procedure and then send the files tarred and gzipped
+to the <ulink url="https://mail.kde.org/mailman/listinfo/kde-edu">kde-edu mailinglist</ulink>.
-Please have a look in &khangman; <guimenuitem>Get Words in New
-Language...</guimenuitem> in the <guimenu>Game</guimenu> menu to see if your
-language is available yet. If it is, then you can check if it contains
+Please have a look in &khangman; <inlinemediaobject><imageobject><imagedata 
+fileref="get-hot-new-stuff.png" format="PNG"/></imageobject></inlinemediaobject>
+in the top toolbar to see if your language is available yet. 
+If it is, then you can check if it contains <emphasis>hints</emphasis>.
 <para>The standard list words are stored in 4 separate files, so to make
 different categories. The files are in
@@ -809,7 +481,8 @@ keep the length and category of difficulty roughly the same.
 <para>You can include words with white space or - in them, in that case the
-white space or the - will be shown instead of the _. Please contact me if
+white space or the - will be shown instead of the _. Please contact the 
+<ulink url="https://mail.kde.org/mailman/listinfo/kde-edu">kde-edu mailinglist</ulink> if
 there is anything special related to your language so I can adapt the code to it
 (especially the special and accented characters).
@@ -829,10 +502,10 @@ some if you want.</para>
 <para>You can then commit your files in 
-<emphasis>l10n-kde4/<lang_code>/data/kdeedu/khangman</emphasis>. Don't
-forget to update the CMakeLists.txt file as well.
-Please contact me by email if you need further
-information. When you send me the files, please don't forget to mention any
+<emphasis>l10n-kde4/<lang_code>/data/kdeedu/kdeedu-data/</emphasis>. Do not
+forget to update the CMakeLists.txt file as well. Please contact the 
+<ulink url="https://mail.kde.org/mailman/listinfo/kde-edu">kde-edu mailinglist</ulink> if you need further
+information. When you send the files, please do not forget to mention any
 <emphasis role="bold">special characters</emphasis> used in your language (put
 them in a text file, one per line and add this file in the tarball) and please
 mention any other specificity.</para>
@@ -849,69 +522,29 @@ game.</emphasis></para>
 When you get a new language via <menuchoice><guimenu>Game</guimenu>
 <guimenuitem>Get Words in New Language...</guimenuitem></menuchoice>, the new
 language data is stored in <filename
-class="directory">$KDEHOME/share/apps/kvtml/</filename> in the language code
+class="directory">$XDG_DATA_HOME/share/apps/kvtml/</filename> in the language code
 folder. The available language dir names are also stored in the &khangman;
-config file in <filename>$KDEHOME/share/config/khangmanrc</filename>.
+config file in <filename>$XDG_DATA_HOME/share/config/khangmanrc</filename>.
 The provider name (i.e. the address of the website where to download the new
 languages) is stored in
 The English language (default) and the user language from his i18n package(s)
 (if available) are stored in <filename
 In the configuration file, stored for each user in
-<filename>$KDEHOME/share/config/khangmanrc</filename> are saved all the game
+<filename>$XDG_DATA_HOME/share/config/khangmanrc</filename> are saved all the game
 settings such as the background, last category played, ... plus the files that
 were downloaded from the <guilabel>Get Hot New Stuff!</guilabel> dialog.
-<chapter id="faq">
-<title>Questions and Answers</title>
-<qandaset id="faqlist">
-<para>I have an error message telling me the pictures cannot be found.</para>
-<para>The game installs by default in <filename
-class="directory">/usr/local/kde</filename> so add <filename
-class="directory">/usr/local/kde/bin</filename> to your path and set
-the <envar>KDEDIR</envar> variable to <filename
-class="directory">/usr/local/kde</filename> before running the
-game. An easy way is to configure &khangman; with the option
-<option>--prefix</option>=$<envar>KDEDIR</envar> where
-$<envar>KDEDIR</envar> is where the rest of &kde; is installed.  This
-could vary widely, depending on the distribution and operating system
-you have. Better install &khangman; from your distribution!</para>
-<para>&khangman; does not start correctly after I upgraded from an earlier
-version to the &kde; 4 version</para>
-There might be a problem due to the change of the configuration file. Please
-remove the <filename>khangmanrc</filename> file in your <filename
-class="directory">$KDEHOME/share/config</filename> folder. 
