[kde-doc-english] [kwave] /: docbook: added documentation of plugins 'about' ... 'codec_wav'

Thomas Eschenbacher Thomas.Eschenbacher at gmx.de
Sun Apr 5 17:47:26 UTC 2015

Git commit 148a5756d879f7ecf513cac185cd761fbe0d8d40 by Thomas Eschenbacher.
Committed on 05/04/2015 at 17:37.
Pushed by eschenbacher into branch 'master'.

docbook: added documentation of plugins 'about' ... 'codec_wav'

added script to update/generate plugin reference in index.docbook

added script to update/generate list of file info properties in index.docbook

added screenshots of plugins: about, band_pass, codec_mp3

renamed screenshots of fileinfo, lowpass and memory setup

M  +9    -3    LICENSES
A  +209  -0    bin/update-fileinfo-xref.pl
A  +281  -0    bin/update-plugin-xref.pl
M  +18   -1    doc/CMakeLists.txt
M  +2029 -298  doc/en/index.docbook
A  +-    --    doc/en/kwave-plugin-about.png
M  +-    --    doc/en/kwave-plugin-amplifyfree.png
A  +-    --    doc/en/kwave-plugin-band_pass.png
A  +-    --    doc/en/kwave-plugin-codec_mp3.png
R  +-    --    doc/en/kwave-plugin-fileinfo.png [from: doc/en/kwave-fileinfo.png - 097% similarity]
R  +-    --    doc/en/kwave-plugin-lowpass.png [from: doc/en/kwave-lowpass.png - 095% similarity]
R  +-    --    doc/en/kwave-plugin-memory.png [from: doc/en/kwave-memory-setup.png - 098% similarity]
M  +43   -15   scripts/screenshots.kwave


diff --git a/LICENSES b/LICENSES
index 18ed7eb..c44a26b 100644
 	bin/set_version.sh				GPL2+ / portions of Martin Wilz
 	bin/svn-update-l10n.sh				GPL2+
 	bin/update-command-xref.pl			GPL2+
+	bin/update-fileinfo-xref.pl			GPL2+
+	bin/update-plugin-xref.pl			GPL2+
 	cmake/Copyright.txt				Kitware (cmake)
 #	doc/en/audio-1.png				??? UNKNOWN ???
 #	doc/en/audio2signal.png				??? UNKNOWN ???
 	doc/en/krec_record.png				LGPL2 (crystal project) [copied from mix_record.png]
-	doc/en/kwave-fileinfo.png			(should be FDL)
 	doc/en/kwave-gui-mdi.png			(should be FDL)
 	doc/en/kwave-gui-sdi.png			(should be FDL)
 	doc/en/kwave-gui-tab.png			(should be FDL)
-	doc/en/kwave-lowpass.png			(should be FDL)
 	doc/en/kwave-main.png				(should be FDL)
-	doc/en/kwave-memory-setup.png			(should be FDL)
 	doc/en/kwave-newfile.png			(should be FDL)
 	doc/en/kwave-notch-filter.png			(should be FDL)
 	doc/en/kwave-pitch.png				(should be FDL)
 	doc/en/kwave-playback-setup.png			(should be FDL)
+	doc/en/kwave-plugin-about.png			(should be FDL)
+	doc/en/kwave-plugin-amplifyfree.png		(should be FDL)
+	doc/en/kwave-plugin-band_pass.png		(should be FDL)
+	doc/en/kwave-plugin-codec_mp3.png		(should be FDL)
+	doc/en/kwave-plugin-fileinfo.png		(should be FDL)
+	doc/en/kwave-plugin-lowpass.png			(should be FDL)
+	doc/en/kwave-plugin-memory.png			(should be FDL)
 	doc/en/kwave-record.png				(should be FDL)
 	doc/en/kwave-sonagram.png			(should be FDL)
 	doc/en/kwave-sonagram-setup.png			(should be FDL)
diff --git a/bin/update-fileinfo-xref.pl b/bin/update-fileinfo-xref.pl
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..5b2934c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bin/update-fileinfo-xref.pl
@@ -0,0 +1,209 @@
+##    Kwave                - update-fileinfo-xref.pl
+##                           -------------------
+##    begin                : Fri Apr 03 2015
+##    copyright            : (C) 2015 by Thomas Eschenbacher
+##    email                : Thomas.Eschenbacher at gmx.de
+##                                                                          #
+##    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify  #
+##    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by  #
+##    the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or     #
+##    (at your option) any later version.                                   #
+##                                                                          #
+# split argument string
+my $in      = $ARGV[0];
+my $src     = $ARGV[1];
+my $out     = $ARGV[2];
+open(IN,  "<" . $in ) or die "cannot open input file "  . $in;
+open(OUT, ">" . $out) or die "cannot open output file " . $out;
+my @scanned_properties;
+sub scan_file
+    local $file = shift;
+    # print "scanning file: '" . $file . "'\n";
+    open(IN2, $file);
+    local $old_mode = $/;
+    local @lines;
+    local $quoted = 0;
+    $/ = "";
+    while (<IN2>) {
+	local $data = $_;
+	local $line;
+	for (my $i = 0; $i < length($data); $i += 1) {
+	    my $c = substr($data, $i, 1);
+	    if ($quoted and ($c eq "\"")) {
+		$quoted = 0;
+	    } elsif ((not $quoted) and ($c eq "\"")) {
+		$quoted = 1;
+	    }
+	    if (not $quoted and ($c eq ";")) {
+		push(@lines, $line);
+# 		print "line='" . $line . "'\n";
+		$line = "";
+	    } else {
+		$line = $line . $c;
+	    }
+	}
+	push(@lines, $line) if ($line);
+    }
+    LINE: foreach (@lines) {
+	local $line = $_;
+	# parse the complete append(...) expression, up to the end
+	if ($line =~ m/append\s*/) {
+	    # split by comma
+	    local @params;
+	    local $call   = $';
+	    local $param;
+	    local $p = '"';
+	    for (my $i = 0; $i < length($call); $i += 1) {
+		my $c = substr($call, $i, 1);
+		if ($quoted and ($c eq "\"") and not ($p eq '\\')) {
+		    $quoted = 0;
+		} elsif ((not $quoted) and ($c eq "\"") and not ($p eq '\\')) {
+		    $quoted = 1;
+		}
+		if (not $quoted and ($c eq ",")) {
+		    push(@params, $param);
+		    $param = "";
+		} else {
+		    $param = $param . $c;
+		}
+		$p = $c;
+	    }
+	    push(@params, $param) if ($param);
+	    # take out the parameters
+	    local $property    = @params[0];
+	    local $flags       = @params[1];
+	    local $name        = @params[2];
+	    local $description = @params[3];
+	    # postprocessing
+	    $property    =~ m/[\s\n]*Kwave::([\S\s]+)[\s\n]*/; $property    = $1;
+	    $flags       =~ m/[\s\n]*([\S\s\|.]+)[\s\n]*/;     $flags       = $1;
+	    $name        =~ m/[\s\n]*([\S\s]+)[\s\n]*/;        $name        = $1;
+	    $description =~ m/[\s\n]*([\S\s]+)[\s\n]*/;        $description = $1;
+	    if ($name =~ m/\_\(I18N_NOOP\(\"([\S\s\(\)\"\,]+)\"\)\)/) { $name = $1; }
+	    $description =~ s/^\_\(I18N_NOOP\(//g;
+	    $description =~ s/^\s*\"//g;
+	    $description =~ s/\"\s*$//g;
+	    $description =~ s/\"\n\s*\"//g;
+	    $description =~ s/\n\s*\"/\ /g;
+	    $description =~ s/\\n/\ /g;
+	    $description =~ s/\"[\)]*$//g;
+	    $description =~ s/\&/&/g;
+	    $description =~ s/\\\"/"/g;
+	    $description =~ s/\'/"/g;
+	    next LINE if (! length($name));
+	    next LINE if ($property eq "INF_UNKNOWN");
+# 	    print "'"    . $property;
+# 	    print "', '" . $flags;
+# 	    print "', '" . $name;
+# 	    print "', '" . $description;
+# 	    print "'\n";
+	    push(@scanned_properties, {
+		property    => $property,
+		flags       => $flags,
+		name        => $name,
+		description => $description
+	    }) if ((! grep {$_->{property} eq $property} @scanned_properties)
+	           and not ($name eq "QString()"));
+	}
+    }
+    close(IN2);
+    $/ = $old_mode;
+# scan the list of all plugins
+my $mode = "normal";
+LINE: while (<IN>) {
+    my $line = $_;
+    $linenr += 1;
+    if ($mode eq "normal") {
+	if ($line =~ /\<\!\-\-\ \@FILEINFO_ENTITIES_START\@\ \-\-\>/) {
+	    print OUT $line;
+	    $mode = "entities";
+	    next LINE;
+	}
+	if ($line =~ /\<\!\-\-\ \@FILEINFO_TABLE_START\@\ \-\-\>/) {
+	    print OUT $line;
+	    $mode = "table";
+	    next LINE;
+	}
+    }
+    if ($line =~ /\<\!\-\-\ \@FILEINFO_ENTITIES_END\@\ \-\-\>/) {
+	foreach (@scanned_properties) {
+	    local $property = $_->{property};
+	    local $name     = $_->{name};
+	    $property =~ s/[^\w]/_/g;
+	    print OUT "  \<\!ENTITY i18n-" . $property . " \"" . $name . "\"\>\n";
+	}
+	print OUT $line;
+	$mode = "normal";
+	next LINE;
+    }
+    if ($line =~ /\<\!\-\-\ \@FILEINFO_TABLE_END\@\ \-\-\>/) {
+	foreach (@scanned_properties) {
+	    local $property = $_->{property};
+	    local $name     = $_->{name};
+	    local $description = $_->{description};
+	    print OUT "\t<row id=\"" . $property . "\">\n";
+	    print OUT "\t    <entry colname='c1'>&no-i18n-tag;". $name . "</entry>\n";
+	    print OUT "\t    <entry colname='c2'>\n";
+	    while (length($description)) {
+		$part = $description;
+		if (length($description) >= (79 - 16)) {
+		    local $i = 79 - 16;
+		    while (($i > 1) and (substr($description, $i, 1) !~ /\s/)) {
+			$i = $i - 1;
+		    }
+		    $part = substr($description, 0, $i);
+		    chomp $part;
+		}
+		print OUT "\t\t" . $part . "\n";
+		$description = substr($description, length($part));
+		chomp $description;
+	    }
+	    print OUT "\t    </entry>\n";
+	    print OUT "\t</row>\n";
+	}
+	print OUT $line;
+	$mode = "normal";
+	next LINE;
+    }
+    print OUT $line if ($mode eq "normal");
diff --git a/bin/update-plugin-xref.pl b/bin/update-plugin-xref.pl
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..596c51e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bin/update-plugin-xref.pl
@@ -0,0 +1,281 @@
+##    Kwave                - update-plugin-xref.pl
+##                           -------------------
+##    begin                : Sat Mar 28 2015
+##    copyright            : (C) 2015 by Thomas Eschenbacher
+##    email                : Thomas.Eschenbacher at gmx.de
+##                                                                          #
+##    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify  #
+##    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by  #
+##    the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or     #
+##    (at your option) any later version.                                   #
+##                                                                          #
+# split argument string
+my $src_dir = $ARGV[0];
+my $in      = $ARGV[1];
+my $out     = $ARGV[2];
+open(IN,  "<" . $in ) or die "cannot open input file "  . $in;
+open(OUT, ">" . $out) or die "cannot open output file " . $out;
+my @scanned_plugins;
+sub scan_file
+    local $file = shift;
+    # print "scanning file: '" . $file . "'\n";
+    open(IN2, $file);
+    local $old_mode = $/;
+    undef $/;
+    while (<IN2>) {
+	local $line = $_;
+	if ($line =~ m/KWAVE_PLUGIN\s*\(([^;]+)\)\;/) {
+	    local @params = split(/,/,$1);
+	    local $class_name  = @params[0];
+	    local $name        = @params[1];
+	    local $version     = @params[2];
+	    local $description = @params[3];
+	    local $author      = @params[4];
+	    $name        =~ m/[\s\n]*\"([\w_]+)\"[\s\n]*/;  $name    = $1;
+	    $version     =~ m/[\s\n]*\"([\d.]+)\"[\s\n]*/;  $version = $1;
+	    $description =~ m/[\s\n]*\"([\w\s]+)\"[\s\n]*/; $description = $1;
+	    $author      =~ m/[\s\n]*\"([\S\s]+)\"[\s\n]*/; $author = $1;
+# 	    print "'" . $class_name;
+# 	    print "', '" . $name;
+# 	    print "', '" . $version;
+# 	    print "', '" . $description;
+# 	    print "', '" . $author;
+# 	    print "'\n";
+	    push(@scanned_plugins, {
+		name        => $name,
+		class_name  => $class_name,
+		version     => $version,
+		description => $description,
+		author      => $author
+	    }) if (! grep {$_->{name} eq $name} @scanned_plugin);
+	}
+    }
+    close(IN2);
+    $/ = $old_mode;
+sub scan_plugin_dir
+    local $path = shift;
+    opendir(DIR, $path) or die "opendir $path: $!";
+    local @dirs = grep { !/(^\.)/ } readdir(DIR);
+    closedir(DIR);
+    @dirs = grep(!/common/, @dirs);
+    @dirs = sort { $a cmp $b } @dirs;
+    for (@dirs) {
+	local $dir = $path . '/' . $_;
+	if (-d $dir) {
+	    opendir(SUBDIR, $dir) or die "opendir $dir: $!";
+	    local @files = grep { !/(^\.)/ } readdir(SUBDIR);
+	    closedir(SUBDIR);
+	    @files = sort { $a cmp $b } @files;
+	    for (@files) {
+		local $file = $_;
+		if ($file =~ /\.cpp$/) {
+		    scan_file $dir . '/' . $file;
+		}
+	    }
+	}
+    }
+sub make_stub
+    local $plugin = shift;
+    local $lbl = $plugin->{name};
+    print OUT "    \<\!-- \@PLUGIN\@ " . $plugin->{name} . " (TODO) --\>\n";
+    $lbl =~ s/[^\w]/_/g;
+    print OUT "    <sect1 id=\"plugin_sect_" . $lbl . "\">" .
+              "<title id=\"plugin_title_" . $lbl . "\">" .
