[kde-doc-english] [rocs/Applications/15.04] doc: Handbook: remove API reference.

Andreas Cord-Landwehr cordlandwehr at kde.org
Sun Mar 15 13:57:42 UTC 2015

Git commit 486397cbf5761f2fc105c4640bffdc0c4dec87a6 by Andreas Cord-Landwehr.
Committed on 15/03/2015 at 13:56.
Pushed by cordlandwehr into branch 'Applications/15.04'.

Handbook: remove API reference.

It's available as in-line help in Rocs.

D  +0    -58   doc/apiConsole.docbook
D  +0    -163  doc/apiDatastructure.docbook
D  +0    -399  doc/apiGraphstructure.docbook
M  +9    -11   doc/index.docbook


diff --git a/doc/apiConsole.docbook b/doc/apiConsole.docbook
deleted file mode 100644
index aea7e5b..0000000
--- a/doc/apiConsole.docbook
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
-<sect1 id="include-scripting-interface">
-<title>Scripting Interfaces</title>
-<title>Console Object</title>
-    The Console object allows you to print messages of different importance to a log.
-    Console is not a constructor. All properties and methods of Console can be called by using Console as an object, without creating it.
-Console.log("This is a program message."); // print a program message
-Console.debug("A debug message."); // print a debug message
-<title>Console Object Methods</title>
-    Print the given message of normal severity.
-<funcdef>void <function>log</function></funcdef>
-    <paramdef>string <parameter>message</parameter></paramdef>
-    Print the given debug message.
-<funcdef>void <function>debug</function></funcdef>
-    <paramdef>string <parameter>message</parameter></paramdef>
-    Print the given error message of high severity.
-<funcdef>void <function>error</function></funcdef>
-    <paramdef>string <parameter>message</parameter></paramdef>
diff --git a/doc/apiDatastructure.docbook b/doc/apiDatastructure.docbook
deleted file mode 100644
index ebafae3..0000000
--- a/doc/apiDatastructure.docbook
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,163 +0,0 @@
-<sect1 id="scripting-data-structure">
-<title>Scripting API for every Data Structure</title>
-<title>Abstract Data Structure Object</title>
-The abstract data structure defines a set of data elements and possible connections between them, this is the prototype for every other data structure.
-Data structures are identified by their names.
-Assuming you created a data structure with name <literal>testgraph</literal>, then you can access the data structure simply by writing this identifier.
-For example, to get an array with all data elements in the given data structure, you can write <literal>testgraph.list_nodes();</literal> in the script.
-    <listitem>
-        <para>
-        <emphasis>name</emphasis> :
-        </para>
-        <para>The unique name of this data structure.</para>
-    </listitem>
-<title>Abstract Data</title>
-An abstract data element is a unit of information that belongs to an abstract data structure and possibly is connected to other data elements by pointers.
-    <listitem>
-        <para>
-        <emphasis>width</emphasis> :
-        </para>
-        <para>The size of this data element.</para>
-    </listitem>
-    <listitem>
-        <para>
-        <emphasis>x</emphasis> :
-        </para>
-        <para>The x-coordinate of this data element.</para>
-    </listitem>
-    <listitem>
-        <para>
-        <emphasis>y</emphasis> :
-        </para>
-        <para>The y-coordinate of this data element.</para>
-    </listitem>
-    <listitem>
-        <para>
-        <emphasis>id</emphasis> :
-        </para>
-        <para>The unique identifier of this data element.</para>
-    </listitem>
-    <listitem>
-        <para>
-        <emphasis>color</emphasis> :
-        </para>
-        <para>The color of this data element stated as hexadecimal value.</para>
-    </listitem>
-<title>Abstract Pointer</title>
-A pointer connects two data elements and can itself hold information by its properties.
-    <listitem>
-        <para>
-        <emphasis>width</emphasis> :
-        </para>
-        <para>The width of the connection.</para>
-    </listitem>
-    <listitem>
-        <para>
-        <emphasis>directed</emphasis> :
-        </para>
-        <para>If true, the connection is directed. Otherwise is connection is undirected.</para>
-    </listitem>
-    <listitem>
-        <para>
-        <emphasis>from</emphasis> :
-        </para>
-        <para>Start of the connection.</para>
-    </listitem>
-    <listitem>
-        <para>
-        <emphasis>to</emphasis> :
-        </para>
-        <para>End of the connection</para>
-    </listitem>
-    <listitem>
-        <para>
