[kde-doc-english] Some issue with docs.kde.org

Burkhard Lück lueck at hube-lueck.de
Mon Aug 3 12:08:15 UTC 2015


some issues I noticed on docs.kde.org:

1) https://docs.kde.org/index.php?language=en&package=kde-workspace
System Settings Modules twice, second at the end of page with formats + 
translation kcm docbooks without appdisplayname
#kde-runtime kcontrol
$appdisplayname_array["formats"] = "Formats";
$appdisplayname_array["translations"] = "Translations";
should these entries be in #kde-workspace kcontrol ?

2) $appdisplayname_array["screensaver"] = "Screen Locker"; shown in kde-
workspace, but should be in kde-runtime
kde-workspace has a screenlocker kcm docbook, I just added it to scripty and 
we need to add $appdisplayname_array["screenlocker"] = "Screen Locker" ?

3) kde-workspace kcontrol shows Workspace (workspaceoptions kde4) but we have 
no docbook for KF5

4) https://docs.kde.org/index.php?language=en&package=applications shows 
katepart (lower case) -> missing entry in appdisplayname_array ?

5) kdereview
labplot2 twice with different name LabPlot2/labplot2
kdots, kpeg, kscreengenie no appdisplayname

6) extragear-utils/kdesrc-build Development (kdelibs4) but is already kf5

7) kde-workspace spellchecking kcm docbook is missing


Burkhard Lück

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