+	      "&no-i18n-plugin_" . $lbl . "; (" . $plugin->{description} . ")</title>\n";
+    print OUT "    <!-- <screenshot>\n";
+    print OUT "\t<screeninfo>Screenshot</screeninfo>\n";
+    print OUT "\t<mediaobject>\n";
+    print OUT "\t    <imageobject>\n";
+    print OUT "\t\t<imagedata fileref=\"kwave-plugin-" . $lbl . ".png\" format=\"PNG\"/>\n";
+    print OUT "\t    </imageobject>\n";
+    print OUT "\t    <textobject>\n";
+    print OUT "\t\t<phrase>Screenshot of the " . $plugin->{description} . " Plugin</phrase>\n";
+    print OUT "\t    </textobject>\n";
+    print OUT "\t</mediaobject>\n";
+    print OUT "    </screenshot> -->\n";
+    print OUT "    <variablelist>\n";
+    print OUT "\t<varlistentry>\n";
+    print OUT "\t    <term><emphasis role=\"bold\">&i18n-plugin_lbl_internal_name;</emphasis></term>\n";
+    print OUT "\t    <listitem><para><literal>&no-i18n-plugin_" . $lbl . ";</literal></para></listitem>\n";
+    print OUT "\t</varlistentry>\n";
+    print OUT "\t<varlistentry>\n";
+    print OUT "\t    <term><emphasis role=\"bold\">&i18n-plugin_lbl_type;</emphasis></term>\n";
+    print OUT "\t    <listitem><para>effect|codec|encoder|decoder|gui|function</para></listitem>\n";
+    print OUT "\t</varlistentry>\n";
+    print OUT "\t<varlistentry>\n";
+    print OUT "\t    <term><emphasis role=\"bold\">&i18n-plugin_lbl_description;</emphasis></term>\n";
+    print OUT "\t    <listitem>\n";
+    print OUT "\t    <para>\n";
+    print OUT "\t        TODO: description of what the " . $plugin->{description} . " plugin does...\n";
+    print OUT "\t    </para>\n";
+    print OUT "\t    </listitem>\n";
+    print OUT "\t</varlistentry>\n";
+    print OUT "\t<!-- varlistentry>\n";
+    print OUT "\t    <term><emphasis role=\"bold\">&i18n-plugin_lbl_parameters;</emphasis>:</term>\n";
+    print OUT "\t    <listitem>\n";
+    print OUT "\t\t<variablelist>\n";
+    print OUT "\t\t    <varlistentry>\n";
+    print OUT "\t\t\t<term><replaceable>operation</replaceable></term>\n";
+    print OUT "\t\t\t<listitem>\n";
+    print OUT "\t\t\t    <para>\n";
+    print OUT "\t\t\t\tdescription of the parameter\n";
+    print OUT "\t\t\t    </para>\n";
+    print OUT "\t\t\t</listitem>\n";
+    print OUT "\t\t    </varlistentry>\n";
+    print OUT "\t\t</variablelist>\n";
+    print OUT "\t    </listitem>\n";
+    print OUT "\t</varlistentry -->\n";
+    print OUT "    </variablelist>\n";
+    print OUT "    </sect1>\n";
+    print OUT "\n";
+# scan the list of all plugins
+my @remaining_plugins = @scanned_plugins;
+my $mode = "normal";
+LINE: while (<IN>) {
+    my $line = $_;
+    if ($mode eq "normal") {
+	if ($line =~ /\<\!\-\-\ \@PLUGIN_INDEX_START\@\ \-\-\>/) {
+	    print OUT $line;
+	    $mode = "index";
+	    next LINE;
+	}
+	if ($line =~ /\<\!\-\-\ \@PLUGIN_ENTITIES_START\@\ \-\-\>/) {
+	    print OUT $line;
+	    $mode = "entities";
+	    next LINE;
+	}
+	if ($line =~ /\<\!\-\-\ \@PLUGIN\@\ ([\w\:]+)\ (\(TODO\)\ )?\-\-\>/) {
+	    my $plugin = $1;
+	    my $todo = $2;
+	    # print "### found plugin '" . $plugin . "'\n";
+	    if (not grep {$_->{name} eq $plugin} @scanned_plugins) {
+		print STDERR "WARNING: plugin '" . $plugin . "' is not supported / does not exist\n";
+	    } else {
+		while (@remaining_plugins) {
+		    my $next_plugin = shift @remaining_plugins;
+		    # if plugin is next in list of remaining -> remove from list
+		    # print "next_plugin=".$next_plugin.", plugin=".$plugin."\n";
+		    if ($plugin eq $next_plugin->{name}) {
+			# print "(FOUND)\n";
+			# show a warning if there documentation is not finished
+			# for this plugin
+			if ($todo) {
+			    print STDERR "WARNING: plugin '" . $plugin . "': documentation is not finished (TODO)\n";
+			}
+			print OUT $line;
+			next LINE;
+		    }
+		    if ($plugin gt $next_plugin->{name}) {
+			print STDERR "WARNING: plugin '" . $next_plugin->{name} . "' is undocumented, adding stub\n";
+			make_stub $next_plugin;
+		    } else {
+			last;
+		    }
+		}
+	    }
+	    print OUT $line;
+	    next LINE;
+	}
+	if ($line =~ /\<\!\-\-\ \@PLUGIN_END_OF_LIST\@\ \-\-\>/) {
+	    # print "WARNING: some plugins left\n";
+	    while (@remaining_plugins) {
+		local $plugin = shift @remaining_plugins;
+		print STDERR "WARNING: plugin '" . $plugin->{name} . "' is undocumented, adding stub\n";
+		make_stub $plugin;
+	    }
+	}
+	print OUT $line;
+    }
+    if ($line =~ /\<\!\-\-\ \@PLUGIN_ENTITIES_END\@\ \-\-\>/) {
+	foreach (@scanned_plugins) {
+	    local $plugin = $_->{name};
+	    local $lbl = $plugin;
+	    $lbl =~ s/[^\w]/_/g;
+	    print OUT "  \<\!ENTITY no-i18n-plugin_" . $lbl . " \"" . $plugin . "\"\>\n";
+	}
+	print OUT $line;
+	$mode = "normal";
+	next LINE;
+    }
+    if ($mode eq "index") {
+	if ($line =~ /\<\!\-\-\ \@PLUGIN_INDEX_END\@\ \-\-\>/) {
+	    # create a new plugin index
+	    my $first_char = "*";
+	    foreach (@scanned_plugins) {
+		my $plugin = $_->{name};
+		my $first = substr($plugin, 0, 1);
+		if (not ($first eq $first_char)) {
+		    print OUT "\t    </indexdiv>\n" if (not ($first_char eq "*"));
+		    print OUT "\t    <indexdiv><title>" . $first . "</title>\n";
+		    $first_char = $first;
+		}
+		$plugin =~ s/[^\w]/_/g;
+		print OUT "\t\t<indexentry><primaryie>" .
+		    "<link linkend=\"plugin_sect_" . $plugin . "\" " .
+		    "endterm=\"plugin_title_" . $plugin . "\"/>" .
+		    "</primaryie></indexentry>\n";
+	    }
+	    print OUT "\t    </indexdiv>\n";
+	    # switch back to normal mode
+	    $mode = "normal";
+	    print OUT $line;
+	    next LINE;
+	}
+    }
diff --git a/doc/CMakeLists.txt b/doc/CMakeLists.txt
index f132222..003191b 100644
--- a/doc/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/doc/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -18,6 +18,8 @@
 SET(UPDATE_COMMAND_XREF    ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/bin/update-command-xref.pl)
+SET(UPDATE_FILEINFO_XREF   ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/bin/update-fileinfo-xref.pl)
+SET(UPDATE_PLUGIN_XREF     ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/bin/update-plugin-xref.pl)
 SET(_index_docbook         ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/en/index.docbook)
 SET(_index_docbook_updated ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/index-updated.docbook)
@@ -109,7 +111,22 @@ FILE(REMOVE "${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/${_png_file}")
 ### "make update-handbook"                                                ###
-    COMMAND ${UPDATE_COMMAND_XREF} ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR} ${_index_docbook} ${_index_docbook_updated}
+	${_index_docbook}
+	${_index_docbook_updated}
+    COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E copy_if_different ${_index_docbook_updated} ${_index_docbook}
+	${_index_docbook}
+	${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/libkwave/FileInfo.cpp
+	${_index_docbook_updated}
+    COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E copy_if_different ${_index_docbook_updated} ${_index_docbook}
+	${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/plugins
+	${_index_docbook}
+	${_index_docbook_updated}
     COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E copy_if_different ${_index_docbook_updated} ${_index_docbook}
diff --git a/doc/en/index.docbook b/doc/en/index.docbook
index 25bc3c2..fd2e2b0 100644
--- a/doc/en/index.docbook
+++ b/doc/en/index.docbook
@@ -39,6 +39,15 @@
   <!ENTITY url_git_list_tags "http://sourceforge.net/p/kwave/code/ref/master~/tags/">
   <!ENTITY url_git_master "git://git.code.sf.net/p/kwave/code">
   <!ENTITY i18n-cmd_syntax "Syntax: ">
+  <!ENTITY i18n-plugin_lbl_internal_name "Internal Name:">
+  <!ENTITY i18n-plugin_lbl_type "Plugin Type:">
+  <!ENTITY i18n-plugin_lbl_description "Description:">
+  <!ENTITY i18n-plugin_lbl_parameters "Parameters:">
+  <!ENTITY i18n-plugin_lbl_file_types "Supported File Types:">
+  <!ENTITY i18n-plugin-lbl_file_type_description "Description:">
+  <!ENTITY i18n-plugin-lbl_file_type_extensions "File Extensions:">
+  <!ENTITY i18n-plugin-lbl_file_type_mime_types "Mime Types:">
+  <!ENTITY i18n-plugin_lbl_meta_data "Supported Meta Data:">
   <!ENTITY no-i18n-tag "">
   <!ENTITY no-i18n-cmd_about_kde "about_kde">
@@ -135,6 +144,38 @@
   <!ENTITY no-i18n-cmd_window_tile "window:tile">
   <!ENTITY no-i18n-cmd_window_tile_vertical "window:tile_vertical">
+  <!ENTITY no-i18n-plugin_about "about">
+  <!ENTITY no-i18n-plugin_amplifyfree "amplifyfree">
+  <!ENTITY no-i18n-plugin_band_pass "band_pass">
+  <!ENTITY no-i18n-plugin_codec_ascii "codec_ascii">
+  <!ENTITY no-i18n-plugin_codec_audiofile "codec_audiofile">
+  <!ENTITY no-i18n-plugin_codec_flac "codec_flac">
+  <!ENTITY no-i18n-plugin_codec_mp3 "codec_mp3">
+  <!ENTITY no-i18n-plugin_codec_ogg "codec_ogg">
+  <!ENTITY no-i18n-plugin_codec_wav "codec_wav">
+  <!ENTITY no-i18n-plugin_debug "debug">
+  <!ENTITY no-i18n-plugin_fileinfo "fileinfo">
+  <!ENTITY no-i18n-plugin_goto "goto">
+  <!ENTITY no-i18n-plugin_insert_at "insert_at">
+  <!ENTITY no-i18n-plugin_lowpass "lowpass">
+  <!ENTITY no-i18n-plugin_memory "memory">
+  <!ENTITY no-i18n-plugin_newsignal "newsignal">
+  <!ENTITY no-i18n-plugin_noise "noise">
+  <!ENTITY no-i18n-plugin_normalize "normalize">
+  <!ENTITY no-i18n-plugin_notch_filter "notch_filter">
+  <!ENTITY no-i18n-plugin_pitch_shift "pitch_shift">
+  <!ENTITY no-i18n-plugin_playback "playback">
+  <!ENTITY no-i18n-plugin_record "record">
+  <!ENTITY no-i18n-plugin_reverse "reverse">
+  <!ENTITY no-i18n-plugin_samplerate "samplerate">
+  <!ENTITY no-i18n-plugin_saveblocks "saveblocks">
+  <!ENTITY no-i18n-plugin_selectrange "selectrange">
+  <!ENTITY no-i18n-plugin_sonagram "sonagram">
+  <!ENTITY no-i18n-plugin_stringenter "stringenter">
+  <!ENTITY no-i18n-plugin_volume "volume">
+  <!ENTITY no-i18n-plugin_zero "zero">
   <!-- unicode characters, before URL encoding -->
   <!ENTITY no-i18n-unicode-0x0020 "&#x0020;">
   <!ENTITY no-i18n-unicode-0x0021 "&#x0021;">
@@ -202,6 +243,61 @@
   <!ENTITY no-i18n-urlenc-7C "&#x0025;7C">
   <!ENTITY no-i18n-urlenc-7D "&#x0025;7D">
   <!ENTITY no-i18n-urlenc-7E "&#x0025;7E">
+  <!ENTITY i18n-INF_ALBUM "Album">
+  <!ENTITY i18n-INF_ANNOTATION "Annotation">
+  <!ENTITY i18n-INF_ARCHIVAL "Archival location">
+  <!ENTITY i18n-INF_AUTHOR "Author">
+  <!ENTITY i18n-INF_BITRATE_LOWER "Lower Bitrate">
+  <!ENTITY i18n-INF_BITRATE_MODE "Bitrate Mode">
+  <!ENTITY i18n-INF_BITRATE_UPPER "Upper Bitrate">
+  <!ENTITY i18n-INF_BITS_PER_SAMPLE "Bits per Sample">
+  <!ENTITY i18n-INF_CD "CD">
+  <!ENTITY i18n-INF_CDS "CDS">
+  <!ENTITY i18n-INF_COMMISSIONED "Commissioned">
+  <!ENTITY i18n-INF_COMMENTS "Comments">
+  <!ENTITY i18n-INF_COMPRESSION "Compression">
+  <!ENTITY i18n-INF_CONTACT "Contact">
+  <!ENTITY i18n-INF_COPYRIGHT "Copyright">
+  <!ENTITY i18n-INF_COPYRIGHTED "Copyrighted">
+  <!ENTITY i18n-INF_ENGINEER "Engineer">
+  <!ENTITY i18n-INF_ESTIMATED_LENGTH "Estimated Length">
+  <!ENTITY i18n-INF_FILENAME "Filename">
+  <!ENTITY i18n-INF_FILESIZE "File Size">
+  <!ENTITY i18n-INF_GENRE "Genre">
+  <!ENTITY i18n-INF_KEYWORDS "Keywords">
+  <!ENTITY i18n-INF_LABELS "Labels">
+  <!ENTITY i18n-INF_LENGTH "Length">
+  <!ENTITY i18n-INF_LICENSE "License">
+  <!ENTITY i18n-INF_MEDIUM "Medium">
+  <!ENTITY i18n-INF_MIMETYPE "Mime Type">
+  <!ENTITY i18n-INF_MPEG_EMPHASIS "Emphasis">
+  <!ENTITY i18n-INF_MPEG_LAYER "Layer">
+  <!ENTITY i18n-INF_MPEG_MODEEXT "Mode Extension">
+  <!ENTITY i18n-INF_MPEG_VERSION "Version">
+  <!ENTITY i18n-INF_NAME "Name">
+  <!ENTITY i18n-INF_OPUS_FRAME_LEN "Opus Frame Length">
+  <!ENTITY i18n-INF_ORGANIZATION "Organization">
+  <!ENTITY i18n-INF_ORIGINAL "Original">
+  <!ENTITY i18n-INF_PERFORMER "Performer">
+  <!ENTITY i18n-INF_PRIVATE "Private">
+  <!ENTITY i18n-INF_PRODUCT "Product">
+  <!ENTITY i18n-INF_SAMPLE_FORMAT "Sample Format">
+  <!ENTITY i18n-INF_SAMPLE_RATE "Sample Rate">
+  <!ENTITY i18n-INF_SOFTWARE "Software">
+  <!ENTITY i18n-INF_SOURCE "Source">
+  <!ENTITY i18n-INF_SOURCE_FORM "Source form">
+  <!ENTITY i18n-INF_SUBJECT "Subject">
+  <!ENTITY i18n-INF_TECHNICAN "Technician">
+  <!ENTITY i18n-INF_TRACK "Track">
+  <!ENTITY i18n-INF_TRACKS "Tracks">
+  <!ENTITY i18n-INF_CHANNELS "Channels">
+  <!ENTITY i18n-INF_VBR_QUALITY "Base Quality">
+  <!ENTITY i18n-INF_VERSION "Version">
 <book lang="&language;">
@@ -1495,7 +1591,7 @@
-	    	    <imagedata fileref="kwave-memory-setup.png" format="PNG"/>
+	    	    <imagedata fileref="kwave-plugin-memory.png" format="PNG"/>
 	    	    <phrase>Screenshot of the Memory Setup Dialog</phrase>
@@ -2151,7 +2247,7 @@
-		    <imagedata fileref="kwave-fileinfo.png" format="PNG"/>
+		    <imagedata fileref="kwave-plugin-fileinfo.png" format="PNG"/>
 		    <phrase>Screenshot of the File Properties Dialog</phrase>
@@ -5016,187 +5112,1829 @@
     <sect1 id="kwave_plugins"><title>Plugin Reference</title>
     <index><title>Alphabetical Index</title>
-	<indexdiv><title>a</title>
-	    <indexentry><primaryie><link linkend="plugin_amplifyfree" endterm="plugin_title_amplifyfree"/></primaryie></indexentry>
-	</indexdiv>
+	    <indexdiv><title>a</title>
+		<indexentry><primaryie><link linkend="plugin_sect_about" endterm="plugin_title_about"/></primaryie></indexentry>
+		<indexentry><primaryie><link linkend="plugin_sect_amplifyfree" endterm="plugin_title_amplifyfree"/></primaryie></indexentry>