-        <emphasis>color</emphasis> :
-        </para>
-        <para>ID of the connection type.</para>
-    </listitem>
-    <varlistentry>
-    <term>remove()</term>
-    <listitem>
-        <para>Remove this connection.</para>
-    <funcsynopsis><funcprototype>
-    <funcdef>void <function>remove</function></funcdef>
-    <paramdef></paramdef>
-    </funcprototype>
-    </funcsynopsis>
-    </listitem>
-    </varlistentry>
-    <varlistentry>
-    <term>add_property(name, value)</term>
-    <listitem>
-        <para>Add a new property to the connection.</para>
-    <funcsynopsis><funcprototype>
-    <funcdef>void <function>add_property</function></funcdef>
-        <paramdef>string <parameter><replaceable>name</replaceable></parameter></paramdef>
-        <paramdef>string <parameter><replaceable>value</replaceable></parameter></paramdef>
-    </funcprototype>
-    </funcsynopsis>
-    </listitem>
-    </varlistentry>
-    <varlistentry>
-    <term>remove_property(name)</term>
-    <listitem>
-        <para>Remove an existing property from the connection.</para>
-    <funcsynopsis><funcprototype>
-    <funcdef>void <function>remove_property</function></funcdef>
-        <paramdef>string <parameter><replaceable>name</replaceable></parameter></paramdef>
-    </funcprototype>
-    </funcsynopsis>
-    </listitem>
-    </varlistentry>
diff --git a/doc/apiGraphstructure.docbook b/doc/apiGraphstructure.docbook
deleted file mode 100644
index be0b767..0000000
--- a/doc/apiGraphstructure.docbook
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,399 +0,0 @@
-<title>Scripting API for Graph Backend</title>
-    The data structure properties dialog allows access to configure settings specific to the Graph backend.
-    There, with <guilabel>Graph Type</guilabel> you can select the type of the graph. The meaning of these types is as follows:
-    <listitem><para>
-    <guilabel>Graph</guilabel>: Graph at which same edges (with respect to start and end points) may not exist multiple times.
-    </para></listitem>
-    <listitem><para>
-    <guilabel>Multigraph</guilabel>: Graph at which same edges (with respect to start and end points) may exist multiple times.
-    </para></listitem>
-<title>Graph Data Structure</title>
-A graph objects holds the information of a data structure of type <quote>Graph</quote>.
-    <listitem>
-        <para>
-        <emphasis>name</emphasis> :
-        </para>
-        <para>The unique name of this data structure.</para>
-    </listitem>
-    <varlistentry>
-    <term>nodes()</term>
-    <listitem>
-        <para>Return list all nodes in the graph.</para>
-    <funcsynopsis><funcprototype>
-    <funcdef>array <function>nodes</function></funcdef>
-    <paramdef></paramdef>
-    </funcprototype>
-    </funcsynopsis>
-    </listitem>
-    </varlistentry>
-    <varlistentry>
-    <term>nodes(type)</term>
-    <listitem>
-        <para>Return list all nodes in the graph of specified type.</para>
-    <funcsynopsis><funcprototype>
-    <funcdef>array <function>nodes</function></funcdef>
-    <paramdef>int <parameter><replaceable>type</replaceable></parameter></paramdef>
-    </funcprototype>
-    </funcsynopsis>
-    </listitem>
-    </varlistentry>
-    <varlistentry>
-    <term>edges()</term>
-    <listitem>
-        <para>Return list all edges in the graph.</para>
-    <funcsynopsis><funcprototype>
-    <funcdef>array <function>edges</function></funcdef>
-    <paramdef></paramdef>
-    </funcprototype>
-    </funcsynopsis>
-    </listitem>
-    </varlistentry>
-    <varlistentry>
-    <term>edges(type)</term>
-    <listitem>
-        <para>Return list all edges in the graph of specified type.</para>
-    <funcsynopsis><funcprototype>
-    <funcdef>array <function>edges</function></funcdef>
-        <paramdef>int <parameter><replaceable>type</replaceable></parameter></paramdef>
-    </funcprototype>
-    </funcsynopsis>
-    </listitem>
-    </varlistentry>
-    <varlistentry>
-    <term>createNode(type)</term>
-    <listitem>
-        <para>Create a new node of the specified type and return the created node. If the type is not registered, no node is created.</para>
-    <funcsynopsis><funcprototype>
-    <funcdef>GraphNode <function>createNode</function></funcdef>
-        <paramdef>int <parameter><replaceable>type</replaceable></parameter></paramdef>
-    </funcprototype>
-    </funcsynopsis>
-    </listitem>
-    </varlistentry>
-    <varlistentry>
-    <term>createNode()</term>
-    <listitem>
-        <para>Create a new node of default type and return the created node.</para>
-    <funcsynopsis><funcprototype>