 <chapter id="credits">
 <title>Credits and License</title>
@@ -1016,24 +649,6 @@ Documentation copyright 2001-2007 &Anne-Marie.Mahfouf; &Anne-Marie.Mahfouf.mail;
-<appendix id="installation">
-<sect1 id="getting-khangman">
-<title>How to obtain &khangman;</title>
-<sect1 id="compilation">
-<title>Compilation and installation</title>
diff --git a/doc/khangman-desert.png b/doc/khangman-desert.png
index f5c9945..53860e0 100644
Binary files a/doc/khangman-desert.png and b/doc/khangman-desert.png differ
diff --git a/doc/khangman-main.png b/doc/khangman-main.png
index 4b3c668..cc01979 100644
Binary files a/doc/khangman-main.png and b/doc/khangman-main.png differ
diff --git a/doc/man-khangman.6.docbook b/doc/man-khangman.6.docbook
index 9560d41..816386d 100644
--- a/doc/man-khangman.6.docbook
+++ b/doc/man-khangman.6.docbook
@@ -5,11 +5,11 @@
 <refentry lang="&language;">
-<title>KDE User's Manual</title>
+<title>KHangman User's Manual</title>
 <author><firstname>Ben</firstname><surname>Burton</surname> <contrib>&khangman; man page.</contrib> 
 <email>bab at debian.org</email></author>
-<productname>K Desktop Environment</productname>
+<productname>KDE Applications</productname>
@@ -22,19 +22,11 @@
 <refpurpose>The classical hangman game for KDE</refpurpose>
-<arg choice="opt">KDE Generic Options</arg>
-<arg choice="opt">Qt Generic Options</arg>
 <para>&khangman; is a game based on the well known hangman game.  It is
-aimed for children 6 and above.  It has several levels of difficulty: A lot of categories like Animals
-(animals words) and Easy, Medium and Hard.</para><para>A word is picked at
+aimed for children 6 and above.  It has several word categories like Animals, 
+Clothing, Computers, Currencies and more.</para><para>A word is picked at
 random and the letters are hidden. You must guess the word by trying one
 letter after another.  Each time you guess a wrong letter, part of a picture
 of a hangman is drawn.  You must guess the word before getting hanged!  You
diff --git a/doc/pause.png b/doc/pause.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c1fcc10
Binary files /dev/null and b/doc/pause.png differ
diff --git a/doc/play.png b/doc/play.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1c8408f
Binary files /dev/null and b/doc/play.png differ
diff --git a/doc/quit.png b/doc/quit.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..afe1cbe
Binary files /dev/null and b/doc/quit.png differ
diff --git a/doc/settings-general.png b/doc/settings-general.png
index c58376d..f749660 100644
Binary files a/doc/settings-general.png and b/doc/settings-general.png differ
diff --git a/doc/settings-languages.png b/doc/settings-languages.png
index 1f276df..c4e4cd0 100644
Binary files a/doc/settings-languages.png and b/doc/settings-languages.png differ
diff --git a/doc/settings-timers.png b/doc/settings-timers.png
index 52174c1..5f9be4f 100644
Binary files a/doc/settings-timers.png and b/doc/settings-timers.png differ
diff --git a/doc/settings.png b/doc/settings.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..df49c9d
Binary files /dev/null and b/doc/settings.png differ
diff --git a/doc/settings_icon.png b/doc/settings_icon.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1979a71
Binary files /dev/null and b/doc/settings_icon.png differ
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0a38739
Binary files /dev/null and b/doc/statusbar.png differ
diff --git a/doc/toolbar.png b/doc/toolbar.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..54d612c
Binary files /dev/null and b/doc/toolbar.png differ

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