+	    </indexdiv>
+	    <indexdiv><title>b</title>
+		<indexentry><primaryie><link linkend="plugin_sect_band_pass" endterm="plugin_title_band_pass"/></primaryie></indexentry>
+	    </indexdiv>
+	    <indexdiv><title>c</title>
+		<indexentry><primaryie><link linkend="plugin_sect_codec_ascii" endterm="plugin_title_codec_ascii"/></primaryie></indexentry>
+		<indexentry><primaryie><link linkend="plugin_sect_codec_audiofile" endterm="plugin_title_codec_audiofile"/></primaryie></indexentry>
+		<indexentry><primaryie><link linkend="plugin_sect_codec_flac" endterm="plugin_title_codec_flac"/></primaryie></indexentry>
+		<indexentry><primaryie><link linkend="plugin_sect_codec_mp3" endterm="plugin_title_codec_mp3"/></primaryie></indexentry>
+		<indexentry><primaryie><link linkend="plugin_sect_codec_ogg" endterm="plugin_title_codec_ogg"/></primaryie></indexentry>
+		<indexentry><primaryie><link linkend="plugin_sect_codec_wav" endterm="plugin_title_codec_wav"/></primaryie></indexentry>
+	    </indexdiv>
+	    <indexdiv><title>d</title>
+		<indexentry><primaryie><link linkend="plugin_sect_debug" endterm="plugin_title_debug"/></primaryie></indexentry>
+	    </indexdiv>
+	    <indexdiv><title>f</title>
+		<indexentry><primaryie><link linkend="plugin_sect_fileinfo" endterm="plugin_title_fileinfo"/></primaryie></indexentry>
+	    </indexdiv>
+	    <indexdiv><title>g</title>
+		<indexentry><primaryie><link linkend="plugin_sect_goto" endterm="plugin_title_goto"/></primaryie></indexentry>
+	    </indexdiv>
+	    <indexdiv><title>i</title>
+		<indexentry><primaryie><link linkend="plugin_sect_insert_at" endterm="plugin_title_insert_at"/></primaryie></indexentry>
+	    </indexdiv>
+	    <indexdiv><title>l</title>
+		<indexentry><primaryie><link linkend="plugin_sect_lowpass" endterm="plugin_title_lowpass"/></primaryie></indexentry>
+	    </indexdiv>
+	    <indexdiv><title>m</title>
+		<indexentry><primaryie><link linkend="plugin_sect_memory" endterm="plugin_title_memory"/></primaryie></indexentry>
+	    </indexdiv>
+	    <indexdiv><title>n</title>
+		<indexentry><primaryie><link linkend="plugin_sect_newsignal" endterm="plugin_title_newsignal"/></primaryie></indexentry>
+		<indexentry><primaryie><link linkend="plugin_sect_noise" endterm="plugin_title_noise"/></primaryie></indexentry>
+		<indexentry><primaryie><link linkend="plugin_sect_normalize" endterm="plugin_title_normalize"/></primaryie></indexentry>
+		<indexentry><primaryie><link linkend="plugin_sect_notch_filter" endterm="plugin_title_notch_filter"/></primaryie></indexentry>
+	    </indexdiv>
+	    <indexdiv><title>p</title>
+		<indexentry><primaryie><link linkend="plugin_sect_pitch_shift" endterm="plugin_title_pitch_shift"/></primaryie></indexentry>
+		<indexentry><primaryie><link linkend="plugin_sect_playback" endterm="plugin_title_playback"/></primaryie></indexentry>
+	    </indexdiv>
+	    <indexdiv><title>r</title>
+		<indexentry><primaryie><link linkend="plugin_sect_record" endterm="plugin_title_record"/></primaryie></indexentry>
+		<indexentry><primaryie><link linkend="plugin_sect_reverse" endterm="plugin_title_reverse"/></primaryie></indexentry>
+	    </indexdiv>
+	    <indexdiv><title>s</title>
+		<indexentry><primaryie><link linkend="plugin_sect_samplerate" endterm="plugin_title_samplerate"/></primaryie></indexentry>
+		<indexentry><primaryie><link linkend="plugin_sect_saveblocks" endterm="plugin_title_saveblocks"/></primaryie></indexentry>
+		<indexentry><primaryie><link linkend="plugin_sect_selectrange" endterm="plugin_title_selectrange"/></primaryie></indexentry>
+		<indexentry><primaryie><link linkend="plugin_sect_sonagram" endterm="plugin_title_sonagram"/></primaryie></indexentry>
+		<indexentry><primaryie><link linkend="plugin_sect_stringenter" endterm="plugin_title_stringenter"/></primaryie></indexentry>
+	    </indexdiv>
+	    <indexdiv><title>v</title>
+		<indexentry><primaryie><link linkend="plugin_sect_volume" endterm="plugin_title_volume"/></primaryie></indexentry>
+	    </indexdiv>
+	    <indexdiv><title>z</title>
+		<indexentry><primaryie><link linkend="plugin_sect_zero" endterm="plugin_title_zero"/></primaryie></indexentry>
+	    </indexdiv>
+	<!-- @PLUGIN_INDEX_END@ -->
     <para><literal> </literal></para>
-    <sect1 id="plugin_amplifyfree"><title id="plugin_title_amplifyfree">Amplify Free</title>
-	<screenshot>
-    	    <screeninfo>Screenshot</screeninfo>
-    	    <mediaobject>
-		<imageobject>
-	    	    <imagedata fileref="kwave-plugin-amplifyfree.png" format="PNG"/>
-		</imageobject>
-		<textobject>
-	    	    <phrase>Screenshot of the Amplify Free Plugin</phrase>
-		</textobject>
-	    </mediaobject>
-	</screenshot>
-	<variablelist>
-	  <varlistentry>
-	    <term><emphasis role="bold">Internal Name</emphasis>:</term>
-	    <listitem><para><literal>amplifyfree</literal></para></listitem>
-	  </varlistentry>
-	  <varlistentry>
-	    <term><emphasis role="bold">Plugin Type</emphasis>:</term>
+    <!-- @PLUGIN@ about -->
+    <sect1 id="plugin_sect_about"><title id="plugin_title_about">&no-i18n-plugin_about; (About Kwave)</title>
+    <screenshot>
+	<screeninfo>Screenshot</screeninfo>
+	<mediaobject>
+	    <imageobject>
+		<imagedata fileref="kwave-plugin-about.png" format="PNG"/>
+	    </imageobject>
+	    <textobject>
+		<phrase>Screenshot of the About Kwave Plugin</phrase>
+	    </textobject>
+	</mediaobject>
+    </screenshot>
+    <variablelist>
+	<varlistentry>
+	    <term><emphasis role="bold">&i18n-plugin_lbl_internal_name;</emphasis></term>
+	    <listitem><para><literal>&no-i18n-plugin_about;</literal></para></listitem>
+	</varlistentry>
+	<varlistentry>
+	    <term><emphasis role="bold">&i18n-plugin_lbl_type;</emphasis></term>
+	    <listitem><para>gui</para></listitem>
+	</varlistentry>
+	<varlistentry>
+	    <term><emphasis role="bold">&i18n-plugin_lbl_description;</emphasis></term>
+	    <listitem>
+	    <para>
+	        Shows a window with multiple tabs, including the following information:
+		<itemizedlist>
+		    <listitem><para>general information about the program</para></listitem>
+		    <listitem><para>authors, contributors and copyright holders</para></listitem>
+		    <listitem><para>all found plugins including their versions and authors</para></listitem>
+		    <listitem><para>information about the translation team</para></listitem>
+		    <listitem><para>copyright and licensing information</para></listitem>
+		</itemizedlist>
+	    </para>
+	    </listitem>
+	</varlistentry>
+    </variablelist>
+    </sect1>
+    <!-- @PLUGIN@ amplifyfree -->
+    <sect1 id="plugin_sect_amplifyfree"><title id="plugin_title_amplifyfree">&no-i18n-plugin_amplifyfree; (Amplify Free)</title>
+	<screenshot>
+    	    <screeninfo>Screenshot</screeninfo>
+    	    <mediaobject>
+		<imageobject>
+	    	    <imagedata fileref="kwave-plugin-amplifyfree.png" format="PNG"/>
+		</imageobject>
+		<textobject>
+	    	    <phrase>Screenshot of the Amplify Free Plugin</phrase>
+		</textobject>
+	    </mediaobject>
+	</screenshot>
+	<variablelist>
+	  <varlistentry>
+	    <term><emphasis role="bold">&i18n-plugin_lbl_internal_name;</emphasis></term>
+	    <listitem><para><literal>amplifyfree</literal></para></listitem>
+	  </varlistentry>
+	  <varlistentry>
+	    <term><emphasis role="bold">&i18n-plugin_lbl_type;</emphasis></term>
+	    <listitem><para>effect</para></listitem>
+	  </varlistentry>
+	  <varlistentry>
+	    <term><emphasis role="bold">&i18n-plugin_lbl_description;</emphasis></term>
+	    <listitem>
+	      <para>
+		Amplifies the current selection with a curve that
+		consists of a set of coordinates and an interpolation
+		method. The coordinates on the time axis as well as on
+		the amplitude axis must be normed between 0.0
+		and 1.0.
+	      </para>
+	    </listitem>
+	  </varlistentry>
+	  <varlistentry>
+	    <term><emphasis role="bold">Parameters</emphasis>:</term>
+	    <listitem>
+	      <variablelist>
+		<varlistentry>
+		  <term>
+		    <replaceable>operation</replaceable>
+		  </term>
+		  <listitem>
+		    <para>
+			    Internal name, for undo/redo handling. Possible values are:
+		    </para>
+			<informaltable frame='all'>
+			    <tgroup cols='2'>
+				<thead>
+				    <row>
+					<entry align='left'>keyword</entry>
+					<entry align='left'>description</entry>
+				    </row>
+				</thead>
+				<tbody>
+				    <row>
+					<entry>&no-i18n-tag;<command>fade in</command></entry>
+					<entry>fade in, curve from 0.0/0.0 to 1.0/1.0</entry>
+				    </row>
+				    <row>
+					<entry>&no-i18n-tag;<command>fade out</command></entry>
+					<entry>fade out, curve from 0.0/1.0 to 1.0/0.0</entry>
+				    </row>
+				    <row>
+					<entry>&no-i18n-tag;<command>fade intro</command></entry>
+					<entry>fade intro, one second pause, then fade in</entry>
+				    </row>
+				    <row>
+					<entry>&no-i18n-tag;<command>fade outro</command></entry>
+					<entry>fade outro, first fade out, then one second pause</entry>
+				    </row>
+				    <row>
+					<entry>&no-i18n-tag;<command>amplify free</command></entry>
+					<entry>user defined curve</entry>
+				    </row>
+				</tbody>
+			    </tgroup>
+			</informaltable>
+		    </listitem>
+		</varlistentry>
+		<varlistentry>
+		    <term><replaceable>interpolation</replaceable></term>
+		    <listitem>
+			<para>
+			    Interpolation type, possible values are:
+			    <informaltable frame='all'>
+				<tgroup cols='2'>
+				    <thead>
+					<row>
+					    <entry align='left'>keyword</entry>
+					    <entry align='left'>description</entry>
+					</row>
+				    </thead>
+				    <tbody>
+					<row>
+					    <entry>&no-i18n-tag;<command>linear</command></entry>
+					    <entry>Linear</entry>
+					</row>
+					<row>
+					    <entry>&no-i18n-tag;<command>spline</command></entry>
+					    <entry>Spline</entry>
+					</row>
+					<row>
+					    <entry>&no-i18n-tag;<command>n-polynom</command></entry>
+					    <entry>Polynom, nth Degree</entry>
+					</row>
+					<row>
+					    <entry>&no-i18n-tag;<command>3-polynom</command></entry>
+					    <entry>Polynom, 3rd Degree</entry>
+					</row>
+					<row>
+					    <entry>&no-i18n-tag;<command>5-polynom</command></entry>
+					    <entry>Polynom, 5th Degree</entry>
+					</row>
+					<row>
+					    <entry>&no-i18n-tag;<command>7-polynom</command></entry>
+					    <entry>Polynom, 7th Degree</entry>
+					</row>
+					<row>
+					    <entry>&no-i18n-tag;<command>sample_hold</command></entry>
+					    <entry>Sample and Hold</entry>
+					</row>
+				    </tbody>
+				</tgroup>
+			    </informaltable>
+			    </para>
+			</listitem>
+		    </varlistentry>
+		    <varlistentry>
+		      <term><replaceable>curve</replaceable></term>
+		      <listitem>
+			<para>
+			    A comma separated list of pairs of coordinates,
+			    normed between 0.0 and 1.0, must be sorted by time
+			    axis (ascending), should start at time 0.0 and end
+			    with time 1.0.
+			</para>
+		      </listitem>
+		    </varlistentry>
+	      </variablelist>
+	    </listitem>
+	</varlistentry>
+      </variablelist>
+    </sect1>
+    <!-- @PLUGIN@ band_pass -->
+    <sect1 id="plugin_sect_band_pass"><title id="plugin_title_band_pass">&no-i18n-plugin_band_pass; (Band Pass Filter)</title>
+    <screenshot>
+	<screeninfo>Screenshot</screeninfo>
+	<mediaobject>
+	    <imageobject>
+		<imagedata fileref="kwave-plugin-band_pass.png" format="PNG"/>
+	    </imageobject>
+	    <textobject>
+		<phrase>Screenshot of the Band Pass Filter Plugin</phrase>
+	    </textobject>
+	</mediaobject>
+    </screenshot>
+    <variablelist>
+	<varlistentry>
+	    <term><emphasis role="bold">&i18n-plugin_lbl_internal_name;</emphasis></term>
+	    <listitem><para><literal>&no-i18n-plugin_band_pass;</literal></para></listitem>
+	</varlistentry>
+	<varlistentry>
+	    <term><emphasis role="bold">&i18n-plugin_lbl_type;</emphasis></term>
+	    <listitem><para>effect</para></listitem>
+	</varlistentry>
+	<varlistentry>
+	    <term><emphasis role="bold">&i18n-plugin_lbl_description;</emphasis></term>
+	    <listitem>
+	    <para>
+	        Applies a simple band pass filter to the current selection. A band pass
+		lets a certain range of frequencies around a <emphasis>center frequency</emphasis>
+		pass and filters out frequencies that are below or above the center frequency
+		by more than half of the <emphasis>bandwidth</emphasis> of the filter.
+	    </para>
+	    <para>
+		The filter has grade two and is implemented as described in the book
+		<citetitle>"An introduction to digital filter theory"</citetitle> by
+		<author>
+		    <personname>
+			<firstname>Julius O.</firstname>
+			<surname>Smith</surname>
+		    </personname>
+		</author>
+		and in Moore's book, where the the normalized version from
+		Moore's book is used.
+	    </para>
+	    </listitem>
+	</varlistentry>
+	<varlistentry>
+	    <term><emphasis role="bold">&i18n-plugin_lbl_parameters;</emphasis>:</term>
+	    <listitem>
+		<variablelist>
+		    <varlistentry>
+			<term><replaceable>frequency</replaceable></term>
+			<listitem>
+			    <para>
+				Center frequency of the filter in Hz, must be below
+				half of the sample rate of the file.
+			    </para>
+			</listitem>
+		    </varlistentry>
+		    <varlistentry>
+			<term><replaceable>bandwidth</replaceable></term>
+			<listitem>
+			    <para>
+				Bandwidth of the filter in Hz.