-    <funcdef>GraphNode <function>createNode</function></funcdef>
-    <paramdef></paramdef>
-    </funcprototype>
-    </funcsynopsis>
-    </listitem>
-    </varlistentry>
-    <varlistentry>
-    <term>createEdge(from, to, type)</term>
-    <listitem>
-        <para>Create an edge from node "from" to node "to" of the specified type and return the created edge. If the type is not registered, no edge is created.</para>
-    <funcsynopsis><funcprototype>
-    <funcdef>GraphEdge <function>createEdge</function></funcdef>
-        <paramdef>GraphNode <parameter><replaceable>from</replaceable></parameter></paramdef>
-        <paramdef>GraphNode <parameter><replaceable>to</replaceable></parameter></paramdef>
-        <paramdef>int <parameter><replaceable>type</replaceable></parameter></paramdef>
-    </funcprototype>
-    </funcsynopsis>
-    </listitem>
-    </varlistentry>
-    <varlistentry>
-    <term>createEdge(from, to)</term>
-    <listitem>
-        <para>Create an edge from node "from" to node "to" of default type and return the created edge.</para>
-    <funcsynopsis><funcprototype>
-    <funcdef>GraphEdge <function>createEdge</function></funcdef>
-        <paramdef>GraphNode <parameter><replaceable>from</replaceable></parameter></paramdef>
-        <paramdef>GraphNode <parameter><replaceable>to</replaceable></parameter></paramdef>
-    </funcprototype>
-    </funcsynopsis>
-    </listitem>
-    </varlistentry>
-    <varlistentry>
-    <term>distances(from)</term>
-    <listitem>
-        <para>Returns an array of shortest path lengths from this node to every other node in the graph.</para>
-    <funcsynopsis><funcprototype>
-    <funcdef>Array <function>distances</function></funcdef>
-        <paramdef>GraphNode <parameter><replaceable>from</replaceable></parameter></paramdef>
-    </funcprototype>
-    </funcsynopsis>
-    </listitem>
-    </varlistentry>
-<title>Graph Node</title>
-A node is the data element of a graph.
-    <listitem>
-        <para>
-        <emphasis>width</emphasis> :
-        </para>
-        <para>The size of this data element.</para>
-    </listitem>
-    <listitem>
-        <para>
-        <emphasis>x</emphasis> :
-        </para>
-        <para>The x-coordinate of this data element.</para>
-    </listitem>
-    <listitem>
-        <para>
-        <emphasis>y</emphasis> :
-        </para>
-        <para>The y-coordinate of this data element.</para>
-    </listitem>
-    <listitem>
-        <para>
-        <emphasis>id</emphasis> :
-        </para>
-        <para>The unique identifier of this data element.</para>
-    </listitem>
-    <listitem>
-        <para>
-        <emphasis>color</emphasis> :
-        </para>
-        <para>The color of this data element stated as hexadecimal value.</para>
-    </listitem>
-    <varlistentry>
-    <term>neighbors()</term>
-    <listitem>
-        <para>Return list all nodes connected to this node. This method respects if edges are directed.</para>
-    <funcsynopsis><funcprototype>
-    <funcdef>array <function>neighbors</function></funcdef>
-    <paramdef></paramdef>
-    </funcprototype>
-    </funcsynopsis>
-    </listitem>
-    </varlistentry>
-    <varlistentry>
-    <term>edges()</term>
-    <listitem>
-        <para>Return a list of all edges (incoming and outgoing) of this node.</para>
-    <funcsynopsis><funcprototype>
-    <funcdef>array <function>edges</function></funcdef>
-    <paramdef></paramdef>
-    </funcprototype>
-    </funcsynopsis>
-    </listitem>
-    </varlistentry>
-    <varlistentry>
-    <term>edges(type)</term>
-    <listitem>
-        <para>Return a list of all edges (incoming and outgoing) of this node of a specified type.</para>
-    <funcsynopsis><funcprototype>
-    <funcdef>array <function>edges</function></funcdef>
-        <paramdef>int <parameter><replaceable>type</replaceable></parameter></paramdef>
-    </funcprototype>
-    </funcsynopsis>
-    </listitem>
-    </varlistentry>
-    <varlistentry>
-    <term>inEdges()</term>
-    <listitem>
-        <para>Return a list of incoming edges of this node.</para>
-    <funcsynopsis><funcprototype>
-    <funcdef>array <function>inEdges</function></funcdef>
-    <paramdef></paramdef>
-    </funcprototype>
-    </funcsynopsis>
-    </listitem>
-    </varlistentry>
-    <varlistentry>
-    <term>inEdges(type)</term>
-    <listitem>
-        <para>Return a list of all incoming edges of this node of a specified type.</para>
-    <funcsynopsis><funcprototype>
-    <funcdef>array <function>inEdges</function></funcdef>
-        <paramdef>int <parameter><replaceable>type</replaceable></parameter></paramdef>