+			    </para>
+			</listitem>
+		    </varlistentry>
+		</variablelist>
+	    </listitem>
+	</varlistentry>
+    </variablelist>
+    </sect1>
+    <!-- @PLUGIN@ codec_ascii -->
+    <sect1 id="plugin_sect_codec_ascii"><title id="plugin_title_codec_ascii">&no-i18n-plugin_codec_ascii; (ASCII Codec)</title>
+    <variablelist>
+	<varlistentry>
+	    <term><emphasis role="bold">&i18n-plugin_lbl_internal_name;</emphasis></term>
+	    <listitem><para><literal>&no-i18n-plugin_codec_ascii;</literal></para></listitem>
+	</varlistentry>
+	<varlistentry>
+	    <term><emphasis role="bold">&i18n-plugin_lbl_type;</emphasis></term>
+	    <listitem><para>codec</para></listitem>
+	</varlistentry>
+	<varlistentry>
+	    <term><emphasis role="bold">&i18n-plugin_lbl_file_types;</emphasis></term>
+	    <listitem>
+		<informaltable frame='none'><tgroup cols='2'><tbody>
+		    <row>
+			<entry>&i18n-plugin-lbl_file_type_description;</entry>
+			<entry>ASCII encoded audio</entry>
+		    </row>
+		    <row>
+			<entry>&i18n-plugin-lbl_file_type_extensions;</entry>
+			<entry><filename>*.ascii</filename></entry>
+		    </row>
+		    <row>
+			<entry>&i18n-plugin-lbl_file_type_mime_types;</entry>
+			<entry><literal>audio/x-audio-ascii</literal></entry>
+		    </row>
+		</tbody></tgroup></informaltable>
+	    </listitem>
+	</varlistentry>
+	<varlistentry>
+	    <term><emphasis role="bold">&i18n-plugin_lbl_meta_data;</emphasis></term>
+	    <listitem>
+		<para>
+		    (all known file info items,
+		    see section <link linkend="file-info-list" endterm="file-info-list-title"/>)
+		</para>
+	    </listitem>
+	</varlistentry>
+    </variablelist>
+    </sect1>
+    <!-- @PLUGIN@ codec_audiofile -->
+    <sect1 id="plugin_sect_codec_audiofile"><title id="plugin_title_codec_audiofile">&no-i18n-plugin_codec_audiofile; (Audiofile Codec)</title>
+    <variablelist>
+	<varlistentry>
+	    <term><emphasis role="bold">&i18n-plugin_lbl_internal_name;</emphasis></term>
+	    <listitem><para><literal>&no-i18n-plugin_codec_audiofile;</literal></para></listitem>
+	</varlistentry>
+	<varlistentry>
+	    <term><emphasis role="bold">&i18n-plugin_lbl_type;</emphasis></term>
+	    <listitem><para>codec [import only]</para></listitem>
+	</varlistentry>
+	<varlistentry>
+	    <term><emphasis role="bold">&i18n-plugin_lbl_file_types;</emphasis></term>
+	    <listitem>
+		<informaltable frame='none'><tgroup cols='2'><tbody>
+		    <row>
+			<entry>&i18n-plugin-lbl_file_type_description;</entry>
+			<entry>NeXT, Sun Audio</entry>
+		    </row>
+		    <row>
+			<entry>&i18n-plugin-lbl_file_type_extensions;</entry>
+			<entry>
+			    <filename>*.au</filename>,
+			    <filename>*.snd</filename>
+			</entry>
+		    </row>
+		    <row>
+			<entry>&i18n-plugin-lbl_file_type_mime_types;</entry>
+			<entry><literal>audio/basic</literal></entry>
+		    </row>
+		</tbody></tgroup></informaltable>
+		<informaltable frame='none'><tgroup cols='2'><tbody>
+		    <row>
+			<entry>&i18n-plugin-lbl_file_type_description;</entry>
+			<entry>Compressed Audio Interchange Format</entry>
+		    </row>
+		    <row>
+			<entry>&i18n-plugin-lbl_file_type_extensions;</entry>
+			<entry><filename>*.aifc</filename></entry>
+		    </row>
+		    <row>
+			<entry>&i18n-plugin-lbl_file_type_mime_types;</entry>
+			<entry><literal>audio/x-aifc</literal></entry>
+		    </row>
+		</tbody></tgroup></informaltable>
+		<informaltable frame='none'><tgroup cols='2'><tbody>
+		    <row>
+			<entry>&i18n-plugin-lbl_file_type_description;</entry>
+			<entry>Audio Interchange Format</entry>
+		    </row>
+		    <row>
+			<entry>&i18n-plugin-lbl_file_type_extensions;</entry>
+			<entry>
+			    <filename>*.aif</filename>,
+			    <filename>*.aiff</filename>
+			</entry>
+		    </row>
+		    <row>
+			<entry>&i18n-plugin-lbl_file_type_mime_types;</entry>
+			<entry><literal>audio/x-aiff</literal></entry>
+		    </row>
+		</tbody></tgroup></informaltable>
+		<informaltable frame='none'><tgroup cols='2'><tbody>
+		    <row>
+			<entry>&i18n-plugin-lbl_file_type_description;</entry>
+			<entry>Berkeley, IRCAM, Carl Sound Format</entry>
+		    </row>
+		    <row>
+			<entry>&i18n-plugin-lbl_file_type_extensions;</entry>
+			<entry><filename>*.sf</filename></entry>
+		    </row>
+		    <row>
+			<entry>&i18n-plugin-lbl_file_type_mime_types;</entry>
+			<entry><literal>audio/x-ircam</literal></entry>
+		    </row>
+		</tbody></tgroup></informaltable>
+	    </listitem>
+	</varlistentry>
+	<varlistentry>
+	    <term><emphasis role="bold">&i18n-plugin_lbl_meta_data;</emphasis></term>
+	    <listitem>
+		<para>
+		    (none)
+		</para>
+	    </listitem>
+	</varlistentry>
+    </variablelist>
+    </sect1>
+    <!-- @PLUGIN@ codec_flac -->
+    <sect1 id="plugin_sect_codec_flac"><title id="plugin_title_codec_flac">&no-i18n-plugin_codec_flac; (FLAC Codec)</title>
+    <variablelist>
+	<varlistentry>
+	    <term><emphasis role="bold">&i18n-plugin_lbl_internal_name;</emphasis></term>
+	    <listitem><para><literal>&no-i18n-plugin_codec_flac;</literal></para></listitem>
+	</varlistentry>
+	<varlistentry>
+	    <term><emphasis role="bold">&i18n-plugin_lbl_type;</emphasis></term>
+	    <listitem><para>codec</para></listitem>
+	</varlistentry>
+	<varlistentry>
+	    <term><emphasis role="bold">&i18n-plugin_lbl_file_types;</emphasis></term>
+	    <listitem>
+		<informaltable frame='none'><tgroup cols='2'><tbody>
+		    <row>
+			<entry>&i18n-plugin-lbl_file_type_description;</entry>
+			<entry>FLAC audio (Free Lossles Audio Codec)</entry>
+		    </row>
+		    <row>
+			<entry>&i18n-plugin-lbl_file_type_extensions;</entry>
+			<entry><filename>*.flac</filename></entry>
+		    </row>
+		    <row>
+			<entry>&i18n-plugin-lbl_file_type_mime_types;</entry>
+			<entry><literal>audio/x-flac</literal></entry>
+		    </row>
+		</tbody></tgroup></informaltable>
+	    </listitem>
+	</varlistentry>
+	<varlistentry>
+	    <term><emphasis role="bold">&i18n-plugin_lbl_meta_data;</emphasis></term>
+	    <listitem>
+		<para>
+		    <link linkend="INF_CREATION_DATE">&i18n-INF_CREATION_DATE;</link>,
+		    <link linkend="INF_NAME">&i18n-INF_NAME;</link>,
+		    <link linkend="INF_VERSION">&i18n-INF_VERSION;</link>,
+		    <link linkend="INF_ALBUM">&i18n-INF_ALBUM;</link>,
+		    <link linkend="INF_TRACK">&i18n-INF_TRACK;</link>,
+		    <link linkend="INF_AUTHOR">&i18n-INF_AUTHOR;</link>,
+		    <link linkend="INF_PERFORMER">&i18n-INF_PERFORMER;</link>,
+		    <link linkend="INF_COPYRIGHT">&i18n-INF_COPYRIGHT;</link>,
+		    <link linkend="INF_LICENSE">&i18n-INF_LICENSE;</link>,
+		    <link linkend="INF_ORGANIZATION">&i18n-INF_ORGANIZATION;</link>,
+		    <link linkend="INF_SUBJECT">&i18n-INF_SUBJECT;</link>,
+		    <link linkend="INF_GENRE">&i18n-INF_GENRE;</link>,
+		    <link linkend="INF_SOURCE">&i18n-INF_SOURCE;</link>,
+		    <link linkend="INF_CONTACT">&i18n-INF_CONTACT;</link>,
+		    <link linkend="INF_ISRC">&i18n-INF_ISRC;</link>,
+		    <link linkend="INF_SOFTWARE">&i18n-INF_SOFTWARE;</link>,
+		    <link linkend="INF_ENGINEER">&i18n-INF_ENGINEER;</link>,
+		    <link linkend="INF_VBR_QUALITY">&i18n-INF_VBR_QUALITY;</link>
+		</para>
+	    </listitem>
+	</varlistentry>
+    </variablelist>
+    </sect1>
+    <!-- @PLUGIN@ codec_mp3 -->
+    <sect1 id="plugin_sect_codec_mp3"><title id="plugin_title_codec_mp3">&no-i18n-plugin_codec_mp3; (MP3 Codec)</title>
+    <screenshot>
+	<screeninfo>Screenshot</screeninfo>
+	<mediaobject>
+	    <imageobject>
+		<imagedata fileref="kwave-plugin-codec_mp3.png" format="PNG"/>
+	    </imageobject>
+	    <textobject>
+		<phrase>Screenshot of the MP3 Codec Setup Dialog</phrase>
+	    </textobject>
+	</mediaobject>
+    </screenshot>
+    <variablelist>
+	<varlistentry>
+	    <term><emphasis role="bold">&i18n-plugin_lbl_internal_name;</emphasis></term>
+	    <listitem><para><literal>&no-i18n-plugin_codec_mp3;</literal></para></listitem>
+	</varlistentry>
+	<varlistentry>
+	    <term><emphasis role="bold">&i18n-plugin_lbl_type;</emphasis></term>
+	    <listitem><para>codec</para></listitem>
+	</varlistentry>
+	<varlistentry>
+	    <term><emphasis role="bold">&i18n-plugin_lbl_file_types;</emphasis></term>
+	    <listitem>
+		<informaltable frame='none'><tgroup cols='2'><tbody>
+		    <row>
+			<entry>&i18n-plugin-lbl_file_type_description;</entry>
+			<entry>MPEG layer III audio</entry>
+		    </row>
+		    <row>
+			<entry>&i18n-plugin-lbl_file_type_extensions;</entry>
+			<entry><filename>*.mp3</filename></entry>
+		    </row>
+		    <row>
+			<entry>&i18n-plugin-lbl_file_type_mime_types;</entry>
+			<entry>
+			    <literal>audio/x-mp3</literal>,
+			    <literal>audio/mpeg</literal>s
+			</entry>
+		    </row>
+		</tbody></tgroup></informaltable>
+		<informaltable frame='none'><tgroup cols='2'><tbody>
+		    <row>
+			<entry>&i18n-plugin-lbl_file_type_description;</entry>
+			<entry>MPEG layer II audio</entry>
+		    </row>
+		    <row>
+			<entry>&i18n-plugin-lbl_file_type_extensions;</entry>
+			<entry><filename>*.mp2</filename></entry>
+		    </row>
+		    <row>
+			<entry>&i18n-plugin-lbl_file_type_mime_types;</entry>
+			<entry>
+			    <literal>audio/x-mp2</literal>,
+			    <literal>audio/mpeg</literal>
+			</entry>
+		    </row>
+		</tbody></tgroup></informaltable>
+		<informaltable frame='none'><tgroup cols='2'><tbody>
+		    <row>
+			<entry>&i18n-plugin-lbl_file_type_description;</entry>
+			<entry>MPEG layer I audio</entry>
+		    </row>
+		    <row>
+			<entry>&i18n-plugin-lbl_file_type_extensions;</entry>
+			<entry>
+			    <filename>*.mp1</filename>,
+			    <filename>*.mpg</filename>,
+			    <filename>*.mpga</filename>
+			</entry>
+		    </row>
+		    <row>
+			<entry>&i18n-plugin-lbl_file_type_mime_types;</entry>
+			<entry>
+			    <literal>audio/x-mpga</literal>,
+			    <literal>audio/mpeg</literal>
+			</entry>
+		    </row>
+		</tbody></tgroup></informaltable>
+	    </listitem>
+	</varlistentry>
+	<varlistentry>
+	    <term><emphasis role="bold">&i18n-plugin_lbl_meta_data;</emphasis></term>
+	    <listitem>
+		<para>
+		    <link linkend="INF_ALBUM">&i18n-INF_ALBUM;</link>,
+		    <link linkend="INF_ANNOTATION">&i18n-INF_ANNOTATION;</link>,
+		    <link linkend="INF_AUTHOR">&i18n-INF_AUTHOR;</link>,
+		    <link linkend="INF_CD">&i18n-INF_CD;</link>,
+		    <link linkend="INF_CDS">&i18n-INF_CDS;</link>,
+		    <link linkend="INF_COMMENTS">&i18n-INF_COMMENTS;</link>,
+		    <link linkend="INF_COMMISSIONED">&i18n-INF_COMMISSIONED;</link>,
+		    <link linkend="INF_CONTACT">&i18n-INF_CONTACT;</link>,
+		    <link linkend="INF_COPYRIGHT">&i18n-INF_COPYRIGHT;</link>,
+		    <link linkend="INF_CREATION_DATE">&i18n-INF_CREATION_DATE;</link>,
+		    <link linkend="INF_GENRE">&i18n-INF_GENRE;</link>,
+		    <link linkend="INF_ISRC">&i18n-INF_ISRC;</link>,
+		    <link linkend="INF_LENGTH">&i18n-INF_LENGTH;</link>,
+		    <link linkend="INF_LICENSE">&i18n-INF_LICENSE;</link>,
+		    <link linkend="INF_MEDIUM">&i18n-INF_MEDIUM;</link>,
+		    <link linkend="INF_NAME">&i18n-INF_NAME;</link>,
+		    <link linkend="INF_ORGANIZATION">&i18n-INF_ORGANIZATION;</link>,
+		    <link linkend="INF_PERFORMER">&i18n-INF_PERFORMER;</link>,
+		    <link linkend="INF_SOFTWARE">&i18n-INF_SOFTWARE;</link>,
+		    <link linkend="INF_TECHNICAN">&i18n-INF_TECHNICAN;</link>,
+		    <link linkend="INF_TRACK">&i18n-INF_TRACK;</link>,
+		    <link linkend="INF_TRACKS">&i18n-INF_TRACKS;</link>,
+		    <link linkend="INF_VERSION">&i18n-INF_VERSION;</link>
+		</para>
+	    </listitem>
+	</varlistentry>
+    </variablelist>
+    </sect1>
+    <!-- @PLUGIN@ codec_ogg (TODO) -->
+    <sect1 id="plugin_sect_codec_ogg"><title id="plugin_title_codec_ogg">&no-i18n-plugin_codec_ogg; (Ogg Codec)</title>
+    <variablelist>
+	<varlistentry>
+	    <term><emphasis role="bold">&i18n-plugin_lbl_internal_name;</emphasis></term>
+	    <listitem><para><literal>&no-i18n-plugin_codec_ogg;</literal></para></listitem>
+	</varlistentry>
+	<varlistentry>
+	    <term><emphasis role="bold">&i18n-plugin_lbl_type;</emphasis></term>
+	    <listitem><para>codec</para></listitem>
+	</varlistentry>
+	<varlistentry>
+	    <term><emphasis role="bold">&i18n-plugin_lbl_file_types;</emphasis></term>
+	    <listitem>
+		<informaltable frame='none'><tgroup cols='2'><tbody>
+		    <row>
+			<entry>&i18n-plugin-lbl_file_type_description;</entry>
+			<entry>Ogg Opus audio</entry>
+		    </row>
+		    <row>
+			<entry>&i18n-plugin-lbl_file_type_extensions;</entry>
+			<entry><filename>*.opus</filename></entry>
+		    </row>
+		    <row>
+			<entry>&i18n-plugin-lbl_file_type_mime_types;</entry>
+			<entry>
+			    <literal>audio/ogg</literal>,
+			    <literal>application/ogg</literal>,
+			    <literal>audio/opus</literal>
+			</entry>
+		    </row>
+		</tbody></tgroup></informaltable>
+		<informaltable frame='none'><tgroup cols='2'><tbody>
+		    <row>
+			<entry>&i18n-plugin-lbl_file_type_description;</entry>
+			<entry>Ogg Vorbis audio</entry>
+		    </row>
+		    <row>
+			<entry>&i18n-plugin-lbl_file_type_extensions;</entry>
+			<entry><filename>*.ogg</filename></entry>
+		    </row>
+		    <row>
+			<entry>&i18n-plugin-lbl_file_type_mime_types;</entry>
+			<entry>
+			    <literal>audio/ogg</literal>,
+			    <literal>audio/x-ogg</literal>,
+			    <literal>application/x-ogg</literal>,
+			    <literal>audio/x-vorbis+ogg</literal>
+			</entry>
+		    </row>
+		</tbody></tgroup></informaltable>
+	    </listitem>
+	</varlistentry>
+	<varlistentry>
+	    <term><emphasis role="bold">&i18n-plugin_lbl_meta_data;</emphasis></term>
+	    <listitem>
+		<para>
+		    <link linkend="INF_ALBUM">&i18n-INF_ALBUM;</link>,
+		    <link linkend="INF_AUTHOR">&i18n-INF_AUTHOR;</link>,
+		    <link linkend="INF_CONTACT">&i18n-INF_CONTACT;</link>,
+		    <link linkend="INF_COPYRIGHT">&i18n-INF_COPYRIGHT;</link>,
+		    <link linkend="INF_CREATION_DATE">&i18n-INF_CREATION_DATE;</link>,
+		    <link linkend="INF_ENGINEER">&i18n-INF_ENGINEER;</link>,
+		    <link linkend="INF_GENRE">&i18n-INF_GENRE;</link>,
+		    <link linkend="INF_ISRC">&i18n-INF_ISRC;</link>,
+		    <link linkend="INF_LICENSE">&i18n-INF_LICENSE;</link>,
+		    <link linkend="INF_NAME">&i18n-INF_NAME;</link>,
+		    <link linkend="INF_ORGANIZATION">&i18n-INF_ORGANIZATION;</link>,
+		    <link linkend="INF_PERFORMER">&i18n-INF_PERFORMER;</link>,
+		    <link linkend="INF_SOFTWARE">&i18n-INF_SOFTWARE;</link>,
+		    <link linkend="INF_SOURCE">&i18n-INF_SOURCE;</link>,
+		    <link linkend="INF_SUBJECT">&i18n-INF_SUBJECT;</link>,
+		    <link linkend="INF_TRACK">&i18n-INF_TRACK;</link>,
+		    <link linkend="INF_VBR_QUALITY">&i18n-INF_VBR_QUALITY;</link>,
+		    <link linkend="INF_VERSION">&i18n-INF_VERSION;</link>,
+		</para>
+	    </listitem>
+	</varlistentry>
+    </variablelist>
+    </sect1>
+    <!-- @PLUGIN@ codec_wav () -->
+    <sect1 id="plugin_sect_codec_wav"><title id="plugin_title_codec_wav">&no-i18n-plugin_codec_wav; (WAV Codec)</title>
+    <variablelist>
+	<varlistentry>
+	    <term><emphasis role="bold">&i18n-plugin_lbl_internal_name;</emphasis></term>
+	    <listitem><para><literal>&no-i18n-plugin_codec_wav;</literal></para></listitem>
+	</varlistentry>
+	<varlistentry>
+	    <term><emphasis role="bold">&i18n-plugin_lbl_type;</emphasis></term>
+	    <listitem><para>codec</para></listitem>
+	</varlistentry>
+	<varlistentry>
+	    <term><emphasis role="bold">&i18n-plugin_lbl_file_types;</emphasis></term>
+	    <listitem>
+		<informaltable frame='none'><tgroup cols='2'><tbody>
+		    <row>
+			<entry>&i18n-plugin-lbl_file_type_description;</entry>
+			<entry>WAV audio</entry>
+		    </row>
+		    <row>
+			<entry>&i18n-plugin-lbl_file_type_extensions;</entry>
+			<entry><filename>*.wav</filename></entry>
+		    </row>
+		    <row>
+			<entry>&i18n-plugin-lbl_file_type_mime_types;</entry>
+			<entry>
+			    <literal>audio/x-wav</literal>,
+			    <literal>audio/vnd.wave</literal>,
+			    <literal>audio/wav</literal>
+			</entry>
+		    </row>
+		</tbody></tgroup></informaltable>
+	    </listitem>
+	</varlistentry>
+	<varlistentry>
+	    <term><emphasis role="bold">&i18n-plugin_lbl_meta_data;</emphasis></term>
+	    <listitem>
+		<para>
+		    <link linkend="INF_ALBUM">&i18n-INF_ALBUM;</link>,
+		    <link linkend="INF_ANNOTATION">&i18n-INF_ANNOTATION;</link>,
+		    <link linkend="INF_ARCHIVAL">&i18n-INF_ARCHIVAL;</link>,
+		    <link linkend="INF_AUTHOR">&i18n-INF_AUTHOR;</link>,
+		    <link linkend="INF_CD">&i18n-INF_CD;</link>,
+		    <link linkend="INF_COMMENTS">&i18n-INF_COMMENTS;</link>,
+		    <link linkend="INF_COMMISSIONED">&i18n-INF_COMMISSIONED;</link>,
+		    <link linkend="INF_CONTACT">&i18n-INF_CONTACT;</link>,
+		    <link linkend="INF_COPYRIGHT">&i18n-INF_COPYRIGHT;</link>,
+		    <link linkend="INF_CREATION_DATE">&i18n-INF_CREATION_DATE;</link>,
+		    <link linkend="INF_ENGINEER">&i18n-INF_ENGINEER;</link>,
+		    <link linkend="INF_GENRE">&i18n-INF_GENRE;</link>,
+		    <link linkend="INF_ISRC">&i18n-INF_ISRC;</link>,
+		    <link linkend="INF_KEYWORDS">&i18n-INF_KEYWORDS;</link>,
+		    <link linkend="INF_LICENSE">&i18n-INF_LICENSE;</link>,
+		    <link linkend="INF_MEDIUM">&i18n-INF_MEDIUM;</link>,
+		    <link linkend="INF_NAME">&i18n-INF_NAME;</link>,
+		    <link linkend="INF_ORGANIZATION">&i18n-INF_ORGANIZATION;</link>,
+		    <link linkend="INF_PERFORMER">&i18n-INF_PERFORMER;</link>,
+		    <link linkend="INF_PRODUCT">&i18n-INF_PRODUCT;</link>,
+		    <link linkend="INF_SOFTWARE">&i18n-INF_SOFTWARE;</link>,
+		    <link linkend="INF_SOURCE">&i18n-INF_SOURCE;</link>,
+		    <link linkend="INF_SOURCE_FORM">&i18n-INF_SOURCE_FORM;</link>,
+		    <link linkend="INF_SUBJECT">&i18n-INF_SUBJECT;</link>,
+		    <link linkend="INF_TECHNICAN">&i18n-INF_TECHNICAN;</link>,
+		    <link linkend="INF_TRACK">&i18n-INF_TRACK;</link>,
+		    <link linkend="INF_VERSION">&i18n-INF_VERSION;</link>,
+		</para>
+	    </listitem>
+	</varlistentry>
+    </variablelist>
+    </sect1>
+    <!-- @PLUGIN@ debug (TODO) -->
+    <sect1 id="plugin_sect_debug"><title id="plugin_title_debug">&no-i18n-plugin_debug; (Debug Functions)</title>
+    <variablelist>
+	<varlistentry>
+	    <term><emphasis role="bold">&i18n-plugin_lbl_internal_name;</emphasis></term>
+	    <listitem><para><literal>&no-i18n-plugin_debug;</literal></para></listitem>
+	</varlistentry>
+	<varlistentry>
+	    <term><emphasis role="bold">&i18n-plugin_lbl_type;</emphasis></term>
+	    <listitem><para>function</para></listitem>
+	</varlistentry>
+	<varlistentry>
+	    <term><emphasis role="bold">&i18n-plugin_lbl_description;</emphasis></term>
+	    <listitem>
+	    <para>
+	        TODO: description of what the Debug Functions plugin does...
+	    </para>
+	    </listitem>
+	</varlistentry>
+	<!-- varlistentry>
+	    <term><emphasis role="bold">&i18n-plugin_lbl_parameters;</emphasis>:</term>
+	    <listitem>
+		<variablelist>
+		    <varlistentry>
+			<term><replaceable>operation</replaceable></term>
+			<listitem>
+			    <para>
+				description of the parameter
+			    </para>
+			</listitem>
+		    </varlistentry>
+		</variablelist>
+	    </listitem>
+	</varlistentry -->
+    </variablelist>
+    </sect1>
+    <!-- @PLUGIN@ fileinfo (TODO) -->
+    <sect1 id="plugin_sect_fileinfo"><title id="plugin_title_fileinfo">&no-i18n-plugin_fileinfo; (File Info)</title>
+    <screenshot>
+	<screeninfo>Screenshot</screeninfo>
+	<mediaobject>
+	    <imageobject>
+		<imagedata fileref="kwave-plugin-fileinfo.png" format="PNG"/>
+	    </imageobject>
+	    <textobject>
+		<phrase>Screenshot of the File Info Plugin</phrase>
+	    </textobject>
+	</mediaobject>
+    </screenshot>
+    <variablelist>
+	<varlistentry>
+	    <term><emphasis role="bold">&i18n-plugin_lbl_internal_name;</emphasis></term>
+	    <listitem><para><literal>&no-i18n-plugin_fileinfo;</literal></para></listitem>
+	</varlistentry>
+	<varlistentry>
+	    <term><emphasis role="bold">&i18n-plugin_lbl_type;</emphasis></term>
+	    <listitem><para>gui</para></listitem>
+	</varlistentry>
+	<varlistentry>
+	    <term><emphasis role="bold">&i18n-plugin_lbl_description;</emphasis></term>
+	    <listitem>
+	    <para>
+	        TODO: description of what the File Info plugin does...
+	    </para>
+	    </listitem>
+	</varlistentry>
+	<!-- varlistentry>
+	    <term><emphasis role="bold">&i18n-plugin_lbl_parameters;</emphasis>:</term>
+	    <listitem>
+		<variablelist>
+		    <varlistentry>
+			<term><replaceable>operation</replaceable></term>
+			<listitem>
+			    <para>
+				description of the parameter
+			    </para>
+			</listitem>
+		    </varlistentry>
+		</variablelist>
+	    </listitem>
+	</varlistentry -->
+    </variablelist>
+    </sect1>
+    <!-- @PLUGIN@ goto (TODO) -->
+    <sect1 id="plugin_sect_goto"><title id="plugin_title_goto">&no-i18n-plugin_goto; (Goto Position)</title>
+    <!-- <screenshot>
+	<screeninfo>Screenshot</screeninfo>
+	<mediaobject>
+	    <imageobject>
+		<imagedata fileref="kwave-plugin-goto.png" format="PNG"/>
+	    </imageobject>
+	    <textobject>
+		<phrase>Screenshot of the Goto Position Plugin</phrase>
+	    </textobject>
+	</mediaobject>
+    </screenshot> -->
+    <variablelist>
+	<varlistentry>
+	    <term><emphasis role="bold">&i18n-plugin_lbl_internal_name;</emphasis></term>
+	    <listitem><para><literal>&no-i18n-plugin_goto;</literal></para></listitem>
+	</varlistentry>
+	<varlistentry>
+	    <term><emphasis role="bold">&i18n-plugin_lbl_type;</emphasis></term>
+	    <listitem><para>function</para></listitem>
+	</varlistentry>
+	<varlistentry>
+	    <term><emphasis role="bold">&i18n-plugin_lbl_description;</emphasis></term>
+	    <listitem>
+	    <para>
+	        TODO: description of what the Goto Position plugin does...
+	    </para>
+	    </listitem>
+	</varlistentry>
+	<!-- varlistentry>
+	    <term><emphasis role="bold">&i18n-plugin_lbl_parameters;</emphasis>:</term>
+	    <listitem>
+		<variablelist>
+		    <varlistentry>
+			<term><replaceable>operation</replaceable></term>
+			<listitem>
+			    <para>
+				description of the parameter
+			    </para>
+			</listitem>
+		    </varlistentry>
+		</variablelist>
+	    </listitem>
+	</varlistentry -->
+    </variablelist>
+    </sect1>
+    <!-- @PLUGIN@ insert_at (TODO) -->
+    <sect1 id="plugin_sect_insert_at"><title id="plugin_title_insert_at">&no-i18n-plugin_insert_at; (Insert At)</title>
+    <!-- <screenshot>
+	<screeninfo>Screenshot</screeninfo>
+	<mediaobject>
+	    <imageobject>
+		<imagedata fileref="kwave-plugin-insert_at.png" format="PNG"/>
+	    </imageobject>
+	    <textobject>
+		<phrase>Screenshot of the Insert At Plugin</phrase>
+	    </textobject>
+	</mediaobject>
+    </screenshot> -->
+    <variablelist>
+	<varlistentry>
+	    <term><emphasis role="bold">&i18n-plugin_lbl_internal_name;</emphasis></term>
+	    <listitem><para><literal>&no-i18n-plugin_insert_at;</literal></para></listitem>
+	</varlistentry>
+	<varlistentry>
+	    <term><emphasis role="bold">&i18n-plugin_lbl_type;</emphasis></term>
+	    <listitem><para>function</para></listitem>
+	</varlistentry>
+	<varlistentry>
+	    <term><emphasis role="bold">&i18n-plugin_lbl_description;</emphasis></term>
+	    <listitem>
+	    <para>
+	        TODO: description of what the Insert At plugin does...
+	    </para>
+	    </listitem>
+	</varlistentry>
+	<!-- varlistentry>
+	    <term><emphasis role="bold">&i18n-plugin_lbl_parameters;</emphasis>:</term>
+	    <listitem>
+		<variablelist>
+		    <varlistentry>
+			<term><replaceable>operation</replaceable></term>
+			<listitem>
+			    <para>
+				description of the parameter
+			    </para>
+			</listitem>
+		    </varlistentry>
+		</variablelist>
+	    </listitem>
+	</varlistentry -->
+    </variablelist>
+    </sect1>
+    <!-- @PLUGIN@ lowpass (TODO) -->
+    <sect1 id="plugin_sect_lowpass"><title id="plugin_title_lowpass">&no-i18n-plugin_lowpass; (Low Pass Filter)</title>
+    <!-- <screenshot>
+	<screeninfo>Screenshot</screeninfo>
+	<mediaobject>
+	    <imageobject>
+		<imagedata fileref="kwave-plugin-lowpass.png" format="PNG"/>
+	    </imageobject>
+	    <textobject>
+		<phrase>Screenshot of the Low Pass Filter Plugin</phrase>
+	    </textobject>
+	</mediaobject>
+    </screenshot> -->
+    <variablelist>
+	<varlistentry>
+	    <term><emphasis role="bold">&i18n-plugin_lbl_internal_name;</emphasis></term>
+	    <listitem><para><literal>&no-i18n-plugin_lowpass;</literal></para></listitem>
+	</varlistentry>
+	<varlistentry>
+	    <term><emphasis role="bold">&i18n-plugin_lbl_type;</emphasis></term>
+	    <listitem><para>effect</para></listitem>
+	</varlistentry>
+	<varlistentry>
+	    <term><emphasis role="bold">&i18n-plugin_lbl_description;</emphasis></term>
+	    <listitem>
+	    <para>
+	        TODO: description of what the Low Pass Filter plugin does...
+	    </para>
+	    </listitem>
+	</varlistentry>
+	<!-- varlistentry>
+	    <term><emphasis role="bold">&i18n-plugin_lbl_parameters;</emphasis>:</term>
+	    <listitem>
+		<variablelist>
+		    <varlistentry>
+			<term><replaceable>operation</replaceable></term>
+			<listitem>
+			    <para>
+				description of the parameter
+			    </para>
+			</listitem>
+		    </varlistentry>
+		</variablelist>
+	    </listitem>
+	</varlistentry -->
+    </variablelist>
+    </sect1>
+    <!-- @PLUGIN@ memory (TODO) -->
+    <sect1 id="plugin_sect_memory"><title id="plugin_title_memory">&no-i18n-plugin_memory; (Memory Settings)</title>
+    <variablelist>
+	<varlistentry>
+	    <term><emphasis role="bold">&i18n-plugin_lbl_internal_name;</emphasis></term>
+	    <listitem><para><literal>&no-i18n-plugin_memory;</literal></para></listitem>
+	</varlistentry>
+	<varlistentry>
+	    <term><emphasis role="bold">&i18n-plugin_lbl_type;</emphasis></term>
+	    <listitem><para>gui</para></listitem>
+	</varlistentry>
+	<varlistentry>
+	    <term><emphasis role="bold">&i18n-plugin_lbl_description;</emphasis></term>
+	    <listitem>
+	    <para>
+	        Provides a dialog to set up the memory usage of &kwave;.
+		Please refer to the section about the
+		<link linkend="memory-setup">Memory Setup</link>
+		for a description.
+	    </para>
+	    </listitem>
+	</varlistentry>
+	<varlistentry>
+	    <term><emphasis role="bold">&i18n-plugin_lbl_parameters;</emphasis>:</term>
+	    <listitem>
+		<variablelist>
+		    <varlistentry>
+			<term><replaceable>physical limited</replaceable></term>
+			<listitem>
+			    <para>
+				If zero, the use of physical memory will not limited,
+				otherwise the use of physical memory will be limited.
+			    </para>
+			</listitem>
+		    </varlistentry>
+		    <varlistentry>
+			<term><replaceable>physical limit</replaceable></term>
+			<listitem>
+			    <para>
+				Limitation of the physical memory in units of whole MB.
+				Only has an effect when the parameter <replaceable>physical limited</replaceable>
+				has been set to a non zero value.
+			    </para>
+			</listitem>
+		    </varlistentry>
+		    <varlistentry>
+			<term><replaceable>virtual enabled</replaceable></term>
+			<listitem>
+			    <para>
+				If zero, the use of virtual memory will be disabled,
+				otherwise the use of virtual memory will be enabled.
+				Only has an effect when the parameter <replaceable>virtual enabled</replaceable>
+				has been set to a non zero value.
+			    </para>
+			</listitem>
+		    </varlistentry>
+		    <varlistentry>
+			<term><replaceable>virtual limited</replaceable></term>
+			<listitem>
+			    <para>
+				If zero, the use of virtual memory will be not limited,
+				otherwise the use of virtual memory will be limited.
+				Only has an effect when the parameter <replaceable>virtual enabled</replaceable>
+				has been set to a non zero value.
+			    </para>
+			</listitem>
+		    </varlistentry>
+		    <varlistentry>
+			<term><replaceable>virtual limit</replaceable></term>
+			<listitem>
+			    <para>
+				Limitation of the virtual memory in units of whole MB.
+				Only has an effect when the parameters <replaceable>virtual enabled</replaceable>
+				and <replaceable>virtual limited</replaceable>
+				have both been set to a non zero value.
+			    </para>
+			</listitem>
+		    </varlistentry>
+		    <varlistentry>
+			<term><replaceable>virtual directory</replaceable></term>
+			<listitem>
+			    <para>
+				Directory to use for storing swap files that will be used for
+				providing virtual memory.
+				Only has an effect when the parameters <replaceable>virtual enabled</replaceable>
+				and <replaceable>virtual limited</replaceable>
+				have both been set to a non zero value.
+			    </para>
+			</listitem>
+		    </varlistentry>
+		</variablelist>
+	    </listitem>
+	</varlistentry>
+    </variablelist>
+    </sect1>
+    <!-- @PLUGIN@ newsignal (TODO) -->
+    <sect1 id="plugin_sect_newsignal"><title id="plugin_title_newsignal">&no-i18n-plugin_newsignal; (New Signal)</title>
+    <!-- <screenshot>
+	<screeninfo>Screenshot</screeninfo>
+	<mediaobject>
+	    <imageobject>
+		<imagedata fileref="kwave-plugin-newsignal.png" format="PNG"/>
+	    </imageobject>
+	    <textobject>
+		<phrase>Screenshot of the New Signal Plugin</phrase>
+	    </textobject>
+	</mediaobject>
+    </screenshot> -->
+    <variablelist>
+	<varlistentry>
+	    <term><emphasis role="bold">&i18n-plugin_lbl_internal_name;</emphasis></term>
+	    <listitem><para><literal>&no-i18n-plugin_newsignal;</literal></para></listitem>
+	</varlistentry>
+	<varlistentry>
+	    <term><emphasis role="bold">&i18n-plugin_lbl_type;</emphasis></term>
+	    <listitem><para>function</para></listitem>
+	</varlistentry>
+	<varlistentry>
+	    <term><emphasis role="bold">&i18n-plugin_lbl_description;</emphasis></term>
+	    <listitem>
+	    <para>
+	        TODO: description of what the New Signal plugin does...
+	    </para>
+	    </listitem>
+	</varlistentry>
+	<!-- varlistentry>
+	    <term><emphasis role="bold">&i18n-plugin_lbl_parameters;</emphasis>:</term>
+	    <listitem>
+		<variablelist>
+		    <varlistentry>
+			<term><replaceable>operation</replaceable></term>
+			<listitem>
+			    <para>
+				description of the parameter
+			    </para>
+			</listitem>
+		    </varlistentry>
+		</variablelist>
+	    </listitem>
+	</varlistentry -->
+    </variablelist>
+    </sect1>
+    <!-- @PLUGIN@ noise (TODO) -->
+    <sect1 id="plugin_sect_noise"><title id="plugin_title_noise">&no-i18n-plugin_noise; (Noise Generator)</title>
+    <!-- <screenshot>
+	<screeninfo>Screenshot</screeninfo>
+	<mediaobject>
+	    <imageobject>
+		<imagedata fileref="kwave-plugin-noise.png" format="PNG"/>
+	    </imageobject>
+	    <textobject>
+		<phrase>Screenshot of the Noise Generator Plugin</phrase>
+	    </textobject>
+	</mediaobject>
+    </screenshot> -->
+    <variablelist>
+	<varlistentry>
+	    <term><emphasis role="bold">&i18n-plugin_lbl_internal_name;</emphasis></term>
+	    <listitem><para><literal>&no-i18n-plugin_noise;</literal></para></listitem>
+	</varlistentry>
+	<varlistentry>
+	    <term><emphasis role="bold">&i18n-plugin_lbl_type;</emphasis></term>
+	    <listitem><para>effect</para></listitem>
+	</varlistentry>
+	<varlistentry>
+	    <term><emphasis role="bold">&i18n-plugin_lbl_description;</emphasis></term>
+	    <listitem>
+	    <para>
+	        TODO: description of what the Noise Generator plugin does...