-    </funcprototype>
-    </funcsynopsis>
-    </listitem>
-    </varlistentry>
-    <varlistentry>
-    <term>outEdges()</term>
-    <listitem>
-        <para>Return a list of all outgoing edges of this node.</para>
-    <funcsynopsis><funcprototype>
-    <funcdef>array <function>outEdges</function></funcdef>
-    <paramdef></paramdef>
-    </funcprototype>
-    </funcsynopsis>
-    </listitem>
-    </varlistentry>
-    <varlistentry>
-    <term>outEdges(type)</term>
-    <listitem>
-        <para>Return a list of all outgoing edges of this node of a specified type.</para>
-    <funcsynopsis><funcprototype>
-    <funcdef>array <function>outEdges</function></funcdef>
-        <paramdef>int <parameter><replaceable>type</replaceable></parameter></paramdef>
-    </funcprototype>
-    </funcsynopsis>
-    </listitem>
-    </varlistentry>
-    <varlistentry>
-    <term>edgesTo(target)</term>
-    <listitem>
-        <para>Return a list of all edges of this node to the specified node.</para>
-    <funcsynopsis><funcprototype>
-    <funcdef>array <function>edgesTo</function></funcdef>
-        <paramdef>GraphNode <parameter><replaceable>target</replaceable></parameter></paramdef>
-    </funcprototype>
-    </funcsynopsis>
-    </listitem>
-    </varlistentry>
-<title>Graph Edge</title>
-An Edge is the connection of two GraphNodes. Edges can be directed or undirected, depending on their type.
-    <listitem>
-        <para>
-        <emphasis>width</emphasis> :
-        </para>
-        <para>The width of the connection.</para>
-    </listitem>
-    <listitem>
-        <para>
-        <emphasis>directed</emphasis> :
-        </para>
-        <para>If true, the connection is directed. Otherwise is connection is undirected.</para>
-    </listitem>
-    <listitem>
-        <para>
-        <emphasis>from</emphasis> :
-        </para>
-        <para>Start of the connection.</para>
-    </listitem>
-    <listitem>
-        <para>
-        <emphasis>to</emphasis> :
-        </para>
-        <para>End of the connection</para>
-    </listitem>
-    <listitem>
-        <para>
-        <emphasis>color</emphasis> :
-        </para>
-        <para>ID of the connection type.</para>
-    </listitem>
-    <varlistentry>
-    <term>remove()</term>
-    <listitem>
-        <para>Remove this connection.</para>
-    <funcsynopsis><funcprototype>
-    <funcdef>void <function>remove</function></funcdef>
-    <paramdef></paramdef>
-    </funcprototype>
-    </funcsynopsis>
-    </listitem>
-    </varlistentry>
-    <varlistentry>
-    <term>add_property(name, value)</term>
-    <listitem>
-        <para>Add a new property to the connection.</para>
-    <funcsynopsis><funcprototype>
-    <funcdef>void <function>add_property</function></funcdef>
-        <paramdef>string <parameter><replaceable>name</replaceable></parameter></paramdef>
-        <paramdef>string <parameter><replaceable>value</replaceable></parameter></paramdef>
-    </funcprototype>
-    </funcsynopsis>
-    </listitem>
-    </varlistentry>
-    <varlistentry>
-    <term>remove_property(name)</term>
-    <listitem>
-        <para>Remove an existing property from the connection.</para>
-    <funcsynopsis><funcprototype>
-    <funcdef>void <function>remove_property</function></funcdef>
-        <paramdef>string <parameter><replaceable>name</replaceable></parameter></paramdef>
-    </funcprototype>
-    </funcsynopsis>
-    </listitem>
-    </varlistentry>
diff --git a/doc/index.docbook b/doc/index.docbook
index 79eccd2..b070949 100644
--- a/doc/index.docbook
+++ b/doc/index.docbook
@@ -465,21 +465,19 @@ It is important to note that changes done by the scripting engine are directly r
     Console.error(string message);          // displays the message as error output
-<chapter id="scripting-API">
+<sect1 id="scripting-API">
 <title>Scripting Engine API</title>
-Every backend provides a special set of functions and properties for its data structures and their elements.
-But also every backend provides the properties and functions that are defined for the base data structure.
+The different parts of &rocs; each provide a static element that can be accessed by the scripting engine.
+These are:
+    <listitem><para><userinput><command>Document</command></userinput> for the graph document</para></listitem>
+    <listitem><para><userinput><command>Console</command></userinput> for the console log output</para></listitem>
+For the explicit API use and for a method reference, please see the inline help at the &rocs; side bar.

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