+	    </para>
+	    </listitem>
+	</varlistentry>
+	<!-- varlistentry>
+	    <term><emphasis role="bold">&i18n-plugin_lbl_parameters;</emphasis>:</term>
+	    <listitem>
+		<variablelist>
+		    <varlistentry>
+			<term><replaceable>operation</replaceable></term>
+			<listitem>
+			    <para>
+				description of the parameter
+			    </para>
+			</listitem>
+		    </varlistentry>
+		</variablelist>
+	    </listitem>
+	</varlistentry -->
+    </variablelist>
+    </sect1>
+    <!-- @PLUGIN@ normalize (TODO) -->
+    <sect1 id="plugin_sect_normalize"><title id="plugin_title_normalize">&no-i18n-plugin_normalize; (Normalizer)</title>
+    <!-- <screenshot>
+	<screeninfo>Screenshot</screeninfo>
+	<mediaobject>
+	    <imageobject>
+		<imagedata fileref="kwave-plugin-normalize.png" format="PNG"/>
+	    </imageobject>
+	    <textobject>
+		<phrase>Screenshot of the Normalizer Plugin</phrase>
+	    </textobject>
+	</mediaobject>
+    </screenshot> -->
+    <variablelist>
+	<varlistentry>
+	    <term><emphasis role="bold">&i18n-plugin_lbl_internal_name;</emphasis></term>
+	    <listitem><para><literal>&no-i18n-plugin_normalize;</literal></para></listitem>
+	</varlistentry>
+	<varlistentry>
+	    <term><emphasis role="bold">&i18n-plugin_lbl_type;</emphasis></term>
+	    <listitem><para>effect</para></listitem>
+	</varlistentry>
+	<varlistentry>
+	    <term><emphasis role="bold">&i18n-plugin_lbl_description;</emphasis></term>
+	    <listitem>
+	    <para>
+	        TODO: description of what the Normalizer plugin does...
+	    </para>
+	    </listitem>
+	</varlistentry>
+	<!-- varlistentry>
+	    <term><emphasis role="bold">&i18n-plugin_lbl_parameters;</emphasis>:</term>
+	    <listitem>
+		<variablelist>
+		    <varlistentry>
+			<term><replaceable>operation</replaceable></term>
+			<listitem>
+			    <para>
+				description of the parameter
+			    </para>
+			</listitem>
+		    </varlistentry>
+		</variablelist>
+	    </listitem>
+	</varlistentry -->
+    </variablelist>
+    </sect1>
+    <!-- @PLUGIN@ notch_filter (TODO) -->
+    <sect1 id="plugin_sect_notch_filter"><title id="plugin_title_notch_filter">&no-i18n-plugin_notch_filter; (Notch Filter)</title>
+    <!-- <screenshot>
+	<screeninfo>Screenshot</screeninfo>
+	<mediaobject>
+	    <imageobject>
+		<imagedata fileref="kwave-plugin-notch_filter.png" format="PNG"/>
+	    </imageobject>
+	    <textobject>
+		<phrase>Screenshot of the Notch Filter Plugin</phrase>
+	    </textobject>
+	</mediaobject>
+    </screenshot> -->
+    <variablelist>
+	<varlistentry>
+	    <term><emphasis role="bold">&i18n-plugin_lbl_internal_name;</emphasis></term>
+	    <listitem><para><literal>&no-i18n-plugin_notch_filter;</literal></para></listitem>
+	</varlistentry>
+	<varlistentry>
+	    <term><emphasis role="bold">&i18n-plugin_lbl_type;</emphasis></term>
+	    <listitem><para>effect</para></listitem>
+	</varlistentry>
+	<varlistentry>
+	    <term><emphasis role="bold">&i18n-plugin_lbl_description;</emphasis></term>
+	    <listitem>
+	    <para>
+	        TODO: description of what the Notch Filter plugin does...
+	    </para>
+	    </listitem>
+	</varlistentry>
+	<!-- varlistentry>
+	    <term><emphasis role="bold">&i18n-plugin_lbl_parameters;</emphasis>:</term>
+	    <listitem>
+		<variablelist>
+		    <varlistentry>
+			<term><replaceable>operation</replaceable></term>
+			<listitem>
+			    <para>
+				description of the parameter
+			    </para>
+			</listitem>
+		    </varlistentry>
+		</variablelist>
+	    </listitem>
+	</varlistentry -->
+    </variablelist>
+    </sect1>
+    <!-- @PLUGIN@ pitch_shift (TODO) -->
+    <sect1 id="plugin_sect_pitch_shift"><title id="plugin_title_pitch_shift">&no-i18n-plugin_pitch_shift; (Pitch Shift)</title>
+    <!-- <screenshot>
+	<screeninfo>Screenshot</screeninfo>
+	<mediaobject>
+	    <imageobject>
+		<imagedata fileref="kwave-plugin-pitch_shift.png" format="PNG"/>
+	    </imageobject>
+	    <textobject>
+		<phrase>Screenshot of the Pitch Shift Plugin</phrase>
+	    </textobject>
+	</mediaobject>
+    </screenshot> -->
+    <variablelist>
+	<varlistentry>
+	    <term><emphasis role="bold">&i18n-plugin_lbl_internal_name;</emphasis></term>
+	    <listitem><para><literal>&no-i18n-plugin_pitch_shift;</literal></para></listitem>
+	</varlistentry>
+	<varlistentry>
+	    <term><emphasis role="bold">&i18n-plugin_lbl_type;</emphasis></term>
+	    <listitem><para>effect</para></listitem>
+	</varlistentry>
+	<varlistentry>
+	    <term><emphasis role="bold">&i18n-plugin_lbl_description;</emphasis></term>
+	    <listitem>
+	    <para>
+	        TODO: description of what the Pitch Shift plugin does...
+	    </para>
+	    </listitem>
+	</varlistentry>
+	<!-- varlistentry>
+	    <term><emphasis role="bold">&i18n-plugin_lbl_parameters;</emphasis>:</term>
+	    <listitem>
+		<variablelist>
+		    <varlistentry>
+			<term><replaceable>operation</replaceable></term>
+			<listitem>
+			    <para>
+				description of the parameter
+			    </para>
+			</listitem>
+		    </varlistentry>
+		</variablelist>
+	    </listitem>
+	</varlistentry -->
+    </variablelist>
+    </sect1>
+    <!-- @PLUGIN@ playback (TODO) -->
+    <sect1 id="plugin_sect_playback"><title id="plugin_title_playback">&no-i18n-plugin_playback; (Playback)</title>
+    <!-- <screenshot>
+	<screeninfo>Screenshot</screeninfo>
+	<mediaobject>
+	    <imageobject>
+		<imagedata fileref="kwave-plugin-playback.png" format="PNG"/>
+	    </imageobject>
+	    <textobject>
+		<phrase>Screenshot of the Playback Plugin</phrase>
+	    </textobject>
+	</mediaobject>
+    </screenshot> -->
+    <variablelist>
+	<varlistentry>
+	    <term><emphasis role="bold">&i18n-plugin_lbl_internal_name;</emphasis></term>
+	    <listitem><para><literal>&no-i18n-plugin_playback;</literal></para></listitem>
+	</varlistentry>
+	<varlistentry>
+	    <term><emphasis role="bold">&i18n-plugin_lbl_type;</emphasis></term>
+	    <listitem><para>function</para></listitem>
+	</varlistentry>
+	<varlistentry>
+	    <term><emphasis role="bold">&i18n-plugin_lbl_description;</emphasis></term>
+	    <listitem>
+	    <para>
+	        TODO: description of what the Playback plugin does...
+	    </para>
+	    </listitem>
+	</varlistentry>
+	<!-- varlistentry>
+	    <term><emphasis role="bold">&i18n-plugin_lbl_parameters;</emphasis>:</term>
+	    <listitem>
+		<variablelist>
+		    <varlistentry>
+			<term><replaceable>operation</replaceable></term>
+			<listitem>
+			    <para>
+				description of the parameter
+			    </para>
+			</listitem>
+		    </varlistentry>
+		</variablelist>
+	    </listitem>
+	</varlistentry -->
+    </variablelist>
+    </sect1>
+    <!-- @PLUGIN@ record (TODO) -->
+    <sect1 id="plugin_sect_record"><title id="plugin_title_record">&no-i18n-plugin_record; (Record)</title>
+    <!-- <screenshot>
+	<screeninfo>Screenshot</screeninfo>
+	<mediaobject>
+	    <imageobject>
+		<imagedata fileref="kwave-plugin-record.png" format="PNG"/>
+	    </imageobject>
+	    <textobject>
+		<phrase>Screenshot of the Record Plugin</phrase>
+	    </textobject>
+	</mediaobject>
+    </screenshot> -->
+    <variablelist>
+	<varlistentry>
+	    <term><emphasis role="bold">&i18n-plugin_lbl_internal_name;</emphasis></term>
+	    <listitem><para><literal>&no-i18n-plugin_record;</literal></para></listitem>
+	</varlistentry>
+	<varlistentry>
+	    <term><emphasis role="bold">&i18n-plugin_lbl_type;</emphasis></term>
+	    <listitem><para>function</para></listitem>
+	</varlistentry>
+	<varlistentry>
+	    <term><emphasis role="bold">&i18n-plugin_lbl_description;</emphasis></term>
+	    <listitem>
+	    <para>
+	        TODO: description of what the Record plugin does...
+	    </para>
+	    </listitem>
+	</varlistentry>
+	<!-- varlistentry>
+	    <term><emphasis role="bold">&i18n-plugin_lbl_parameters;</emphasis>:</term>
+	    <listitem>
+		<variablelist>
+		    <varlistentry>
+			<term><replaceable>operation</replaceable></term>
+			<listitem>
+			    <para>
+				description of the parameter
+			    </para>
+			</listitem>
+		    </varlistentry>
+		</variablelist>
+	    </listitem>
+	</varlistentry -->
+    </variablelist>
+    </sect1>
+    <!-- @PLUGIN@ reverse (TODO) -->
+    <sect1 id="plugin_sect_reverse"><title id="plugin_title_reverse">&no-i18n-plugin_reverse; (Reverse)</title>
+    <!-- <screenshot>
+	<screeninfo>Screenshot</screeninfo>
+	<mediaobject>
+	    <imageobject>
+		<imagedata fileref="kwave-plugin-reverse.png" format="PNG"/>
+	    </imageobject>
+	    <textobject>
+		<phrase>Screenshot of the Reverse Plugin</phrase>
+	    </textobject>
+	</mediaobject>
+    </screenshot> -->
+    <variablelist>
+	<varlistentry>
+	    <term><emphasis role="bold">&i18n-plugin_lbl_internal_name;</emphasis></term>
+	    <listitem><para><literal>&no-i18n-plugin_reverse;</literal></para></listitem>
+	</varlistentry>
+	<varlistentry>
+	    <term><emphasis role="bold">&i18n-plugin_lbl_type;</emphasis></term>
+	    <listitem><para>effect</para></listitem>
+	</varlistentry>
+	<varlistentry>
+	    <term><emphasis role="bold">&i18n-plugin_lbl_description;</emphasis></term>
+	    <listitem>
+	    <para>
+	        TODO: description of what the Reverse plugin does...
+	    </para>
+	    </listitem>
+	</varlistentry>
+	<!-- varlistentry>
+	    <term><emphasis role="bold">&i18n-plugin_lbl_parameters;</emphasis>:</term>
+	    <listitem>
+		<variablelist>
+		    <varlistentry>
+			<term><replaceable>operation</replaceable></term>
+			<listitem>
+			    <para>
+				description of the parameter
+			    </para>
+			</listitem>
+		    </varlistentry>
+		</variablelist>
+	    </listitem>
+	</varlistentry -->
+    </variablelist>
+    </sect1>
+    <!-- @PLUGIN@ samplerate (TODO) -->
+    <sect1 id="plugin_sect_samplerate"><title id="plugin_title_samplerate">&no-i18n-plugin_samplerate; (Sample Rate Conversion)</title>
+    <!-- <screenshot>
+	<screeninfo>Screenshot</screeninfo>
+	<mediaobject>
+	    <imageobject>
+		<imagedata fileref="kwave-plugin-samplerate.png" format="PNG"/>
+	    </imageobject>
+	    <textobject>
+		<phrase>Screenshot of the Sample Rate Conversion Plugin</phrase>
+	    </textobject>
+	</mediaobject>
+    </screenshot> -->
+    <variablelist>
+	<varlistentry>
+	    <term><emphasis role="bold">&i18n-plugin_lbl_internal_name;</emphasis></term>
+	    <listitem><para><literal>&no-i18n-plugin_samplerate;</literal></para></listitem>
+	</varlistentry>
+	<varlistentry>
+	    <term><emphasis role="bold">&i18n-plugin_lbl_type;</emphasis></term>
-	  </varlistentry>
-	  <varlistentry>
-	    <term><emphasis role="bold">Description</emphasis>:</term>
+	</varlistentry>
+	<varlistentry>
+	    <term><emphasis role="bold">&i18n-plugin_lbl_description;</emphasis></term>
-	      <para>
-	                    Amplifies the current selection with a curve that
-			    consists of a set of coordinates and an interpolation
-			    method. The coordinates on the time axis as well as on
-			    the amplitude axis must be normed between 0.0
-			    and 1.0.
-	      </para>
+	    <para>
+	        TODO: description of what the Sample Rate Conversion plugin does...
+	    </para>
-	  </varlistentry>
-	  <varlistentry>
-	    <term><emphasis role="bold">Parameters</emphasis>:</term>
+	</varlistentry>
+	<!-- varlistentry>
+	    <term><emphasis role="bold">&i18n-plugin_lbl_parameters;</emphasis>:</term>
-	      <variablelist>
-		<varlistentry>
-		  <term>
-		    <replaceable>operation</replaceable>
-		  </term>
-		  <listitem>
-		    <para>
-			    Internal name, for undo/redo handling. Possible values are:
-		    </para>
-			    <informaltable frame='all'>
-				<tgroup cols='2'>
-				    <thead>
-					<row>
-					    <entry align='left'>keyword</entry>
-					    <entry align='left'>description</entry>
-					</row>
-				    </thead>
-				    <tbody>
-					<row>
-					    <entry>&no-i18n-tag;<command>fade in</command></entry>
-					    <entry>fade in, curve from 0.0/0.0 to 1.0/1.0</entry>
-					</row>
-					<row>
-					    <entry>&no-i18n-tag;<command>fade out</command></entry>
-					    <entry>fade out, curve from 0.0/1.0 to 1.0/0.0</entry>
-					</row>
-					<row>
-					    <entry>&no-i18n-tag;<command>fade intro</command></entry>
-					    <entry>fade intro, one second pause, then fade in</entry>
-					</row>
-					<row>
-					    <entry>&no-i18n-tag;<command>fade outro</command></entry>
-					    <entry>fade outro, first fade out, then one second pause</entry>
-					</row>
-					<row>
-					    <entry>&no-i18n-tag;<command>amplify free</command></entry>
-					    <entry>user defined curve</entry>
-					</row>
-				    </tbody>
-				</tgroup>
-			    </informaltable>
-		    </listitem>
-		</varlistentry>
-		<varlistentry>
-		  <term><replaceable>interpolation</replaceable></term>
-		  <listitem>
+		<variablelist>
+		    <varlistentry>
+			<term><replaceable>operation</replaceable></term>
+			<listitem>
-			    Interpolation type, possible values are:
-			    <informaltable frame='all'>
-				<tgroup cols='2'>
-				    <thead>
-					<row>
-					    <entry align='left'>keyword</entry>
-					    <entry align='left'>description</entry>
-					</row>
-				    </thead>
-				    <tbody>
-					<row>
-					    <entry>&no-i18n-tag;<command>linear</command></entry>
-					    <entry>Linear</entry>
-					</row>
-					<row>
-					    <entry>&no-i18n-tag;<command>spline</command></entry>
-					    <entry>Spline</entry>
-					</row>
-					<row>
-					    <entry>&no-i18n-tag;<command>n-polynom</command></entry>
-					    <entry>Polynom, nth Degree</entry>
-					</row>
-					<row>
-					    <entry>&no-i18n-tag;<command>3-polynom</command></entry>
-					    <entry>Polynom, 3rd Degree</entry>
-					</row>
-					<row>
-					    <entry>&no-i18n-tag;<command>5-polynom</command></entry>
-					    <entry>Polynom, 5th Degree</entry>
-					</row>
-					<row>
-					    <entry>&no-i18n-tag;<command>7-polynom</command></entry>
-					    <entry>Polynom, 7th Degree</entry>
-					</row>
-					<row>
-					    <entry>&no-i18n-tag;<command>sample_hold</command></entry>
-					    <entry>Sample and Hold</entry>
-					</row>
-				    </tbody>
-				</tgroup>
-			    </informaltable>
+				description of the parameter
+			    </para>
+			</listitem>
+		    </varlistentry>
+		</variablelist>
+	    </listitem>
+	</varlistentry -->
+    </variablelist>
+    </sect1>
+    <!-- @PLUGIN@ saveblocks (TODO) -->
+    <sect1 id="plugin_sect_saveblocks"><title id="plugin_title_saveblocks">&no-i18n-plugin_saveblocks; (Save Blocks)</title>
+    <!-- <screenshot>
+	<screeninfo>Screenshot</screeninfo>
+	<mediaobject>
+	    <imageobject>
+		<imagedata fileref="kwave-plugin-saveblocks.png" format="PNG"/>
+	    </imageobject>
+	    <textobject>
+		<phrase>Screenshot of the Save Blocks Plugin</phrase>
+	    </textobject>
+	</mediaobject>
+    </screenshot> -->
+    <variablelist>
+	<varlistentry>
+	    <term><emphasis role="bold">&i18n-plugin_lbl_internal_name;</emphasis></term>
+	    <listitem><para><literal>&no-i18n-plugin_saveblocks;</literal></para></listitem>
+	</varlistentry>
+	<varlistentry>
+	    <term><emphasis role="bold">&i18n-plugin_lbl_type;</emphasis></term>
+	    <listitem><para>function</para></listitem>
+	</varlistentry>
+	<varlistentry>
+	    <term><emphasis role="bold">&i18n-plugin_lbl_description;</emphasis></term>
+	    <listitem>
+	    <para>
+	        TODO: description of what the Save Blocks plugin does...
+	    </para>
+	    </listitem>
+	</varlistentry>
+	<!-- varlistentry>
+	    <term><emphasis role="bold">&i18n-plugin_lbl_parameters;</emphasis>:</term>
+	    <listitem>
+		<variablelist>
+		    <varlistentry>
+			<term><replaceable>operation</replaceable></term>
+			<listitem>
+			    <para>
+				description of the parameter
+		</variablelist>
+	    </listitem>
+	</varlistentry -->
+    </variablelist>
+    </sect1>
+    <!-- @PLUGIN@ selectrange (TODO) -->
+    <sect1 id="plugin_sect_selectrange"><title id="plugin_title_selectrange">&no-i18n-plugin_selectrange; (Select Range)</title>
+    <!-- <screenshot>
+	<screeninfo>Screenshot</screeninfo>
+	<mediaobject>
+	    <imageobject>
+		<imagedata fileref="kwave-plugin-selectrange.png" format="PNG"/>
+	    </imageobject>
+	    <textobject>
+		<phrase>Screenshot of the Select Range Plugin</phrase>
+	    </textobject>
+	</mediaobject>
+    </screenshot> -->
+    <variablelist>
+	<varlistentry>
+	    <term><emphasis role="bold">&i18n-plugin_lbl_internal_name;</emphasis></term>
+	    <listitem><para><literal>&no-i18n-plugin_selectrange;</literal></para></listitem>
+	</varlistentry>
+	<varlistentry>
+	    <term><emphasis role="bold">&i18n-plugin_lbl_type;</emphasis></term>
+	    <listitem><para>function</para></listitem>
+	</varlistentry>
+	<varlistentry>
+	    <term><emphasis role="bold">&i18n-plugin_lbl_description;</emphasis></term>
+	    <listitem>
+	    <para>
+	        TODO: description of what the Select Range plugin does...
+	    </para>
+	    </listitem>
+	</varlistentry>
+	<!-- varlistentry>
+	    <term><emphasis role="bold">&i18n-plugin_lbl_parameters;</emphasis>:</term>
+	    <listitem>
+		<variablelist>
-		      <term><replaceable>curve</replaceable></term>
-		      <listitem>
-			<para>
-			    A comma separated list of pairs of coordinates,
-			    normed between 0.0 and 1.0, must be sorted by time
-			    axis (ascending), should start at time 0.0 and end
-			    with time 1.0.
-			</para>
-		      </listitem>
+			<term><replaceable>operation</replaceable></term>
+			<listitem>
+			    <para>
+				description of the parameter
+			    </para>
+			</listitem>
-	      </variablelist>
+		</variablelist>
+	</varlistentry -->
+    </variablelist>
+    </sect1>
+    <!-- @PLUGIN@ sonagram (TODO) -->
+    <sect1 id="plugin_sect_sonagram"><title id="plugin_title_sonagram">&no-i18n-plugin_sonagram; (Sonagram)</title>
+    <!-- <screenshot>
+	<screeninfo>Screenshot</screeninfo>
+	<mediaobject>
+	    <imageobject>
+		<imagedata fileref="kwave-plugin-sonagram.png" format="PNG"/>
+	    </imageobject>
+	    <textobject>
+		<phrase>Screenshot of the Sonagram Plugin</phrase>
+	    </textobject>
+	</mediaobject>
+    </screenshot> -->
+    <variablelist>
+	<varlistentry>
+	    <term><emphasis role="bold">&i18n-plugin_lbl_internal_name;</emphasis></term>
+	    <listitem><para><literal>&no-i18n-plugin_sonagram;</literal></para></listitem>
-      </variablelist>
+	<varlistentry>
+	    <term><emphasis role="bold">&i18n-plugin_lbl_type;</emphasis></term>
+	    <listitem><para>function</para></listitem>
+	</varlistentry>
+	<varlistentry>
+	    <term><emphasis role="bold">&i18n-plugin_lbl_description;</emphasis></term>
+	    <listitem>
+	    <para>
+	        TODO: description of what the Sonagram plugin does...
+	    </para>
+	    </listitem>
+	</varlistentry>
+	<!-- varlistentry>
+	    <term><emphasis role="bold">&i18n-plugin_lbl_parameters;</emphasis>:</term>
+	    <listitem>
+		<variablelist>
+		    <varlistentry>
+			<term><replaceable>operation</replaceable></term>
+			<listitem>
+			    <para>
+				description of the parameter
+			    </para>
+			</listitem>
+		    </varlistentry>
+		</variablelist>
+	    </listitem>
+	</varlistentry -->
+    </variablelist>
+    </sect1>
+    <!-- @PLUGIN@ stringenter (TODO) -->
+    <sect1 id="plugin_sect_stringenter"><title id="plugin_title_stringenter">&no-i18n-plugin_stringenter; (Enter Command)</title>
+    <!-- <screenshot>
+	<screeninfo>Screenshot</screeninfo>
+	<mediaobject>
+	    <imageobject>
+		<imagedata fileref="kwave-plugin-stringenter.png" format="PNG"/>
+	    </imageobject>
+	    <textobject>
+		<phrase>Screenshot of the Enter Command Plugin</phrase>
+	    </textobject>
+	</mediaobject>
+    </screenshot> -->
+    <variablelist>
+	<varlistentry>
+	    <term><emphasis role="bold">&i18n-plugin_lbl_internal_name;</emphasis></term>
+	    <listitem><para><literal>&no-i18n-plugin_stringenter;</literal></para></listitem>
+	</varlistentry>
+	<varlistentry>
+	    <term><emphasis role="bold">&i18n-plugin_lbl_type;</emphasis></term>
+	    <listitem><para>function</para></listitem>
+	</varlistentry>
+	<varlistentry>
+	    <term><emphasis role="bold">&i18n-plugin_lbl_description;</emphasis></term>
+	    <listitem>
+	    <para>
+	        TODO: description of what the Enter Command plugin does...
+	    </para>
+	    </listitem>
+	</varlistentry>
+	<!-- varlistentry>
+	    <term><emphasis role="bold">&i18n-plugin_lbl_parameters;</emphasis>:</term>
+	    <listitem>
+		<variablelist>
+		    <varlistentry>
+			<term><replaceable>operation</replaceable></term>
+			<listitem>
+			    <para>
+				description of the parameter
+			    </para>
+			</listitem>
+		    </varlistentry>
+		</variablelist>
+	    </listitem>
+	</varlistentry -->
+    </variablelist>
+    </sect1>
+    <!-- @PLUGIN@ volume (TODO) -->
+    <sect1 id="plugin_sect_volume"><title id="plugin_title_volume">&no-i18n-plugin_volume; (Volume)</title>
+    <!-- <screenshot>
+	<screeninfo>Screenshot</screeninfo>
+	<mediaobject>
+	    <imageobject>
+		<imagedata fileref="kwave-plugin-volume.png" format="PNG"/>
+	    </imageobject>
+	    <textobject>
+		<phrase>Screenshot of the Volume Plugin</phrase>
+	    </textobject>
+	</mediaobject>
+    </screenshot> -->
+    <variablelist>
+	<varlistentry>
+	    <term><emphasis role="bold">&i18n-plugin_lbl_internal_name;</emphasis></term>
+	    <listitem><para><literal>&no-i18n-plugin_volume;</literal></para></listitem>
+	</varlistentry>
+	<varlistentry>
+	    <term><emphasis role="bold">&i18n-plugin_lbl_type;</emphasis></term>
+	    <listitem><para>effect</para></listitem>
+	</varlistentry>
+	<varlistentry>
+	    <term><emphasis role="bold">&i18n-plugin_lbl_description;</emphasis></term>
+	    <listitem>
+	    <para>
+	        TODO: description of what the Volume plugin does...
+	    </para>
+	    </listitem>
+	</varlistentry>
+	<!-- varlistentry>
+	    <term><emphasis role="bold">&i18n-plugin_lbl_parameters;</emphasis>:</term>
+	    <listitem>
+		<variablelist>
+		    <varlistentry>
+			<term><replaceable>operation</replaceable></term>
+			<listitem>
+			    <para>
+				description of the parameter
+			    </para>
+			</listitem>
+		    </varlistentry>
+		</variablelist>
+	    </listitem>
+	</varlistentry -->
+    </variablelist>
+    </sect1>
+    <!-- @PLUGIN@ zero (TODO) -->
+    <sect1 id="plugin_sect_zero"><title id="plugin_title_zero">&no-i18n-plugin_zero; (Zero Generator)</title>
+    <variablelist>
+	<varlistentry>
+	    <term><emphasis role="bold">&i18n-plugin_lbl_internal_name;</emphasis></term>
+	    <listitem><para><literal>&no-i18n-plugin_zero;</literal></para></listitem>
+	</varlistentry>
+	<varlistentry>
+	    <term><emphasis role="bold">&i18n-plugin_lbl_type;</emphasis></term>
+	    <listitem><para>effect</para></listitem>
+	</varlistentry>
+	<varlistentry>
+	    <term><emphasis role="bold">&i18n-plugin_lbl_description;</emphasis></term>
+	    <listitem>
+	    <para>
+	        TODO: description of what the Zero Generator plugin does...
+	    </para>
+	    </listitem>
+	</varlistentry>
+	<!-- varlistentry>
+	    <term><emphasis role="bold">&i18n-plugin_lbl_parameters;</emphasis>:</term>
+	    <listitem>
+		<variablelist>
+		    <varlistentry>
+			<term><replaceable>operation</replaceable></term>
+			<listitem>
+			    <para>
+				description of the parameter
+			    </para>
+			</listitem>
+		    </varlistentry>
+		</variablelist>
+	    </listitem>
+	</varlistentry -->
+    </variablelist>
-	<!--
-	about
-	amplifyfree
-	band_pass
-	codec_ascii
-	codec_audiofile
-	codec_flac
-	codec_mp3
-	codec_ogg
-	codec_wav
-	debug
-	fileinfo
-	goto
-	lowpass
-	memory
-	newsignal
-	noise
-	normalize
-	notch_filter
-	pitch_shift
-	playback
-	record
-	reverse
-	samplerate
-	saveblocks
-	selectrange
-	sonagram
-	volume
-	zero
-	-->
+    <!-- @PLUGIN_END_OF_LIST@ -->
 <!-- ###################################################################### -->
@@ -6104,7 +7842,7 @@
-<appendix><title>File Info</title>
+<appendix id="file-info-list"><title id="file-info-list-title">File Info</title>
     <table frame='all'><title>List of File Info Identifiers</title>
     <tgroup cols='3' align='center' colsep='1' rowsep='1'>
     <colspec colname='c1'/>           <colspec/>
@@ -6113,373 +7851,366 @@
-	<row>
+	<row id="INF_ALBUM">
 	    <entry colname='c1'>&no-i18n-tag;Album</entry>
 	    <entry colname='c2'>
-		Name of the album if the source is an album
-		that consist of more medias.
+		Name of the album if the source is an album that consist of
+		 more medias.
-	<row>
+	<row id="INF_ANNOTATION">
 	    <entry colname='c1'>&no-i18n-tag;Annotation</entry>
 	    <entry colname='c2'>
-		Provides general comments about the file or the subject of
-		the file. If the comment is several sentences long, end
-		each sentence with a period. Do not include newline
-		characters!
+		Provides general comments about the file or the subject of the
+		 file. If the comment is several sentences long, end each
+		 sentence with a period. Do not include newline characters!
-	<row>
+	<row id="INF_ARCHIVAL">
 	    <entry colname='c1'>&no-i18n-tag;Archival location</entry>
 	    <entry colname='c2'>
 		Indicates where the subject of the file is archived.
-	<row>
+	<row id="INF_AUTHOR">
 	    <entry colname='c1'>&no-i18n-tag;Author</entry>
 	    <entry colname='c2'>
-		Identifies the name of the author of the original
-		subject of the file.
-		Example: 'van Beethoven, Ludwig'
+		Identifies the name of the author of the original subject of
+		 the file. Example: "van Beethoven, Ludwig"
-	<row>
+	<row id="INF_BITRATE_LOWER">
 	    <entry colname='c1'>&no-i18n-tag;Lower Bitrate</entry>
 	    <entry colname='c2'>
 		Specifies the lower limit in a VBR bitstream.
-	<row>
+	<row id="INF_BITRATE_MODE">
 	    <entry colname='c1'>&no-i18n-tag;Bitrate Mode</entry>
 	    <entry colname='c2'>
 		Bitrate Mode (ABR, VBR, CBR, etc...)
-	<row>
 	    <entry colname='c1'>&no-i18n-tag;Bitrate</entry>
 	    <entry colname='c2'>
 		Nominal bitrate of the audio stream in bits per second
-	<row>
+	<row id="INF_BITRATE_UPPER">
 	    <entry colname='c1'>&no-i18n-tag;Upper Bitrate</entry>
 	    <entry colname='c2'>
 		Specifies the upper limit in a VBR bitstream.
-	<row>
+	<row id="INF_BITS_PER_SAMPLE">
 	    <entry colname='c1'>&no-i18n-tag;Bits per Sample</entry>
 	    <entry colname='c2'>
 		Specifies the number of bits per sample.
-	<row>
+	<row id="INF_CD">
 	    <entry colname='c1'>&no-i18n-tag;CD</entry>
 	    <entry colname='c2'>
 		Number of the CD, if the source is an album of more CDROMs
-	<row>
+	<row id="INF_CDS">
 	    <entry colname='c1'>&no-i18n-tag;CDS</entry>
 	    <entry colname='c2'>
 		Number of CDs, if the source is an album of more CDROMs
-	<row>
-	    <entry colname='c1'>&no-i18n-tag;Channels</entry>
-	    <entry colname='c2'>
-		Specifies the number of channels of the signal.
-	    </entry>
-	</row>
-	<row>
 	    <entry colname='c1'>&no-i18n-tag;Commissioned</entry>
 	    <entry colname='c2'>
-		Lists the name of the person or organization
-		that commissioned the subject of the file.
+		Lists the name of the person or organization that commissioned
+		 the subject of the file.
-	<row>
+	<row id="INF_COMMENTS">
 	    <entry colname='c1'>&no-i18n-tag;Comments</entry>
 	    <entry colname='c2'>
-		Provides general comments about the file or the subject of
-		the file. If the comment is several sentences long, end
-		each sentence with a period. Do not include newline
-		characters!
+		Provides general comments about the file or the subject of the
+		 file. If the comment is several sentences long, end each
+		 sentence with a period. Do not include newline characters!
-	<row>
+	<row id="INF_COMPRESSION">
 	    <entry colname='c1'>&no-i18n-tag;Compression</entry>
 	    <entry colname='c2'>
-		Sets a mode for compressing the audio
-		data to reduce disk space.
+		Sets a mode for compressing the audio data to reduce disk
+		 space.
-	<row>
+	<row id="INF_CONTACT">
 	    <entry colname='c1'>&no-i18n-tag;Contact</entry>
 	    <entry colname='c2'>
-		Contact information for the creators or distributors of
-		the track. This could be a URL, an email address, the
-		physical address of the producing label.
+		Contact information for the creators or distributors of the
+		 track. This could be a URL, an email address, the physical
+		 address of the producing label.
-	<row>
+	<row id="INF_COPYRIGHT">
 	    <entry colname='c1'>&no-i18n-tag;Copyright</entry>
 	    <entry colname='c2'>
 		Records the copyright information for the file. If there are
-		multiple copyrights, separate them by a semicolon followed
-		by a space.
-		Example: 'Copyright Linux community 2002'
+		 multiple copyrights, separate them by a semicolon followed by
+		 a space. Example: "Copyright Linux community 2002"
-	<row>
+	<row id="INF_COPYRIGHTED">
 	    <entry colname='c1'>&no-i18n-tag;Copyrighted</entry>
 	    <entry colname='c2'>
 		Indicates whether the file is protected by copyright or not.
-	<row>
+	<row id="INF_CREATION_DATE">
 	    <entry colname='c1'>&no-i18n-tag;Date</entry>
 	    <entry colname='c2'>
 		Specifies the date the subject of the file was created.
-		Example: '2001-12-24'
+		 Example: "2001-12-24"
-	<row>
+	<row id="INF_ENGINEER">
 	    <entry colname='c1'>&no-i18n-tag;Engineer</entry>
 	    <entry colname='c2'>
-		Shows the name of the engineer who worked on the file.
-		If there are multiple engineers, separate the names by
-		a semicolon and a blank.
+		Shows the name of the engineer who worked on the file. If there
+		 are multiple engineers, separate the names by a semicolon and
+		 a blank.
-	<row>
 	    <entry colname='c1'>&no-i18n-tag;Estimated Length</entry>
 	    <entry colname='c2'>
 		Estimated length of the file in samples
-	<row>
+	<row id="INF_FILENAME">
 	    <entry colname='c1'>&no-i18n-tag;Filename</entry>
 	    <entry colname='c2'>
 		Name of the opened file
-	<row>
+	<row id="INF_FILESIZE">
 	    <entry colname='c1'>&no-i18n-tag;File Size</entry>
 	    <entry colname='c2'>
 		Size of the file in bytes
-	<row>
+	<row id="INF_GENRE">
 	    <entry colname='c1'>&no-i18n-tag;Genre</entry>
 	    <entry colname='c2'>
-		Describes the genre or style of the original work.
-		Examples: 'classic', 'pop'
+		Describes the genre or style of the original work. Examples:
+		 "classic", "pop"
-	<row>
+	<row id="INF_ISRC">
 	    <entry colname='c1'>&no-i18n-tag;ISRC</entry>
 	    <entry colname='c2'>
-		ISRC number for the track; see the ISRC intro page
-		for more information on ISRC numbers.
-		http://www.ifpi.org/site-content/online/isrc_intro.html
+		ISRC number for the track; see the ISRC intro page for more
+		 information on ISRC numbers.
+		 http://www.ifpi.org/site-content/online/isrc_intro.html
-	<row>
+	<row id="INF_KEYWORDS">
 	    <entry colname='c1'>&no-i18n-tag;Keywords</entry>
 	    <entry colname='c2'>
-		Provides a list of keywords that refer to the
-		file or subject of the file.
+		Provides a list of keywords that refer to the file or subject
+		 of the file.
-	<row>
+	<row id="INF_LABELS">
 	    <entry colname='c1'>&no-i18n-tag;Labels</entry>
 	    <entry colname='c2'>
-		The list of labels.
+		The list of labels/markers.
-	<row>
+	<row id="INF_LENGTH">
 	    <entry colname='c1'>&no-i18n-tag;Length</entry>
 	    <entry colname='c2'>
 		Length of the file in samples.
-	<row>
+	<row id="INF_LICENSE">
 	    <entry colname='c1'>&no-i18n-tag;License</entry>
 	    <entry colname='c2'>
-		License information, ⪚, 'All Rights Reserved',
-		'Any Use Permitted', a URL to a license or the
-		EFF Open Audio License ('distributed under the
-		terms of the Open Audio License.
-		See http://www.eff.org/IP/Open_licenses/eff_oal.html
-		for details')), etc.
+		License information, e.g., "All Rights Reserved",
+		 "Any Use Permitted", an URL to a license or the EFF
+		 Open Audio License ("distributed under the terms of the
+		 Open Audio License. See
+		 http://www.eff.org/IP/Open_licenses/eff_oal.html for
+		 details"), etc.
-	<row>
+	<row id="INF_MEDIUM">
 	    <entry colname='c1'>&no-i18n-tag;Medium</entry>
 	    <entry colname='c2'>
-		Describes the original subject of the file,
-		where it was first recorded.
-		Example: 'orchester'
+		Describes the original subject of the file, where it was first
+		 recorded. Example: "orchestra"
-	<row>
+	<row id="INF_MIMETYPE">
 	    <entry colname='c1'>&no-i18n-tag;Mime Type</entry>
 	    <entry colname='c2'>
 		Mime type of the file format
-	<row>
+	<row id="INF_MPEG_EMPHASIS">
 	    <entry colname='c1'>&no-i18n-tag;Emphasis</entry>
 	    <entry colname='c2'>
 		Audio emphasis mode
-	<row>
+	<row id="INF_MPEG_LAYER">
 	    <entry colname='c1'>&no-i18n-tag;Layer</entry>
 	    <entry colname='c2'>
 		MPEG Layer, I, II or III
-	<row>
+	<row id="INF_MPEG_MODEEXT">
 	    <entry colname='c1'>&no-i18n-tag;Mode Extension</entry>
 	    <entry colname='c2'>
 		MPEG Mode Extension (only if Joint Stereo)
-	<row>
+	<row id="INF_MPEG_VERSION">
 	    <entry colname='c1'>&no-i18n-tag;Version</entry>
 	    <entry colname='c2'>
 		MPEG Version, 1, 2 or 2.5
-	<row>
+	<row id="INF_NAME">
 	    <entry colname='c1'>&no-i18n-tag;Name</entry>
 	    <entry colname='c2'>
-		Stores the title of the subject of the file.
-		Example: "Symphony No.6, Op.68 'Pastoral'"
+		Stores the title of the subject of the file. Example:
+		 "Symphony No.6, Op.68 "Pastoral""
-	<row>
+	<row id="INF_OPUS_FRAME_LEN">
 	    <entry colname='c1'>&no-i18n-tag;Opus Frame Length</entry>
 	    <entry colname='c2'>
-		Opus Frame Length in ms (supported values are 2.5, 5, 10, 20, 40, or 60 ms)
+		Opus Frame Length in ms (supported values are 2.5, 5, 10, 20,
+		 40, or 60 ms)
-	<row>
 	    <entry colname='c1'>&no-i18n-tag;Organization</entry>
 	    <entry colname='c2'>
-		Name of the organization producing the track
-		(i.e. the 'record label')
+		Name of the organization producing the track (i.e. the
+		 "record label")
-	<row>
+	<row id="INF_ORIGINAL">
 	    <entry colname='c1'>&no-i18n-tag;Original</entry>
 	    <entry colname='c2'>
 		Indicates whether the file is an original or a copy
-	<row>
+	<row id="INF_PERFORMER">
 	    <entry colname='c1'>&no-i18n-tag;Performer</entry>
 	    <entry colname='c2'>
-		The artist(s) who performed the work. In classical
-		music this would be the conductor, orchestra, soloists.
-		In an audio book it would be the actor who did the reading.
+		The artist(s) who performed the work. In classical music this
+		 would be the conductor, orchestra, soloists. In an audio book
+		 it would be the actor who did the reading.
-	<row>
+	<row id="INF_PRIVATE">
 	    <entry colname='c1'>&no-i18n-tag;Private</entry>
 	    <entry colname='c2'>
 		Indicates whether the subject is private
-	<row>
+	<row id="INF_PRODUCT">
 	    <entry colname='c1'>&no-i18n-tag;Product</entry>
 	    <entry colname='c2'>
-		Specifies the name or the title the
-		file was originally intended for.
-		Example: 'Linux audio collection'
+		Specifies the name or the title the file was originally
+		 intended for. Example: "Linux audio collection"
-	<row>
+	<row id="INF_SAMPLE_FORMAT">
 	    <entry colname='c1'>&no-i18n-tag;Sample Format</entry>
 	    <entry colname='c2'>
-		Format used for storing the digitized audio samples.
-		Example: '32-bit IEEE floating-point'
+		Format used for storing the digitized audio samples. Example:
+		 "32-bit IEEE floating-point"
-	<row>
+	<row id="INF_SAMPLE_RATE">
 	    <entry colname='c1'>&no-i18n-tag;Sample Rate</entry>
 	    <entry colname='c2'>
 		Number of samples per second
-	<row>
+	<row id="INF_SOFTWARE">
 	    <entry colname='c1'>&no-i18n-tag;Software</entry>
 	    <entry colname='c2'>
-		Identifies the name of the software package
-		used to create the file.
-		Example: 'Kwave v0.6.4-1'
+		Identifies the name of the software package used to create the
+		 file. Example: "Kwave v0.6.4-1"
-	<row>
+	<row id="INF_SOURCE">
 	    <entry colname='c1'>&no-i18n-tag;Source</entry>
 	    <entry colname='c2'>
-		Identifies the name of the person or organization
-		who supplied the original subject of the file.
-		Example: 'Chaotic Sound Research'
+		Identifies the name of the person or organization who supplied
+		 the original subject of the file. Example: "Chaotic Sound
+		 Research"
-	<row>
+	<row id="INF_SOURCE_FORM">
 	    <entry colname='c1'>&no-i18n-tag;Source form</entry>
 	    <entry colname='c2'>
-		Identifies the original form of
-		the material that was digitized.
-		Examples: 'Record/Vinyl/90RPM', 'Audio DAT', 'tape/CrO2/60min'
+		Identifies the original form of the material that was
+		 digitized. Examples: "Record/Vinyl/90RPM",
+		 "Audio DAT", "tape/CrO2/60min"
-	<row>
+	<row id="INF_SUBJECT">
 	    <entry colname='c1'>&no-i18n-tag;Subject</entry>
 	    <entry colname='c2'>
-		Describes the subject of the file.
-		Example: 'Bird voices at early morning'
+		Describes the subject of the file. Example: "Bird voices
+		 at early morning"
-	<row>
+	<row id="INF_TECHNICAN">
 	    <entry colname='c1'>&no-i18n-tag;Technician</entry>
 	    <entry colname='c2'>
 		Identifies the technician who digitized the subject file.
-		Example: 'Torvalds, Linus'
+		 Example: "Torvalds, Linus"
-	<row>
+	<row id="INF_TRACK">
 	    <entry colname='c1'>&no-i18n-tag;Track</entry>
 	    <entry colname='c2'>
 		Track of the CD if the source was a CDROM.
-	<row>
+	<row id="INF_TRACKS">
 	    <entry colname='c1'>&no-i18n-tag;Tracks</entry>
 	    <entry colname='c2'>
 		Number of tracks of the CD if the source was a CDROM.
-	<row>
+	<row id="INF_CHANNELS">
+	    <entry colname='c1'>&no-i18n-tag;Channels</entry>
+	    <entry colname='c2'>
+		Specifies the number of channels of the signal.
+	    </entry>
+	</row>
+	<row id="INF_VBR_QUALITY">
 	    <entry colname='c1'>&no-i18n-tag;Base Quality</entry>
 	    <entry colname='c2'>
 		Base quality of the compression in VBR mode
-	<row>
+	<row id="INF_VERSION">
 	    <entry colname='c1'>&no-i18n-tag;Version</entry>
 	    <entry colname='c2'>
-		May be used to differentiate multiple versions
-		of the same track title in a single collection.
-		(⪚ remix info)
+		May be used to differentiate multiple versions of the same
+		 track title in a single collection. (e.g. remix info)
diff --git a/doc/en/kwave-plugin-about.png b/doc/en/kwave-plugin-about.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2886fde
Binary files /dev/null and b/doc/en/kwave-plugin-about.png differ
diff --git a/doc/en/kwave-plugin-amplifyfree.png b/doc/en/kwave-plugin-amplifyfree.png
index 34f3b5c..5b780dd 100644
Binary files a/doc/en/kwave-plugin-amplifyfree.png and b/doc/en/kwave-plugin-amplifyfree.png differ
diff --git a/doc/en/kwave-plugin-band_pass.png b/doc/en/kwave-plugin-band_pass.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..db3241d
Binary files /dev/null and b/doc/en/kwave-plugin-band_pass.png differ
diff --git a/doc/en/kwave-plugin-codec_mp3.png b/doc/en/kwave-plugin-codec_mp3.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9139b31
Binary files /dev/null and b/doc/en/kwave-plugin-codec_mp3.png differ
diff --git a/doc/en/kwave-fileinfo.png b/doc/en/kwave-plugin-fileinfo.png
similarity index 97%
rename from doc/en/kwave-fileinfo.png
rename to doc/en/kwave-plugin-fileinfo.png
index d9679b9..fd94a42 100644
Binary files a/doc/en/kwave-fileinfo.png and b/doc/en/kwave-plugin-fileinfo.png differ
diff --git a/doc/en/kwave-lowpass.png b/doc/en/kwave-plugin-lowpass.png
similarity index 95%
rename from doc/en/kwave-lowpass.png
rename to doc/en/kwave-plugin-lowpass.png
index 6f09bb0..ea784a3 100644
Binary files a/doc/en/kwave-lowpass.png and b/doc/en/kwave-plugin-lowpass.png differ
diff --git a/doc/en/kwave-memory-setup.png b/doc/en/kwave-plugin-memory.png
similarity index 98%
rename from doc/en/kwave-memory-setup.png
rename to doc/en/kwave-plugin-memory.png
index 9a52438..9ea97d0 100644
Binary files a/doc/en/kwave-memory-setup.png and b/doc/en/kwave-plugin-memory.png differ
diff --git a/scripts/screenshots.kwave b/scripts/screenshots.kwave
index 3fafc25..5073d26 100644
--- a/scripts/screenshots.kwave
+++ b/scripts/screenshots.kwave
@@ -124,9 +124,17 @@ main:
+# screenshot of the Help/About dialog
+    delayed(2000,window:screenshot(Kwave::AboutDialog, /var/tmp/screenshots/${LANG}/kwave-plugin-about.png))
+    delayed(100,window:close(Kwave::AboutDialog))
+    plugin:execute(about)
 # screenshot of the AmplifyFree dialog
     delayed(2000,window:resize(Kwave::AmplifyFreeDialog, 400, 300))
     delayed(500,window:click(Kwave::CurveWidget, 120, 50))
@@ -136,10 +144,30 @@ amplifyfree:
+# screenshot of the BandPass dialog
+    selectall()
+    delayed(500,window:screenshot(Kwave::BandPassDialog, /var/tmp/screenshots/${LANG}/kwave-plugin-band_pass.png))
+    delayed(100,window:close(Kwave::BandPassDialog))
+    plugin:setup(band_pass,1337,1971)
+    sync()
+# screenshot of the MP3 codec setup dialog
+    selectall()
+    delayed(500,window:screenshot(Kwave::MP3EncoderDialog, /var/tmp/screenshots/${LANG}/kwave-plugin-codec_mp3.png))
+    delayed(100,window:close(Kwave::MP3EncoderDialog))
+    plugin:setup(codec_mp3)
+    sync()
 # screenshot of the File Info dialog
-    delayed(2000,window:screenshot(Kwave::FileInfoDialog, /var/tmp/screenshots/${LANG}/kwave-fileinfo.png))
+    delayed(2000,window:screenshot(Kwave::FileInfoDialog, /var/tmp/screenshots/${LANG}/kwave-plugin-fileinfo.png))
@@ -147,9 +175,9 @@ fileinfo:
 # screenshot of the Low Pass dialog
-    delayed(2000,window:screenshot(Kwave::LowPassDialog, /var/tmp/screenshots/${LANG}/kwave-lowpass.png))
+    delayed(2000,window:screenshot(Kwave::LowPassDialog, /var/tmp/screenshots/${LANG}/kwave-plugin-lowpass.png))
     plugin:setup(lowpass, 2342)
@@ -157,8 +185,8 @@ lowpass:
 # screenshot of the Memory Setup dialog
-    delayed(1000,window:screenshot(Kwave::MemoryDialog, /var/tmp/screenshots/${LANG}/kwave-memory-setup.png))
+    delayed(1000,window:screenshot(Kwave::MemoryDialog, /var/tmp/screenshots/${LANG}/kwave-plugin-memory.png))
     plugin:setup(memory, 1,1024,1,1,512,/var/tmp,512)
@@ -166,7 +194,7 @@ memory-setup:
 # screenshot of the New File dialog
     delayed(1000,window:screenshot(Kwave::NewSignalDialog, /var/tmp/screenshots/${LANG}/kwave-newfile.png))
     plugin:setup(newsignal, 3660300, 44100, 16, 2, 1)
@@ -175,7 +203,7 @@ newsignal:
 # screenshot of the Notch Filter dialog
     delayed(2000,window:screenshot(Kwave::NotchFilterDialog, /var/tmp/screenshots/${LANG}/kwave-notch-filter.png))
@@ -185,7 +213,7 @@ notch-filter:
 # screenshot of the Pitch Shift dialog
     delayed(2000,window:screenshot(Kwave::PitchShiftDialog, /var/tmp/screenshots/${LANG}/kwave-pitch.png))
@@ -195,7 +223,7 @@ pitch:
 # screenshot of the Playback Setup dialog
     delayed(2000,window:screenshot(Kwave::PlayBackDialog, /var/tmp/screenshots/${LANG}/kwave-playback-setup.png))
     plugin:setup(playback, 2,"null sink|sound_card||Null Output|sound_note",2,0,16)
@@ -204,7 +232,7 @@ playback-setup:
 # screenshot of the Record dialog
     delayed(2000,window:screenshot(Kwave::RecordDialog, /var/tmp/screenshots/${LANG}/kwave-record.png))
@@ -213,7 +241,7 @@ record:
 # screenshot of the Sonagram window
@@ -227,7 +255,7 @@ sonagram:
 # screenshot of the Sonagram dialog
@@ -240,7 +268,7 @@ sonagram-setup:
 # screenshot of the Volume dialog
     delayed(2000,window:screenshot(Kwave::VolumeDialog, /var/tmp/screenshots/${LANG}/kwave-volume.png))

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